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A Nightmare And A Farewell


SV became part of my extended family after marrying my second cousin RM. I was in my awkward early teenage years and didn't care for him, specially since my relatives closer to him described SV as a snobbish and uppish person. For these reasons, my interactions with him were reduced to the most basic civilities during the occasional family reunions both of us attended.

All of this changed a few years later when I decided to continue my education and joined the Faculty of Chemistry in the public University, SV's alma mater, which instantly gave us a common ground to talk about when we were together. Little gossip and updates about some of my, then, professors whom had been his classmates years earlier. We used to exchange our experiences and funny adventures during lab sessions and long hours of arid calculus and organic chemistry lessons.

It became normal for us to spend most of the time together at birthday parties, christenings, and other family reunions.

By those days RM and SV have had three children.

After I finished university and began working, he went to meet me a few times after work and we would ride the subway together and take our own way at one of the transfer stations.

Although his conversation was always pleasant and entertaining, at some point I began to wonder if all he used to tell me was true, or if he had the habit of embellishing his anecdotes, in which he was always faster, intrepid, better, etc...

Once he mentioned to have driven at excessive speed and doing a record time of one hour between two cities in southern Mexico. Since I had never been to that area, I believed what he said.

In October 1990, I traveled to this area of the country and went to those cities. There's roughly a distance of 400 km between them... At that point I began questioning what SV had told me.

One night, I had an upsetting nightmare, in which I was walking through a long aisle in a hospital heading toward the nurses station.

There were several closed doors on both sides of the aisle, except for one door to my left that was slightly open. As I approached it, I saw two little lights floating against a black background, and a skeletal hand beckoning me through the crack between the door and the wall.

Although I didn't see any facial features, I knew it had to be a skeleton, the vibe it game me was negative and, in my dream, I recoiled at its sight and walked as close as possible to the wall on the right side.

I knew this figure was inviting me, perhaps even daring me, to see whatever there was behind that door.

I woke up sweating and upset, got up with a bad feeling but forgot about it as I followed my daily routine.

At around 2:00 PM that day, close to the end of my work day, I began thinking about SV and, at the same time, "feeling" his presence right beside me. I decided that, the next time I saw him, I would tell him that I didn't believe he had driven such distance in such a short time.

Unfortunately, the evening of that day, we got a phone call letting us know that SV had passed away in the afternoon in the hospital of a city in northern Mexico. He was with his wife trying to get to Mexico City in order to be with their eldest child on her birthday that same day.

He had a massive heart attack and had to go to a hospital, but it was too late and he passed away... Around 2:00 PM.

The day of his wake, I felt remorseful and sad, thinking that he came to me to say goodbye and the only thing I did at that moment was to remember his little white lie.

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aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
2 years ago (2023-05-09)
Hello again lady-Glow, I was going to let this slip by however it was probably too much of a coincidence not to share it here with you, perhaps to point out a parallel in your own account. Last week, maybe around 7 days ago, I had a dream where a receptionist from a doctor's practice I was due to visit tomorrow morning, contacted me to cancel the appointment.

Sure enough this morning. The receptionist contacted me and did exactly that. Now the reason she gave me in the dream and the actual reason for cancelling were different which is not the first time over the years this has happened. It's why in your own account, I have made the leap in referring it to precognition of sorts even though the clarity was not as straightforward as you having more insight into the details of his passing.

Regards Daz
lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
2 years ago (2023-05-08)

*I wonder if he tried to communicate with someone else at the moment of his passing.*

I guess I'll never know.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
2 years ago (2023-05-08)
Hi aussiedaz.

It's always good to 'see' you around. Thanks for reading and commenting on my story.

Yup... I imagine my relatives got tired of hearing SV's stories and, knowing myself, I would have told him that I doubted his feats... I guess I did tell him at the end.

I never told anyone other than my Mother about SV's visitation... I wonder if he tried to
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
2 years ago (2023-05-03)
Hi lady-Glow,

I do believe it was a precognition of sorts and feeling his presence the next day, was a kind of double down to make sure you worked out it was him saying goodbye. I'm Not sure who or what was behind the nightmare, however, when we dream I believe we are in a state of consciousness that is not bounded by time, so perhaps it was your own intuition picking up on the bad news that followed.

His family found him snobbish and uppish and you found him pleasant and entertaining? Reading between the lines, I wouldn't have called it a lie but rather an exaggeration of his own account in earnest to have a response. I think most of we males, who think we have a sense of humour do tend to bend a story to get a reaction. You were younger and probably responding with glee on your face and he was probably feeding off the interaction... And perhaps those family members who though he was snobbish were having second thoughts? Anyway,

Thanks for sharing your account.

