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A Child's First Friend


After reading many different stories on this particular website, I decided that I could possibly get some help from some of the readers here. This mainly happened when I was a child, basically, about 10 years ago. However, it hasn't left.

When I was around 6 years of age, I moved to Alberta, from BC. Being that we didn't have a house, we lived in my grandparent's old place in one of the elder parts of town. As I was a new child in a huge place, and my school didn't start for a good three months, I didn't have many friends. Yet, I seemed to find one.

After about a week of living in my Grandparent's house, my mother noticed I was spending more time in my room downstairs than with other people. She told me later that she'd always find me in my room, talking to thin air. Often, I'd draw, as I was and still am artistic, but I would come back with these drawings of large black circles; when questioned, I'd say without skipping a beat - "'She'drew them. "

After a while, as any parent would, my mother became worried. I'd spend more and more time in my room, talking to my 'friend', whom I affectionately referred to as 'She'.

She'd finally snapped after I'd come upstairs, asking for an extra cookie because 'She' was still hungry. I remember that she'd been very angry, yelling at me that 'She' wasn't real, and I needed to grow up and become and adult, instead of wasting my time with something that didn't exist. The last thing I remember from that day was running down to my room in the basement in tears. I wasn't told the rest of this story until just recently, within the last year or two.

Apparently, about an hour after my mother had snapped at me, she had come downstairs to apologize. After all, I was only a child, and in a brand new town. Naturally, I would make an imaginary friend. As she got close to my room, she said that she could hear a voice speaking, slightly higher than my own. She didn't catch most of the words, and told me she'd heard, "Okay" and "I'll be here." for the most part. Thinking that it was just me talking to 'She' again, she barged in, only to find me fast asleep. I, myself, don't actually remember any of this, I only remember running to my room, and going straight into bed.

My mother said that she'd seen a shadow hovering above me, looking barely human, but it appeared to be whispering in my ear. Almost as soon as she'd seen it, it vanished from sight. After that, my mother grabbed me and ran.

In the next few weeks afterwards, I began complaining that 'She' was angry and had refused to play with me, saying that, "She said that she still likes me, but says that mommy and daddy are mean." Shortly thereafter, we moved out of the house.

Now, nearly ten years later, I still visit that house. Nothing usually ever happens, but a recent occurrence brought me to post this story.

Roughly a week ago, I went to my Grandparent's house again for a visit. My brother and I were trying to scare each other, and jokingly, I said I'd go back into my old room. What scared me was what was on the bed.

Lying on the pillow were the old pictures I had drawn with 'She', including ones that were nothing more than a large black circle. Normally, I wouldn't have been scared. However, my mother had burned all my old pictures that I had drawn. These were perfect, with not even a crumple.

Obviously freaked out, I ran.

I believe that 'She' is still there, but I don't know exactly what it is. That's why I'm here, asking. Any suggestions or theories would be extremely helpful. My Grandma has been telling me that recently, she's felt as though she was being watched, and that someone had pushed her over the other day.

I mostly just want to know what this thing is, or was.

If you can offer a suggestion, thank you.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, hidden-joker, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Christine_Pandora (1 stories) (80 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-05)
Sorry if someone has already mentioned it and i'll save this to my favorites so I can read through the comments later but wouldn't it be sort of sad if 'She' was actually a little girl who passed away (maybe at a young age) and found a friend in you?

You both had no friends and didn't know anyone else maybe she felt connected with you and it made her feel good that because you lived there she would always get to see you and play?

Maybe she just wanted a friend like you did?

Just a theory but if it's the truth I hope she finds peace and can move on 😊
Phantom380 (2 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
This happened to my little sister, Valentina at our very haunted beachhouse. She played with two ghost children for years. It was kind of freaky watching her do that.

Reading your story just brought back the memory. I would have freaked out too if I'd seen those pictures that you drew with your ghost friend. Maybe "She" had overheard your grandparents mentioning that you were going to come and prepared.
SilverBear (4 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-03)
Growing up as children, we see things that are not logical, normal, or "healthy" to an adult mind, After so many years of "that's not real" "Ghost don't exist" "Fairys/angles/mythical creachers arn't real" you start to believe it. It falls under the same rule, if you tell someone their stupid long enough the start to believe it. SO I can't help but wonder, if the reaction your mom had, had a bigger impact on you then you realized. Have you seen/heard/smelled/senced anything sence. If not then this shock could be a result of you convincing yourself that this was just what your mother said it to be, your imagenation, and the confruntion of this fact not being what you thought it to be shocked and shattered the "peace" around you.

