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Living A Nightmare


I am Alissa. I am 13 and I know I am young, but I have reached the point where I need advice here. Recently, in January, I noticed odd things going on around the house. It had always happened in my room, so I decided to ignore it. It was just a heavy feeling in the air, like being in a crowded room, when no one was there. I just got the feeling of being watched, but I learned to accept it.

A few weeks went by and the heaviness in the air increased, and so did the temperature. My dog and cat refused to come in my room to sleep, and that was very odd for me. They always sleep with me. I also noticed I began to feel uneasy and scared, so I said prayer every night. It helped knowing I had God watching over me. But it didn't solve my problems.

The next week I went over to a friend's house, in which it felt odd in there as well. She told me things happening in her house, strangely similar to my experiences. We shrugged it off and went on with the sleepover. That night at 3:21 A.M I woke to the sound of someone walking up and down the hallway. No one was awake. Only seconds after it stopped, my foot began to burn it was so cold. I held in my screams of agony and tried to say prayer again. It wouldn't come out. It felt like someone was holding my throat so I couldn't talk. I do not have any memory after that.

I woke 5 minutes to 11:00 AM right before my friend woke. My phone was off all night, and she had gotten a text from my phone at 8:00 am. It said," Wait for them, they are coming back." It had perfect grammar in which I do not normally use in text. I went home and went about my days. Nothing had happened much after except terrible nightmares.

March is when the activity began to rise. I started despising going to church, and stopped. I noticed I would wake every night at the same time. And I would hear small noises in my room when nothing was there. After a while I came to a conclusion after staying up two night's straight recording what happens. I knew it was a demon.

A few days of peace left me feeling the best I have in the past months. I never did tell my mother about the experiences. Still I did my research from trusted sights. One night I started hearing scratching on the walls, and my TV would move. If I went to the bathroom, water would turn on by itself. A few nights after this, I was lying in bed listening to some music, looking at my ceiling. I have very good night vision, so I know this was not my imagination. I turned to the wall beside my closet to face eyes with one of the ugliest, yet scariest things I will never forget.

It was like a skull, with a long mandible, deformed teeth, and no eyes. It had patches of leathery skin, and smelled of rotting animal with a sour effect. Again it had no eyes, but it could see. And it did have small horns. I haven't slept in my room since.

I told my mother, and I am now positive it is a demon. She believes so too. She is a devil rebuker but has done nothing yet. Last night I heard scratching and got up to see where it was. When I lay back down, I heard a deep, growl like voice right in my ear say," go back to sleep." And right before I went to bed, I felt light touching on my arms and stomach. So I am just confused on whether this is more than one demon, or an Incubus since sometimes I do wake feeling somewhat violated with orgasm. Any help? All I ask is if it's possible for more than one demon to be walking beside me?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, alissa98, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

