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RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-19)

I didn't mean to come across a being mean but let me say this.

Just because someone comes on here and post a story doesn't mean it's true, or a least embellished a lot. It happens everyday. For me, there is nothing to be made up in a story such as these. One simply writes down what happened. Because in truth, story is not the correct word. When I think of a "story", I think of something made up.
Perhaps True Ghost Experiences or Encounters would be better.

I'm not saying strange things don't happen but let me say this.
Most paranormal experiences are very subtle and happen very fast.
So when I read a encounter about a wind so strong like in your story it gives me pause.
At the end of your story you said the neighbors said the fireman could't find a reason for the fire.
That doesn't mean it was paranormal. The only thing that we can infer from that is the fireman couldn't find a reason for the fire. Nothing more, nothing less.
Perhaps your 2nd part to the experience will help to clarify things.

Spookie_ (guest)
7 years ago (2017-04-19)
😁 its taking a long time to write but I'll post it soon.

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-19)
Hi Spookie,

Very glad to know that, I am really looking forward to the second part! 😁

Aliviashae (7 stories) (27 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)
I understand that she did state that she didn't experience the accounts first hand. I simply meant that SHE says her family experienced these events, and her family also recollects them and says they happened. What I wrote sounded like I did not know she wasn't there (but I did in fact read the story so I do know this). I was actually trying to point out that she's obviously heard her family talk about and relay these events from THEIR firsthand accounts, and she has now also shared how she was told it happened, which is why I feel it has probably had a decent (and probably frightening) affect on her ownself, due to nature of the events. That is all.
Spookie_ (guest)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)
Thankyou for your kindness and I will look up the whirlwind in the bedroom. 😁

I do realise I left a lot of details out of the story and I will be making a part two wich will have a lot of the details I didn't add on it.

Its fine and as I said to rookdygin I will be making a part 2 with more information/details that I left out.

Hello melda 😁 I'll ask my mum if the wind sounded similar to what you heard in the apartment.

I have watched Poltergiest with my sister (not a well made movie in my opinion) and the way my mother described everything to me it was nothing like the movie. My mother never even watched the movie as she gets scared.Hollywood? As I said I am making a part 2 with more detail and mabye some photos if I can find some.

My mother is catholic and she didn't believe in ghosts at the time she thought it was my father because who else was there the kids? There was no domestic violence only arguing the arguments were about how my father should stay at home and help with the kids instead of leaving (but he did work at the mines so mabye that's why he left alot) mother was in a somewhat violent relationship before this. My eldest brother was 12 at the time and is currently at work he gets home at 4:00 so I'll ask him if he remembers anything. I just asked my 2nd oldest brother and the only thing he remembers is his sheets getting pulled off my sisters were really young at the time so I doubt they will remember anything.I'm also rewriting the whole story on a part 2 with more detail.

Hello mage I'm glad you liked my story and if you could can you please tell me more about this hill ghost (or post it on here) if you can remember it even if it wasn't a ghost it still will be interesting.

Mage2 (2 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)
Spookie your story sound exciting, And I'm saying this because I'm into ghost and spirits, I think the only spirit I say was a spirit near a hill (it could have been someone exploring) but that was 6 years ago when I was 11 so high chance is I could be wrong. 😕
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)
Aliviashae: first of all, Spookie has established that s/he wasn't even born when this experienced happened.

"...I was not born but over the years my mother has told me of the experiences she, my siblings (two sisters and 2 brothers) and my father experienced in the dreadful year of 1996.

Secondly: I may have awkwardly worded my comment when saying that that the OP's mother didn't act in a very motherly way; by this I didn't mean "Oh, what a coward woman!", I mean it on the sense that there had to be a (powerful) reason for her heading to the door without helping her four young children.

Thirdly: I do not want to speculate and/or make any assumptions about the situation of the family but I can see a POSSIBLE reason behind the 'domestic violence' question by Macknorton.

"My mum then got woken up by her head getting smashed into the table at first my mum thought it was my dad..."

"...My mother couldn't move out of the house the first time because she and my dad would fight he also left a lot and left my mother with nothing..."

Do you think it 'normal' for a person to smash their partner's head into a table? The fact that the mother thought her husband did this to her COULD suggest that this wasn't the first time she was treated that way.

Like I said before, I do not want to assume anything but, neither can discard another POSSIBILITY: the parents going through a rough time, having a fight and the mother telling her kids that the broken objects and the mess were caused by an unknown force. All this in order to protect them from the stress of knowing the problems of the family.

Spooky: thanks for your reply. I know every one is different but I find a little surprising that none of your brothers remember the incident, if the second oldest was six that means that the eldest had to be seven or eight, they were young but not too young as to no have recollection of such a unique experience.

I hope you can ask your mother (again) to tell you what happened that day.

Thanks. 😊
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)
Hi Spookie
I see my comment has been voted down and openly criticised. I didn't mean any offence to you but as others have pointed out, your account lacks substantial detail.
Personally, the only aspect of your story that has the hallmarks of traditional haunting was the sheets being pulled off the bed, but that alone may have an explanation.
The "cyclone" scene reminded me of the movie Poltergeist, and that scene I have never heard, or read about happening anywhere.
Children getting sick in my experience does not equate to hauntings.
It has been well documented, but not necessarily proven, that spirits will scratch and bite and occasionally shove, but again in my experience, people being hurled down hallways or faces smashed into tables is unheard of, unless it's to do with Hollywood.
A house burning down is not necessarily paranormal either.
My general feeling was of a house in turmoil, but not necessarily haunted but I was clearly off the mark with the domestic violence idea, so for that I do genuinely apologise. Absolutely no offence intended.
However, I contend that unless you can provide more history, detail and contexts of these events, I don't think there was anything substantial in terms of spirit activity.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)
Spookie - I would just like to mention that many years ago when I was about 22 years old (wow, eons ago) I too had an experience with wind.

