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Sleep Paralysis Occupied By An Evil Image


I am 32 years old and grew up in the Christian church - every Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night, church camp, potlucks, etc. I am no longer religious as I stopped going to church 10 years ago and have no plans to go back. I feel that religion has caused many of my anxieties and guilt issues that I still battle as an adult.

When I was 18, I started reading about and getting into astral projection. I experienced the sleep paralysis state often and had frequent flying dreams. I got to the point where I would be able to control my lucid dreams, but I haven't actually astral projected. I was always scared because I felt the presence of something "evil" in the room when I was in the paralysis state.

One night this occurred and even though I was paralyzed with my eyes closed, I "saw" an image of an evil face looking down at me and smiling an evil grin. When I was finally able to move, I told my boyfriend, who was sleeping on the floor next to my bed, what had happened. I was truly frightened. He prayed to God to rid me of my fear and get whatever presence I had felt out of the room. As soon as he said "Amen", my dog who was sound asleep on the floor, jumped up and vomited.

I don't know if "God" put this entity into her and she puked it out, but I then chose not to have anything to do with astral projection or anything of that nature out of fear.

I recently got back into studying astral projection after being inspired by a lucid dream... In this dream I happened to see my dog (who died about 7 years ago) and I was able to pet her and love her and it felt so wonderful. I feel that I understand it more now since I don't have the same beliefs I had when I was growing up, so there is no guilt in what I am doing something bad.

I am still trying to astral project... I know it is just a matter of time because I am constantly reading about it and have a great desire to do it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, pixley, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

EyesWideOpen (63 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-28)
pixley, you are not alone.

I've had only one out of body experience in my life, and thankfully it wasn't a bad one. I was experimenting with an exercise in "focusing and moving my Chi." I was in a lot of physical pain at that time, and the experience eased my suffering.

I've heard it said that leaving your body may leave you open to some kind of spiritual attack. What do you think?
StrangeAtNight (2 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-29)
email me if you like too... I'm not a pro by any means... In fact I'm just learning what it is I have been doing and experienced for the last 22yrs since I was a kid. But I have been doing this without knowing what it was for a long time... I guess I naturally do it... The most important thing is that you know your soul inherently has all the strength it needs to fight off bad things and that strength was given to you by your creator...God. Dont believe this to be true... Know it... And exercise it...
StrangeAtNight (2 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-29)
I uncontrollably project almost everytime I go to sleep since I was about 7 years old. Sometimes it is a bad feeling... Sometimes a great experience... Its opened up other phenomenon in my life... I have been getting better at stopping bad experiences and recognizing them and I try very hard to stay involved with the good feelings... The great euphoria I have gotten from the good experience far outweighs the negative experience that changed my life about 3 -4 days and made me join this site... I have never read in detail of astral projection. I just know you may already be doing it to a degree without knowing it because it might not match up with your ideas of it are. I have a story on here that explains what happened to me... And there's a few more things that this has opened up to me... I will say this the bad experiences came for me way before the good ones ever did... Or at least matching up in the same magnitude... I'm willing to bet my ability that there is the potential for good and bad in every experience and probably both take shape and are present... You must know that you are a child of light and that Gods energy and grace makes all possible... Knowing this and stating it when you are in the thick of it will help you tremendously... And I'm not talking religion here... I'm talking this has made me closer to God. God is love, acceptance, calm, peace, all the good things that make this life what it is. Not the catholic church, not islam, not judaism, not baptist not mormon, not protestant. If you have one ounce of doubt or fear or uncertainty when you go in you will attract a shadowperson to what you are doing... I attracted one along time ago with doubt, fear and uncertainty when I was but a child. I have just found out what happened to me in the last 3 days from folks on here, reading online and putting the puzzle pieces together of my life experiences... I wouldn't trade it in for the world... Just be careful... Prayer helps... It keeps me sleeping soundly for now.
lucky09 (1 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-21)
Your post has moved me to sign up. I have had the same experiences (with the exception of the dog vomiting) for many, many years. Lucid dreaming, controlling the dreaming, flying etc. There were multiple times where I felt I had no control, I could not wake up and I felt like I was being tricked by something who tried to intervene, something evil. Every once in awhile I feel I have the courage to explore but I am not sure how to protect myself. I am an extremely postive person so by attracting something bad is very discerning. I wish you luck and hope to follow your future endeavours.
CenterCore (guest)
16 years ago (2009-02-20)
Feel free to email me as well. And check out my new story if you would like. Best of luck.
- Core
Martin (602 posts) mod
16 years ago (2009-02-20)
Hi Lisamaxw, I read your bio, scary stuff, you should submit it as a story. And no, you don't have to leave just because we don't agree on some things, that's the nature of discussion boards. However, every now and then, we get some zealous conservative christian damning us all to hell for learning about the paranormal and just being a pain in the butt, so I wanted to avoid this situation in case. But I always welcome *real experiences* like yours.
pixley (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-20)
...I did email you rook. Awaiting your reply... La la la la la la la la la la la la 😊
pixley (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-20)
I didn't realize when I posted my first story on this website that so much controversy would be stirred up. I guess it ended up not even being the story that was controversial, but my reaction to the comments, and in turn, the reaction to my reaction... I really don't want to project any negative vibes here. That would defeat the purpose that I have been trying to live in my life. I just get very upset and offended when someone pushes their views on me as if they were fact. I can't presume to know what intention was behind Lisa's first comment, but I did feel the need to express myself in response. If you really were concerned, Lisa, thank you for your concern. It doesn't need to go any further, I am letting it go. I am sorry if I made you have any bad feelings. I don't want to push anybody out of this site or out of anywhere they feel they need or want to be.

