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Black Mass Outside My Door, Not Sure What It Is


I was in my room, in my bed, reading. I was (and still am,) reading the book, "You Own The Power," by Rosemary Altea. I was reading the book, and for some reason, unknown to me, I felt the urge to look at my door, and in the nick of time, too. As I looked up, I saw a black mass, it looked male to me, but on the other hand, I couldn't say whether it was a male or female, because I didn't see any features, just a black mass. I'm not sure at all what I had experienced, will someone please help me.

I don't know what the heck the thing was, maybe it was one of my deceased relatives, but I couldn't be sure of that. Someone, please help me, I beg you! With everything else in my life that is stressing me out right now, I don't really need anything else, especially anything paranormal.

I would appreciate any help I can get. Any type of comment is welcome; I am a very religious person, so I welcome that kind of advice.

I know who is in this house, I have experienced all of them, and I don't want them gone, I just don't think that it is one if them that was at my doorway. If you are wondering who the "them" is that I keep talking about, it's the deceased relatives of mine that are in my house. I know that the person wasn't one of them; I just wonder who it was.

Any ideas? Any advice/ideas are greatly appreciated. I'm all plum out of ideas. I'm kind of scared, to tell you the truth. I have always been afraid of ghosts/the paranormal, that's why I joined this website, to see if I could read other people's experiences and get over my fear. Well, let's just say, I thought kind of right and kind of wrong. And that is also why I became a ghost hunter, so I could face my fear.

Thanks for reading.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, psychicteen13, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
If you are, as you claimed, a "very religious person" then YES, you should live the teachings of the Bible every day as much as possible. If you do not, then you are not very religious. You are very much a hypocrite.

People make mistakes... It happens. But unless you are of some denomination that does not go by the Bible, being a "ghost hunter" goes against your religion. Unless you aren't Christian, in which case you failed to correct me.

Regardless of what your religion is, you clearly do not have the qualifications or the confidence to be a ghost hunter if the appearance of a shadow terrifies you into a desperate call for help.
psychicteen13 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
[at] DeviousAngel: Do you think that I live my life by the Bible every day...? That is not true1
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-25)
Just to clarify, I know there are a lot of people on here who are Christian/Catholic/etc and communicate with spirits--I'm not saying you're wrong for doing so. Everyone has their own beliefs. I just thought it was always taught in churches that you shouldn't mess with things like that, and at best, if you must do it you should probably be very grounded in your faith and have a lot of confidence in your deity before you do.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-25)
Haz, you're not alone in your opinion. I thought this story was a little fishy too.

I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but for a "ghost hunter", you're awfully afraid of the paranormal. That makes about as much sense as being a high-rise window cleaner when you're afraid of heights. Fear of the paranormal, for some people, is a healthy fear. I'm all for the thought of facing your fears but when presented with something as serious as a deranged or infuriated spirit, a fearful, terrified person is not going to do anything but get themselves hurt.

I find it odd that you're so afraid of ghosts and yet you're completely at ease with living in a house full of dead relatives. Curious.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I also thought that if you were of any Christian denomination, meddling with ghosts and the spirit world is wrong? Perhaps that's why you feel fear. It's also partly guilt, because you know what you're doing goes against your own belief system.

I would suggest steering clear of paranormal investigation and interests for a while. I think this event revolves around guilt and fear. If God is your stronghold, then you should be turning to God for help here.
Jack_F84 (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-25)
You said you have the spirits of your relatives in your house as well? If there is a large amount of spirits in one place it is possible that a wandering spirit would feel more comfortable in a house with more spirits that people. Just a thought, not everything black has to be evil.
I_Am_SPECTRA (1 stories) (44 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-13)
As SkysMama pointed out, it could have been a 'shadow person'. I've seen some quite credible photos of these phenomena on the internet.
Also, as you have only accepted your psychic abilities in the last year or so perhaps you could corrospond with or talk to psychics or paranormal experts in order to understand better the things you experience. "Knowledge is power."- Francis Bacon.
Good luck psychicteen13
lola (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-13)
i only read the first two paragraphs and I know what it is... It is a demon. I have experienced a lot of things of the paranormal! And I know it IS a demon!
butthead (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
"I don't know what the heck the thing was, maybe it was one of my deceased relatives, but I couldn't be sure of that. Someone, please help me, I beg you! With everything else in my life that is stressing me out right now, I don't really need anything else, especially anything paranormal."

Just a thought, but when my house was full of stressed family members (especially me) with lots of arguments, activity began to go crazy here, I saw black shaped mass, though it was not as big as that of a person. As well did my flat m8, and I also had something thrown at me 3 seconds after I saw it. But when the stress in the house went down, things like that also began to dissapear. Although the cleansing helped too.

Perhaps something was using the energy of which you was giving off due to the stress you were/are going through at this time, perhaps something that has always been there and never had the energy to show itself. Or perhaps was just some random spirit, feeding off your energy.
I doubt it has anything to do with the book, just my opinion though, I could be totally wrong.
And of course if you do have the abilities that you claim to have... Gifts, If you will, then this will possibly attract a spirit to you also.

I guess you know most of this though, if you are a ghostbuster too

Good luck

SkysMama (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
It could have been a shadow person -they look like a mass because they arent strong enough to be seen with features.
It could have been a spirit or a dark entity.
Can you tell me more about how the mass made you feel? It was just there and disappeared?
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
Well, that just about leaves things as clear as a puddle of mud. You didn't actually clarify anything. Quite frankly, you seem to be dodging our questions. That only serves to breed more disbelief, if you ask me. I suppose no one has, though...

I'm sorry, but I just smell lies. And maybe you are telling the truth, but it's a stretch, in my honest opinion.

