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Freaky Fishing Trip


A couple weeks ago me, my cousin, his friend, went out in our kayaks for a day of fishing and relaxing. It is early spring so it was our first time out this year, being something we did (my cousin and I, not his friend, it was his first time out) almost weekly the last couple years when the weather was nice. The pond we went out in is called Great Island pond, aptly named for the 2 acre or so island that is located directly in the middle.

On this island is an abandoned hunting lodge. From what locals have told me it was being used up until sometime in the 1970's. There are all new housing developments and neighborhoods in the area but at the time this was a really remote place. My cousin and I often stopped in our kayaks and walked through the house at some point during each kayak trip we would make. It is a pretty large house, three floors with a wrap around deck on the second floor, which has a beautiful view of the pond and woods. Having been in there many times we knew how everything inside the house wais set up. So, getting back to the story.

We got out of our kayaks and we explained the house and its layout, and where to step and where not to step, to our guest and first time kayaker. After we were through we made our way up the stairs and into the kitchen, checking out the old well pumps and retro refrigerator. Not ten seconds in to entering the house we hear a loud walking or running sound upstairs and we all stopped and listened. To me it sounded like a person walking or a large animal, because it was fairly loud and there is no way a squirrel or raccoon weighed enough to made those loud steps. We were a little freaked but being three twenty-something's, we shrugged it off and acted like we were not worried.

Next thing we did was cut through the parlor to get out to the front deck and show our buddy the great outside view. While walking through the room my cousin and I stopped and looked at each other. He asked me exactly what I was just about to ask him, which was "why is the door to upstairs closed?" The door had never been closed during any previous visits to the house and it is something that we both noticed immediately. There is no wind in the house because all doors to get in are always closed. Anyway, we continue on to the porch and hang out there for a few minutes, taking some pictures and enjoying the view. We walk back inside to check out the rest of the house and as we are walking back across the parlor, the door that was closed that leads to upstairs flings open hard enough to leave a dent in the wall. Needless to say the three of us ran out of the house back to the front yard. We were all visibly shaken up and were trying to figure out how that could have possibly happened. There was no wind that day, all doors were closed, and the door that opened was clicked shut all the way when we first saw it. After five minutes of deciding if we should go back in, we did exactly that. We went upstairs and could not find a thing, not even a scared animal. We were totally dumbfounded. Needless to say it was a very interesting and confusing pit stop during our mostly relaxing day.

One other thing that happened to me recently was I was laying on my back in bed, trying to fall asleep to no avail. For some reason I felt the need to open my eyes, which has never happened that I can remember, and I saw this misty pattern moving around on my ceiling. It was black but had some colors in it. It was moving around in one general area, directly above me. I had this weird feeling in my body as well. I thought maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me so I woke up my girlfriend who was next to me and asked her if she could see it. She said she couldn't but I was looking right at it. I closed my eyes and waited a few more minutes and opened them again, only to see the same thing. Eventually I just fell asleep and haven't brought it up until now.

Do you have any ideas what this could be?

Am I just going crazy?

I really don't feel like I am though.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, andy83991, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-04-18)
theisland, considering this account is 10 years old, it's no surprise that the picture links no longer work. But maybe someone out there does have the pics...
theisland (2 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-17) [at] N08/7941702780/in/photostream/
theisland (2 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-17)
Does anyone have the actual pictures shown? I know this place and would like to see the pictures now.
jeff42 (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-06)
BTW Andy, I did not have any visions or anything, but when I came home after taking the pics of the house, I kept having a worried feeling that something followed me off the island. I remembered reading somewhere that bodies of water won't be crossed by evil spirits so I didn't worry too much, heh. But I just remembered that the local kid told me that he brought a nail home from the workbench in the house as a souveneir and odd things kept happening with it.
jeff42 (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-06)
OK, here are the photos of the faces in the fire right across the water from the island. The womens faces are first, and the latter pics show the creepy David Crosby-looking guy, seeming to be smoking a cigar. I just noticed that there is another male face in the latter photos, where the female faces were (the creepy guy is a little lower, and what was the women's hair looks like his hat.) You may spot other faces as well. Turn the lights down so you can really see the details...

jeff42 (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-06)
OK Jav, here is the link to the photos of the house that I took last summer. The hall pics are the ones I took when I felt like something was behind me, wanting me out. I gave one a black and white treatment that I think enhances the mood of the moment... The faces-in-the-fire pics are on my old outdated phone, and as soon as I figure out how to get them on flickr I will. If I screwed up the link, just search my user name on flickr, "thewhatever42"

Http:// [at] N08/
jeff42 (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-05)
Yeah Jav, I knew that was coming... I am kind of computer illiterate and I mainly use a droid tablet, but I will give photobucket a try... There are some cool pics. I will come back here and drop the link.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-04)
[at] jeff42,
Since reading your side of this tale, and so much of it having to do with the pics you took. Hows about you download those suckers into photobucket or Utube and put up a link here so we can take a gander at them ourselves. They sound quite intriguing, and I'd love to get a look at them

jeff42 (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-04)
Andy, I actually came across this website because I was looking for info on this house. I have been fishing there for 5 years since my friend bought a boat. It has been our fave spot ever since because of the fact that the long treacherous dirt road out there both makes it feel like a real fishing trip and keeps the boat traffic to a minimum. Anyway we have taken friends out to that house several times since discovering it, and we always ask the local kids who come out to the beach to hang out about it when we meet them. Everybody seems to have a story about it, and the legends around its origin vary widely, from orphanage to tuberculosis house. According to one guy, as recently as 17 years ago, it was abandoned by its most recent dwellers.