Martin, as far as the comment you made about the typical mindset of conservative christians, I totally relate. As I said, I grew up in that lifestyle and I was afraid of everything. I even asked my pastor about astral projection at one point when I first started trying to do it. He said he didn't really know anything about it except that "it had to do with the stars and you shouldn't mess with that stuff". Guilt and fear are what guided my life. It was an awful way to live for me. But if that is what those people need to do for their own peace of mind, I accept that. I just don't need that pushed on me any longer. It was forced down my throat for 20 years and that was more than enough! I enjoyed the website very much! I think that it will be very helpful to me in my journey!

And faerielike, I have also thought about the possibility that I created what I saw. I wouldn't have even understood this concept a while back, but after experiencing lucid dreams and being able to control them... I have finally realized what our minds are capable of!

Thank you for the positive feedback from all of you! ❤
Lisamaxw (92 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-20)
Martin, I read Pixley's post correctly; however, I guess I missed what she had learned about HERSELF because the majority of her post was directed at what she thought she knew about ME. And I stick by what I said about transference. It was clear that she was aggitated with me, not the other way around. (Trust me, I felt that she was throwing her energy at me. I'm somewhat empathic and could feel it like a punch in the gut, and I usually can't "read" through the internet. I don't even try.) And by the way, I'm STILL not offended, angry or "irritated."

Suggest you re-read my bio -- anyone who's interested. I've written a bit more about my background. Perhaps you will understand better about why I am so fervent. I'm not here to be a buzz-kill for adults. I'm truly interested in protecting teens from what happened to my friend, Kay. (Please read my bio.)

Martin, if you'd like me to leave, just say the word, and I'm gone. Since I've told my story in my bio, I feel that I've fulfilled a part of my task, anyway.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-20)
It's not quite a quote but if you ever find yourself at Millways (thats the real name of the Resturant at the End of the Universe) you will descover that cows have been geneticly altered to talk, that way they can tell you which 'parts' are the most tender... But this is off topic...


Reasearch, Pratice and more Research. It's not an easy thing to do and you never know what you may find but if one prepares ones self through seeking knowledge then one can be ready for whatever the World may throw at you.


treasureseekers (2 stories) (28 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-20)
LOL I believe its a quote from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" 😁 In which case, I would gladly accept the offer.
Martin (602 posts) mod
16 years ago (2009-02-20)
rookdygin, I'm not sure the astral cows will appreciate the joke 😉

By the way: "the steak told me"?

You're crazier than I thought. 😜
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-20)

With that being said I'd like to address something that faerielike has pointed out...

"After all our souls are attached to our bodies like white on rice, there is no need to anchor, you just have to remember that you are anchored and not get scared."

While this may be true it helps a beginner to picture this anchor/tether/attachment because 'pictureing' it allows one to know they will be able to return. True this will 'limit ones range' at first but with pratice and paitence all will be well and one will learn that 'range is limitless' so to speak.


Everyone here means well, I'm glad you stayed with us. My offer still stands, please e-mail me with any questions you may have.

Anyone hungry? I'm off the the Resturant at the End of the Universe, the steak told me it's a Great place for Dinner.


faerielike (15 stories) (268 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-20)
I think that you very well could have seen a projection of your own mind in that projection, as you said at the time you were inexperienced. It is very common for beginners to create a sort of poltergeist, where we see our own fears. In projection, you have to realize you are in a different dimension. Astral projection can be useful and even fun as long as you are well informed, well read and versed on the subject. I find it quite a safe practice. After all our souls are attached to our bodies like white on rice, there is no need to anchor, you just have to remember that you are anchored and not get scared. Favorite phrase on the subject would be "DON"T PANIC!" (Familiar to those who might know of the book "Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy").
I hope you have happier travels in the future! 😊 ❤
Martin (602 posts) mod
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
Lisamaxw, you misread pixley's post, she said that *she* was irritated by your post and that it made *her* aware of something in her.

