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ForceAwakens81 (2 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-20)
Wow feel like there is just so many things we don't know, or not meant to know... Feel about like my minds blown after reading that- so interesting!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-20)
Mack et al - Some of you guys make me feel like the dunce in the class!

Well at least I'm reading and learning 😊

Regards, Melda
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-20)

Greetings. Long time. Been busy but very good to hear from you

The simple answer is yes. Everything is recorded and passed along. Ancestors included. I don't want to go open a debate about reincarnation but if you consider the idea you could maybe then see how the 2 ideas can go hand in hand.

Let us consider the following;
If we are truly spirit that keeps returning to earth living human lives until we reach a point of moving forward then it makes perfect sense that the info keeps getting recorded. To leave any out would be leaving out part of our learning and growing
Also. I have seen stories of people who had surgery or a brain injury and suddenly woke up speaking another language or had a foreign accent or the sudden ability to do something such as play a musical instrument. Those abilities HAD to come from somewhere. Most likely somewhere within. Somehow that data bank within each of us gets tapped into

It may have been connected to what you mentioned but about a year ago I read an article about DNA memory storage. Of course we started with magnetic tape, then went to CD, s then DVD,s. Each able to store so much more than the one before. The article stated that the scientist working on the research had concluded that the amount of data that could be stored on a single DNA Strand would be mind boggling

One last thing
If we agree that our consciousness is who we are and doesn't come from our biological brain
Then our brain is just really a receiver that helps our consciousness work with and interact with our physical bodies and the 3D world our bodies live on. Much like a TV isn't the source of a movie. Just something to receive and descramble a signal to give us information.

One last thing (Version1.1)

The hardest part for me and a lot of people I would think is when we try to understand a lot of this it's only natural to work it out in a frame
Of reference we understand as living people.
That simply won't work but it's all we can do
For now. The spirit world, our TRUE HOME works on a completely different set of rules which for the most part, we as humans simply cannot comprehend. At least for me anyway
I think that Quantum Therory may hold some answers as to how some things could work
But not all

One Last Thing (Version 1.2)
If you consider how our minds can go into a type of self hypnosis at times. Such as when we drive the same route to work each morning
We get there safely because a autopilot of sorts kicks in but we don't always remember each stop light, other cars, pedestrians etc
It could have been something like this that allowed your mind to relax enough and let you re experience the first camp because you weren't really remembering it with your normal brain memory but re experiencing it with your true consciousness
Also Mack thank you for sharing your experience which has now opened a thread for people to share some real learning ideas
As you showed in this story. It doesn't always have to be a ghost story that we can learn from
I'm of the mindset that MOST paranormal experiences shouldn't be scary. Most of the interactions stem from contacts with loved ones who would never hurt or scare us in life and they wouldn't do it afterwards. After all
They are just the people we knew and loved without the worn out body they had at one time
Plus I can only handle so many
Red Eyed, 3 scratches, growling demonic entities.

Thanks for the podium for a bit
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-20)
Argette and Randy--I always enjoy the ideas that present themselves through the comments here on YGS. Randy, I always look forward to the unique perspective you share from the research you are involved in. I wanted to know if the information you have gleaned from your research suggests that DNA records our life experiences? As you put it, "Everything we experience while alive is recorded correctly on our DNA."

There is a recent theory postulated by neurologist Michael Meaney and biologist and geneticist Moshe Szyf that suggests DNA can indeed pass on generalized aspects of our personalities. For instance, as the just mentioned guys suggest, "According to new insights of behavioral epigenetics, traumatic experiences in our past, or in our recent ancestors past, leave molecular scars adhering to our DNA. Jews whose great-grandparents were chased from their Russian shtetls; Chinese whose grandparents lived through the ravages of the Cultural Revolution; young immigrants from Africa whose parents survived massacres; adults who grew up with alcoholic or abusive parents--all carry more with them than just memories.

They become a part of us, a molecular residue holding fast to our genetic scaffolding. The DNA remains the same, but psychological and behavioral tendencies are inherited. You might have inherited not just your grandmothers knobby knees but, also her predisposition toward depression caused by the neglect she suffered as a newborn."