Anyway, I had an eerie experience there a year or two ago. We had brought a friend to the house for his first time. This friend is a big tough kind of guy, but within 5 minutes he was ready to leave. Mind you it was a beautiful sunny day, but even so he needed to get out, so they exited and I stayed inside taking pictures (what a great place to photograph huh?). When I got to the hallway behind the main floor fireplace, I noticed that the last door on the right was closed. I walked down to it, and when I got to it, I suddenly felt compelled to say "Come on in!" and open the door, which I did, immediately thinking that I had just done something ill-advised. In the tiny bedroom, the sun was streaming through the corner windows and it should have been the cheeriest part of the house, but I instantly felt chills and an oppressive force of some kind. Now I needed to get out of there, and as I retreated back down the hall I had that "something is behind you" feeling that grew with each step. But, then I remembered the pictures I was there for and I decided to turn around and take a few, thinking maybe I'd capture an image of some ectoplasm or something. Well I didn't get ectoplasm, but I did get two of the most sinister looking pics I have ever seen, just of the hall, but there is a real impression of menace just oozing out of the pics. Two women, when going through the pics of the house, actually recoiled and both said "Ooo, I don't like that!" when they got to the first hall pic.

Anyway, we camped out at the campsite across the water from the island recently. We met some local kids and as usual, everybody has stories about that house. One guy told me a few, about noises like you heard and when they went upstairs to investigate, all the beds would have been pushed against one wall, when they were scattered elsewhere minutes before when they were first upstairs. He also related the night he and a triend heard a woman's screams on the island, but when they paddled out quickly in a canoe, nobody was there. And another story about a pane in a window of the same room I opened the door to (I hadn't told him my story about that room yet) that, even though he and his friends had thrown rocks through it several times, it would be intact the next time they went out there. Then this guy told us what the memorial plaqu at our campsite was supposedly for. According to him, a local kid drove out there late one night and was found dead the next day in his car, an apparent suicide with a hose connected to his tailpipe and in through the cracked window. But the police found somebody else's prints on the hose and tailpipe and ruled it a murder. Of course, with this place the legends abound and vary wildly. I need to investigate that one further. And then he told us that another guy basically disappeared on a fishing and camping trip there with a friend and a canoe. That may or may not have been for our benefit, to ratchet up the chill factor on our campout.

So after a night of creepy and disturbing stories, we were back at the campsite at the campfire, and I figured I'd take some pics of the fire closeup. I'm sure the subject of conversation had my wheels turning anyways, but I could not shake the feeling that these woods have some sort of enchantment, like a forest out of Lord Of The Rings. I saw one response in this thread suggesting that the surrounding forest may have been active paranormally for a long long time. Well that was how it certainly felt to me. Anyway after a few surreal images from the fire, suddenly one pic looks like a woman's face. She has fair features and black hair. I show the picture to my friend and he sees the face too. Then, the next 6 or 7 pictures all have different women's faces, all similar with black hair and attractive features, but all clearly different facial features and hairstyles, like an old salon poster that shows different hairstyles to choose from. (At least one of these pics has a second, very anguished face at another angle which a friend spotted while scrolling through the shots.) Then the women's faces stopped coming through in the pics and there were a few nondescript images of the fire. And then, suddenly a man's face started coming through in the pics. Right from the first pic of this guy, his features were stark and creepy and undeniable and his face contorted through various sinister glares and scowls for 7 or 8 shots before vanishing. I took pictures until I couldn't see him anymore. He looked like David Crosby's evil twin, with long frizzy hair and a thick moustache. In my mind, I imagined that he was some bad man who did bad things to women who looked a certain way... Attractive and fair with black hair. Anyway suffice it to say, I was up very late that night, fishing under the moon and unwilling to just lay asleep with nothing but a canvas tent between me and whatever lurked in the woods...
AnimelainWind (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-28)
if it is an old house... Do you know if there is a floor plan of the house? Because if the pond and stuff are around it, the soil might get lose over time and the house might eventually crumble. If its not those things, then it might be poltergeists (noisy ghost) since you didn't see it. If it is poltergeist then either you or one of your friends is stressed. If its not all those then its ghost or air pressure 😕 I am so random =.=
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-18)
Thanks for sharing your story! I read a story when I was a kid in a book by Bruce Coville (and other authors), and the story was called "The Thing In Aunt Alma's Pond". Ever since then I've been deathly afraid of ponds!

