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He Visits Occasionally, And I Almost Want Him Back


I've been waiting to submit this for months! Things had escalated and I wanted to talk to you all!

Over the course of a few years, some weird things have happened in my house, nothing violent or particularly terrifying but still noticeable, to me at least. Our house has four floors, the ground floor has the back door into the kitchen and the cellar next door, then above is the front door, the living room and my brother's game room, then my mother and brother's room, finally ending on the top floor with my room and the bathroom. (not so great when you're in the kitchen and have to pee...)

The first mention of it was when me, my mother and my brother all went to France on holiday and asked my friend across the road to feed the cats, the fish, and make sure the house was okay while we were gone, to which he kindly agreed.

When we got back, I'm not sure how it came up in the conversation but he said that he had a bad feeling all the time he was here, like there was someone watching him while he was in the house, even going so far as to say that he heard voices upstairs while he was in the kitchen, and once when he came to check on things with his sister, they saw a man standing at the top of the stairs near our living room.

I thought nothing of it for a long time, our hallway can be dark so I assumed it was a trick of the light and nothing more.

Things were normal for a long time, until one day I was getting changed and I heard someone coming up the stairs towards my room. When you've lived in a house for a long time you know what it sounds like when someone comes up the stairs, even to the extent where you can identify who it is. After saying 'hello?' and getting no reply, I wandered out onto the landing. Of course, there was no-one there and after searching the house I discovered that my mum and brother had gone to the shops without telling me (thanks...) so the noise wasn't them.

After a while I started feeling something in the house too, like there was someone there and eventually kept seeing the silhouette of a man in our hallway by the front door, or at the top of the stairs closest, on the landing near to my mum and brother's room. The dog would occasionally stare into the hall from the lounge and growl randomly, or bark at nothing. I didn't tell my mum at first because she's a nurse and has apparently seen many odd and unexplained things, and refuses to believe that our house has anything in it.

The weird things reached their peak this summer just gone, my mother and brother went to France and left me to look after the house alone until my Nanny was to arrive for a visit a week later.

I kept seeing things, the usual man in our hallway, young looking but never in focus, like a shadow that wasn't attached to the wall. He looked as though he were in a suit or some smart clothing (long sleeved and dark from what I could see) he didn't stand at the top of the living-room stairs so much now, but more the top of the kitchen ones, which made me nervy climbing them... Electrical things would switch themselves on and off, I woke one day to voices and after wandering down the stairs found that the TV had been switched on, impossible to do unless you press a specific button on the remote, which was on the table under some papers. The smoke alarms would randomly go off and lights I swear I switched off would be on again, the cellar door would be open when I always kept it closed (a really scary room too). Things would randomly fall off shelves in front of me and it seemed to make my friends feel uneasy on purpose.

My friend came over for a cup of tea, I was on the phone on the top floor as he was coming up from the kitchen, he saw the man in the hallway and was about to attack him when he disappeared. Switching all the lights on and still not finding him he told me when I came downstairs and had hung up the phone, saying that there had been someone he thought to be an intruder. I'd told him about the things in my house, but being an atheist, or at least someone who doesn't really believe in ghosts, I don't think he believed me. He said it sometimes felt like something in our house was saying ''she's mine again'' when he left to go home...

The really weird thing is that after he'd left, I asked the 'ghost' to sit on the sofa next to me, since I was going to watch something and wanted it to feel welcome (God knows what I was thinking) the dog, after following something invisible with his eyes down the hall, leaped onto the other sofa and stared intently at the one next to me, not budging from where he sat until my mum came home. A few weeks later it grabbed something on the mantel piece in my room, and shook it violently. When I looked up, it stopped.

Upon telling my mother about all this she was a little angry, insisting there was nothing there at all, that she wouldn't have it and I was to stop mentioning it, as she didn't want to feel afraid in her own house (which is understandable). The thing is, only me and my friends have seen or felt this, it seems to keep itself away from my mum and my brother, mainly doing things when they're out and I'm the only one who'll see it... Which is a little odd... I grew to like its company and feel quite happy with it being there, but I haven't seen him in a while now and I have to say that I miss it.

Sorry for it being so long for something that might seem uneventful but it means a lot to me.

