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Return to the ghost story Haunted Baby Grave

babyfranz (3 stories) (36 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
Hi simywimy,

SIDS means Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Here's a link on where you can know more about SIDS:
simywimy (8 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
Awww I am not crying... This story was very touching... How you cared so much... But tell me (I am young) what is "SIDS"? Thanks alot, and hopefuly after you tell me, I won't feel worse for the baby! 😭
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-27)
No need to apology Harperllen82. I know these things happen more often then not what your talking about. It was just that I didn't think of it until you brought it up that, could of very well have happen. Just don't know. Now that my abilities are developed more in psychic, I hope to go back to that grave of the baby this summer and see what I can feel or vison then. If I go I will update on this story.
Thank you for the great comments to my stories you read and find interesting. The Church one was very different, I would not of thought anything like that would happen in the Church. Anyways thanks.
Harperllen82 (1 stories) (33 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-27)
Sorry Flutter. I didn't mean to come off as creepy. I watch too much TV. Even though I try to steer clear of such stories, since I had my kids, I always seem to end up on a channel doing a "murder mystery" on parents doing such unspeakable things. I've started changing the channel.
Anyway, I looked at your profile and realized that the stories that I've read on this site that stand out in my mind the most have been yours.(The side church room, haunted trailor and ouja bored) I thought that was interesting. You have had some truly phenomenal expieriences. Thank you for sharing them.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-27)
[at] WB I wrote to you once and you never answered me, that was about ten days ago. But I will try again.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-27)
Say, uh, Flutter?
I was just wondering something about your "outside of this site" life and do not feel comfortable posting it here, would you mind e-mailing me?
Thank you.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-27)
[at] Harperllen82, I never thought of it quite the way you said about the SIDS thing. It could of very well happen some other way and been blamed for by SIDS. That is kind of creepy to think about it that way. But as you stated it does happen.
When I reach down to that tiny grave and in my mind lift that baby in my arms I felt a soothing peace come over me, that made me feel this child was at ease finally.
I see many graves of babies with no names on them just BABY GIRL OR BABY BOY and the funeral home it came from and a plot number. To me that is just babies who are there laid to rest but are they at rest if they have been just left and forgotten?
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-27)
[at] Sammie thanks for your comment to this story. I don't know how a Mother can not love her own child.
Harperllen82 (1 stories) (33 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-26)
I must say that you are indeed a very, very special lady. That is one of the saddest and most touching stories I have ever heard. I have two babies six months and twenty one months and they are absolutly my light and my reason for living. I can't imagine how someone can not love an innocent baby that they have spent nine months carrying. I also wonder if it was really "SIDS" that killed this poor baby. "SIDS" is one of my biggest fears and I find myself going into their rooms ten times a night and poking them just to make sure they are both breathing and my oldest out grew the risk of "SIDS" almost a year ago. I just wonder if its possible that this mother did the unthinkable to this sweet baby then hid behind a "SIDS" diagnosis. It, unfortunatly, does happen.
Either way, you ARE very special and it warms my heart to know that at least one of the many unwanted babies in this world found someone to love it.
sammie (28 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-26)
awww I wan't to cry right now! 😭Youre story was touching... I don't understand how it's mother could have possibly not loved it... You are a verry special lady

may god be with you
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-15)
Thank you ChrisB for your comments to this story. I think my family thinks I am okay. I hope this summer to get back to that grave, however I live a long ways from it now. And like one person made a comment on here, saying prayers this Babies spirt can tell it's still loved, that I don't need to visit the grave. But still like to bring flowers at least. Once again thanks.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-15)
That was a very lovely story. I agree with you that the baby needed some love. I am very happy for you that you helped an inocent child cross over. I just wonder sometimes why God takes such young children to his kingdo. Maybe because this world is too awfull for the. IIm so proud of you that you have such a good heart. I don't meet a lot of people who are as kind as you are but you sound like a very lovely person. I bet your family is very proud of you. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-06)
Thank you whitebufflo, for your comments on this story. You are quite right if all seen, heard or felt the same on what our stories are about, there would be no reason to have a site like this.
I happen to fall upon this site about a month ago and I am glad I have. Yes reaching down to the grave is right. But I do realize each and everyone of us, who read a story doesn't see or read it the same way. A great site this is. Once again thanks for your comments.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-05)
Hi Flutter,
Seems like someone on here may have had a bad read day or something, as I thought this was simply a beautiful story.
Not all people who have emotional meetings of minds with someone who has been gone for years is a lonely bitter woman.
I read the story as I think you must have written it. I did not feel that you were being literal and thinking that you could pull a corpse out of the ground. You wrote "Sometimes I would reach down TO the gave on the ground" I can CLEARLY picture you kneeling grave site and placing your hand on the earth ABOVE the resting place of this child.
Someone else may view the paranormal with full figure sightings, sprites, shadow persons. Others may hear voices, singing, laughing, screaming, names being said. And still others simply FEEL. Do not apologize for feeling for this child.
Anyone who can not see, after browsing through all of these stories on this site that people experience the paranormal in different ways, is obviously not a seeker of the Truths. If it was all cut and dry and we all experienced the same, would there be a need for a site like this in which we can pose our comments and receive answers?
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-04)
Thanks Kim for making a comment to my story. Not sure if you did or didn't hear it but it sure in the heck happen to me. You take care thanks again.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-04)
It sounds as if I have heard this story before... Maybe some type of urban legend?

