I've recently spent over half a year living in Vietnam, my home country, along my husband and daughter.
We rented 3 different apartments in the same building over the course of 7 months, in Ho Chi Minh city. This was in a prestige area with all new high rises, and mostly foreigner renters. The first apartment we stayed in was fine. Though, the door had a yellow Thai voodoo spell paper on the balcony and a Thai spell written on the inside of the door. Usually when you see something like that in Asia, it's usually to keep something out, or in, or under control. When I first saw that, I thought "oh shiat". Nothing happened here. Except for light turning on and off one night on its own. That was nothing compared to what happened in another apartment. We traveled to other cities, then returned to the same building and got another apartment, on the highest floor. 49.
We paid for 1 month in apartment 49.
For the first 5 nights there, every time I slept, I would have horrific nightmares. Even during day naps. I soon got fed up and talked to the air, saying "Enough of this shiat! The nightmares better stop!". It did not.
That night, after cursing at "it", I got to hear it curse back. I was laying there, then I felt someone spoon me. Automatically assuming it's hubby. But when I opened my eyes, I could see my hubby laying in his spot with our child between us. I thought "oh no... Fk no". Right away I couldn't move. Then I felt it try to turn me! I started just screaming Jesus Christ Jesus Christ in my mind. I'm not even that religious to be honest. However, I do believe all religions hold truths. Then I could hear it clear as day and loud as anything, in my head, a man's voice saying "WHAT!" In Vietnamese.
Then I was able to move again. Sweating and shaking and almost in tears.
The next day, I got a Buddha statue, went to temple, got it blessed and myself. Bought paper money and incense for "it", whom I later called Uncle. I went home set up the Buddha, lit incense and prayed in every single room in the apartment. I apologized for the disrespect and asked for permission to stay there for the month. Then I told "him" to follow me downstairs where the area has these big fire pits for burning paper money and such for the dead/gods/ancestors etc. I burnt incense for him and paper money, and from that night on (I shiat you not) no more bad dreams.
They say in Asia, when entering hotels and rentals, you should knock 3 times before entering the suite. Which I did not. But after this trip, I will always!
For those who is wondering what is paper money... It is fake money people burn for the passed ones. They also make cars, houses, servants and lots of other things. Do I believe in the paper money stuff? I'm not sure to be honest. All I know, is whatever I did, worked for me.
...more to come.
- Notjustme
Nice to see a similar name on here 😊.
And thanks. After I did all that and he left me alone, I continued to light incense for him every night on the balcony and would burn money for him once a week, for the month. I actually felt empthathy for him, knowing he really wasn't that bad. But maybe feeling neglected in the after life.