There is a place in Antioch, CA called Gravity Hill. There is an old slaughter house and an abandoned insane asylum going up a pathway to the hill. It is said that someone had escaped from the asylum and went on a massive killing spree. One time, there was a school bus filled with kids coming home from a field trip, and each and every one of the kids in the bus were killed by the psychotic escapee. Now, if you go up to Gravity Hill and park your car in neutral at the bottom of it, they say that the spirits of the children who were brutally murdered in the bus will push your car up the hill so you don't suffer the same fate they did. (There is also another version of the story, saying that there was a school bus of kids coming back from a school field trip, but the bus skidded into a wash and all the kids drowned).
Hearing the legend piqued my interest in this place. I wanted to know more about it. I remember my brother saying he had been there once. He told me that when he had gone to Gravity Hill, the car really did go up on its own. He also mentioned seeing a large cloud of black smoke clouding the back window and a strange glowing ball of light hovering above them in front. I asked him if he was lying to me, and he swore that it was all true. I believed him.
After hearing my brother's story, I wanted to see Gravity Hill for myself. I felt that I would not be able to rest until I have visited there. So, during my Freshman year of high school on Halloween night, my brother, his girlfriend, my friend Suzzie, and I made a trip there. My brother told us about the story of the slaughter house and the insane asylum as we passed them to get a rise out of me and Suzzie.
Finally, we made it to the base of the hill. I was so excited yet scared. My brother put the car in neutral and picked up his feet and put them on top of the dashboard so that Suzzie and I knew he wasn't playing around. To my surprise, the car started to move uphill. The disappointing thing though was that I did not see any of the things my brother did when he made the trip. In fact I didn't see anything. My brother said it might have been that way because it was Halloween night when spiritual energy is at its lowest. A few years have passed since then, but I still want to visit Gravity Hill again sometime. I want to see the things my brother did for myself.
If anyone has ever been to Gravity Hill in Antioch, please share your experiences with me.
I grew up in Oakley, CA and I've never once heard of Gravity Hill. I'm planning to come out there next week to visit family, and I was wondering... No I'm not asking you on a date... I need directions to Gravity Hill. Where at in Antioch is it located?
- Anthony