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Comments for Someone Walking Briskly Across The Ceiling: Page 1

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spectae (1 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Hi zzsgranny,

Javelina in her profile quotes Dr Kent M Keith, and Mother Teresa had a good version of this poem on her wall. I do think this reality we exist in is all about THAT... The poem is correct and everything else is peripheral.

We take only who we are with us, and leave all else behind. Only relationships matter, first most with God and then with each other. No one cares who "has" what, but everyone cares who "did" what... And though we cannot get on with everyone, we should try and where we can, do a good job... As Mother Teresa did in her way.

The other reality is our home, our origin of creation, that our bodies are but vehicles and our eternal forms, our shape, are determined by who we are... Our hearts and whom we have touched.

I think a lot of the common spiritual interactions are less likely to be from higher love spirits, for want of a better definition... But are from those more Earth bound... As such, they may well not be representative of the "greater" that exists... No only do we only see but a shadow, it is also out of focus, blurred and like a smudge on a bicycle tire that is actually reflecting the most brilliant rainbow ever... That analogy is our reality of our interaction.

That said, I do believe in higher being interactions, be they angels, guardians, family members... The common thread with these are God's blessing... So we may see life changing/saving events in this category.

We each and at all times are surround by this, from the lowest (almost) to the highest vibrations of being... With the source of all love, God, at the pinnacle as the sole creator of all.

Religion often fails in practice what it holds to be true in teaching, such is human nature, but does not, in my view, discount the truths of such.

This site is interesting, for by wadding through a lot of posts, some are, to my mind, insightful and create a better understanding of what exists... Yes I am curious, I wonder at the marvels of creation.

In this marvelous creation we each have a place, for we are each eternal beings, for now, limited by our duty here, but soon, in the twinkling of an eye, once more fulfilled with knowledge.

I think "proof" is us, you, I, all around us shows the wonder of creation, and that we want to understand more than we sense, is normal and with our journey, one that will be realized.

I don't think we ever will have open and direct communications with the other side. There are, I believe, laws that prevent such... Such would render our roles here obsolete, for want of a better term... We have the here and now to interact with. That I think, is our role.

Several times in my life, I have experienced some of what I have just related, but such is simply not for public posting. Without actually knowing me, it would all seem too unreal. I only relate what I have experienced and know to be true.

Anyway, a rather long reply, sorry! πŸ˜†

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)

I respect your well-worded replies, but it appears to me that you are more interested in sharing your ideas of how the spiritual realm and the afterlife work than having others read your story and think on it logically. You cannot post a story like this to a community, an open-forum one at that, and expect that others will not apply logic and reasoning to it. I respect your beliefs and I will not necessarily disagree with most of them, but I would like to humbly suggest that when presenting your experiences to others, try to keep a more open mind about their responses. Regardless of whether or not people agree with what you think you experienced, at least they took the time to read it and leave a comment.
spectae (1 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Hi Javelina,

My accounts are indeed paranormal and spiritual in nature and really don't require analysis, for such does nothing useful given the circumstances.

They are what they are, and that is all.

I don't think it is open to assign strength per se... So the "strength" needed to pluck a string on a guitar is an unknown. We simply don't know.

It is my understanding that spirits have no problem per se interacting with objects. They can also communicate by various means.

Add to that the presence of God and interaction with persons and it really becomes very complex to define exactly what is what.

The sources, as in interaction/communication, with that which is unseen, are multiple and simply unknown.

You and I can communicate, humans here can, but the world beyond is simply beyond that actuality.

I have experienced a lot more than I have related and if such straight forward events are a cognitive challenge for some, I was right to keep other matters to myself... A problem with a public forum based on text communication.

I think we are constantly surrounded by the unseen reality and are almost always oblivious to such, and when we do sense something, that such is a very very small percentage of what happens that we don't sense.

We known existence extends beyond bodily death and a few other facts, but details are missing. I think the complexity of the other reality is of such a magnitude that it would escape our known comprehension of what "is" reality.

My post simply relates to three experiences and alludes to others. With each moment we experience this reality and are "touched" by the other. Life, existence, is most curious.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
spectae: I love this: "...that the spiritual world is real, very real, and I know this without question."...I couldn't agree more... I was just discussing with my hubby that with all these people out there (and there are many) who spend literally thousands of dollars on scientific equipment, experiments, etcetera trying to prove to the world the existance of spirits/ghosts, the only way they could prove anything is by capturing one in a container to put on display (like GhostbustersπŸ˜†)...I don't think that's gonn'a happen LOL...
The reason I like ghost hunting is to get some cool stuff to show my friends and family...

I enjoyed reading your experiences, and would like to suggest our sister site to you if you have other types of "supernatural" encounters you'd like to share: at the top of the page you'll see a link that says "Spirituality"...Check it out! 😊

Thank you for posting...
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Despite the fact that someone has taken my last comment to mean something quite the opposite of what was intended, I still believe the things spectae has shared here are paranormal in nature. Not every experience reported on this site has to sound as if it came out of a Hollywood movie. That would be assigning far too much power and strength to those on the other side. So, until we meet there, it is impossible to know how difficult it is for a spirit to manipulate solid objects in our realm. Plucking a string on a guitar could most assuredly take an enormous amount of concentration and skill, especially for one so newly passed away. And that, in my humble opinion, is impressive.


