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Aleshanee Was Talking To The Privious Cat


As written in my profile, I had a cat which past off having a cat flu. My current cat is a second one, I couldn't think of another name so I named her the same name as the previous one, Aleshanee. They looked like twins but came to me in different timing, same grey coat, same amazing emerald green eyes, but slightly more playful and "talkative".

So last night I woke up hearing purring of Aleshanee. By the kitchen, I thought I saw her dashing out, but I lost sight of her. Then I saw, Aleshanee around the entrance looking up the door and turned back and looked at me. I thought she was being a "watch dog" mewing at somebody behind the door.

Aleshanee seems to be a little excited, she was "aiming" at something at the direction of the kitchen. I looked back to the kitchen and saw a shadow. Small shadow like the size of a cat. I thought back when I saw the "Aleshanee like something" dashing out of the kitchen. Aleshanee seems to know that "some thing".

I looked through the "peeking-hole" of my front door to check if there is someone, am I glad to know that there is no one. So I searched around the house to see what had came in, is it a stay cat or a small raccoon? There is nothing and so I went back to my room. Few minutes later, Aleshanee starts to purr and mew again. I sneak down this time and found that Aleshanee was actually purring and mewing at a spot where I use to put my first cat's cat tower. Aleshanee was actually talking to something, I thought at that moment. Other then the chanting guys outside do you think my first cat came back or still remains in my house?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, blosomes, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

blosomes (24 stories) (148 posts)
5 months ago (2024-09-14)
That's right 😁
The purring and mewing seems very heart warming rather than spooky 😊
Rajine (14 stories) (920 posts)
5 months ago (2024-09-13)
Hi blosomes

Seems like a very interesting conversation between Aleshanee and something only she can see 😆
blosomes (24 stories) (148 posts)
5 months ago (2024-09-13)
I got a bonus short story for this.
Aleshanee is still mewing at the space.
I thought at first it was reacting on its eco but it seems that there is some shady vocals or some sort of sound before Aleshanee's "talk". 😳
Rajine (14 stories) (920 posts)
5 months ago (2024-09-12)
I do believe so, once a family member went to a psychic and the psychic said that the first spirit to come over was her dog, the psychic correctly described the dog and even gave its correct name, so I do believe that even our pets are around.
blosomes (24 stories) (148 posts)
5 months ago (2024-09-10)

You think so? 🤔
It is kind of hard to believe but just like my cats in Brazil, they act strangely not just once or twice so it is not a surprise.
Rajine (14 stories) (920 posts)
5 months ago (2024-09-09)
Hi blosomes

I think that your first cat drops by for a visit now and then, just to see that you are doing OK.
blosomes (24 stories) (148 posts)
5 months ago (2024-09-05)

True, I don't know if anyone reading this still remember that I had a cat in Brazil as well, ended up under a truck... 😢
Back then she will not appear in the spot where she had her worst time, but she seemed to have appeared a few time during her feeding times and during the time when her only son in different coat was in trouble. I don't feel her anymore but she somehow still is there I can tell 😢
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 months ago (2024-09-05)
blosomes, if I had a dollar for every time some cat has interacted with an invisible something I'd be rolling in dosh. I think it's pretty evident from encounters on here that our pets on the other side pay us a visit from time to time. I know my boy does and I love when I get the sense he's around. I think it's pretty obvious your cat is talking to someone and the odds of it being your other cat seem pretty high.

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