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Organic Brain Problem Or An Entity?


I've begun to think myself off-kilter in even dangerous ways (health-wise), but perhaps I can find help here. I've never, ever posted in a forum before, but I found this site as a last-ditch effort to find help; a Google search led me to a fellow poster to this site who seems to be in the same boat. For my part, my father, ex-husband and boyfriend (and I'm on good terms with all) have no idea what to make of it or me, but I can't find answers. So, I should start...

This will sound made-up maybe, and I can't provide many actual details that mean anything to someone 'hearing' my story. I have heard the adage that the 'devil is in the details', but this isn't true - the 'devil' is when you can't give anyone who is capable of *helping* you, any of said details. Just know that I am telling you what I can...

Anyway, I live in a house in Edmonds, WA that I rent and have been here since summer 2009. I LOVED this house until very recently. It's sort of a dump to locals in this fairly well-to-do community of McMansions. It's a throwback from the '70s, but it's the first house I had been emotionally attracted to since 1989 and I left my childhood house (and access to it, as it sold to another family) for good. Not sure why I love it, it was just perfect for me and the kids.

After a year or so, the question came up that I should leave and move in with my boyfriend. I regretted this tremendously and tearfully said as much to a babysitter friend that had helped me on a few occasions. She ventured to ask whether I wasn't bothered by some 'energy' I 'felt' in the back areas of my house (note that it's a long ranch style place with w a long hallway running its length. There's a foyer-living area in the front, open dining room and kitchen, all joined to the rest of the house by a very long hallway - off of which all other rooms (bed, bath and beyond) branch solo. I had to admit that I indeed felt a slight tendency not to go to the back rooms of the house in general - the playroom and master bedroom across the hall - but I wasn't ever 'spooked' in the least. I remember that I laughed even, and told my friend that I felt that maybe the back wasn't as 'warm' as the front of the house, but that I hadn't been pushed off - ever. We talked a bit longer, she left.

Sadly for all of us, I was a bit loaded (alcohol only), and might've had better judgement, but when she left, I decided to go to the playroom and 'talk' to what she claimed was there in the house. I sat among my kids' toys and 'told' whatever was there that I loved the house terribly and that indeed, it was the first house I'd been attached to in a very, very long time as "home". I said that my kids were attached, too. I said that I'd take care of it beyond an average renter - as I had demonstrated, spending my own money on improvements - and that I'd try to make it mine beyond landlords so that we could all love it together. Sounds asinine now, but I was loaded and I really, really did love the house like crazy. After my dumb speech, I went to bed in the back master - no big deal.

The next night at about 7pm, my three-year old son runs out of the bathroom, halfway down the length of the hall. He's stark naked, soaked, crying - and shoots straight into his bedroom directly across the hall. I see this from the living room area and of course go to him to ask what happened. My kid tells me that a 'black man' (featureless black figure that he saw as a 'man' - not African-American) looked at him through the bathroom window (opaque, no way to see ANYTHING through it; inside or out) while he was in the bath and told him to 'Get out!'. He also told my son that he was in 'his' (the man's) house' and that he (my son) was unwelcome. Naturally, my kid complied with the suggestions (as I'd have done) and ran out. I didn't blame him in the least, calmed him out of a tree and let him watch TV late with his siblings until he nearly passed out on his own. Despite myself, my convo with the friend was on my mind when I thought of all he'd said, but I think that's also the reason why the succession of events following stands out so strongly in my mind...

Let me say that my son doesn't 'see' stuff - but then, everyone probably says that. He also doesn't have any knowledge of the ideas of 'spirit', 'presence', 'energy' or any stuff like that and we'd had no reason to talk of anything like that. This did mark the night that stuff started to happen to me, however (though he will sometimes still pull the shower curtain to obviate the window to this day, my son hasn't mentioned further problems with the 'black man').

