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Real Ghost Stories

The Hooded Figure


Firstly I want to introduce myself as I am new to the site. I'm Dena, I'm from Dublin Ireland and I work in administration. I have a few stories and I'd love to hear any feedback and I check my comments everyday.

My story begins when I was 9. My mom and I were going to Wexford (Ireland) to visit my cousins. Wexford is the heart of the country and a little bit eerie when you are used to the hustle and bustle of the city. We did this every year for my school break as I'm an only child and loved having my cousins to play with. I had 2 cousins at the time, both girls, Trisha and Jamie.

We spent the days playing in the fields and just having fun. One day my cousin Trisha was telling me about a really old scary graveyard located behind one of the big fields. I loved all scary and weird stuff so I convinced Trisha and Jamie to go to the Graveyard with me.

We walked for what seemed forever through this big field until in the distance I could see a small little shed. As we grew closer to the shed we seen it was extremely small and made of tin. Really unusual. Walking closer we then seen this black shape on top of the shed. It took a moment for our eyes to adjust but what we were seeing was truly horrible.

The shape was that of a man in a cloak. No face was visible under his hood only 2 flame red eyes. He had in one hand a large stick and a cat on his other side. I know this all sounds terribly clichΓ© or like something from a Vincent Price film but I swear to you this is what I seen.

I stared for what felt like an eternity and eventually plucked up the courage to turn my back to the being and run. My cousins were already half way up the field running in fear. I daren't turn around as I was terrified the being would follow us so I just ran as fast as I possibly could.

When we finally reached the house we tried to explain to our parents what we had seen but it was seen as childish silliness or make believe. But we knew what happened, we couldn't forget!

Years have passed since that incident but I can remember it as clear as yesterday.

We later found out a man had hung himself from a tree next to the shed not long before we had seen the figure. I'm not sure if that has any relevance but it's interesting.

If anybody has seen anything similar or knows what it might mean I'd love to hear. Also please leave comments, I check them everyday.

Thanks for reading my story!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Dena90, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

supernatural67 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
here I am refering to the story behind the hooded figure that was published some time ago. Wexford is a large town and this place may be anywhere...
supernatural67 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
if memory serves could you clarify and say exactly where this location was or still is in wexford as I reside near wexford but am mystified if I could find this place and investigate the matter further.
scrapmetalkitten (306 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-15)
Thanks for submitting your story Dena90 this story really hit home with me. You are the first person to mention a shadow spirit with a cat. At my current house approximately a year ago I bought an antique brass lamp and it needed a lot of polishing so I was busy with my work and everyone else went to bed. Well I kept seeing a shadow person out of the corner of my eye moving around towards the back of the kitchen. This itself didn't scare me so I kept ignoring it and continued working on my lamp. It would appear and then disappear but I jumped up quickly (I had been sitting on the floor working) because there was a small shadow spirit running towards me. I looked up at it and it was cat shaped and it ran straight up to me and disappeared a couple inches in front of me. Anyways I had seen the shadow cat and the human like shadow spirit appear at the same time so I thought they were two separate entities and their energies felt different from eachother. I probably saw them appear and disappear just watching me while I worked a good 7-8 times before I decided to leave the kitchen and go to bed. I saw the cat shadow every now and then around the house for about 2 months afterwards but it never "charged" towards me again. I still see the shadow person every now and then (2+ years now) but now its just outside either in the driveway or the neighbor's driveway. I have a feeling its the same shadow person I saw in my kitchen and it associates with some kind of cat spirit. I have seen many different shadow spirits but I have never seen one that had red eyes or anything like you did, the ones I have seen are always all black. I think shadow spirits are normal spirits whether good or evil that don't have enough energy at the time to do a full manifestation. That's just my opinion though. ❀ 😊 ❀
kzerbi (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-31)
I've seen a figure similar to the one you described outside my window as a young child. It had long dark fingers that caressed the pane with an eerie silence. I ducked under the covers and never saw it again. Since that time I've been followed by what I believe to be shadow beings. Thank you for sharing this story, I too believe that you made a wise decision not to confront this entity.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-07)
Hi Dena. I'm sorry that I have missed this story. Dont know how but it happens. First off I would like to welcome you here to this crazy family πŸ˜†.I believe that children at a young age can see more then adults can. We can say that the most things that are seen that are considered paranormal are sen by children and...Animals.I have know idea why. Children are young and I guess there minds are not full of trash. Animals have to use there instinct. That is how they have survived through all these years. I believe you saw this man. And I do believe that this was a spirit. But is it possible that it wasn't the man who hanged himself? I believe this was something eles. Something more sinister. Thganks for sharring this story with us and I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Dena90 (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-04)
bruwx-please do... I'd love to hear it! Its the most horrible thing to see... No face or really any features, we are afraid of the unknown! Seeing nothing under a hood is worse than seeing anything... It allows your mind imagine what's under there... Not good πŸ˜† ❀
bruwx (2 stories) (78 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-04)
The one I saw when I was young wasn't gooded, it lookes more like a black shadow going down the stairs, I will post the story as soon as the submiting page is open =]
Dena90 (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-03)
Dragon35 - Thanks for the support. Sometimes we can put these incedents down to a childs imagination but I was 9... With enough sense to see what was normal and what I should be careful of. Children can have active imaginations but a small amount of them can have an extra sense or just be more open.
Again, Thanks for your support 😊