YeseGrey15 (20 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-04)
😨 😨
This is such a frightening experience!
Go to your church, have a pastor, minister whom ever can bless your room and you. It sounds like this entity is trying to latch itself onto you. Show it no fear an let it know you have and believe in God.
Hope all is and goes well ❤
ghostseeker9 (1 stories) (10 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-09)
Is it still happening? I have some exorcism prayers. If you want, I could send them to you. Just stay brave and try not to be scared. Tell me if you want me to find a way to get rid of the demon. If things are still happening, email me at
Men-Of-Letters [at] outlook.com 😉
darkassassin92 (119 posts)
11 years ago (2013-06-10)
It was june of 2013 late last night or early morning I felt something touch my left leg no joke and since friday I keep hearing 3 rapid knock sounds on the wall by the fan I do not think its the neighbors even though they are noisy I do not think its animals what could 3 rapid knocks mean I read its a good spirit others say bad or sign of family death even though I am atheist now. What could these 3 rapid knocks mean?
Elle0309 (2 stories) (39 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-24)
Since you are a Christian, you may recall reading that when the Apostles could not cast out this one particularly stubborn demon (s), Jesus informed them that sometimes the evil is so strong that just saying Jesus' name is not enough; sometimes we must fast and pray for God to make it leave. Have you considered doing that?
Darklyman (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-04)
If you woke up at 3:33 AM, it could be a demon, Apparently its the time of the Demon.
alissa98 (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
Hello again! I was just thinking a lot today, decided I would come back on to see how the site was doing. I have one story to post, but sadly the page is down, so I must be patient. I have been dealing with severe depression, and even with medications it seems impossible to find help. What adds up to the stress,depression,and anxiety is what my best friend, Caroline and I had happen one night. Everything has calmed down now, I really forgot everything that has happened at the beginning of this year-until now. For a basic sneak peak, or so I should say, over the summer, the depression had seem to cut so deep, draining my energy and my will to do anything. I couldn't fight back, and the tiny source of happiness was coming from Caroline. She came up every now and then, she knew I needed comfort. I will not say why I am in depression for that is family matter. Being teenagers, and goofy girls that we are, we were messing around one night, making Fart noises as we lay in bed recording them. Well, after listening over it, I heard one thing that stood out when we were both making noises and laughing. There was this voice, I myself am still unsure of what it says. Clearly its a boy. And it still sends chills all over my body when I hear it. It seems now the days unfold to a new chapter in my life, and as they do, answer my questions. As I write, I feel at ease, but at night, things always take a turn. Until the posting page is back up, look for my new post. Thank you all.
stormangel (3 stories) (55 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-03)
You crushed a glass crucifix in your hand? You know that spirit or things living in other dimensions can be nasty and frightening same as people can be. Pretending to be demons! Making you think they have power over you when they dont. All those things can do is try and depress you into such a state where you end up damaging yourself and your playing right into their hands, you give them power over you. Just having some good support, doing positive activities, trying to keep people who love you around you and getting stronger in yourself, not worrying about sins,god, demons etc because I think that just attracts negitive entities into your life.-- Remember people this is a thirteen year old girl. And I am really trying to keep an open mind here, and yeah their are other people things like this have happened to but they usualy lived like annaliese michel and had a strict religeous upbringing, if people can get worked up enough to cause poltergiest activity, I'm sure they can make scratches, bruises and marks appear on their body, some form of self punishment by their own brain that isn't fully understood (its just strange that it happened after she got a boyfriend, annaliese I'm on about), I'm not saying I fully believe that, if I knew what the hell went on I would be rich. I don't profess to 'know' demons exist like some others and I'm not having a go at anyone, there is just no way anybody in the world knows that for sure. Good luck anyway.
ladymoondust (2 stories) (41 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-24)
i am no profesional but it sounds like it is trying to posses you 😨 this is a very scary thought I advise that you get help from a profesional I don't know who? But you should get someone to help maybe you can stop this thing in its tracks

Best of luck! ❤
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-13)
Am I the only one who's curious as to why you're walking around with scratches, bruises, burns and bites and your mother never thought to cast this thing out on your behalf? She never thought to bring you to the church with her?
Unfriendly (guest)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
How come things like this never happen locally for me? I'd love the practice. A traditionally made katana is made with prayers performed throughout the whole process. Remember, a samurai does not cut only with their blade, but with their soul. Find yourself a kenjutsu or iaido master, ask him for help and get him to slice your little friend into peices.
alissa98 (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
Hello everybody, I am sorry I didn't get to you sooner, I have been busy with schoolwork. I have never done any witch craft of any kind, but I would like to share my church story. Saturday we went, and I was afraid to go. But I did go, and I just took a seat near my parents. I listened to our preacher, and sang. I still felt very uneasy. I wanted to leave, but I kept quiet. The preacher began talking about the blood of Jesus Christ, and I began to claw my arms. I only though terrible thoughts. When she asked if anyone wanted prayer, my mother asked me if I wanted to go up. All I could say was no. I felt like I was being choked, but kept quiet. The 3rd time mother asked, I finally shook my head yes. I walked up crying as she prayed for me, and just felt peace. I listened to her speaking in tongues, and the interpretation. Everything is fine now, but I know this will not be the end forever. /thank you all so much for your advice ands support. I plan to write more of my past experiences with ghosts. So check back for any more stories. Again I thank you all!
😁 😁 😁
Warrior_Troy (42 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-26)
I want to recommend a book that is very insightful. It's in pdf format so you can download it and read it. This man's heart ruptured and he was on his death bed and saw into the spirit world. He describes demons in detail and what he was permitted to see. This man is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and is telling the truth.


