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Ghost stories from Portugal: Page 1

What/who Did My Ex See? by Nelly93

So, this story took place in 2015 or 2016, when I still lived in Portugal. My ex had found an old laptop that he used when he was younger and spent like a whole week trying to fix it. One evening I decided to go into the bedroom and just relax on the bed. My ex was sitting on the couch in the l...

The Voice From The Stairs by Nelly93

This experience took place back in 2014 I believe, when I lived in Portugal with my ex-boyfriend. It was night-time and me and my ex were watching a thriller/paranormal movie. The volume was pretty high, to make ourselves more scared. I think we were past half way through the the movie when we s...

Something Bad by BeautInside

The events I am about to write about took place at work and during Spring time of 2016. I am not sure that they have any connection, and even though it's been 2 years I am still trying to swallow it. This is the main reason I only came to share them now, and honestly if any of you can come up with a...

Childhood House: Fear Of The Dark by Cosmica

This story happened directly to me, but as I was a toddler I don't remember it, just the consequences. With that said, this is what my mother and grandmother told me. When I was 3 years old, I started to cry a lot at night. The only way I would sleep was in my mom's arms and she had to be walking...

Evil Vs Good by Cosmica

I've been wanting to share this for a while now, but something always seems to be pushing me back. This is by far the most close encounter I have ever had. It was around early 2013, I was 15 years old, laying in my bed, reading on my tablet. The lights were off, only the hallway light and the tab...

Something Odd With My Baby by BeautInside

This is the second experience that I share, and I'm actually looking for some help to understand it better so every opinion and insight is very much welcomed. I will apoligise ahead if this becomes a little lengthy but I feel like that the details are important. I'd like to start by saying that I a...

Feeling Presences Everywhere - Part 1 by chaoscontroler

So this is a continuation from my story Meeting My Great Grandmother I can't see ghosts but I can feel people (presences) and sometimes those people "aren't there". When I was 16, I started feeling something unusual in my bedroom. I...

Meeting My Great Grandmother by chaoscontroler

So I'm not really sure where to fit my experiences. I'm currently 27 years old and lived in Portugal all my life. My first ghost encounter (and only real sighting) was my great grandmother. I was at my grandmother's place with her and my mother and we were following my grandmother to her bedroom....

Is This A Gift? by Meruza

It all started when I was about 4 years old. When I was about 4 years old I always had those "imaginary friends" and I used to talk alone, but I couldn't realize that someone or something was actually observing me. I'm from a small village in Portugal named São Miguel De Souto and today I'm 16 ye...

Grandfather's Shadow by ghostgurlie15

I haven't posted an experience since last year, so I decided to post one of my mum's experiences today. I will post more of my own soon. I promise! Anyway, my mother doesn't believe in the paranormal; however, what she saw, she can't explain. At the age of 46, she's still trying to come up with a lo...

Strange Phenomena by Einrithiel

It began approximately a month ago, when my parents moved to France and I started living by myself. I live in a small town on Vila do Conde (Portugal) . At first, it was just some noises on the lower part of the house, like something was moving wood planks (when I was younger, me and my mother us...

How It All Began And How It Never Ended by Toxmax

When I was 4 years old I had my first paranormal experience. I was playing around in the cafe which my mother and father were running at the time. We heard a ring and my mum picked up the phone. She stood as still as still could be and began to cry. I had no idea what it was about at the time but I ...

Grandfather's Visit by BeautInside

This is the first time I share my story with so many people (except for my husband and a very close friend nobody knows about it). I always get a little touchy when I talk about it, now more than ever as I came to find a few things that left some questions unanswered (but that's another story). ...

Who Or What Is Controlling Him? by Ikatsu

Hello, I'm new to this site and hope I did everything appropriate to the guidelines. I read a lot of people's stories and have had a lot of paranormal things happen to me. I hope you can help us. So, I have a significant other in Portugal, (it's an online relationship, and we planned to meet up this...

White Human Silhouette In My Door by underworld_ghost

I apologize if I miss spell some words my English isn't the best. 1st story: The weird white human silhouette in my bedroom's door Date: 2005/10/13 It was around 11pm and was in my bedroom that had my bed faced to my bedroom's door at that time. I was getting ready to go to bed when; I clos...

Is It Real? 2 by Sarah_14

If you all have read my first story, I thought that I had a ghost in my room, now I'm sure. And as I said then, things that seemed normal to me before are now revealing to be... unusual. Factors like: - Younger sibling waking up in the middle of the night screaming in panic without reason (and...

Is It Real? by Sarah_14

Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm in my teen years, I've never had a paranormal experience yet I believe in them. I'll just refer a little background information first. I live in a flat which is new. I'm the first to live here with my family and only. My flat is (you can say/think) broken in 2 pieces: wh...

White Lady Trespassing by sounder

A few months ago, I was in my bed in early morning, the door was closed, and suddenly a white shape, in form of a woman, passed through the door and floated toward me, trespassing my body, soul and senses. I am very disturbed by that, if someone can help explaining me what it is? It happened at a ti...

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