~For anyone who cares, my comment was me describing my own failings and my decision to learn to live with them. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.~ 😲
spectae (1 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)

Firstly I am not a "dude", and secondly, please STAY AWAY from my story!

Just because things happen to you "all the time" doesn't mean it happens to the rest of the population on Earth!

Your comments about the guitar string are sheer gibberish. A guitar string was plucked, end of story.

As I said, please stay away from my story, I find you offensive.

spectae (1 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Hi DeviousAngel,

Re: Poster and Guitar account

The poster was on a painted bedroom wall.

It didn't completely "fall". The poster had "blu tack" blobs on the under four corners. It part-fell, it ended "stuck" on an approximate 45 degree angle. The blu tack didn't all completely "fail".

I literally put my guitar down (just having sung her this song) on its stand, sat on my bed when the poster part-fell and no sooner had that happened, than a moment later the guitar, not near the poster, twanged. It sounded like the B string for those who know guitars.

I never knew this person, the only connection was the song I had written for her, and sung for her, and I didn't keep the song. I didn't want it... She needs to find happiness and not have things that may keep her here. I believe she heard the song and that is enough to hold as a treasure.

I did attend her funeral.

I was all very sad, she was but a teenager and had her Earthly life horrifically stolen.

Re: Footsteps

Footsteps, clear and precise as real as the middle of a sunny day. Walking, normal sounding, brisk, and totally where they ought not to be.

There is only one explanation, some entity, not in human bodily form, walked across the ceiling, just above it, which is physically impossible for a bodied human.

The only question I have is why. I am not particularly interested though, things happen. It happened, it is unexplained, my life goes on.

There were, I am guessing, about four or five meters or walking as the room opened to a small hall where another room, bathroom, and living room adjoined.

They were footsteps. Unmistakable. No room for doubt what the sounds were.

Samion (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Dude, that thing with the poster happens to me all the time. Like almost daily - I stopped hanging them cause they used to wake me up in the night doing it. Furthermore, physics suggests that your song may even have helped by very slightly vibrating the wall with an abnormal resonance frequency (just physics) - the effects would be very very slight but you never know, stay that broke the donkeys back and all. Similarly, the guitar string can also be explained in any number of ways - I'd say its very likely that the two happening with that sort of timing involved just threw you whilst you were experiencing emotional turmoil and evidently thinking deeply about the friend.

Of course, this in no way diminishes the pain you obviously feel at her premature passing and how lovely the gesture of composing in her memory was
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Thank you for sharing your experiences. You seem like a pretty down to earth and logical person, so I don't see any immediate need to doubt you. I do have a question though, about the poster that fell--what was on it? Did the image on the poster have any correlation to the interests of the person whose spirit you thought it might have been?

The only experience I have doubts about, which I think may be naturally explained, is that a rodent may have gotten into the space above the ceiling or a difference in temperature between the inside of the room and the weather outside may have created pressure, which made the noises you heard. I'm not totally discounting this event, but these are possible explanations. Sometimes the acoustics of a room make noises sound differently, resulting in the "walking on ceiling" sound you heard.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)

Yes, sometimes it is the text. However, I believe it is up to the individual to bring the text to the point they are making. Give it life, so to speak. Text can be an emotionless venue, if you let it.
Me? I have a thing about brevity. This can make or break a conversation. Either turning something, almost benign in nature, into a raging debate or a slobbering lovefest, in the blink of an eye. And though challenging, it does have it's rewards.

Jav 😁
spectae (1 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Hi Javelina,

Thanks. A big problem with text is you don't see my kind face and smile => πŸ˜†

So when I have a contrary point of view, and express such, it is all very difficult, as it is for all of us, due to the limitations of text.

Also one can't make a quiet comment in private and it all becomes a real juggling act. Still persons of good will prevail here and forgiveness is quick and understanding of text limitations accepted.

I have a very strong belief in a reality, the greater reality, beyond what we all know, and it can be rather confusing at times as to what exactly is what. An area of concern I see is seeing too much or too little, and getting an assessment of a matter just right, is a real challenge.

I've read some very interesting stories here from time to time, and there is a lot of pulp fiction here too, but the stories that ring true are really interesting as they are experiences I accept as real, and help me form a better understanding of this whole existence bit.

Though I am conscience of the fact, that even if the heavens were open to us to see and interact with, we still have the same task here, universal to all, to love and as a light that becomes a rainbow throw a prism, so love itself has many beams that challenge us.

I find this all very very challenging and am determined to fight the good fight to the end, as best I can, and it is good to know that something better awaits for those who hold onto the faith... Love.

Thanks again for your comment.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Thank you for sharing these experiences. I have followed some of your posts here and have found you to be insightful and caring. And though, at times, others have misunderstood your intentions, you let it go. I applaud you for that. I don't often have that same control over my own opinions. πŸ˜†

Jav 😊
spectae (1 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Hi Gabrielle,

I always knew, from my earliest memories that there was something more than this reality. With the passage of time, my understanding grew, but a lot is still a mystery as there are so many open questions.

Thanks for the offer of help, not sure what you mean. A prayer never goes a miss and I will say one for you tonight.

creepydog (3 stories) (71 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Bah! Those stories give me the chills.
But in a good way though:)
Did you believe in ghosts before this?
Because I know how bad it feels when
The fact, "ghosts are real" dawns on you
I am sorry to hear that your sister lost her friend.
Is there any way I can help you?

Love Creepydog ❀ ❀ ❀

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