Wise stuff right there.

As for warning people about astral projection, this is the typical mindset of conservative christians and they're notoriously afraid of everything. Not the stuff that explorers are made of.

Pixley, make sure to read Anne's site, our official site writer:

tricia889 (4 stories) (23 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
I think it's great that Pixley is standing up for herself here. I have had it happen to me to, when all I want is an opinion on what may be going on, and all I get is doomsdayers warning me of losing my soul. I don't pretend to know everything but come on, when someone posts something and is wondering if others experienced the same thing and all they get is a bunch of remarks that are meant to be shaming or belittling then what does one expect except to get defensive. This sight is supposed to be supportive and informitive but not in a judgmental, know-it-all way. Really, who here does know-it-all? Bravo for sticking to your guns and not letting these people change how you view your spirituallity, if it works for you, so be it. It is your life after all... 😆
CenterCore (guest)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
Hey Pixley, I just took this opportunity to read the rest of the comments here, and I am very glad you didn't let these naysayers drive you away from this informative site. There are more decent people here than not, and you can always feel free to email me as well. My address is on my profile. I'm one of the few people you will run across who you never have to feel uncomfortable telling anything to. I'm here.
pixley (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
Oops, I was unaware that you are a shepherd of lost souls... I digress... Lol 😉
Lisamaxw (92 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
Pixley -- I'm still not offended or angry or even "irritated," for that matter. I guess I truly am dense! So if you're trying to offend, anger or "irritate" me, you'll have to try harder. Sorry.

One word comes to mind in regard to this exchange, however: TRANSFERENCE. Perhaps you need to take a look at why YOU'RE so angry with ME. I was merely trying to warn you against something that I see as detrimental and dangerous -- not because I was trying to control you; but because I didn't want to see you get hurt.

The trouble with posting these stories, Pixley, is that a LOT of readers are teenagers who don't have the experience or education to make well-informed decisions. When we post, those things are absorbed by CHILDREN; and I will NOT condone leading them down a primrose path that ain't necessarily so rosy. Judgmental? Hey, I'll accept that charge, if I'm acting in the best interest of kids.

Perhaps you've read Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner." Warning people is the albatross that I wear. Your resentfulness isn't going to ease that burden or shut me up, for that matter. But I will stop reading your page. Blessings,
CenterCore (guest)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
You're very welcome, and never hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns about the whole thing. I've been there. I actually just posted another story, but it isn't up yet. Make sure to read my others first so that this new one makes sense.
Speaking of writing, I'm in the midst of writing a novel based on my experiences, called "Shadow".
pixley (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
Hazzard: Lucid dreaming has always come naturally to me, but recently I have learned to instigate it and control it by doing reality checks throughout the day and in my sleep. Have you had/controlled lucid dreams before?

Centercore: I did read one of your stories and I plan to read the others. You are a good writer. Thanks for posting a comment. It's always nice to share experiences with people who get what you are saying, which is why I came to this site.

Oh, Lisa dear, when I read your post a certain quote comes to mind...

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves".

So thank you for giving me an opportunity to learn something about myself. After reading a few other stories on this site and your comments following them, I must say, you really do think highly of yourself and your ability to judge those that you see as less enlightened than you... As if you 'have it all figured out'. You seem to like being difficult and creating drama to stir up negativity in people. It's sad, really, that you feel the need to spread your misinformed, toxic "advice" all over this site. I appreciate sarcasm, as I am very sarcastic myself, but the spirit in which your sarcasm is continually spewed is unnecessary.

As far as the fear goes, you still haven't grasped the fact that I am not fearful of the same things that I once was. I was simply telling one of many stories that have occured in my life. Not once in my post did I ask for advice from anyone about how to get over the fear... It is no longer even an issue. But that's obviously too difficult of a concept for you to grasp, so with that said... I hope you have a wonderful day and may you let go of the anger you are so tightly clinging to.
Lisamaxw (92 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-19)
Pixley, many psychologists will tell you that fear can be -- and, indeed, usually is -- a self-preservation mechanism. Of course, they are also the people who define terms like "psycho" and "neurotic;" so if you discount them on the former theory, it follows that you may also discount them on the latter.

As for my previous post, I RESPECTFULLY stand by what I submitted. I see this as a "gateway" practice which is going to open the door for other disturbances in your life. (NOTE TO TEENS: Pixley is "of age" and entitled to make seemingly adult decisions about what she wishes to invite into her life.) That said, I will RESPECTFULLY step away from the light socket so you may proceed.

