I have been working in a private food manufacturing company for five years now. The place looks old with most facilities not renovated until now, and if you are new to the company's premises, you would think this is haunted due to the eerie feeling given by unfinished building parts and rusty exposed metal braces and browning white paint.
It was early morning today, October 10, 2024 I arrived on my workplace at around 5:30am as this was the most convenient time to avoid traffic and take a very long rest. I was alone and since I am comfortable being alone and in a dark room, I did not turn on any light at all, so that I could get back to sleep easily, and except from the bright red light coming from the digital clock on the far corner.
Around 5:45am one co-worker has arrived. He was still sitting, waiting for his 6:00am duty while I am still in my nap position. I am in the middle of half-sleep-half-awake when I heard three claps. I was a bit shocked and curious and lift my head up immediately with some thoughts running in my head "Is that real?" I heard it. There's not a thing it can't be somewhat an imagination, but upon asking my sitting co-worker "Mus, narinig mo 'yon?" (Mus [the nickname of my co-worker], did you hear that?) He looked at me with a curious stare and replied "anong narinig? Nantitrip ka lang e." (What do you mean by heard? You're joking on me.) So I got a bit goosebumps because I confirmed those three claps were not heard by my co-worker.
I go back to sleep again. I was not scared. I am thinking maybe the child ghost in our workplace is playing notice on me again. The last time I had an encounter with this ghost child is when I observed it in my periphery vision that it was peeking on me from the side of the cabinet while I was working.
PS I do not know any history or death of a child in that vicinity until it was made into an industrial zone.
Hopefully it is all back to normal now.