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Unknown Apparition


I have recently been photographing lots of orbs and other paranormal phenomena at my house as well as many other places. In September 2010, I attended a spiritual meditation workshop intended to raise my vibration with the universe and the instructor told me I had successfully shifted my vibration to a higher level. He told me I would stand out like a beacon of light to spiritual energy and I should be careful as not all energy is of a positive nature.

One night while I was out photographing orbs, I took some pictures from my driveway toward my shed. The first picture has a few small orbs but they are not the reason for submitting this story. The second picture clearly shows an apparition on top of the rock wall. I was not aware of what I had recorded and went inside my house. Had I known what was captured in the last photo I would have taken more before heading into the house. My family is currently away with in laws and I am home alone. For the next three days I was hearing sounds in my house on the second floor at night ranging from the sound of something dropping on the floor to a newspaper smacked against a wall. I no longer hear the sounds in my house after saying prayers as I was instructed to do in case of such a problem.

This past weekend I was at one of the local "haunted" cemeteries (Gilson Road Cemetery, Nashua, NH) and photographed many orbs that were not very unusual. When I had left and gotten in my car I had a strange feeling for the first time since I had arrived. As I was driving away, I pointed the camera out the window and got some very disturbing pictures of a thick grey swirling fog that was surrounding my car and seemed to be following me as I drove away. There is also a strange golden streak of energy as well traveling along with me.

Unknown Apparition 1
Unknown Apparition 2
Unknown Apparition 3
Unknown Apparition 4
Unknown Apparition 5
Unknown Apparition 6

If anyone has any idea about the apparition, fog or especially the golden streak I really want to know what it could be. The fog went away a few miles down the road but the streak appeared all the way home in all different shapes and distances from my car.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Richard9944, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

BattleScars (3 stories) (44 posts)
11 years ago (2013-06-20)
The first 4 photo has snow on the grounds, the orbs could be the snow falling down... The last one could be something but it looks like a smudge made on the camera lenses.
rachie (1 stories) (65 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
badjuujuu you are awesome. Such a peacemaker and voice of reason.

As for the actual story in which we are supposed to comment;
I also believe this entity was curious of you. It is a well kept/visited cemetary? If not, maybe you were a fresh face.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
Awhile back we had a lot of religious arguments on here. Nobody was even trying to help the people asking for help because everyone was too busy ripping each others' heads off. It wasn't pretty.
Now, jesusistheonlyway, you have been asked by three different posters on this site to phrase your advice a little differently. We aren't saying don't give advice based on your beliefs, just asking you to say "in my experience this works," "in my belief system this is how we handle these things." We appreciate your input, but the way you are wording things, that your way is the only way that works, is not only against comment guidelines but also alienates people. Some folks here want christian advice, and your advice could be very helpful to them. Others may not want religious advice, and your choice of words can lead to misunderstanding and offense for them. As I said, I think your advice can be beneficial for some posters. I don't want misunderstandings and arguments to cloud the point you want to get across. Just phrase things a little differently is all we're asking. 😊
Jesusistheonlyway (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
HazMan_III I'm not trying to impose myself on anyone. As I said I'm just trying to help. Yes, God has shown me things and I worry about these people who are under attack. I want to help them with what God has shown me. I'm not saying I'm special in anyway just someone who loves the Lord and wants to do his work. I told rachie earlier that yes I'm preachy, but it's part of my nature now. Christianity is my life and everything I do surrounds it. So if I sound preachy it's in my nature now. But, I'm not trying to make anybody do anything they don't want to. Just giving advise that works. I'm sorry if you see it as anything else. God Bless You!
rachie (1 stories) (65 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
hahaha. To funny. Yes, needed to be said indeed. I am intrigued about your experiences and would like to talk to you about them. This site can be a pain to communicate with people one on one so feel free to look up my email in my profile. If not I will leave you alone 😉
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
Not love, eh? Well, I suppose you can't win them all. In any case, thank you for the compliment. I'm glad I was able to say what needed (?) to be said. I think everyone is free to believe what they like, so long as they don't impose their beliefs or practices upon anyone. Or cause any harm. There's no need for any of that.
rachie (1 stories) (65 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
Haz_ManIII you are great and I think I am in love. Joking. Lol, I was trying to tell Jesusistheonlyway the same thing but it wasn't coming out properly.
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
How do I explain this in terms that are easily accessible... People offend people. People's actions and words offend people. Words that aren't directed towards anyone or anything can't be of any use, be it good or bad. Like a knife. It takes something or someone with ability and intention to use that knife for good or bad. The knife itself is neither. It's only an object, a tool.