Please download it and pass it on.
Eternal_Quest (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-25)
Have you ever messed around with witchcraft? Quija board? Stuff like that sometimes open up doors and this negative energy or beings are welcome right in, also those bad experiences you had sometimes pushes you away from the family circle, these negative beings look for any little hole they can find and the most common is when the love circle has a whole on it, have you experience anything else?
Warrior_Troy (42 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-21)
Alissa98, please listen to me and don't take what I am about to share lightly. There are many people that call themselves a'Christian' but they PRACTICE a lifestyle of sin. No one is perfect and without sin (we do have human weakness and will fall from time to time) but I am talking about people who fornicate, lie, cheat, hate others, disobedient to parents or authority, and do this without conviction, and then boldly proclaim they are a Christian. If we are a true Christian God will enable us through the power of His Spirit living in us to live a holy life.

I know someone is going to get upset because I sound like I am preaching. I am only speaking the truth in love I am not trying to offend anyone.

Some people think that they can live any kind of lifestyle they want and as long as they go to church or believe in the bible that they are a Christian. No!

If you want to be a real Christian ask the Lord to cleanse your life of sin and ask Him to help you clean up your life. It's a process and doesn't happen over night.

When you are living a pure and holy life then demons will have no legal claim to operate in your life. Sin is the doorway for demons to enter your life.

OK, I am finished. I know if ruffled a few feathers but I didn't mean too.
alissa98 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-20)
Saturday is the day we go to church. I haven't been in 3 to 4 months. Again I woke to 3:00 Am. My foot was being burnt again. It felt as if Someone was taking cold cold metal, that was on fire as well to my foot. After about 15 minutes of laying in pain I went to the bathroom. My foot was swollen,blistered,red,and bleeding. I didn't do anything to my foot at all. I took pictures, possibly I may post. I got my large wolf dog inside with me and she slept with me. She would jump every now and then, but she is the only animal that has stayed in my room since. I still feel my foot burning. 😨 but I also found out not only my best friend, but my boyfriend is experiencing things. Same things as well. He woke at 3 last night too, and the night before he stayed up all night with me. He woke to scratches on his arms. I am making him come to church as well. I don't think he has ever been, but he is Christian too. Just a hunch, but I have the feeling there are four demons. Each experience is different than the next. Even the feeling is different. I will keep you updated. Something else tells me somethings going to change plans for saturday 😕 Thank you for your support I couldn't keep this bottled up.
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-20)
I came to the conclusion that this thing is a demon. I would reccomend trying to talk to your mother about this.
I think she could help you as you said that she's a devil rebuker.

Good luck & Keep us updated!

Thankyou for posting
xXelliemayXx ❤
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
I know this is getting traumatic for you hun again I offer the solution that sould repell your tormentor I sugest an infusion of salt holywater and wild rose pettles spred this around your room you may also wish to purify any negitive energy within the house so smudge your doors windows and rooms with sage and spread holy water if you feel you need extra protection it should give youu some peace and if that dosent work you can call a preist I know a bokor isn't someon youd normaly consider for help but this service is free may as well take advantage so please keep me informed miss

Your Freind,
The Puppeteer
aiafaith1 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
I read what happened recently to you. That bothers me. You said you're a Christian, so here we go. GO GET A PRIEST. Let him bless your home for you. You don't need to go through any more misery.
Kuro (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
There's nothing helpful I can say that someone else hasn't already. I just wanted to say that I feel I've been through a similar situation and your story struck a cord with me. Please stay strong! My thoughts are with you and I'm sending you love and light. ❤
alissa98 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
I understand some people will not always agree and believe, but we as human beings know when something is terribly wrong. In my case, I just know, this is a demon. Saturday I am going to church. I also did something weird. I wasn't tired, but yesterday I got home and went strait to my room, and fell asleep. I slept until 3:00 am. I stayed up since. And I just sat there in complete darkness listening to what was going on around the house. I was the only one awake. My animals were put up. So many things happen. Everyday there is negative energy. My arms are still swollen. The only problem is, if it is my sister bringing the demon here, she will just keep bringing it back. Again, no one may agree. But its something I know deep down. This is a demon. Saturday is the end of this. But part of me wonders whether I will be able to make it through the week, as drained as I am. I haven't eaten in a few days. Barely drinking. Very sick. But I just can't eat.
Warrior_Troy (42 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
Thanks for sharing. I am a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ and over my 20 + years of walking in this thing, I have gathered some knowledge about the enemy (demons) and how they operate.

One thing about demons is that they recognize authority. They have a legal right somehow to operate in your life, and to answer your question "if there can be more than one," ABSOLUTELY! These suckers are ugly! If our spiritual eyes could be opened we would freak out over what we see stalking and hovering around people. You can rebuke demons all day long, but if you don't have authority and they have the legal right to be there, they will not go anywhere.