I shared a flat (apartment) with a very good friend and I woke up during the night with this huge noise of wind in my bedroom. This was not sleep paralysis. It was very obvious that this was the sound of a very strong wind, the type that you would hear on the plains, almost the "keening" of the wind.

I did not feel the wind at all in my bed but the sound was there for perhaps 3 or 4 seconds.

The following morning I asked my flatmate whether she had heard anything in her bedroom and she had not.

What caused this? I have absolutely no idea. Just thought I'd share that with you.

Regards, Melda
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)
Thank you rookdygin, that is exactly what I think is missing: fill in the spaces!
And I'm sorry Spookie if I sounded insensitive, that wasn't my intention but when you mentioned the "the full inside of the house was in a whirlwind plates were flying getting smashed, vases breaking..." I could only picture a scene like in a Harry Potter movie, that's what crossed my mind and that's why I said it sounded too fantastic! Oh my, Aliviashae you made a point and just made me feel bad as I felt something was off because I'd like to have more details...
Sorry it was never my intention to misbelieve Spookie's account, and I'm sorry if my lack of experience led me to that!
English is not my first language so sometimes I too tend to be a bit vague on my comments in fear I'll write something I don't mean.

Spookie, if you could fill some blanks in your account like rook suggested I'd trully appreciate it!

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)

I think a MAJOR issue with your relation of this experience is the fact that's exactly what you are doing... You are relating your Mother's experience and any and all details have been from the times (many or few) that she has related it to you. Is there ANYWAY your Mum would/could write up this experience, to include ALL the details she can remember? This may help 'fill in the blanks' AND provide enough detail (s) that it doesn't sound 'fantastic'.


Aliviashae (7 stories) (27 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)
I am truly sorry for the comments you have gotten on this post. It is really offensive when people try to literally come out and say this story is made up or embellished, and to even make a remark that your mother didn't seem to be acting very "motherly". They even went as far as to say the words "alcohol-fuelled domestic violence"! I would be very offended.

You clearly didn't come on here to submit a post just to be critisized and questioned. These are obviously events you and your family say you experienced, and I'm sure they affected you greatly, so I am very sorry for the insensitive comments. Asking for clarification is one thing (which you so politely gave), but them making such profound assumptions was completely unnecessary.

Thank you for sharing your story and I'd advise you to research similar experiences, as I have read accounts like this before. There is also a story on here titled "Whirlwind In The Master Bedroom" that I think you should check out.
Spookie_ (guest)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)
Im really confused about how my story is fantastic I wouldn't spend 2 hours making a story up then spending 2 more hours writing it.

Achohol fueled violence? My dad has a bad liver from a disease so he didn't drink achohol he wasn't even at the house half the time. My mother didn't drink achohol she still doesn't drink. So no the enviroment wasn't achohol fueled.

Spookie- 😕
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)
Hi Spookie,

Wow, so many things happening at the same and still it is so vague... Even though you have already explained some points to lady-glow there's something off, and I'm with Randy when he says it sounds too fantastic.

Sorry, but if I'm allowed I'd like to join on the fence too... 😳
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)
Hi Spookie
To be honest - when I read this and re-read it, the overwhelming sensation that washed over me was alcohol-fuelled domestic violence.
Can you tell me if that's the environment your family was in for a time?
I'm sorry if what I'm saying is way off the mark or too close to the bone but that's the feeling I'm getting - not paranormal at all.
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)

I'm sorry but this all sounds way too fantastic.
In trying to answer Lady-Glows questions it seems to have gotten worse.
I can believe the part about the sheets getting pulled off though.

Lady-Glow, shall we head to the fence?

Spookie_ (guest)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)

I have noticed that I didn't go to in depth on the story and I'm sorry about that now to answer your questions. My father was never really home and he also had broken knee at the time from getting thrown into the wall. My mother and siblings couldn't scream because the wind was stopping them for screaming. No one got hurt that day as my brothers were glued to the lounge and couldn't get up and my sisters were in their play pen, the only injury was my mums lip wich her tooth went threw when her head got smashed into the table. The reason my mum went to the door was because it was easier to get to and my siblings were further away but she did try to reach them she also thought if she got to the door she could get help so she could get to my siblings. My mother couldn't move out of the house the first time because she and my dad would fight he also left a lot and left my mother with nothing. My siblings were young at the time so they don't remember much but my brother does remember getting his sheets getting pulled off.

Ps my mum would swim over and ocean full of sharks to save us.

Spookie- 😕
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-17)
Hi Spookie: do you think it possible that your Mother has embellished her story over time?
I mean, even if you consider this experience to be a bit too long, there are many points that are not explained in your narrative.
For instance, what happened to your siblings the day of the "cyclone"? Were they flying at the side of all the objects? Do they have any recollection of that day? What was your Father's reaction at finding the house in such disastrous condition? I imagine your siblings and mother were screaming and crying but there's no mention of the neighbors hearing anything and they even asked your mother if she was okay when, surely, she'd be pale and with her hair messy and, perhaps, with some bloody scratches and cuts? Did she try to rescue her four children or did she just run to the door trying to save her own hide? -This doesn't sound too motherly, does it?

Did your parents consider moving out of the house after the first incident? I wouldn't had set a foot back again.

I'll appreciate if you answer my questions.

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