Shelbister- wow its great some storie that are similar! You must have been terrified having it appear in your room... At least I had a field to run away into! I seen it when I was 9 and you did when you were 5... Think it can only be seen by children? Sounds like a pattern πŸ˜•
Dragon35 (18 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
it is true that kids have an active imagination but kids also have an open mind and se things that others can't se or don't won't to se
shelbister (1 stories) (8 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
i had this same experiance I just posted my story about this. Its called unexplainable things I was 5 and woke to see this man in a black hooded cape with two red eyes looking at me he did it about 1 more time after that he kind of looked like a witch and his skin was green.-shelby
Dena90 (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
rjblaze215- Thanks so much for taking the time to tell me them things, the information is something I will keep in mind ❀ It really Helped! 😁

Frawin- I totally agree with your theory and in any other case I would have second thoughts but I totally remember every detail of that day and I nver really had an over active imagination... Food for thought though, I was reminded by my mom that the week we seen that there was a case of birds (crows as I recall) falling dead from the sky. Anyone know what that represents? Or could signify?
Thanks 😜
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
Do you think that it is possible that your parents were right. That it COULD have been a case of imagination gone wild. I am not disputing or trying to belittle your experience but you were nine years old- a prime age for active imagination.

rjblaze215 (3 stories) (19 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
You better thank god that an evil spirit such as that didn't follow you. Please dena don't ever go in a graveyard at night. So many evil spirits roam there that it even frightens me. And I'm not going to lie if I was facing more then 1 evil spirit... I'm out... πŸ˜†.I will tell you where evil spirits love to be.

Dark places, rooms that are junky with food and clothes everywhere... Messy places, places that are old. Somehow they gain advantage over houses that were to their time or close to it. Most of all they love homes where it was a lot of nasty, bad sins commited.

Dena90 (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
Adventure_ms_Aqua - I did some research about the figure and it is said to be an omen of tebbible things to come... But I seen it when I was 9 so I don't know if it applies to me (thank god!). When did you see it? Also if you look at my comments below Dragon35 had some excellent history on the being. 😁 ❀
Adventure_Ms_Aqua (10 stories) (71 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
😲 Something similar happened to me! I saw almost exactly what you saw. There was just total blackness, except for the red eyes. I didn't see red eyes during my experience...

Do you think there could be more than one of these things, or are they all the same? πŸ˜•
Dena90 (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
The things you have told me are so shocking! I do wish to go back but I will bring somebody aswell.
Dragon35 (18 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
whit evidense now one things your mad but the cost of getting that evidense could be bad but I think it is safe as long as you don't enter the place or traied to make contact if it have been in a spesific time in the night I could have told you what you saw but in the day that I do not now I only now that seing this figure at day is a message to ceep away somthing bad is going to hapen there or somthing is there that humens don't survive to see
Dena90 (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
Dragon35- wow I don't know whether to be shocked or relieved. I can't think of any tragic event that took place after seeing the figure, maybe we were lucky and it decided to leave us alone. I do know though that whatever it was, it was pure evil. Do you think it would be foolish to return? I think knowing what I know I may be tempting fate...? 😒
Dragon35 (18 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
i've read abut evidense suportet histories abut this thing and it is never a god sign for those that have traied to make contact whit this hooded figure first documented apperens was in 1623 if I don't remember wrong I have seen this figure myself to on an abandoned semmetary I fled the place whit out futher investigation next morning I read the news and I read abut a car accsident on that same place the couse of the accident is still a mysteri after 8 years there are a story that goes arund abut this hooded figure as well there is a story that is abut a father and son that met this figure on a feld in 1840 and talked whit it the only profe of this story is the missing person poster from that time and that the case whas solved in 1992 when the son whas shoot in a feld by a farmer protecting his cows the mysteri is that will make the kid 52 years older then he whas and he was still loking like he haddent aged a day from his dissiperens
Dena90 (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
Dragon 35- Have you experienced anything similar? If so could you tell me? 😲
Dragon35 (18 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
if your going back there whit camera I'v recomend that you be cerefull a man shaped hooded figure in black only apears of 2 reasons some say that it is the devil that have come ut to play but as I undestod this whas in the day time and that means that the figure is warning of somthing that is in that place
Dena90 (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
Dragon 35 - All the body and cloak were black. It really terrified me and I still feel maybe it was an omen not to go any further, though I will never know. 😨
Dena90 (2 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
Tonith- Yeah we all to this day describe it as the same thing. I will go back soon with a camera and see what happens. I have not been back since I was nine... Too creeped out I guess! I suppose its possible due to our age we are more open to these things but they have never seen it since. ❀
senseye (4 stories) (32 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
it's good that you didn't turn back and look when you were running. Do you still visit that place after that?
Dragon35 (18 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
hmm do you remember the color of the cloak. I've heard stories like this before I have even seen somthing simmlar but the cat is strange I have never heard enyone say something like that but they was probly afraid like I was when I saw
Tonith (1136 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-02)
Did you all see the same thing? Did your cousins describe it the same way you did? If that is the case you couldn't all be imagining it. Could have been a residual type of haunting. Something that was there in the past and keeps showing up in the same place whether anyone is around to see it or not. Maybe you will get the opportunity to visit the graveyard again. This time bring a camera. Then you may get proof. I have heard of kids seeing stuff like this and I always wonder if it has something to do with kids being more open to the paranormal. They don't have the jaded ideas that adults do about such things. Great story.I'm sure it's something you and your cousins won't ever forget.
dudeman1944 (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-01)
i have a friend that goes to college in wexford she says it creepy as well. And its not because she is from a bigger city, she is from Portlaois, so maybe the place is just strait up creepy

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