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Loud Whistle, Hot Air & Sleep Paralysis


I joined this site to read some stories by people who had experiences and also share my thoughts on them. I can now finally share something that I had experienced.

This is a story about what happened yesterday (09/01/2011) while I was getting ready to go to bed. Please take some time in reading it and let me know what you think. Thanks!

It was around 11:30PM here in London and I had just come out of the bath. Usually, when I come out of the bath I open the window to let the heat air out. I was in the bathroom washing out the bath when I heard an extremely loud whistle. I went to ask my little sister, who was in the other room, if she had whistled. She said she didn't but she had heard it too. After asking my little sister, I then thought it could have come from outside, since the window was open. But it couldn't of been as no whistle that loud could of came from outside. This whistle was so loud it sounded like someone next to me, in the bathroom, had done it. My Mum and others was downstairs in the living room so it couldn't have been them who had whistled because I went down stairs to check if it was them.

I went to my room straight after finishing in the bathroom. As I went into my bedroom, I felt this very warm breeze go right past my legs, which was weird because my room wasn't exactly "warm". It felt like a warm spot, which was unusual because this breeze was really warm like it had been coming from the radiator. But, I was standing nowhere near a radiator and, my radiator wasn't even on.

It was time for me to go to bed. I had to get up to go to school in the morning. While sleeping I could have sworn somebody was holding me down, as if I was experiencing Sleep Paralysis. I could not move at all, nor could I speak. I tried calling to my brother, who shares a room with me, but words could not come out. I felt my movements were very stiff and I could not move. I was born in this house that I'm currently living in and I'm still trying to distinguish if that was a dream or not because I have never, in my 14 years of living, experienced something like that.

Please tell me what you think about this? What are your thoughts on this? Is there anything I can do to tell if this house has some form of paranormal activity going on?

Thank you for reading my story and I'll participate in discussions!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Ishmael9100, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

4d (15 stories) (167 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
I haven't written it yet, because it just recently happened. I am trying to log my accounts from previous experiences first. I will get to that one eventually! 😆
Ishmael9100 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
-4d Wow, interesting experience! Do you have it typed up on here? I would love to read about it!

Also, sorry that I couldn't get back to you sooner, I've been busy with a lot of stuff.
4d (15 stories) (167 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
That's what I'm saying! 😁

I'm glad that you are sure in your experience! What's weird is almost the same thing happened to me as well, so I totally believe that what you experienced was a ghost or spirit of some form.

I recently encountered a demon that whistled, so don't discount what envolga said! The whistle I heard was in two parts. It was like high then low. After I heard the whistle it attacked a friend I was with.

Aloha - 4d ❤
Ishmael9100 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
-envolga You think they were Demons? I think not, but something else. If they were Demons, my experience would of been a lot worse. Maybe possession may of taken place, or I could of been physically harmed. The power Demons have are capable of harming, and possessing one who has experienced them.
envolga (1 stories) (24 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
The world would be a helluva lot beta with out them...
Warrior_Troy (42 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
Let me explain to you that there is absolutely a spirit realm, a realm we can't see with the natural eye. All of the answers you need are in the bible. I have had experiences a long time ago of sensing presences. You are not crazy! I believe that what you experienced is real. There are all different types of spirits. There is literally spirit of fear. They come with the intent to possess a body so that they can express themselves in the earth realm. Many people are under the influence of these spirits without a clue. Usually when demons start manifesting the way they are to you, it's because they have legal access to do so. The bible tells us all about this. It's is our only hope of gaining an understanding. Sin is the doorway in which demons gain legal access to our lives. We really have no defense to defeat them from our lives unless we turn to Jesus. Someone might get offended by me sounding preachy, but I have experienced this for myself and know what I am talking about.

Read this account from the bible

(Mat 17:14) And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneeling down to him, and saying,

(Mat 17:15) Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatick, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.

(Mat 17:16) And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him.

(Mat 17:17) Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you? Bring him hither to me.