I went to bed an hour or so after the last kid did so - in the master, like always. Anyway, sometime in the wee hours or early morning, I was awakened by the distinct feel of someone blowing hard across my hand when it hung over the side of the bed. (No... Not a draft or anything like that, so don't ask - I really have experimented with my vents!) Though that first night, I was startled to a wide awake state, I tried to blow this off, but within a few days it began happening in increasing frequency. After about a week, I began sleeping with my hands under the covers, but when it seemed that I relaxed and they slipped out, something would breathe on my hand or my forearm, specifically - and creepily, at my face-level.

I moved out of my room within two weeks to sleep with my daughter's double twin bedroom. I was at peace for about a week and figured I'd kicked the problem when - this time, wide awake for a random reason - I felt something breathe on me - moving the fine hairs on my forearm. The very next night, I got up to pee and when I closed my eyes in bed moments after settling in, I heard a weird noise (don't ask me what - a faint, grumble or low voice) then felt a blast of cold wind distinctly breathed on my face with a loud exhalation sound.

After finally confessing all of this to another person, my boyfriend and confidante felt that I might have a brain issue (which, honestly, I am getting checked out - who knows? Tumors or lesions can cause manipulation of the senses). The problem is, about three months on from the "GET OUT!" incident involving my son and many bothersome nights, I had only one real period of silence for about 2.5 weeks, which ended two nights ago. Out of the blue, I had the usual hand-breathe when my hand innocently hung over the bed. Last night, however, it escalated. I had been lying awake after a pee-and-glass-of-milk at about 3am when I felt and had my blanket tugged from near my foot, down to the floor.

So, this is it! I'm exhausted. I'm a single mom of three little kids and this is going from scaring me to pissing me the F*** off because I'm existing on 2 hour periods of sleep again. I had decided to ignore it, not talk about it, and say or do nothing - even when it actually startled me. But now I need help.

What do I do? If it's not a brain issue, medically - and it is actually 'something' in or around my house, how do I simmer it down to leave me alone? I have already told it that I am leaving and that I just want to exist there until I can vacate in a few short months. I honestly feel that if I talk to 'it' further, it'll make the situation worse. I will be moving this July, but saying any of this hasn't seemed to help. The good news is this situation has beaten the 'love' of this house right the hell out of me. I just want to survive until I can afford to leave.

Any suggestions?

I'm in over my head. I've ruined a lovely life in a good house and now I go on about three hours total sleep per night - again. I can't keep this up until the end of the lease.

Thanks for reading through this diatribe and thanks for any advice.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Justwanttobeleftalone, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-25)
what are you like jav? Oh well not a problem I guess lol will let you off this time 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-25)
My bad! She hasn't posted it up as a part 2 because the submission page is down again and no idea when it will be up.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-25)
wow sounds like it accepted the apoligy but knows she is moving out and wants her to know not to bother comming back not that I expect she would.
Thanks for posting this on her behalf jav and let her know people are thinking of her and hope she gets the peice she longs for 😊 ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-25)
You had a very nice, understanding post and I needed a bit of a sounding board. If you'll remember my story, it's the following: http://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=11463

Anyway, since we can't resubmit, I'd like to contact someone who might be able to update other members who might be interested. Things quieted down tremendously due to the advice I took from another member - (redphx... Who suggested that I apologize for talking to it while under the influence, that I had no designs on the property but to take care of it and that I had no intentions on 'taking over the property' as my own (I didn't and don't), nor did I intend to change the property in any significant way). I actually did what he suggested and spoke in the back room, calmly, as I did before (when this all seemed to start - and I had not had any drinks:). I had taken video, but sadly, my camera took one uneventful hour of footage. The second taped hour is unviewed as my video camera has failed. The shutter will not open. At some point, I will transpose the video, as it is preserved with no issues. I don't expect to find anything in the viewing of that second hour, but if I do, I'll post it. The camera was old and not often used so shutter seize is not unexpected or supernatural in this case.