Oh, and since we're handing out ol' bits of wisdom... You do recall what happened to the boy who cried wolf, don't you?
psychicteen13 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-10)
Alright, let me clear something's up for you:

1. I am a psychic, BUT I only found out about my abilities a year ago. And haven't had time to develop them.

2. The entity that I encountered isn't ANYTHING like the ones I helped.

3. MOST IMPORTANT: If you are just going to come to my story and say that I'm a liar, well, as the old saying goes: "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all!," so if you're going to do that: think before you speak!
psychicteen13 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-10)
Thanks to everyone that has commented on this story! I will try and get to your comments as soon as possible, but now, I must go for a little bit, I will try and reply to your comments as soon as possible. I'm sorry that I'm not giving immediate responses.

Thanks, and I will get back to your comments ASAP.

Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-10)
If anyone claims they know for sure what it was you saw, I would be very careful not to involve yourself with this individual. No one can say for sure they know what it is that seems to have an interest in what you are doing/reading.
Really, what can anyone say that you already haven't...? As far as this one particular incident is concerned... Maybe some intelligent being has an interest in what you are learning from this book. Seems to be harmless enough.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-10)

"In our 'Own Your Own Power' section, Rosemary will be giving the gift of teaching us how to release stress and find peace, locate our energy and build it up, develop visualization skills, fine tune our attitude, savor our common senses and tune into our sixth sense."
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-02-09)
psychicteen: The black mass is an entity... Or just a shadow... Hard to say, since you don't give any description of the sensations or feelings you picked up from it, whether the doorway was well lit or not, whether anyone else was home with you, whether you have any pets in the home, how long the "mass" was there, what it did after you saw it (disappeared in a puff, flew away, sunk into the ground, etc.), shall I go on?...

I also took the liberty of perusing your website... And I've read your comments on here... One point I'm a little confused about is this: on your website, your story states that you were 5 when your great-grandmother passed away, but on here you site the year as 2008... Are you only 7 or 8, or was that a typo in the original story?...

I feel I must commend you for the techo-prowess of constructing a website at your age!...Not something I would be able to do...However, I feel I should caution you about copyright laws... If you quote, or use someone else's written material, you must have permission to do so, or at least give the author's name and furnish the source: website link, document, or other publication... If not, you're in violation of federal copyright laws... 😊
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-09)
Oh, believe me, I try and keep from discrediting the accounts of others. It's just that this person in particular stuck out, and frankly, the dots simply do not connect. I'm sure I'm not the only person who smells something fishy here.

And it's not that the story doesn't make sense in itself. It really doesn't leave much space to confuse a person. I understand what the story says. What I said was that this version of the story differs from the original. He changed it.

And I did hold off for awhile before branding this kid a liar. In my opinion he is lying, but that's just MY opinion. Don't take my word for it though, go see for yourself.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-09)
Haz if I may coment with out being a complete jerk even the most experianced of paranormal investigators are stumped from time to time if we jump to a conclusion every time that a story dosent make total sence then we can't help anyone, Even with as much as have handeld a black mass in and of itsself is verry little to work with without other information, again not meaning to be rude just saying your mind should be as quick as your tongue

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-09)
I have to ask, and I think a lot of people who have read your comments are also wondering, what is it that you're looking for on this site? I'm honestly at a bit of a loss as to what is going on.

I personally find it funny that your description lists some impressive psychic abilities, that you seem to have experience, at least enough to identify paranormal entities and offer advice to others on how to deal with them, yet you seem to be at a total loss when it comes to this "black mass." You stated in this story that you're terrified of ghosts and such, yet on your site (which I took the liberty of perusing) you claim to have helped spirits of the deceased move on. The story on your site that recounts your first sighting of thos creature also differs from this version. So what are you trying to pull, kid?

Now, I was trying to refrain from being rude, but it's just going against my nature, so please, for the sake of all that is good, stop serving up the horse manure before I lose it.

Did I miss anything?
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-09)
Forgive my doubt but something we shouldnt read, well that depends on whos standards of what we should or shouldnt read. You have the power sounds more like a self help book then something moraly wrong. That aside it sounds like just a run of the mill entity. Did it have a specific feel to it or did you feel something other then the heevie jeevies or did you smell or hear anything, Whatever you can tell me will help in identifying this entity please keep me informed

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
lynrinth (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-09)
Take a deep breath, and try to stay calm. You typed that you have deceased relatives in the house with you? Are you pyschic like your username says? If that, then I could still why this spirit has appeared to you. It knows what you are, and can do. So you can try ignoring for a time, see if that works. You can screw up the courage, confront it and tell it to go away. But I would be carefully about that one. Or you could try a house cleansing particularly aimed at the spirit. Or, like the comment below, try reading subjects NOT dealing with the paranormal. Take a break. Or, just good old-fashion prayer. Pray with a conviction you truly believe in, and it might work. Have you tried confiding in your parents or a trusted adult? Also you said you are under stress. Negative energy can attract negative spirits. Has anyone else seen this also? Sometimes if someone else saw it, it's nice to know you're not alone. Hopefully someone else will have helpful suggestions. Just try to stay calm, sleep maybe in another room with another person for now so you can get enough sleep. Still... A black mass. I would be careful with this. Just try to be strong, and not let the fear get the best of you. Easier said than done. I hope the best for you.
fuzzybug (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-09)
My question to you is, What type of book is "You have the power."? Does it have anything to do with the occult or something else that you shouldn't read? Sometimes reading something that we shouldn't can bring unwanted entities into our house. Once while reading a book on something that I cannot say (Too embarassing) I heard footsteps pacing around in circles in our upstairs hall. I couldn't make myself look through my bedroom door (where I was at the time) to see what it was. I never knew what that was, and can only say it must have been a result of reading that nasty book.

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