Does anyone have any explanations/ advice?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kittyalice, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

saher (4 stories) (52 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-30)
I would advice you to go through the history of the house... Might be someone died with the wishes still in their hearts... I would please help them... But at the same time please also be careful 😊
Bornparanormal (19 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-23)
Odd but very true sounding I believe you I have seen shadows in my home and thing I can't explain sometimes its so bad I fear I have gone crazy
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-29)

I am 100% not offended by your questions. The only way to learn is to ask right?

It is sad that people get upset, but for some reason when it comes to religious beliefs people feel really protective. I try to stay away from those conversations because someone always ends up upset and you'll never change each others minds anyway. I actually got into an argument with my best friends boyfriend recently. He claimed to be atheist, but we still didn't see eye to eye and I guess that's why it's so hard to define. Unlike an organized religion, being an atheist or agnostic is based on your own perception.

Before I say anything that will get me chewed out, let me say that my mother is a practicing catholic and my father is atheist. I myself was baptized as a baby and went to a catholic high school. What I say now is based on my own experiences and reflects my opinion, which I am entitled too and I am not judging anyone else for their beliefs. I don't think people choose to believe in God, they just do.

Agnosticism is the view that humanity does not currently possess the requisite knowledge and/or reason to provide sufficient rational grounds to justify the belief that deities either do or do not exist. I stole this from Wikipedia because I couldn't say it so eloquently.

My understanding of the difference between an Agnostic and an Atheist is that an Agnostic believes in the possibility, but does not have enough proof one way or another. An Atheist does not believe in anything at all. Spirituality is a different thing all together. I don't think you can experience the birth of a child, that innocence and not feel it in your soul.

If you had asked me last year if I was Agnostic or Atheist, I would have said Agnostic. I just didn't feel like I had enough knowledge to decide. I felt this way because when you grow up in the church, they don't what it to be a decision you make, they want you to just believe. Religious debates aren't had. People don't sit around pondering the possibility of God and if they do, It's not discussed.

I feel that if there is a God, than there are many paths to him and not just one right path. He wouldn't have given me the ability to think for myself and to ask questions if he didn't want me to do it. If I live my life trying to be a good person, helping others and giving back to my community than when my time comes and if there is truly a God he'll judge me based on the life I lived rather then whether or not I believed in him.

Like I said, I was an Agnostic until the Newtown shooting happened. That broke my heart so bad that I just couldn't see what good could come from it.

I hope that helps. I'm not offended, you can ask me anything.

Best Fanny ❤
FattyAddie (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-10)

I actually applaude you for asking the questions to learn. It's sad that you would feel as though people would jump down your throat or bite your head off by asking about stuff like that... We can only learn by asking questions, right? I guess that just show what the state of some (not all) of our society is.

Anywhoo...I don't believe that there really is any clear cut answer to the question, as everyone has different opinions, and consider themselvs to be one thing while someone else may believe it to be another. For instance, I have a friend that considers herself to be athist and does not believe in God, but believes in ghosts and other paranormal beings. I have another friend that considers himself to be athiest, and does not believe in anything...god, ghosts, aliens, does not believe in anything, but rather that we are mearly energy that disperses once we die into the network of energy that sparks all life. I would consider myself agnostic, leaning toward Pagan beliefs. There are just so many individual beliefs that it is really hard to find one cookie cutter definition of being athiest. That's my opinion anyway... Hope that helps 😊
sian-mariah (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-05)
ive saw sillouettes before and it freaked me out but if you say you miss it then it could be that you used to know them or something, becuase if it scared you I'm sure you wouldn't miss it so maybe there was some kind of message or connection of some kind 😊 so I wouldn't worry 😁
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-03)
Rook, Granny, and Redwolf,

Thank you for answering my questions. I am not going to say I fully understand because when it comes to religion and faith nobody knows everything. But I am clearer on the concept and thank you for clearing that up. And like you said, Rook, I am only going to get an answer to my second question from a person who is an atheist.

Also, thank you for not taking offence to my questions because although I was asking out of curious and learning purposes, I found that when I ask questions about religion and faith, some people tend to get offended. I'm not sure why because as I said before, I only ask to learn.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-01-03)
RedWolf: I think we both fall into that gray area between religious and agnostic, as my beliefs are similar to yours 😆...To quote one of my favorite songs: "Swear there ain't no Heaven and I pray there ain't no Hell. But I'll never know by livin', only my dyin' will tell"...I think the thing with agnostics is the concept of a supreme being can not, or will ever be, a proven fact...

