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It Stole My Voice


My whole life, my family and I would experience weird happenings; things that could not be explained. For instance, the family computer would turn on and off several times (this was an old computer; it takes a while to get booted up of course, going through the certain screens. But it would automatically be the desktop wallpaper.) Our radio, ceiling fans, and lights would do the same.

Also, another experience that stands out took place in my older sister's room. She and I are only three years apart, and we have always been best friends. One night, we were watching TV in her room and it suddenly turned off. It would not turn back on with the remote. Then, we heard a loud "swoosh", we turned to see a figure of a man. It was pitch black, with the REDDEST eyes I have ever seen; I have never seen this color so red. This was the only feature it had. We ran under the covers and hid. The next morning, we discovered that the "swoosh" was my sister's bible and religious literature being swiped off the dresser to the ground.

Now, I am 16 years old, and my family keeps telling me they see a black figure talking in my voice. It will say things that make no sense. Just random words. I have seen this figure once, and heard the voice. This frightens me, but no one in my family seems to do anything. This worries me, because my sister's 5 month old son lives with us, and I don't want any harm to him.

I also often feel a cold hand grab my shoulder from behind me, only to find there is no one there.

I will post a follow up, if we do anything about it. Thanks for reading, and good luck with your experiences, if any, for my whole life, my family and I would experience weird happenings; things that could not be explained. For instance, the family computer would turn on and off several times (this was an old computer; it takes a while to get booted up of course, going through the certain screens. But it would automatically be the desktop wallpaper.) Our radio, ceiling fans, and lights would do the same.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, maggie127, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-11)
How nice that you and your sister are best friends. I hate my sister. I think that you need to call in a medium or someone strong enough to handle this entity. He feels very dark. In my opinion he really likes you actually. It is odd how he just appeared. He wanted to scare you by throwing your religous crap around. I find that they do this for the fear factor. YOu need to be strong and protect yourself using white light. Ask St. Michael for help.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-11)
I have heard of situations before, and this does sound like a negative entity of sorts. However, I would not recommend so easily giving up your place of residence to whatever spirit bothers it, in the same way that it would be ludicrous to leave your home because of an uninvited house guest harassing your family. I would suggest performing a cleansing of your home, and since you are religious, you can do this by inviting a priest or pastor to bless every room. Perhaps your family should try doing some things together such as having a game night or whatnot. Negative entities cannot feed off of positive energy. Fill your home with love and light, and tell this being to move on.
ghostgirl122 (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-11)
I would have moved straight away! But maybe the person with red eyes does not believe in the bible because it was swiped of the dresser and maybe the words the person has said is what you have said earlier
Plus I have no idea why its useing you voice but maybe you have something to do with the person.
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-11)
Maggie, I would suggest getting a Protection Prayer done. This will help you and your family in dealing with this spirit. Invoke the Name of God and Jesus Christ and His Angels, Ask Him/Them to Protect you and your Family, and your House.
Don't let this Evil Entity destroy your life.

P.s. Looks like your computer made a mistake (it repeated a bit) on the last paragraph.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
GeminiGoat (22 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-08)
maggie127, I am a believer in Jesus Christ and the christian bible and it tells that spirits such as this one are demons, also known as fallen angels. You said it knocked a bible and other religious writings down to the floor, that's because evil spirits like demons cannot stand anything to do with God. You and your family have always had spiritual encounters, do these things happen wherever your family goes, or is it just at a particular house? Demons will follow people for years sometimes the rest of their lives but in a lot of hauntings they just stay at a certain place and torment whoever comes there. If your family has had the same things happen to them in a different house and then moved to a new house only for it to continue, then it is following your family for some reason. Maggei127, if you believe in God, pray to him to that cast this demon out of you and your family's life. It may seem like it won't work and don't worry because it's hard to have faith in prayer. I would know because a lot of times I don't trust God or that he'll help. But I hear from people that when they start praying to God, even if it's just with their thoughts, that the evil spirits will go away from them. Next time something happens or when you feel afraid, grab the bible and read from it. I'll pray for you, your family, and other people plagued with dark spirits that you'll have peace from them.
lynrinth (guest)
14 years ago (2011-04-08)
Wow! Now THAT is scary stuff. Seeing the figure of a man with glowing red eyes right after the tv going off, I would be running to my mother screaming at the top of my lungs, IT'S TIME TO MOVE! It sounds like you are a strong and caring person. It also sounds like this dark man has only babbled in your voice so far while appearing periodically to your family. Hopefully it stays nonviolent. Stay calm, strong, and say a prayer if it will help, and maybe tell the 'man' not to frighten the boy. Hopefully it will listen. Good luck.

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