(Mat 17:18) And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.
nightmareb (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
i had the almost the same experience 2months ago well the Paralyzing part it happened twice to me I couldn't move at all this happened around 3am but I saw who it was though she was this ugly ghost all in black her face was hideous
Ishmael9100 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
-Vivacity, Thanks for the comment! XD My great great Grandmother slept in the room I sleep in, I'm not particulary sure where she slept but I'll find out.

I do believe that this spirit, who could be my great great Grandmother, wants to be acknowledged. But why now? I've lived in that house since I was born (I'm 14 now) and she died a while before I was born so she didn't get to see me.

Hmm. I've always had the weird feeling that there is spirits in the house while growing up.

4d - I know the whistle could of came from anywhere but the thing is, it makes no sense if it came from something like the TV or someone outside because one, no one can whistle so loud that it sounds like someone right next to me done it. And two, the TV cannot be heard from upstairs.

Theres no possible way someone, but a spirit, could have done it, which is why I'm sure it was a spirit.

The crazy thing is after that, I experience hot air and Sleep Paralysis, which could mean that a spirit, or even Ghost was present.
4d (15 stories) (167 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
Yeah the whistle could have happened from anywhere honestly, but you know your homes accoustics and other noises to know well it came from beside you and not from outside.

The warm air... An entity will try to absorb any energy from the surrounding area causing a cold spot. They become energy, so you also may actually feel heat, electric static, or vibration when touching them directly, not the area they took energy from (also known as the cold spot).

Sleep paralysis! I hate this term and idea that you are in an awake state and can't move. Your spiritual awareness is hightened while in a meditative state, such as pre or post sleep. During this spiritual state I believe it's possible for an entity to communicate to you. When you become startled by the entity you automatically assume it's "holding" or "pressing on" you when in actuallity your body is at rest and can't move because you are not physically aware. This to me is NOT sleep. Noone calls meditating sleep, do they?

Just be aware of what happens and log it down. Let us know what happens!
Vivacity (2 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
You are welcomed!:D
Well, you should start to ask questions of your great grandmother. Did she sleep exactly where you sleep?
Whatever it be, I think you might have a nice spirit in your house. It seems to want to be noticed, especially whistling very loud. Perhaps it just wants to be acknowledged. If it was the cause of your sleep paralysis, I'm sure it didn't mean to do such. Conflicting energies (You and the spirit) do such things when in contact. If the spirit isn't so positive, animals will let you know. Especially if you are really close to the animal you'll see the sign:)

MMAHMED611 (16 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
From what I know, bathrooms are one of the favorite places where evil jinn reside and that is why we (Muslims) recite a prayer saying "I seek refuge in Allah from the male and female jinn" before we enter the bathrooms to relieve ourselves or take a bath. Reciting the prayer creates a barrier between them and us so that the evil jinn cannot see us. Also, I have learnt that bathrooms are places where people get possessed very often. Jinn fall in love with humans and possess them to have relations if they see them without clothes. So, if this happened to you right after you used the bathroom, then what I explained above makes more sense to me.

Ishmael9100 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
-Vivacity Thank you for your comment! I've been studying Ghosts for quite a while now as I find them interesting. You're right, Ghosts can throw their energy on people. The feeling I felt was pressure and also paralysis. I felt pressure around my legs and my arms. Whatever movement I tried to make, I couldn't pull it off. I could only make small movements. It's like being injected with a medicine that completely paralyses you so you can't move at all.

In my Ghost research studies, I also found out that Ghosts can follow you. They can attach themselves to you and follow you like a lonely stray dog. I can't say that I have been to any haunted or creepy looking places lately 😊

Now that you ask about relatives passing away, I can say that my great great grandma passed away a while ago, and she didn't see what I got to look like, but she did see what my older brother looked like. She used to sleep in the room I currently sleep in now. Maybe that has something to do with it?

Good idea about my Cat. He isn't going anywhere for now as he's an indoor cat. Now that you mention it, he does go on strange and follow things around the room. When he does that, I eagerly try to see what he is looking at. His ears raise and he gets into a stance like he's about to pounce or chase it.
Ishmael9100 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
-Miracles51031 Thank you for giving your time in helping me! As I said in my story, the hot air I experienced was really unusual because my room wasn't well...warm. My room is fairly cold if the radiator isn't on. Then, suddenly, I feel this hot air move around my legs, while other parts of my body was cold.