No matter... Since I took redphx's advice, things quieted. I had nearly eight weeks of silence until three nights ago. On the first of the three nights, the incident was typical - breathing on the hand - then nothing. The next night was uneventful. The third night (last night), was an unprecidented nightmare. I was awakened no less than five times in two different rooms. In the third incident, it wasn't a strong breath on the hand or face, but a touch down the spine. I moved rooms in hopes of getting sleep. It breathed on my hand as boringly usual and it really pissed me off, honestly. The final time, however, it seemed to have tried to speak to me. I heard something unintelligible spoken near my face, followed (weirdly) by a hiccuping sound. I know this sounds nuts, but it's true. It sounded high-pitched - like a distant woman or a young child.

In the interim, I had decided to move anyway. I signed a new lease for a house across town two days ago and hope to start my move May 15th of this year. I hope to sleep in the new house by June 24 (my lease here isn't up until the 31'st of July, but fortunately, I have financial pad room to pay dual rent - I've been ready to go this time) when I leave for Ohio to see my family for a few weeks. I'm ready for a new start.

The house doesn't actively scare me, and I'll miss it, but I'm no longer interested in the torture I experience here, even if it is purely in my own mind. This remains the only house wherein I have experienced anything such as I described in my original submission and above. I hope to visit the yourghoststories again because of the wonderful people who helped me, but I hope you'll pass on word, as I hope I don't submit there again. Oddities here and there are one thing. Repeat incidents are too much for me:) I guess that makes me both weak and tired. I hope whatever is here finds peace and I pray for it. I just am looking forward to going on.

Thanks for your kind submission to my post. You seem to visit often, so I thought I'd pass this to you and any other poster who might care to see a follow up to my original post.

All the Best,
Kristi Evans
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-25)
thanks for the shout out javilina will keep eye out for up date
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-25)
Hey YGSers! You may want to check back on this one one more time. I've received an email from the original poster that I'm going to have to copy/paste here. For whatever reason, she's chosen not to do so herself. It may be that it upsets the spirit she's been dealing with when she contacts the sight, I'm not at all sure, but that is the feeling I'm getting anyway.
I'll start transferring that now, just wanted to give you all a heads up about it in case you'd like to refresh your memories on the details of the story and subsequent comments.
Walter_R (1 stories) (81 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-02)
Wow there are some great ideas on here to help her or (you) out, I like the one that says to put a cross in every room, I've got crosses in every room, but not the bath room. I think in her case she even needs one there too.

If you see or hear that dark figure, which I believe isn't a ghost but it's a demon, just pray to God, for that demon to leave in Jesus name! That will make that demon leave and in a hurry, but with the crosses there, he might not be able to get into the room in the first place.

So if you don't have the crosses yet, get them.

Take care,

Justwanttobeleftalone (1 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-02)
Wow, Javelina! Thanks for that post! I'll hope that you didn't overrate me; I got to try to live out your compliment;) I'll also keep y'all posted. I love this site too... Good people here, who help with no return to themselves. In a bizarre situation as I describe, understanding from you guys has gone a long way - even if nothing changes in the actual situation we're in here. So far, so good, though...

Goodnight, (or Good Day) and thanks again
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
I have been sitting in the back just following along quietly (aren't you proud of me?) and keeping up as each up and down and twist and turn took it's eventual evolutionary pace. And I've got to say that this is why I love this site so mucn. Sometimes the perfect roller-coaster comes along and you just have to be quick enough to jump on board and enjoy the ride along with everybody else. Throw your hands in the air and open your eyes guys! You don't want to miss one turn!
Justwanttobeleftalone, thank you for trusting the folks here when something so precious as your own sanity is on the line. That took a huge leap of faith on your part and I'm just glad I'm here to watch. Keep your chin up brave woman, you're doing great!
❤ 😊 ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
DARKNESS - pretty bad when we have to watch what we say now, huh? 😆 Just kidding, Granny! You know we love you ❤
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
Miracles haha I honestly had to really think about what I was going to say otherwise granny might get angry and delete it lol 😆❤ did I tellya I luvya granny! Haha 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
DARKNESS - I was thinking the same thing 😆. I was just trying to think of a polite way of telling her that. Couldn't come up with one, though, so I was waiting to see if anyone else could 😆 Glad to see you came through!
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
No no no Mod Granny, you know you have plenty more of them to give this year you have responsibilities now hehe "Its only just begun" 😆 ner ner 😆 ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
Justwanttobeleftalone: LOL! Sometimes people have to be reminded of how ridiculous their assumptions are...Hopefully, that's the last anatomy lesson I'll have to give this year 😆 ❤