As to the little girl, it could be several things, but the fact that it's getting violent isn't a good thing. Maybe she needs someone's attintion, maybe she isn't of a human. Either way you should do SOMETHING about it. Cause the pictures were clearly a "cry" for help. And ignoring them sounds like it has escilated things.

I pray for you and your family.
PrettyAngel42 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-02-05)
she might be a demon. That's my theory... I have a question for you though, are you sure that she burned all the pics? And if I were you I would just ignore the girl if she ever comes around again
Jaida857 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-30)
Wow, that story is actually touching and creepy at the same time.
hidden-joker (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-03)
Elaina28 - Those are the questions I want answered, haha.
As some have mentioned, they think it, being 'she', is a ghost. I, however, remember playing with a young girl as a child, though it's very vauge and fuzzy.
When I was young, one might call it an 'imaginary friend', but I think that 'She' was something else, now that I am looking back on what I've experienced.
Elaina28 (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-02)
Sorry but when I read your story, I couldn't keep up. I don't get it! Who is 'she'? Is 'she' a ghost> Your sister? Your secret friend? Imaginary friend? Please explain more
xParanormancyx (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-02)
Wow! Interesting post. I think this was just a sad apparition that needed a friend and found to be most attracted to you. As for the pictures, I have no clue how they got there. I know I'm new, and I don't want to make the noob mistake of not reading other comments first, but I don't have the time to, to be honest. I'm assuming that the pictures, from my knowledge, might have been redrawn by her from memory. Wow, that's a really bad assumption, but it's the only one my meek mind can think of right now.
hidden-joker (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
Hellquin - I will take that into account, thank you very much.
Hellquin (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
the doorway and by the windows is what I was taught, you just light it, let it smoke a little and go throughout every room in the house with it smoking, even going outside around the house as well. When you all done place it by the doorway or window, you can put fesh sage there as well (thats not used for burning)
hidden-joker (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
Towards Hellquin - Thank you. C:
Might I ask, where would be the most effective places to put sage?
Hellquin (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
I believe your story, I have a feeling this 'she' isn't harmful, just a child playing games, but if it gets to the point where its starting to get dangerous I would try and bless the house with sage
hidden-joker (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
I apologize for not answering sooner - my computer, recently, has been a pain.
In regards to your questions, SmokeyKnight, there isn't much more I can do.
I've answered what I can. If you look at the big picture, my story isn't any more believable than any other story on this site. The only thing I can do is post what I've experienced. I know it's true, there's nothing else to it.
I came to this site to ask for help, not to stand back and be told that I'm lying.
SmokeyKnight (3 stories) (193 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
All I have left to say is I'm not here for a pissing contest either. I'm here to help and be helped with the paranormal. If I'm being "mean", look at it as I'm being as direct as humanly possible. I don't beat around the bush. If you think I'm out of line, simply e-mail me and we can respectfully discuss it. But the help so many ask for on this site has nothing to do with the paranormal, so forgive me for not treating this forum like a Dungeons and Dragons game as so many people feel the need to. If me drawing the battle lines and saying enough is enough when it comes to people making things up or not answering what a poster feels is a vital question to the story makes me the villain, I'll walk away.

Miracles, I'm sure you know by now I shot you an e-mail, but in case you haven't seen it yet it's there.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
Javelina - I think we should just let this go, okay? ❤ He said his piece and I've said mine. The girl hasn't come back. I'm not coming back to this story unless she comes back for help.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
Okay, here's my opinion... Being a military vet, older person, younger person, demonologist, Catholic, Wiccan, or summoner of succubi, etc, doesn't give anyone free reign to stomp around a site and go for the throat of any of the posters... This ends here...

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
With everybody?
I don't know, man. His questions seem pretty generic here since he came back. Wow...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
Javelina - I think he drew the line in the sand. At least from where I'm sitting. But like I said, I'm not interested in a contest.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
Let up on the veteran girls, he's a pretty good dude. I swear to my mamma's green polyester pants. He doesn't look like he's attacking anyone, come on! 😲
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
Smokey - apparently there are issues here that have nothing to do with the stories on YGS. We're not here to have a one-upmanship or a pissing contest. At least, I don't think so. We're supposed to be providing guidance and help on these stories. Not getting into fistfights with each other. That isn't helping anyone.