Oh, well. It doewsn't matter. The sentiment of the story is lovely!

God Bless!
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-03)
Thank you Rusty and tonith for your comments to my story. It was a sad one for me to write too. But I knew in my heart and mind that this child's soul was at rest finally.
Not sure what the mom thought about all this, never got to talk to her. But I think deep within all moms have some love for the child they carry even if they didnt' want them.
Someone put a head stone up with the childs name on it and date of brith and death so someone cared about this child. It may not been the mom but someone.
rustyfan28 (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-02)
Hi I enjoyed your story very much and you are a very special lady. I think it is wonderful that you took an interest in this child, giving its little spirit the love and affection it needed. God bless you
Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-02)
Very heartbreaking story. I can't imagine a child not being at peace. Maybe it was this child's way of reaching out to the parent that rejected it. That's just speculation on my part. I would think the mother has much guilt or maybe I'm wrong but hopefully it was some comfort to her knowing a stranger did what she was not able to do. She was not able to love this child but you did and that says a lot about you as a sensitive caring person.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-02)
[at] looney85 if I get back out that way in the summer time I will make a post on here and let everyone know.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-01)
[at] huendchen,Just a lonely woman. Hmmm I am a mother of three and all were born at the time I went to the grave when this happen. So lonely I think not.

[at] Frawn,looney85 and KeeKee404 thank you very much for your comments on my story.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-01)
[at] Brifischer05 thank you for your comment. On this story. I appricate this very much. Once again thank you.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-01)
[at] huendchen in paragraph #10 I was quite clear about the baby in this paragraph before you read the paragraph #13. In my opinion it was you that didn't read it or over looked that part, before you got to the paragraph 13. Because if you would of read #10 first then you would of seen I didn't pick up a baby corpse.
Each person has their right to what they have experienced at the time, also their right to comment. Perhaps you never had anything like this happen to you.
Many of us here have had experiences with the paranormal and we know things can and do happen that are unexplainable.
BriFischer05 (14 stories) (169 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-01)
huendchun, I think you need to back up and take note of just how insensitive your comment was. It is not up to any one of us to judge whether anything, anyone experienced was paranormal or not. This site is not only only designed as a place to tell spooky stories but also serves as an outlet of sorts. I think it was a beautiful, heart warming story. Flutterofwings, you have a beautiful soul and I know that that baby felt your love and appreciates everything you have done for it. Even though you're miles away, your thoughts and prayers are still heard by this soul so let that bring you some peace. I wish you all the best with your health. Peace and Love.

huendchen (49 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-01)
The events in this story are nothing more than the product of a very sad overactive imagination. Nothing paranormal happened, and you base the entire story on your 'feelings'. You got stuck in a grave and thought something was holding you there (which was just your imagination combined with being in a graveyard and years of horror movies depicting the same thing) and from that event you somehow get the idea that the person in that grave is speaking to you. You can't expect people reading to react in the same way to your personal emotions and lack of rationality, and accept subjective interpretations of your dreams and this idea of a desperate fabricated 'bond' between you and someone else's child. In paragraph 13 you said you would reach down to the grave and pick the baby up. Are you saying you reached down and pulled a corpse from its grave? Or were you speaking figuratively, because you need to be more clear. I hate to be scathing, but this story is not a ghost story at all: it's just a story of a lonely woman wanting to believe in something that isn't there.
keekee404 (1 stories) (23 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-01)
Awww, lovely story! I'm glad that you're making the baby happy 😁 Let it be at rest!
looney85 (3 stories) (188 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-01)
Hello there,

I love your story, is so moving! 😊. That baby just wanted someone to love it! And I'm happy it found you and now it's at peace. May god bless you and your family for your kindness.

Also let us know if you happen to go back to visit. Ok

Love Always... Neivy ❀ πŸ˜‰
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-01)
Hello Flutter. Thank you for another heartwarming story and even though it did bring a tear to my eyes, I enjoyed it very much. May I say that if everyone had the love and compassion you have, then the dead could truly rest in peace. God bless you, you are an extraordinary person.

Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-01)
Thank you Rhodes and Martin, for your comments even reading them makes tears flood the eyes. This was a very hard story to tell because it was as if I was back at the grave yard the first time, seeing and doing this. Thanks again for your comments.
Martin (602 posts) mod
16 years ago (2008-02-01)
I agree with rhodes68, this was a very moving story, you're a very compassionate human being Flutterofwings.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-01)

Rarely have I read a story written with such emotion! It's one of pure unconditional love from a woman who had no connection,whatsoever,with that unfortune creature. I believe from the bottom of my heart that it chose you out of the crowd and that, I suppose happened because it saw through your heart and sensed your ability to love and give. I think your children are lucky to have you as their mother!

Finally, I just want to add that it's trully heartbreaking to know that, despite some women who would sacrifice their health and lives to become mothers and are never blessed to achieve it, there are those others who, either because they were never loved or maybe because they are incapable of loving, are somehow given the chance to learn the greatest love of all and yet, they still fail to recognise it. What a waste!

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