Regards daz
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
2 years ago (2023-05-02)
Reading your reply to Rajine and Tweed gave me another thought.

"Perhaps that's the reason why this premonition was presented as an unmistakable symbol: the Grim Reaper, but without showing me who's life was going to end."

In your report of events, you said, "There were several closed doors on both sides of the aisle, except for one door to my left that was slightly open. As I approached it, I saw two little lights floating against a black background, and a skeletal hand beckoning me through the crack between the door and the wall. Although I didn't see any facial features, I knew it had to be a skeleton, the vibe it game me was negative and, in my dream, I recoiled at its sight and walked as close as possible to the wall on the right side."

And you did not go into the room, which is probably a smart move, but if you had gone in, what would you have seen? We shall never know, unless we manage to get into the alternate universe where you entered the room. 😁
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-05-02)
Lady Glow, I can't upvote you at the moment. But I remember that Dollar Shop encounter. Some premonitions are so weird, 'like what the heck did I need to know that for?' I think you're right about the reason for your dream about SV being the darkest.
I can be quite the dumbo at the best of times. I just now realised the significance of date this happened being SV's daughter's birthday. My god that's rough.πŸ™That poor girl.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
2 years ago (2023-05-01)
Hi CrimsonTopaz.

I mentally talked to SV during his wake and funeral, apologising for my petty thoughts at the moment of his last visit. I'm sure he heard me and understood that I held nothing against him.

Yes, it was and still must be terrible for SV's daughter to have her birthday on the same day that her father passed away. She had turned 14 YO that day.

In Mexico, a girl's 15th birthday is a reason for a great celebration. When my little cousin turn 15, there was a big family reunion and party. When the time for speeches came, it was mentioned that that same day was SV's first passing anniversary... It was a very sad moment and, I'm sure, there was not a dry set of eyes among the guests, but I'm equally sure that her father was there in spirit celebrating life.

Thanks for reading my story.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
2 years ago (2023-05-01)
Rajine and Tweed.

I have always thought that this was a premonition of SV's passing. Although this hasn't been the only time I have known of a person's death through a dream, this has been, so far, the darkest dream of all.

I think it had to do with the fact that, in previous precognitive dreams, the person's end was impending and expected to happen at any time, but SV was very young, in his early 40's and still with a life ahead of him.

Perhaps that's the reason why this premonition was presented as an unmistakable symbol: the Grim Reaper, but without showing me who's life was going to end.

I don't know if it's good or bad, but, though I occasionally have precognitive dreams, they tend to be random, about irrelevant events and out of context, and usually of events that have happened or will happen in close proximity to the day I have the dream.

In a dream, I have "lived" the tsunami in Indonesia in 2004, and the Haiti earthquake in 2010... And even read an unpublished story in YGS, even commenting about having read it before!

lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
2 years ago (2023-05-01)
Tweed and RCRuskin.

Hi guys!

Thanks for reading and commenting on my story. I had never considered the possibility of SV feeling a bit guilt-ridden by his little lies, but it makes sense, perhaps he realised that I would have cared as much as I did for him even if he had not been always a hero in his stories.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-30)
PS: LG, It's very sad he didn't make it to his daughter's birthday. May he RIP.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-30)
Lovely Ladyglow, I think you'll get another chance to tell him what you want and find peace in doing so. What you feel and say will still reach him. I believe our word's and feelings are past on. Don't feel bad, you didn't know. You are obviously very physic to have had that feeling the same time of his passing. Thats a gift to be treasured.
Rajine (14 stories) (925 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-30)
I wonder what that dream meant πŸ€” and what would have happened had you followed that skeleton... But I'd like to believe that nightmare and your relatives passing have no connection, I feel it's far to "evil" for lack of a better word for it to be connected, whether as a premonition or otherwise...
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-30)
Don't feel bad Lady Glow. If he hadn't been an embellisher in life there'd be no reason for your mind to go in that direction. Every choice we make will denote how we're remembered, no one's an exception to that little reality. He may have even realised you'd started seeing through his white lies. Perhaps you sensed that from him in that moment on that day.
He sounds like a good fun guy who'd be great to work with. May he Rest In Peace.

Your nightmare sounds very vivid and disturbing, you described it really well. Something about you moving down the aisle seems to point to an experience you had to go through at that time. Or at least that's how I'd interpret that one 'moving down the aisle' detail. Or I'm talking complete bollocks, also possible. Do you often have precognitive dreams?

Thanks for sharing. Experiences like these really prove we're connected to friends and family in ways we don't fully understand yet.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-30)
May his Memory be Eternal.


So you suspect your cousin's husband of lying, and you get a visitation from him after he died and all you could think about was a lie he told. Was he expressing some remorse, or were you just being suspicious?

We may never know.

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