So, if you are directing that comment to me, I'm not interested in a contest. I'm interested in helping the people with problems who want my help. If I feel I can help them. If I can't, I'll move on.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
Okay, the checkered flag is waving...It's a draw!...This poster isn't going to respond, so all of this is for naught...Hopefully, they'll be back soon, but it doesn't appear so...
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
Contest? No, not sure where you would get the idea it's a contest from me pointing out a few dates. This is no competition, at least not to me.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
Smokey - since a couple of us have expressed our displeasure at your tactics, to whom are you addressing your latest comment?
SmokeyKnight (3 stories) (193 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
Ok, even so. I wasn't being mean. So give it up. Or is this going to be a contest?
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
Ok after looking a little closer at dates, Hidden Joker's last post was on 3-21. Your last (until yesterday) was 3-22.
SmokeyKnight (3 stories) (193 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-31)
My stories posted thus far have indeed been as an adult. The five posts prior to my last were nothing I saw as mean, it was just trying to give benefit of the doubt and ask the questions I need answered to make sense of the story. Yes, my first two posts were needlessly harsh, which is why I elected to not visit the site for two weeks. So I'll take the bad guy stance and ask the questions I need to ask in the way I feel the need to. I took that two weeks off to reconsider how I've asked questions previously. I know I haven't been the nicest person, but I haven't really been from the start. So again, my questions that remain unanswered I still want answers to. If hidden_joker hasn't responded in a week, I was gone longer than that so I cannot take credit for that one. But I digress, this isn't the place to debate whether I'm out of line.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
At the risk of being accused of piling on (we do tend to circle the wagons around here on occasion), your stories of your experiences thus far, have all been when you were an adult, correct? All of mine have been as an adult as well.
The benefit of having experiences as adults is that we are accustomed to rationalizing and common-sensing things away, when possible. As a child, terror burned into your brain does not just go away. No matter what our personal boogieman from our childhood was, real or imagined, as adults we can revisit that fear without much effort, and often times still have lingering effects.
I am oblivious of any paranormal activity that happened around me as a child, and for that I feel fortunate... I have the benefit of facing my experiences head on as an adult; not cowering in the dark begging for the sun to rise. It is all perspective, and if our perspective has been formed from the hauntings of a terrified child, they are just as real in our memories as they are in our adult experiences.
Please just consider the source and wade in, sometimes jumping with both feet makes a bigger commotion than necessary, and everybody around you gets wet. There are details from this story that could be clarified, but I believe, that time has passed.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
Smokey, defending a friend is an admirable trait. No doubt about it. I'll be the first to stand up and applaud you for that. I'm also one, among others, who has stood up for this same friend. That really isn't the issue here though.

As BadJuuJuu stated, hidden-joker hasn't been back in a week. In my opinion, and yes, it's just my opinion, when a poster is constantly being berated over their story, we "the vets" are no different than anyone else they've tried telling their story to. They don't have to prove their story to us. They don't have to provide evidence that it is real any more than we do when we submit our stories. The only difference is when you submitted your stories, you knew they were real. Right? To her and the other young girls posting their experiences on here, these stories are real. And if they're not... So be it. They're not the only stories to fall through the cracks and get posted. If you don't believe them, that's certainly your choice as much as it's my decision to believe them.

But the point I want to make is this: if these stories are real and the constant doubt and fist pounding we are doing drives them away, where do they have to go? Who do they have to turn to? If these stories are real, we're leaving them to deal with these situations on their own.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
Stand by your questions all you want, the author hasn't been back in a week. Right now, your questions are being directed at empty air. If the author doesn't return, I can't say I blame her. You feel your friend was unjustly treated, I never saw anything Hidden Joker said that could be considered rude. Therefore, I feel Hidden Joker was treated unfairly. Since being young and new to the site removes a person's right to stand up for themselves, I'll stand up for the young or new posters when I think someone is being harsh on them with little or no cause. You're not the only person here with a protective nature.
I sincerely hope you tone down the aggressiveness as you say. You make some good points, notice details that some of us overlook. It's just the way you present your points that make people get defensive. And that doesn't mean they are hiding anything. It's just cause and effect.
SmokeyKnight (3 stories) (193 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-30)
I'll admit when I began posting on this thread I had a more aggressive approach. I talked with several other members about it and decided to take a more relaxed stance. I'm throwing out questions in hopes of understanding this more, because I'm on the fence. My logical mind says this is fiction, but I want to afford the opportunity to change that. My line of questioning within the last few posts were geared more at finding out information rather than making somewhat harsh statements. I have a very protective nature, especially when I feel that a friend is being treated in an ill manner unjustly (not that my friend needs anyone to fight her battles:P).

I still stand with the same questions and the desire to have them answered.

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