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AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
Thank you so much for sharing the awesome news, Brian! ❤❤❤ Things are looking up! Your mom is a fighter! Here is to her and to all of you there for her!
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
Hello Brian,

Firstly, my best wishes and prayers for Jan, you and family. I've tried to write before but the words never seem to convey what I'm thinking.

One thing I can tell you is that last year, I spent 6 weeks in the Intensive Care Unit after major surgery and although I always had my guardian angels around me (the Dr's and Nurses), I always felt better when I'd wake up and see my wife Jubeele and my close family around the bed.

I know you will be strong and be there for Jan.

Please stay in touch.

Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
Hi Brian, thank you for letting us know about Jan. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and all of the family. Keep in touch. Be well. Be strong. On day at a time.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
Hello Brian,

I wih your mother well and hope she's back home soon, healthy and happy.

My thoughts are with you and your family.

😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
Brian, thank you for updating us on your mother! It's very much appreciated, as I'm sure many of us here have been anxiously waiting to know how her surgery went. I've been telling my husband almost every day since I've heard the news, how worried I am after each days pass, with no news about her. I hoped that at least by this weekend, we would be hearing something on her, and I'm happy to see that I got my wish 😊 your mother seems like an amazing woman, from what I've learned of her in my brief conversations on this site, and is clearly blessed, as well as loved, to have such an amazing family, and her friends here at YGS, giving her a lot of support, and many prayers ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
Brian, thank you for keeping us all in the loop here, I think it's safe to say we've been anxiously awaiting word on how your Mom is fairing. Let her know the prayers, healing thoughts, and ginormous hugs are still being sent, please.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
Hi, Brian.

Thank you for the news. I'm now going to queue up the Alleluia Chorus on an infinite loop, hoping we can listen to it soon.
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
I'm crying. I'm so HAPPY I decided to check whether there's an update. THANK YOU, Brian.

From personal experience with my mom, the recovery process is excrutiatingly slow, but every little pebble overcome, is a boulder removed. Mom had a checkup today and the haemotology report showed everything is clear. Sending this positive, warm and healing light and energy to you, Jan.

I can't stop crying! I'm just so happy for you and your family. Hang in there, we're all rooting for you.

Thanks again, Brian.

With warm regards to everyone
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
Brian - thank you very much for the news.
I'm constantly sending light to your lovely Mother.

Sorry, I'm bad with words, but am very happy to know the surgery went well. ❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
First let me say, my Mom has found a wonderful, caring group of people at this web site, thank you.
She is not yet out of the woods, but is doing some better. Her heart stopped three different times at different levels of her long surgery. Yet, she is in a good Hospital, and so far, although not able to speak, (They are keeping her sedate) she is where the Drs. Are confident.
My Father is wiped, but when I have time, I am a reader, she asked me to write before she went in. I am sorry not to have done it sooner. I now am hopeful. I might have a story myself before this is over.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
Oh please write back! My first impression of the visitations was that they had come to show support and love in hopes of giving you strength, Jan, and I so dearly hope that feeling was right! I have lost generations of my family to cancer but my mother, the latest, beat it in 1990 and is still kicking today at 70 - it is possible, there is hope! We are all pulling for you and I think those you love on the other side are too!

Holding out for word ❤
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-05)
We're all pulling for you Jan and sending infinite positive light your way.

For me personally, I have since your first post here and always will think of you whenever I see a forget-me-not.

Much love and light to you and your husband my friend. ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
msforgetmenott - I am always at a loss for words in situations like these. I just want you to know my prayers are with you and your husband ❤
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
Hello everyone,

You all bought tears to my eyes. You are all so caring and considerate.

Jan is very lucky to have all of you and this community to fall back on in a her time of need.

I hope you are okay Jan. I only just read about your situation and my thoughts are with you.

😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
Jan, I hate that I'm just now piecing together what you were talking about last week with me, when I assumed you were in the medical field, and you said that you wasn't, but I didn't want to pry into your personal life. I'm heartbroken to hear what you was dealing with, last time we talked on here, and I want you to know that I will most definitely be sending out prayers, in hope that everything goes good during your surgery, and pray that we here at YGS will hear back from you soon! I'd like to think that what you were seeing, was only support from the other side, and nothing more. I'm very happy that I at least had the pleasure of talking to you through this website, and shared some of our life stories with one another, but I still would like to continue to share more with you, as well as learn more about you, so I hope and pray that you pull through all of this, and let us all know how you're doing. Thank you for sharing your experience with us, and letting us all know that you're in need of our prayers, as you will have a lot going your way ❤
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
Dear Jan

A story of hope that I hope resonates deep inside of you with healing energy.