The best metaphor I can come up with is certain peoples' beliefs in the paranormal, and I'll use my family as an example: My Mom is a hard core non-believer in ghosts (atheist); my husband is skeptical, but wouldn't discount any real proof (agnostic); and me, well, I'm a true believer 😆 (religious)
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-03)
I was told that an athiest does not believe in God or a supreme being. But an agnostic did not believe in church or it's teachings but doe's believe in God or other supreme beings.
If I am wrong please let me know what that is. I am not religious and don't go to church except for the occasional weddng/christening/funeral or if my sister who does go to church needs my help with a church function. But I do believe in God and other supreme beings.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-03)

Interesting questions... Lets start with your first one...

" (1) In that sense, if someone is to believe that there is something paranormal, shouldn't there be something spiritual also?"

I am going to default to Webster for this one...

Paranormal: Unable to be explained or understood in terms of scientific knowledge.

Spiritual: 1) Relating to the soul or spirit, usually in contrast to material things. 2) Relating to religious or sacred things rather than worldly things.

So 'Paranormal' just refers to things 'outside' or 'unproven/tested' by science. We as individuals do not need to be Spiritual in order to believe that there are things that 'exist' outside what science has proven.

Your next question is a bit harder to answer...

" (2) Like the meaning said Somebody who does not believe in God or Deities. So does it mean that atheists believe that there is something higher than us and not just in the idea of God and / or other Deities or not even that?"

I'm not sure I can answer this one...I've never been an Atheist so I can not speak for what they may or may not believe in. I hope there are some that visit this site that may be able to shed some light on this.

Thank you for asking. I hope I have made some sense as I attempted to answer your questions.


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-01-02)
geetha: I believe the person stating that they're an "atheist" is slightly confusing the term for "agnostic":

An atheist is defined as: "a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings."

An agnostic: "a. One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
B. One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism."

In my opinion, there's a major difference 😊
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-02)
I agree with RedWolf in that I personally don't like it when people ask ghosts / spirits to stay. Reason being, (1) these spirits should move onto their plane where they belong.
(2) you don't know what kind of spirit they are (good or bad).

I also agree with Rook that it may have moved on, either to its own plane or to find a stronger source.

I suggest finding out the history of the house to know more information about the house and like Fanny said, we Canadians consider 100 years to be old.

Fanny and Rook,

Can I ask you two questions? I'm not asking this to pick a fight but to just simply learn.

Rook said that according to the Webster dictionary, Atheist means:
"Somebody who does not believe in God or Deities."


Issac Newton said, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

(1) In that sense, if someone is to believe that there is something paranormal, shouldn't there be something spiritual also?

(2) Like the meaning said Somebody who does not believe in God or Deities. So does it mean that atheists believe that there is something higher than us and not just in the idea of God and / or other Deities or not even that?

I know the second question is going to get me my head bitten off because it can be controversial but I not asking to cause trouble but to just to learn what atheists believe in because that has held my interest for a while and I know that different people have their own opinions of what their believe in but I would like to learn from them.

P.S. To the people who believe that atheists are going to hell because they don't believe in God, please don't post here because before anything else, these people are human beings and have a right to believe what they want and I am only asking atheists what they believe in as only an learning experience for me and anybody else who wants to know. So be nice!
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-02)
I agree with Rook and Redwolf too, making invitations = you don't know what your letting yourself in for. Some very interesting comments on here. After seeking excellent advice I consider myself an atheist, as I do not believe in god but I do believe in a higher power, good and bad. Even thought I was brought up as church of England that wasn't my choice. Oh and I definitely believe in ghosts etc.
NightKunoichi (2 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-01)
I agree with Red Wolf, this is something that you don't want to invite back into your house. Especially if it seemed to be possessive of you and puts your dog on edge. Don't invite something into your house because, sometimes, you don't really know what you'll get. I understand the feeling of liking it there. Before things went south in my home, I rather liked communicating with it. It felt oddly comforting. But it could very well be a wolf in sheeps clothing so I would strongly recommend you not invite it into your home.