What gives demons legal right to operate in our lives is sin. Now I know that some people are going to get upset and say that I am preaching but I am telling you what I have come to learn through experience and the bible confirms it.

If demons are around you, they come with an objective.
(Joh 10:10) The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life---life in all its fullness. They are trying to either steal, kill, or destroy your life.

I can give you a remedy or point you in the right direction to get rid of them if your interested, but this post is getting to long.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
woah woah woah hold on there traxtor correct me if I'm wrong but you just came onto a ghost site and basicaly called a victem of a haunting nuts. Skeptics arnt discoraged on here but that kind of crossed a line. People come here for help with a perceved problem when regular explainations don't make sence and a great many people who are in simmilar circumstances would take quite a bit of offence for their now occuring traumatic experiances to be brushed off as halucinations. I'm not attacking you just warning you to tread a little more carefully people come here for help and understanding with superatural problems often in a delicate frame of mind so try to use a little sensitivty when dealing with posters in the future, May the gods bless and keep you.

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
taxork511 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-18)
Oh and one more thing... This demonic figure you keep seeing is there to protect you... I know it sounds crazy, but, if you wake up and see this thing, then it is obviously notifying you when you are going to do something very drastic to yourself, or someone else, and trying to stop you.
taxork511 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-18)
I would honestly say that I don't think you are haunted. I believe that what you have is caused by some kind of traumatic event you've had in your past. You may have forgotten what happened, or you could remember vividly. Its something in the back of your mind, and it builds up rage. You don't know what's going on in there, kind of like how when the average person will walk upstairs to their room, and when they enter, forget what they came for. I think you are haunting yourself. All these things that happen to you, you are doing to yourself subconsciously. I highly suggest you go to church, and you tell them your problems. Ask a pastor or priest about it. Join a prayer group. You could even goes as far as dressing in white clothes, washed in holy water, standing infront of a mirror holding up a cross and shout "The power of Christ compels you!". If that doesn't work, get some hallucinogenic pills from your doctor. It might work. If you are already on hallucinogens, then stop.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-18)
exactly. I think it's poltergeist. Your mind can still create voices and visions and feelings. Sometimes the person that created the poltergeist doesn't even have to be negative in general or have bad thoughts all the time. It is just an energy shift. I don't think that this is an intelligent haunting. I think you need to see a doctor for some medication.
alissa98 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-18)
Thank you. I do have an update of what happened yesterday, and last night again at around 3:00 am. They don't stay in my home, if that's what you think. I feel their presence everywhere I go. Things have happened at school today as well. Yesterday all of my family left, so I was home alone. I don't know why, but I got up and locked the doors. I turned off lights and sat in a chair staring at my closed door. Sudden rage built up inside of me, and I began to scream. I kept screaming,"Go away! Leave!" At my bedroom door. It was unexplainable scream. Not like a girl scream. More less a growl like scream. I am a Christian yes, and never would I ave dreamed of doing this. I turned and grabbed a glass cross. I kept squeezing as hard as I could until it shattered in my hand. I knew what I was doing, but I couldn't control my actions. After that I felt very uneasy. I just fell on the floor crying. Last night at 3:00,my probably over 200lbs tv moved. And everyday I feel like something is eating me alive. Draining all of my energy, to the point where I can't walk. After this I noticed my arms would hurt after I wouldn't do anything. They feel bruised and are very swollen with scratches and bite marks all over. But yet at school today, before I said goodbye to my boyfriend. He asked for a hug. As soon as he did, an image came to mind of me choking him during a hug. Quickly I said no and walked off. Terrible images are haunting my mind and dreams. One of spiked handcuffs being put on my hands and people pulling on the chains that were attached to them. More if any. I will keep updating. Unless I decide to writ another story.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-18)
Thank you for your support youd be suprized the flack I catch sometimes but enough about my troubles the infusion and sage should help all in all

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
aiafaith1 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-04-18)
Hey Puppeteer,
I thought your advice was very good. I clicked the up arrow.

Best Wishes
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-18)
hm that's odd I wasn't aware giving advice on how to fix the problem was irrelivent or rude or iddiotic and yet after atempting to help this person my karma points droped again please people I am aware my methods may not be in your belife system but I like you am only trying to help so please use the karma systm correctly and do not target my posts symply because you don't agree thank you

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
goldeen (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-18)
wow that should be a scary thing for you are you sure you saw a demon in your house? Why not in another house. 😕

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