Yeah, Loonie's rule 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
Justwanttobeleftalone - I'll be the first to stand up and admit that I'm crazy 😆. Matter of fact, downright Loonie at times! But not about this. This is the one area in my life that I'm stone cold serious about. So, crazy? Yeah, it's not such a bad thing at all 😆
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
I HAVENT'T had any kids and I still get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. I thought that was normal, lol. And I do the same thing generally... Either get a glass of water or milk to help me get back to sleep.
Justwanttobeleftalone (1 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
RE: Vikstal: This poster has carried three children...So, yeah, the uterus has stretched, and since it lies just above the bladder it would be perfectly normal for her to have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night... Couple that with the fact that women have smaller bladders than men, and there you go...

Zzsgranny - I saw this post and had to laugh. This is just *funny*! Hahaha... Bet a few dudes out there learned a bit more than they *wished* they knew about uteri and bladders... In my case, what you say is probably true. I do notice that I have a kitten bladder now and I'm not quite forty. Wasn't always that way, but there you have it:-)
Justwanttobeleftalone (1 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
Hey, just wanted to update you all who have been so helpful in advising me. I am taking things a step at a time and have set up a video camera in my old master bedroom. I only have two hours recorded though - need to figure out how to get it to record to hard drive through the night. I'll watch/listen - and frankly, if I never hear anything or see anything, that's fine, too. Who knows? This may be one of those things that never has 'an answer'.

Been quiet here, really. Slept like a rock for the last two nights and that's nothing but cool. Incidentally, I took the advice that redphx and KimSouthO gave to me, specifically. For the helluvit (and stone cold sober:) I told it that I was indeed going to be here, that it was my family's house until we leave. However, I did also apologize for what I had said earlier and that I intend to change NOTHING about the house nor to 'take it over' in some sense. It does seem silly just typing this, but I have to say, *I* felt better and maybe that made the difference.

I'm still going to keep a camera and/or recorder rolling at night - and I'm still going through my doctor. He did dismiss me, but I let him know that I had cancer in my family and that I was sufficiently concerned that I would like to be evaluated. It is *quite* true that the brain CAN cause us to see/feel/hear things that are not 'real' per se. But I think to dismiss sensory incidents out of hand *in either direction* is a mistake - if they are ongoing. Vikstal might not have been incredibly polite about positing another opinion - but the world does see these things this way, and I can understand why. It *does* sound 'unstable' to *me* when I step outside of myself and read my own words. It's not hard to imagine how one can suppose that the teller is hysterical or off-balance, or that perhaps there is genuine mental illness (after all, I did mention the incident with my son and I did confess at the outset that I was buzzed on alcohol when I acted and felt I touched off these events).

Now, I'm not defending rudeness, flaming people on these forums (especially here - we're all talking about 'crazy' stuff, are we not? And many of us have doubted ourselves tremendously in any event) or suggesting that people medicate themselves sight-unseen (leaving aside the fact that I don't have the qualification to do so, even if I personally examined said person). But I can absolutely see why people would level charges against my sanity if they read my story. Vikstal's reaction to my story is the very reason that I do not go discuss this, even with loved ones. In fact, I had to get past my embarrassment to face my doctor and explain why I felt I could use a brain scan. All this said, I am going forward down two paths - natural and supernatural. Until I have some explanation in one direction or another, I suppose I'm curious enough that I'll now truly let this go only when I finally leave this house or discover that I have a brain anomaly. The worst outcome is if neither happens. I will always wonder what *it* was and have zero answers... I do know that something *did* happen to me here (and with relative regularity for a period of time) that I cannot explain.