That being said, I'm glad that it hasn't hurt anyone or you. Take care! By the way, if things should go bad, I would highly recommend Rookdygin's cleansing method.:3
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-01)
No matter how you look at it a 100 year old house is old. I also advise against asking/inviting a spirit to come back or stay with you.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-31)

Thank you for saying so... This very point has been 'debated' here on the site before... Many individuals seem to think that being an atheist is not believing in anything SPIRITUAL rather than what it truly means... Which is (from the Good Book of Webster)

Atheist: Somebody who does not believe in God or Deities.

So if we go strictly by the definition it can be safely said that an Atheist can believe Ghosts as a belief in them does not require a belief in any sort of Deity Based Theology.


Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-31)
Just because one is athiest doesn't meant they don't believe ghosts are real. I for one am an example of such.

I agree that it may be you who is haunted and not the house. When I moved out of my parents house the ghost followed me to my new home. I too enjoy having him around and have even started talking to him and I named him George.

I love you said your house isn't old... Only 100 years. By Canadian standards, that's ancient lol.

Anyway, interesting story and thanks for the post.

Best Fanny ❤
Freya123 (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-31)
Oh my gosh its weird at first right? My story,well...its a bit more scary and I'm going to post it here in this website sooner or later anyway I always think (before) what if you have a ghost friend? Or being good to him/her you know? And I'm listening to a Japanese song "tsukihana" so I won't be afraid well, just a tip k? 😊
debris (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
it sure does haunted house (cool name l) this is often the case. Nothing is stagnant. Life is continuous evolution.
hauntedfarm (2 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-27)
I think he may have gone on to the next plane, meaning he's seen the light some where or found some answers that he needed and has moved on. My girlfriends mum played the ouija board and always used to speak to one spirit she did that for afew months and when she asked him if he was there another spirit got on and said he's gone to another plane, if that makes sense?
francyne1031 (49 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-27)
Spelling *Definitive, sorry typing on iPhone and it does auto "correct":)

francyne1031 (49 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-27)
How did you come to see your opinion as definate fact?
IE- "some are reborn as humans to work out any remaining karma"
Is the your opinion... Or a fact, and if so what difinative research is behind it? I'm sure we would all like to know.

debris (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-27)
Dear rook
Thanks for reading my posts.
I said ghosts, spirits have a different meaning.
We would all love to hear your definition. Pl do post.
I don't find ghosts demons wurth my time.
Its only when I see people bothered do I feel...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-27)

Are you saying ALL 'Ghosts/Spirits' are residual energy?

Just curious...I've been reading your comments and I have to admit they make me go Hummm? More often than they seem to 'answer' anything you have chosen to address.



This comment from debris is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-27)

To me it sounds like this may have been a Poltergeist... The voices, the footsteps and even the 'shadow like' manifestations may have been the result of a Poltergeist.

My guess is these 'experiences' began when you were...12-13 years old? Now having guessed that I see you are 19 years old... Puberty coming to an end... The energy that attracted this spirit to you is 'waning' and 'he' will not... Can not show up anymore. The spirit is... Or perhaps has... Moved on looking for a 'stronger' energy source.

Just a guess based on my experience. Please ask any questions you may have.


sw05 (2 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-27)
It sounds like the ghost has attached itself to you. I have the same issue with my parents and a ghost that follows me around but has never showed itself to my parents. I don't think that your house is haunted, but you are. Maybe try an evp session with the ghost to see what it wants from you, but maybe you are just a sensitive and will always have spirits around you. Whatever you do, be careful:)
kittyalice (3 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-26)
our house isn't all that old, only about 100 at the most, if that! -- I know the people who lived here before us, and the people who lived here before them, and the man who used to own our entire row of houses... They haven't mentioned anything odd about the house, but there is an old victorian mill next door (our house is closest to it), and a new housing estate that was built on top of a graveyard just across the road, maybe he wandered in from there? Even my mum has admitted to seeing things in the house now, where before, she was adamant there was nothing...
aoife (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-26)
I am like you my brothers 'ghost' was in my house and I loved still having his company but one day it stopped but ah we'll it means they are in a better place. And I agree look up the history I was shocked about what I found out god heavens my house has like 5 ghosts non harm fulll
Freedom (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-26)
well it seems that the ghost is angry with some thing. I would advice you to look up your house history 😊

Hope it goes

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