The above theory is fascinating and highly controversial stuff, but even the two guys who postulate this idea are given the cold shoulder by the scientific community. Not that that's anything new to parapsychologists. However, to state it clearly, my question is where do you get the idea that our complete lives are somehow recorded onto our DNA?

I believe the soul, that intangible, eternal thing, could do that but human DNA seems to be such a flesh and blood, mortal reality. I always enjoy throwing ideas into the YGS cauldron and this is in no way meant to be confrontational--merely grist for the YGS mill.
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Is the DNA thing like genetic memory? Can we remember something an ancestor experienced? I mean, is that a theory?

I have often wondered...
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
I have no answers for this one. It doesn't seem to be a 'flashback' (which generally has some type of trigger, sometimes very mundane), nor a case of déjà vu. However, Randy may be on to something with the DNA theory.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Hi Jetson

I never believed in physical time-travel, and still don't but I now believe "time" exists in other dimensions which are still not fully understood (possibly never will be)

I read your experience and I found it fascinating, and not the first type of that kind of experience that I have read about.

After my experience, I have a much more open (and to be honest, baffled) mind about where our consciousness resides and what our perceived "reality" actually is.

However, had there been someone else with me at that time, and we both were "transported" to that first camp path, that would would be a WHOLE other thing. I wouldn't even know where to start with a shared consciousness time slip / travel experience. I think my brain would have literally exploded.

In terms of any feeling of foreboding, dread or heaviness, no there was nothing like that. It truly was an incredibly mundane moment, so ordinary. From memory I wasn't tense, afraid, joyous, or bored. The surrounds were normal; I was just walking to my cabin.

I didn't feel trapped as the event was literally only a couple of seconds. And because my conscious mind was completely immersed in the experience, I was simply just suddenly walking on another path. I wasn't even really aware that I had "left" the 12 year old path, until I had "popped" back onto it.

I guess a way of describing it in a way that people can elate to would be how real our dreams appear to be, until you wake up. Our dreams are 100% actually happening when we are having them; it's reality until you awaken and then you realize "oh that was only a dream". The return to the first path felt entirely real, until I returned to the actual path then I realised I had just "morphed" off somewhere in my mind. And no, I wasn't sleepwalking in case anyone is now wondering...😆


Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
I wish every poster responded as nicely as Mack has here.

All I'm saying is: OP's should respond. Nothing more, nothing less.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Hi Beautinside

Thanks for your kind and positive feedback. Yes, I agree it was absolutely the very close similarities between the two experiences, not spaced too far apart, that appeared to have triggered the event.

I should add too, in order to eliminate causes; I wasn't yearning to be back at that first camp, nor was I unhappy at that second camp. Something just clicked together, "pinged" and off "I" went!


Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Hi Melda

I agree that it wasn't deja vu. Deja vu is something I have experienced two or three times and that felt like, for me, what ever I was doing at that point; had already happened before. During my deja vu experiences I was still conscious of where I was and what I was doing, and my consciousness wasn't transported into another point in time and space.

I've heard theories that deja vu is simply when all the sensory information coming into your brain is slightly delayed, so you are experiencing a time and place, but because there's a "lag" on the sensory input data, it feels like you've already experienced it. Not 100% sure on the mechanics of how that works but I like it as an explanation.

I'm not sure on what a "time slip" is, I'm not even sure what "time" is, but for all intents and purposes, I guess I traveled "back" in "time" but that place I traveled to was somehow stored in my mind (which, by the way is starting to ache trying to understand this 😆)


Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Hi Randy

I hadn't considered the DNA theory as how and where everything is recorded, thanks. Maybe I somehow tapped into that storage bank.

I think you're on to something there in terms of a shift in consciousness. It's hard to explain what it was like other than; as far as I was concerned, I had literally traveled back in time and was 100% walking on that path again. I was THERE, it felt completely and utterly as real as the walk my 12 year old self had just been taking a few seconds before.

The "flashback", for want of a better word, didn't feel like a memory, a dream or even deja vu. It didn't even feel like a vivid recollection. In my mind, I was ACTUALLY entirely, consciously and physically, back on the path.

It felt SO real, that if I hadn't "returned" to 12 year old self, I could have carried on walking the 11 year old self path quite happily, such was the totality of the shift.


Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Hi Argette

It was evening on both instances, and both events were extremely similar, I believe that had a LOT to do with why it happened. I was able to "slip" back into that first memory easily. As to 'how' it happened, well that's baffling.


Jetson (2 stories) (67 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Hello Mack,

Thanks very much for sharing your story. It really intrigued me as I experienced something very strange many years ago in France which could best be described as a 'time slip'. Reading your account, I wanted to ask you, in addition to being 'freaked out' were you overcome in any way by a sense of dread or heaviness while this occured to you?

And, did you have any sensation as if you were 'trapped' and might not be able to leave what you were experiencing.

Thanks again!
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Melda, sometimes I wonder if the search for answers isn't the reason for everything.

Long ago, I resigned myself to never finding answers to some of my most pressing questions.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Hi Mack,

Amazing reading, love it when there's "something" lingering in the air!

I'd go for a déja vu kind of experience. I mean, these were very similar circumstances. You wrote "This reminds me almost exactly of that time during last years camp", as our brain is a very powerful tool it somehow brought you back to that memory which was made very vivid by such a similar circumstance.

But you know, there is something lingering in air 😁

Thanks for sharing this amazing experience.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Argette - It is surprising how little we actually know. I agree with you regarding the power of the brain.

I find myself learning more and more on YGS which I why I am so fascinated by Mack's experience. I wonder whether anyone can actually come up with the perfect answer?

Regards, Melda
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Melda, you are right about time slips. Most do take place in a given location.

But maybe the brain is able to perform one, give the right conditions. There may be other factors that we are all unaware of. I know that in times of extreme stress, my brain has done some crazy things.

Throughout my life, I have experienced momentary flashbacks, or if not flashbacks, flashes of memory or visions of scenarios. They might be brought on by a few chords from a song, or nothing at all. They occur at times of stress, or tension, never routinely. As well, my episodes of knowing what will happen next occur at those times.

Was this something similar?
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Macknorton - This is a fascinating experience. I for one wouldn't put it down to dèja vu as a completely different time and place came into play. (The previous camp a year prior and at a different locaton.)

It could be that the similarity of your walk compared with the previous camp you had been to and your mind being so caught up in that, might have caused you to be transported back there for a few seconds.

It sounds like a spiritual transportation to me. I'm not sure about a time slip, don't they tend to occur at a specific place you happen to be visiting at the time?

Sorry, I know I'm not offering any assistance but actually asking myself questions as to what this could be put down to. I can't wait to hear the opinions of more members. This has got my curiosity going 😊

Regards, Melda
AzraelX (8 stories) (115 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Can this a be a Deja Vu kind of phenomenon?
You have been to the 1st camp and something in your new camp reminds you of memories /visuals/feelings on the st camp and you see what you wanted to see, feel what you wanted to feel.

Our brain is a very complex mechanism.
Our Sensory organs detect much more that what our brain allows us to feel/see/smell etc.
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-18)
Hello Mack
Great experience and thx for sharing

Ponder this

Everything we experience while alive is recorded correctly on our DNA

Once we die and are no longer incumbered by a biological brain trying to fill in gaps, maybe even inaccurately. That leaves us free to
Re experience things exactly as they happened. Not remember but re experience
Now if dying is the freeing of our concousness then perhaps what you did was have a moment of your concousness being free to re experience the event from the year before
It was so real because it wasn't a memory but you having the experience over again
Supposedly that is how memory is once on the other side. Just as people have OBE or NDE
Your concousness broke free for a moment

Just a thought to consider

Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-18)
Macknorton, this reminds me of the whole time-slip phenomenon. I would bet it is related.

Was this the only time you walked alone on the second path? Were atmospheric conditions similar the second time to the first? Was it evening the second time, too?

Most curious...
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-18)
This was a very cool read Mack! I have had something similar happen, more than once, where I felt I had stepped back in my history and somehow was retracing earlier steps and surroundings. Your theory that this might sometimes be an accessing of one brief segment of one's past, like a snippet of an NDE life review, is intriguing.

In my case, real as my experiences felt, I just assumed them to be particularly vivid moments of déjà vu. Who knows, maybe moments such as you describe are past moments somehow replayed. Groovy stuff!

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