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Comments for 3 Knocks: Page 1

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xlauraloux (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-09)
Hi Juli, nice to see another Bristolian on the site 😊

As for the 3 knocks if it is spirit related it could just be a loved one that has passed and trying to get your attention and just saying hello I'm here. Did anything happen in the following days? Do you have someone that you was close too before this event happened?

babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-09)

This was very well written and easy to understand.

Perhaps it was someone trying to get your attention and when you kept ignoring it, it moved on to the scratching, shaking and whispering and made other members of the household hear it. Whatever it is, it seems to want some attention.

If you don't want something like this around, I think the key word here would be "ignoring" it. If it doesn't get the attention it's seeking, it'll probably move along.

Mack- I got the joke. Cheesy. But it made me laugh. 😆
Juli (1 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Hi CreepyWednesday
I really enjoyed reading your story and haven't heard about that before.

It's really unlikely to have pests where I live and I have thought about that but I'm sure there aren't any. I agree I need to improve on my writing since I've never been good at it or explaining things properly. Thanks for your comment
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Macknorton, Oh, I got you now.
That's one of the jokes that Peter Parker might say right? Good one! Somehow I felt a little cool LOL
Good Luck to you my friend!

Juli, OK... So there are other members to witness this encounter? Hmm... Any chance of having some pest in your house? Rats and raccoons do scratch the woods in the ceiling; if your ceiling is made of cement only, no woods pure concrete... Well, do a cleansing and say some prayer. One thing you do want to know too is that your story may have to be easy to be understood, so that we do not get wrong information. Cheers!

CreepyWednesday (4 stories) (5 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Hi. Your story reminded me of something I heard when I was little, maybe 7 or so. One day, I visited my grandma and decided to stay at her place for the night. At around 7 pm we went to visit a friend of hers and they talked without a stop for a couple of hours and I was really bored so I asked my grandmother to go home. After another hour or so, she agreed. So at about 10 pm we reached home and knocked at the door because my grandfather had locked it. My grandmother was intrigued by the door being locked because my grandfather was very courageous and wouldn't worry about someone getting in or things like that. The thing is... He didn't answer. After some time he finally appeared to the door only because my grandmother kept knocking. And he was very surprised to see us, almost like he forgot we were not home. My grandmother then asked him what's wrong and he said that while he was home alone, somebody kept knocking and everytime he would go check, there was nobody. And then my grandmother told us that we should never open the door in such situations because something would happen to our faces. She was referring to some kind of entity or something that just keeps wandering at night, knocking at doors and straggle (if that's the word 😕) the faces of those who open their doors. That's a local belief I think that she heard when she was little.
Juli (1 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Hi Roylynx,
Thank you for your opinion, it was interesting reading the article you sent.

Although it was only me who heard the knocks some of my family had been complaining about hearing the scratching on the ceiling a lot after the knocks happening. The scratching lasted a few months and some of my sisters have also told me they have had other experiences happen to them, some are listed in my story at the end and I have experienced them too.

The scratching hasn't happened for around 3 months now but it did happen again last week and one of my sisters heard it too. After that nothing has happened
Juli (1 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Hi Bobbyvvl,
I have read a bit about that and we got news about a family friend passing away but I didn't know if that was related to it since none of us were really close to her and haven't seen her for years. Shortly after 2 of my grandparents passed away too but I was still unsure of it relating to the knocks because it didn't happen the same day
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Hi Roylynx
Thanks for that link. That is VERY interesting. Particularly that she felt she was possessed etc.
I imagine now that we can suggest Rooks Cleansing method PLUS ear canal cleansing!
Also I'm not sure if you understood my terrible joke about spiders and the "web". - get it? The "web" - spiders? No? Oh well... Back to my day job... 😆
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Not the same article, but there's a woman's case too.


Right here

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Macknorton, Yes, it was on Youtube I guess, you can search for earwax cleansing and there's a couple of such patients. Cheers!

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Hi Roylynx

That's very interesting about the person with the spider in their ear.
I was wondering where you heard that? Was it on the "web"? 😊

Sorry, that was a terrible joke but for some reason I felt compelled to share it...
Aodagain (1 stories) (4 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
How strange. Well, I almost don't like to tell you this, and I can't say I've ever experienced it, but supposedly my grandmother did. In the Irish side of the family there was a legend, myth, call it what you will, that when someone was going to die someone else in the family would hear the "triple knock" as they referred to it.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Hmm... To be honest, door knocks could be anything. But if it's only you whom have heard the knocks, it could be something psychologic, have you been to a doctor?

Well, a spiritual case, need evidence and witnesses, like any non-spiritual cases... So did your other family member experience something similar to yours? If so, it's worth researching. If not, you might want to think of going to a doctor. It's not that I am saying that you are insane; I have read an article about a man hearing mysterious scratching and bumping, and when he went to a body check the doctor found a spider deep in his left ear, you know such thing can happen to any of us.

Blessing from São Paulo
bobbyvvl (2 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-06)
Hi I've read a few cases of the 3 knocks by the Liverpool author Tom Slemen in his haunted Liverpool books it's usually associated with bad luck or worse a loss of a close one thankfully it didn't seem to be the case with you if you Google Tom selmen 3 knocks he did a YouTube video about it hope that helps

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