Neither religion nor words offend me. It's the intention with which they are used.

If you had said, "I don't know what your beliefs are, but I'd like to share some of mine. In my system of belief, it is generally held that all spirits that manifest themselves on this plane are evil, and I feel that perhaps you may be in danger. Please be cautious." I would have had no problem with it. You, however, want to pass your beliefs as the singular truths of the universe. You claim that the Almighty Himself has granted you this knowledge. Well, that's all fine and dandy. Believe what you like, but don't impose your beliefs on anyone. God doesn't impose His will upon us. What gives you the right to?
Jesusistheonlyway (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
Well HazMan_III if your not offended than you certainly are coming off quite agressive. Lol
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
Me? Ignorant? No. And offended by Christianity? No. Religions don't offend me. Idiot fundamentalists who allow their inherent common sense and their own ability to differentiate between right and wrong to be superceded by nonsense offend me.

You need to understand that your way is not the only way. I understand that from time to time one will encounter malevolent spirits, and I do believe that one can turn to their religion for help. But not all spirits are malevolent, and not all spirits can be banished in the name of Christ.

I have nothing against any one religion, only people. People can corrupt anything that is intended to do good. It's a beautiful thing when one finds solace in their beliefs, in their religion, but just because it works for them doesn't mean it's the only religion and the only beliefs anyone should hold sacred.

By the by, I've felt the presence of God, and I'm not religious. I don't go to mass every Sunday, I don't read the Bible, or surround myself by what it says and only that. And I lead the best life I can, helping those who need me because I have the power to help them, without pressing my beliefs on them, and not because I want to get into heaven. I do what's right because it's right.
Jesusistheonlyway (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
HazMan_III I'm only giving advise that works. The truth is that I know this stuff personally and want to share what I know. Perhaps you are the one who is ignorant of the truth. I think the only reason it offends you is BECAUSE I'm a Christian. But, if you know something works why would you want to offer any other advise?
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-27)
Jesusistheonlyway- I think you need to be a bit more open minded towards the cultures of other people. There are ways to reach a higher spiritual consciousness, and practicing Christianity is not the only way. Being so Christian, you should understand that praying is talking to God, and meditating is hearing Him.

Please refrain from categorizing any practices not endorsed by your religion as pagan, occult, or satanic. Please do not write off all supernatural activity as demonic- it is very possible for human spirits to manifest themselves on this plane. Making any such accusations might have YOU branded as IGNORANT. And ignorance is as great a sin as any, if you ask me.
Jesusistheonlyway (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-27)
Hi Richard, I just caution you because you don't really know what your dealing with. You may have opened a door for demonic activity to come into your life through this conference or meditation or something. What many people don't realize is that messing with these kinds of things is occultic and attracks demons. I don't know if you have a relationship with Jesus, but if you don't know him get to know him. Jesus is the only thing satan and demons are afraid of. To release yourself of these demons who have attached themselves to you, pray and ask God to plead the blood of Jesus over you and put a hedge of protection around you. Pray that the Holy Spirit will surround you and chase these things away. Playing Christian music and speaking verses from the bible out loud will also help. This may not be what you want to hear, but it's what works. A relationship with Jesus will save you and keep you from harm.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
If I had to tender a guess- you're in the habit of treating your electronic camera rather roughly.
Such as leaving it lying around on either the dashboard or in the glove compartment without much in the way of protection from being jostled around (no camera bag). Such mishandling will inevitably lead to problems with the photocircuitry causing a number of false flarings due to loose connections caused by excessive vibrations. Thus the streak with the horizontal lines. And the fog? Even the inside of a camera will on occasion have a differential in temperature gradient that will cause minute condensation on the glass/plastic lenses.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)
Hi Richard9944, wow, what can I say but thanks for sharing this amazing pictures. It must have been exciting to see all these flying lights like a school of orbs passing by. Interesting. Trix. ❤
watermoon (2 stories) (54 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
I wanted to say Wow your pictures look amazing.
It amazing that you manged to capture the gold streak with your camera. The gold streak could be anything from a spirt to an angel.
Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Hi Richard9944,

Thank you for sharing your story. I have been looking at your pictures. Looking at the first picture not two sure about the yellow streak, however the white orbs are clearly visible. Your second picture the mist is spooky, I am sure I see something on the left as well. The picture with the gravestone, the orbs are so visible shame you did not get some closer shots of the woodland area. The fourth picture that yellow orb look like it has a body if you get my meaning. Not completely sure but nearer the ground on the left they are not orbs. The fifth picture are you referring to the centre of the wall near the trees?

Thank you for sharing these pictures with us.


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