Best wishes -- respectfully submitted, of course,
tricia889 (4 stories) (23 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
I have successfully projected only once, and it was by accident, I have had a few lucid dreams and those were awsome, although I agree that there may be some negetive stuff out there, I don't neccasarilly agree that projecting consiously is any more dangerous then dreaming, I mean I feel that you go to the same places, just in one instance your concious of this. I personally think that just because there is something out there negative doesn't mean that they can "get you" unless perhaps you want them too, I don't know, I think people are stronger then some give them credit for and can take care of themselves. Good luck as this is a fascinating endevour, and one I hope that I will be able to master in time. 😊
ThatRandomGuy (1 stories) (75 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
Well, this certainly was an intresting story. Best of luck in future endeavors of this sort.
Stay safe and be careful.
CenterCore (guest)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
Hello Pixley, I noticed your story and had to comment. I, too, have had this experience many a time. I know how frightening it can be. I first experienced this many, many years ago when I was in junior high school. This 'entity' has been following me - stalking me - for years now. If you'd like to check out my stories, feel free. But I've seen this man many times in sleep paralysis. If you've ever heard the story of Heidi Wyrick then you're aware that there are people with the ability to see the dead. I myself am on of them. I'm convinced. Yet I have no idea who this spirit is or what he wants from me. I may never know. But as long as you are not being harmed by anything... I wouldn't worry. I've learned to live with it. It's my curse. You may not have to live with this for your entire life, but I do. I just want to try to comfort you in knowing that you're not alone. I'm one of many who has had similar situations occur. Best of luck.
hazzardsyndrome (10 stories) (121 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
astral projection is a huge fascination of mine. Have you managed it fully or even partially yet?
Iv'e been trying for about two years now and (psycosomatically or not) believe iv managed to move about 2 inches up and for some reason to the left.
Is lucid dreaming something that comes naturally to you or have you learnt it?

Really enjoyed your story by the way 😊

Take care
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
I must admit I missed the very first mention of your age, I didn't 'catch' the fact that this experience was 14 years old.
(Note to self... Self read the entire experience before putting ones foot in ones mouth...)

There that being done I still remember the first book that really helped me when I was learning how to do this, go ahead and e-mail me (Addie in my profile) and I'll get that to you. It's an older book but it has some good information in it.


pixley (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
Ok people, did you not read that this happened to me 14 YEARS AGO when I had TOTALLY different beliefs and fears? Did you not read that I HAVE BEEN RESEARCHING this subject relentlessly? And you are trying to say I'M misinformed? I didn't know I was going to get a whole slew of people afraid for my well-being...I don't look at things or perceive things the same way I did when I was 18 years old when I believed whatever it was that my parents and church told me. I now have my own beliefs as I have grown spiritually... Not religiously... And I no longer feel the same way toward that "evil" presence (notice I put the word EVIL in quotes in my story... That was for a reason).

Lisamaxw: Believe me, I've been called much worse than crazy, psycho or neurotic... Hahaha that makes me laugh. In fact, I don't deny that I am all 3 of these things... Who defines crazy, psycho or neurotic anyway? I am very aware that evil exists and I am also a very avid researcher, so don't lose any sleep over me tonight.

Ghostboy: I did not tell my story to get people like you to believe me. I told it to have an open and intelligent discussion with people who are on this site for the same reason I am here. I guess I thought there were more of them on here. Silly me.

Rookdygin: Thank you for your post. I am a first time poster and just came across this site a few days ago and was excited to see that I could communicate with other people on a subject that fascinates me. I was just getting ready to log off this site for good and go find an outlet somewhere else after reading the other comments, thinking I don't need this negativity. But then I read your post and decided that I would not let others' negativity sway me from doing something that I believe in and enjoy. I am not here to prove anything to anyone. To answer your question, I didn't picture anything in my mind to help anchor my spirit to my body because at the time I didn't know much about what I was doing. Like I said, I was 18 years old and had a completely different view on EVERYTHING in life, so my experience was completely different. Thank you for inviting me to email you, I might do that if too many other people continue to respond so disrespectfully.

Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
I have never had sleep paralysis happen to me but I did read that sleep disorders can cause it. The evil face you saw still might be left over from the days of believing evil to be an entity. While intellectually you know better, old beliefs die hard. I think we have only skimmed the surface of what our minds are capable. Fear can be our friend or our foe. Educate yourself, there is power in knowledge. Good Projecting!
Lisamaxw (92 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-18)
Pixley, I concur with my friend, Rook; who, by the way, did not offend me at all. We all want to help. We just have different ideas about how to offer it, sometimes!

Respect you too, Rook,

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