It wasn't my cat who had went around my legs because I had watched him as he sat peacefully on the banister, minding his own business 😆 About the TV suggestion, there's no way possible that the sound from the TV could of traveled all the way upstairs to reach me so that it sounded like someone next to me had done it.

As I went downstairs to check on everyone in the living room, the TV volume was at a standard volume. It wasn't loud nor quiet. I can't hear the TV from upstairs too. 😁

I'm going to read some of your experiences as they sound extremely interesting! 😊
Vivacity (2 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
Hey, I can't tell you for sure what it is. But I believe ghost can throw their energy on you in a way, not letting you be able to move your body. Was it your body that wouldn't move on it's own, or did it really seem as if someone were holding you down? Did you feel pressure? I have felt the same thing when I was having a bit of a ghost problem. But I can believe you have a ghost. It might be something following you, to whistle right next to you too. Have you come across a haunted/ creepy place lately? Has a relative or someone close passed away lately? Have you messed with something like tarot cards or so on? Ghost can follow someone. It's a good idea to look up home history.:) I can't help with much either on the sleep thingy... But if I were you, I'd keep the cat around more often. Cats can be a huge help. I had a cat that protected me from a spirit once.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
Ishmael, okay I looked in my Journal and I did experience warm air that could not be explained away. I was in bed with a fan blowing on me. All at once it felt as if someone was standing in front of the fan blocking the air flow and all I could feel was a warm air sensation. So, the warm air sensation you felt could be something "not" normal 😉.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
Ishmael, thanks for replying so quickly. Okay, I understand about not checking with the rest of the family members, but just a thought here. Is it possible something on the TV could have traveled through your heating duct vents, if you have them, through to the room?

You're right about the cat 😆. I've had many, many cats and never had one whistle before. I had one tell me "out" when he'd go to the door to be let outside, but they've never whistled. 😆 Probably freak me out a bit.

I've actually experienced the whistling sound, which is why I questioned you so closely. The whistling I heard was a tune from a nursery rhyme or something like a child would sing. And no one one was home when I heard it. I had just opened my living room door when I heard it coming from inside my home. Just wanted to make sure what kind of sound you heard.

I can't tell you that the warm air feeling was just warm air because I know nothing about your home. All I can say is typically (my experiences only), when a ghost is present, the feeling you will get is cooler air. I'd have to check my journal and see if I've ever experienced a warm air sensation when I've had a ghost present. I'll do that in a second and let you know. Any chance your cat would have passed by your legs at that moment, stirring the warm bathroom air and creating the sensation by your legs? Still just giving other options here. We just need to get through the "nope, couldn't have been possible" or "maybe that could have happened" part first.

There are a lot of other people on this site that I trust tremendously that can give you a lot better interpretation on Sleep Paralysis. Hopefully one of them will see your story and help you with that.
Ishmael9100 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
[at] Miracles51031 Thank you for your comment! The whistle I heard is a little hard to explain. It was a kind of... Casual whistle. It was one whole whistle but it switched between two notes. It was a low one and then it slowely went into a high one, in all one blow, if that makes any sense. I didn't check with all family members because I was extremely sure they didn't do it, since they were downstairs watching TV. Even if they tried to whistle from downstairs, the whistle obviously wouldn't be THAT loud that it would sound like somebody next to me done it. I do have a pet and it's a cat. I've never known a Cat to whistle. 😁 The whistle did sound like it came from someone... But who? I think it was done by a spirit or Ghost of some sort. I'll look into the History of this house.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
Ishmael9100, what kind of whistle was it? I'm assuming you meant a whistle made by a person, right, since you asked your sister if she did it? Did you check with ALL your family members? Do you have any animals in your home, such as a hamster or anything like that in a cage? I have a hamster and sometimes, when I'm in bed (her cage is in my room), her squeaky wheel sounds just like a whistle.

And was it just a "one" whistle sound or was it like a song? The more information you are able to give, the more people will be able to help.

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