Over the past year, I've had to deal with my mom, who is 70-years-old, deal with a humungous cancerous tumour on her bladder. She had her operation August 4 and was discharged August 18 in much discomfort, minus an appetite and having lost a considerable amount of weight. It was soul-destroying seeing her so weak - an independent woman who's always been able to fend for herself. But the wait has been worth it. Today she has he appetite back, with her weight slowly, very very slowly, increasing. In fact, reflecting on today September 3, she's eaten more than I have, which thrills me.

My mom is a second time cancer survivor, having undergone a mastectomy 40 years ago. She was devastated when she discovered she once again has cancer, but through prayers, positive energy from family and friends, she's still with us - and this is what I wish for you.

Let your faith be greater than your fears, while we, your YGS family reinforce your life force with our prayers, and healing and positive energy sent to you and your family.

I agree with previous comments - seeing deceased family members is affirmation that they have come to stand by you - help you through this challenge; not nocessarily take you with them.

Sending you kazillion megawatts of positive, healing energy. Do not let your thoughts kidnap you.

With warm regards, much love and positivity

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
Hi Sushantkar,

Jan is in a battle with ovarian cancer and she was going to get surgery on August the 31st. It's been 4 days since her last post, and her gut about the surgery is getting me worried...
I'm hoping this is just me being paranoid...

Jan surely needs and deserves our positive energy. Thank you for taking part on this, we sure are a big family scattered all over the world... ❤
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
Hello Jan, I do not know what difficulties you are going through. I do not even know what is the seriousness of the disease you are passing through. But I believe that when you are in difficult situations, you can not lose hope.
In this mortal world, if there is anything stronger than prayers, it is the love of your family and your vision of seeing live which I think is fully capable of defeating any major difficulties.
As far as YGS family is concern, I would only say that this family is standing with everyone in need like lone light in darkeness and people had always kept them in their prayers.
I would pray to God to give you strength to fight with the situation and provide you strength to recover soon.

Sending you all the positivity and good wishes.

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)

I'm still sending my thoughts, prayers and positive vibes your way. Please update us as soon as you can. Your YGS family cares about you deeply. Side note: The visitation dreams may be your loved ones letting you know they are helping you from the other side and reassuring you that they'll stand by you during the healing process.

Much love and light ❤
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
Hi Jan,

I just got here now... I think it's been 4 days from your last post, please don't keep us waiting for your news. I am very worried now.

Temilicious is absolutely right, seeing people who have passed doesn't mean you are going to pass too, it's just that sometimes when we are sick the line between this world and the other becomes thinner.

I'm truly hoping to hear from you soon.
Temilicious (7 stories) (99 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
Greetings Jan,

Firstly I'd like to apologize if what I'm going to say seems insensitive, but from experience, I know that sometimes when the "others" come to us during times of illness, it doesn't necessarily mean they are preparing to accompany us home. Sometimes they come together and make themselves known to us to give us strength. Sort of like combining their energy force to pass on to us, if that makes sense. Especially if they feel you still have work to do, which, you clearly still do. This community, for one, still needs your voice.

Will keep you and your loved ones in our prayers and thoughts.

Sending you light and love.

Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-02)
Oh Jan. Words don't say enough. Sending you prayers, good thoughts and strength for you and your husband too. ❤
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-02)
Please do not wait until October, even if you have to turn the keys to your account over to someone else for a bit. ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-02)
Dear Jan.
Reading your post left me without words and with a big knot on my throat. 😢

Waiting... I'm waiting to hear from you. ❤ ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-09-02)
Dearest Jan,
This one time, I feel I can speak for the group at large; prayers, healing thoughts, and enormous hugs will be offered up in your behalf. Of that there is no doubt in my mind.
Just as I know we will all be watching for your first post after the 31st. You are, and always will be a valued member of the YGS family.

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