Thanks, all for helping me take action and find my answer, whatever that may be. And thanks for coming to my defense! I can't promise that I'm not crazy, though;)

😁 😁 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
Not enough pluses+ for Pjod, granny and Lou...😆

I think by suggesting that the author become addicted to narcotics, V is just looking for attention and comments on his story, guys. Just ignore him. Nothing to see here...
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
There is nothing wrong with your story, just like there is nothing wrong with this story. A healthy dose of skepticism is what we all need to display before immediately jumping to the conclusion that something is paranormal. The difference is that you had a one-time occurrence in a place you had never been before... This author is living her haunting. If you have never experienced this, you will never know the emotional turmoil involved in protecting your children from the unknown. You will never know the compulsion and utter resolve to protect what is yours from any and all forces.
Before you discredit this author, you need to be able to say you have walked in her shoes. Spend a day or two in that house and then tell us this is all BS. Until then, hold your expert opinion for things you know more about. Those of us who live this life are not believers of the paranormal. Belief is something you lend credence to, even when tangible evidence is lacking. We know.

Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-01)
how does your own foot taste? 😆
Your advice to this nice lady is rather lousy, in my opinion. A single mother of 3 children... I think she is intelligent enough to know that something is not right in the home she is renting. People are looking for the benifit of the doubt when they post a story here, just like you. "Benefit of the doubt" is all anyone is asking... Now that is not too much to ask for, is it?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-02-28)
Ok, 😆 I pulled a serious Dumb Blonde Moment here! Granny, want to help me out? Delete one of my comments please. Preferrably not the last one. It's actually right 😆 The one right above your comment would be nice, if you don't mind!

Thank you! ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-02-28)
Actually, Vikstal, I didn't have anything to say about your story. I was making a point.

You submitted a story about a flying candle. Most people would not believe that, yet by submitting it you asked people to believe it. This author has mentioned many things have happened in her home. She has asked us to give her the same consideration you have been given on both your stories. That was my point.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-02-28)
Vikstal: This poster has carried three children...So, yeah, the uterus has stretched, and since it lies just above the bladder it would be perfectly normal for her to have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night... Couple that with the fact that women have smaller bladders than men, and there you go...

We're all entitled to our opinions... You came here looking for answers, also...So, were you told what you wanted to hear?

This comment from Vikstal is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-02-28)
Vikstal - wow, that was a pretty harsh statement coming from someone who submitted a story about a flying candle.

It appears to me that the author of this story is doing what you suggested: looking at every possible explanation for what is going on in her home. Personally, since I've been exactly where she is and I don't have a "brain issue," talking to others who understand and have been through what she's going through is exactly what she should be doing. It's obvious she's tried talking to people who don't understand and that got her nowhere. Now she's found people who do understand and she might actually find help.

This comment from Vikstal is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-28)
I'm not so sure pills is the best idea... Single parent with very young children? I'd go so far as to say that is a bad idea. You need to be "with it" all day...maybe.5 milli's of valium before sleep, but I wouldn't go more than that.

This comment from Vikstal is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-02-25)
Justwanttobeleftalone: Wow!...You've gotten some really good advice here from D/A and the rest... And I agree that you have to take back your home... I think your ghostie was upset that you dared to talk to it while under the influence 😆...I'll tell you, I would have read the riot act to it for causing damage to your property, specially since you're taking care of his!...

And the one outside?...Yeah, we had one outside of our last house... I smoke outside, and in the evening after dark, would turn the light on by the front door... It would flicker and flicker until I told it, "Yeah, I know you're here, so cut it out"...We checked everything: switch, socket, wires, and even changed the bulb... If I didn't talk to it, it wouldn't stop 😆...I always had the feeling that it wanted me to tell it that it could come inside, but I refused to do that... I suggest you don't invite yours in either...

Really, don't worry about your long posts... If you need to talk, then talk our eye balls out!...We've all been considered a little wacko, and some of us are even LOONIE!...Joining this site has helped me to not care about what others think... If they believe, great, if not, that's their problem!

Keep up with the good investigating, too...It's always best to rule out the logical before claiming paranormal...

Welcome aboard!... (the Crazy Train)

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