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Real Ghost Stories

Almost Drowned


Note, this has happened years ago and I can only remember vivid parts of it. But, the more I tell it, the more clearer it gets.

I was about maybe 6 or 7 visiting my aunt who lived in a two story house at the time. She had a pool and I always loved visiting partly because of the pool and mainly because of my cousins as we're in the close age range. But, I can remember my mom standing in the shallow area of the pool leaning against the side of it same as my father. I think my aunt was not in the pool. Don't remember where she was. I was in the shallow area standing about playing around in the pool when suddenly I start to feel like I was drowning. I kept going under the water several times calling for my mother. But my mother kept telling me to stand up and I couldn't, because I felt like I was in the deep end of the pool and my mother said I was in the shallow area.

It just didn't feel like it to me. I tried so hard to come up out of the water but felt like something was holding me under or pulling me under. Then, it happened, I could feel myself fading away as I was sinking what felt like further into the water. Lucky enough my uncle had saw me really drowning and jumped into the pool to lift me up. I really thought I was going to die that day. I can remember throwing up over my mother's shoulders. I will never forget that day.

I look back at it now and wonder if possibly something evil was trying to drown me. But I guess I will never know and still don't know.

(I have quite a bit of stories that has happened to me through out my years and will post in different Categories.)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AngelzRAmongUs, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-11)
Thanks be to your uncle who pulled you to the surface. And I'm glad you are alright. I have had a drowning incident myself that I posted recently. You kno I feel somehow for people who cannot swim, it can definitely be a hard bargain. There something about water that tends to pull you under the surface and unless you have learnt to swim, it could end up badly. Paranormal or not. We would never know in this scenario. But such experiences certainly open a window in ohr mind to that possibility.
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-08)
Hi AngelzRAmongUs, near-drowning is a frightening experience at any age. I had a similiar mishap when I was about your age. My sister and I were playing in my aunt's pool (unsupervised - not a good idea) when I fell off the float. Even though we were in the shallow end, I sank a few times until I managed to grab the handrail at the edge of the pool. I can remember that awful feeling as if something unseen was pulling me down too.

At the time, my aunt lived in Cairnhill, Singapore which is known to have troubled spirits. I'm not sure whether it was a product of my panicked state or something else more sinister. Like you, I shall never really know for sure.

You're welcome to share your other experiences here with us on YGS, as well as on our sister sites. I wish you well. 😊

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