I'm going to be frank. I've never truly believed in ghosts until last night.
My boyfriend asked me to come stay with him at his friend's house for a little bit (he had to feed the cat and the dog while his friend was away... Kind of like house-sitting). I remembered him saying something to the effect of "I want you to come because I'm afraid of ghosts and ****". I didn't think very much of it. At the most, I thought he was just joking around.
We fed the cat and dog and we turned on the television. This is where things started getting weird. The (otherwise very quiet) dog started freaking out, barking at something down the hallway. My boyfriend got up to see what it was, but he couldn't find anything except a door opened that he made sure was closed last time he got up. Later, we were starting to get naughty on the couch, when the dog started growling at something... But there was nothing there. Let's just say it creeped me out enough to kill the mood.
A little later, my boyfriend went to go to the bathroom and came back shaking. I've never seen him like this. I asked him what was wrong, and he said he was having an asthma attack and not to worry about it. He sat back on the couch and we watched television until about 2am. I was getting ready to leave, and I asked him if he was staying there overnight, and he replied, "ABSOLUTELY ****ING NOT". I asked him why, and he told me to follow him down the hall to one of the bedrooms.
He pointed to where he had put the cat food on the counter after the cat had eaten half of the food (he only wanted the cat to eat half at a time). Now, the cat food was sitting on the floor again, where he had originally had it when he first put it out for the cat to eat. Then, he pointed to the bed: I couldn't believe what I saw. There were three jackets, one-inside-the-other, hanging perfectly from each of the four posts of the bed.
I asked him if they were there before and he said no, and half-yelled, "I did NOT do that!" He said, "I wasn't having an asthma attack earlier... I just didn't want to tell you about this until we had to leave". He told me that his friend had mentioned to him that the house may be haunted. I had thought he was joking around when he said he was afraid of ghosts, but he really didn't want to house sit here alone.
We left, and I started crying on the way home because I was really freaked out.