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The Ghost In The Orange Grove


When I was a teen in the 80's, I was sent to a girls school for wayward youth. I came from a turbulent upbringing and had run away several times with wild kids. The home I was sent to consisted of a creepy old mansion located in the middle of an orange grove in Mesa, Arizona. I was confined to this old house with several other girls who had pissed off their parents to some extent. We attended local schools and were required to walk from the old house through the orange groves, about one mile to catch the bus at 6 a.m. While it was still dark. There were migrant workers in the fields but what I saw that pre-dawn hours was something extremely different and it still haunts me to this day.

It happened on a typical school day while walking through the orange groves on a very dark morning. I entered into the trees walking down a dirt road. As I got deeper into the groves I saw huge circular colored lights that were spinning. To my knowledge it was definitely a UFO. The circular object kept spinning through the trees and I was literally scared to death. The colored lights spun through the trees: I was gob smacked. I stood in the dark witnessing the entity spin through the trees. I refocused my eyes and saw a migrant worker standing nearby. He didn't look as if he'd seen anything. It must have been just a couple minutes that I saw the entity. As fast as it appeared, it suddenly disappeared. Right before my eyes.

It was my one and only sighting with what I believe to be an entity or UFO. Today, I definitely believe in the paranormal, ghosts, UFO's.

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DreamBird (8 stories) (27 posts)
6 days ago (2024-09-10)
Hi there,
I'm also in Arizona and had a weird experience that involved what I believe was a UFO back in 2013. I was in Phoenix's West Valley area heading east towards my home in Laveen at the time. It was night time. I noticed lights to my left, which I first thought was a reflection in the window. I realized quickly that this was not a reflection. It appeared to be an upside down triangle, with lights at each corner. I kept turning my head to look at it without driving off the road. Suddenly, it was like it knew I could see it and all three lights went out at the same time. I was dumbfounded. My boyfriend at the time was in the car behind me but saw nothing. I've heard that they can make themselves visible to some and not to others. It seems that Arizona is a hotbed for this type of stuff.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-04)
Manafon, there was, and is since it remains, a misunderstanding.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-03)
Welcome Madamjaynie,

Rajine commented about the migrant worker you saw which got me thinking Quote from Rajine:
" I'm guessing bright lights would attract anyone's attention, are you sure that was a migrant worker that you saw or was it something else..."
This reminded me of a UFO show I used to watch, and for some reason keep bringing up on this site 🤔. Well anyway, people who come forward with encounters such as yours sometimes report the abnormal 'normal' behaviour of anyone in the vicinity. As if they hadn't noticed or had their memory wiped if they did notice anything strange. I wonder if it's a form of denial. When presented with the supremely odd some will succumb to denial because it feels like the most rational explanation 'I didn't see anything, I imagined it' or 'Must be a trick of the light, I'm so tired' etc. But with what Rajine said it would be really something if we could go back and ask that worker a thing or two about their experience on that morning.

That show was called Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies. For anyone interested. The show's formula is lame as lame gets, but the people they talk to are well worth listening to and the information covered is priceless for anyone into this subject. Just a shame they treated it like Red flipping Dwarf.

Thanks for sharing, I know it was many years ago but do you remember the colour of the lights?
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-03)
RCRuskin - I was only clarifying that orange groves are common in Mesa. You wrote that you found it "less than credible" that there were orange groves there. There was no misunderstanding. Apologies to madamjaynie for getting a bit off-topic.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-03)
And there seems to be some big misunderstanding about what I wrote.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (78 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-02)
Yes, I too would like to hear your description, was it round smaller than a basketball. Was it saucer like. Your sighting was before drones. Was it silent, when you first noticed it was it above your head or near the ground. TV shows have shown us many shapes and sizes. A very interesting encounter and thanks for sharing.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-02)
I just wanted to add a bit of clarification about orange groves in Mesa, Arizona, as the confirmation of their existence there is integral to this account. I saw that there were some differing opinions between RCRuskin and CantunSeeit74 about the existence of these orange groves.

It turns out that Mesa is well-known for its oranges. As Mesa grew as a city, houses were often constructed amongst the groves with multiple trees surrounding each home. There is also a unique irrigation system. An online article I found states, "To water the groves, the city uses irrigation systems. These systems are slightly smaller than manholes, have a semi-circle of cement around them, and appear on lawns, median strips, and public parks in Mesa. Depending on the time of year, the irrigation systems begin to bubble water out of them until the area surrounding them is flooded. It then stops pumping, and the trees soak it up."

Arizona, along with California, Florida, and Texas, are "overwhelmingly responsible for citrus production in the United States." I found Madamjaynie's account very interesting, and I hope this info allows readers to focus only on the UFO aspect.
blosomes (20 stories) (123 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-02)
Hey, welcome.
Was it like a glowing active ball? Do you remember if there was any traffics around? Or like something that could reflex some lights?

We need to think of the scientific reason before stepping into paranormals,
So be ready for questions after questions coz people will be asking a lot here 😉
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-01)
CantunSee, no. That was me knowing that Mesa is in a desert and that citrus trees need a lot of water. Irrigation is a thing I know about, I just find it amazing to get that much water in a desert.
Rajine (14 stories) (875 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-01)
That certainly is a weird thing to experience, it's strange how you were the only one to see it, especially when you say that there was someone else nearby, and at that hour I'm guessing bright lights would attract anyone's attention, are you sure that was a migrant worker that you saw or was it something else...
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (78 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-01)
RC her story is from the 1980s and if you look it up mesa had orange groves, not that hard to find. Was that Your Skeptic, Scientific thinking.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
2 weeks ago (2024-09-01)
Welcome to YGS from one of the resident skeptics. This is an interesting read, quite an interesting experience.

There is, however, an aspect of your related experience that I find less than credible, and that is "an orange grove in Mesa, Arizona." Though there is a neighborhood called "The Groves" so it isn't impossible, it just seems off to me, given how much watering citrus trees need.

Thank you for sharing, though.

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