Although I wonder if the story might be similar? Perhaps the spirit haunting the lodge may have been someone who went there to stay and ended up drowning. I wonder if there might be a sunken boat under the pond somewhere...ugggh, I have the chills!

Also about what you saw floating above you in bed--that may have been something called ectoplasm. If you don't know, ectoplasm is basically "spirit residue"...something that people see when a spirit either manifests or is in the process of crossing over. A rare glimpse that I think you saw because of your experience at the lodge. Something about having a brush with the paranormal opens us up to future experiences.
andy83991 (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-18)
otteer- Thanks so much for the link

FreyaLuna- I agree, I always wondered that myself. There is a 3 story brick fireplace, and all the wood, equipment, and supplies had to be transported by a boat. I was thinking that maybe they had a barge with a rope attached to pull it back and forth. That weight would not be able to be carried by a rowboat. Thanks for the comment! 😁
-FreyaLuna (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-18)
[at] Otteer: that's awesome =^.^=. Kudos for the link! It would be awesome if it had more info on the house though, I would like to know why a house was built in such an odd area lol.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-18)

Click on Munnohannit Island for the bill of sale for the home. This site has the most info on that area with pictures, surveys and land information.

andy83991 (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-05)
I can say 100% without a doubt there were no humans on the island with us at the time. It is small enough to see every edge an there is no possible way for someone to get out without us seeing them...
andy83991 (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-05)

Thanks so much for the research! I tried looking it up but didn't have a good results. I would appreciate it if you could send me a link to the site where you found it, as I am very interested. And thanks as well for the insight... Andy83991 [at]

Radish 54-

I believe that there were an abundance of Native Americans in the area at one time, so that would make a lot of sense.


Thanks for the thoughts, I believe one day this summer I will camp out on the island, as I have planned on doing it in the past. This just gives me more of a reason to and a little excitement.

Once again, THANK YOU EVERYONE who commented, I sincerely appreciate it 😁
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-30)
Hi Andy,wow...this was one adventures story! I liked your story, and I love fishing. I think it would be awesome to camp there for a weekend though, because then there is much more time to explore the place but maybe it will be too dangerous out there alone. From my point of view ghosts are everywhere around us. We just don't see all' of them. Maybe it could have been something that shut the door because you were intruding. The figure you saw on the ceiling can be anything. It depends on how tired you were and the darkness in the room. If one is very tired your eyes plays tricks especially at night. Thanks for sharing. Trix. 😉
radish54 (1 stories) (51 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-29)
I realize that properties are abandoned for many reasons, more now than ever, but perhaps the original abandonment had some roots in the paranormal.

If there were indigenous peoples in your area perhaps this attractive ground, on water, surrounded by forest, has long been active.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-28)
oops, survey done in 1912. So the builder is Mr.Weeks. Wonder why no one has tried to rebuild on the island?
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-28)
Spooky! I looked this area up on the internet and there is lots of information about the area. It is waaaaayyyyyy cool!

Yes, it is possible that someone was upstairs, you caught them when they wernt supposed to be there and that someone threw the door open to scare you so they could escape. 5 minutes is enough time for them to boogie out another side of the home. If you took a boat over, they could have taken one too.
The island is large enough to conceal a boat. Since its private property, they would have been just as scared as you.

The area was surveyed in 1921, there were only two homes in the Great Island pond area, one is an inlet and the other on the island. There was a sale listed in 1915 from Warren Weeks to Edwin Farnham. Lot of history in that area, its possible, if there where no human intruders, your ghost could be one of the two. If you experience something again, use the names and see if you get a response! The Island is owned by a reality trust now.

In regards to you waking up and having to open your eyes... I believe you, I have felt eyes boring into the back of my head only to turn around and see someone staring at me. I think there is a vibe being sent out that we all have felt one way or another.

Thanks for the story, it made for some interesting research for me! ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-04-27)
Andy: I hope you understand I'm not trying to discount your story, just looking for other possibilities first 😊...I assume since it is a small island, the only wildlife would be birds and/or rodents?...Also, one possible explanation about the door being closed is, someone else had been there between your visits... If no one else could have been there at the same time you were, and all else is ruled out, this is indeed a doozy of an experience! 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-04-27)
ivonne2400: This site is intended for people 13 years old or older... Some of these accounts aren't what your Mom or Dad would want you to read about... I don't want to hurt your feelings, but perhaps you should find a site where there are more folks your age... Try this one:


Thanks for understanding, and I hope to see you back in a few years! 😊
ivonne2400 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-27)
great story! I believe u! I'm 11! I don't think your going crazy! ❤
andy83991 (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-27)
Thanks for the comments everyone!

Zzsgranny- The island is small and we had kayaked around it before going ashore, no way someone else was there with us, if someone had swam there before or after we would have seen them, especially since we checked the top floor inside and out.

LouSlips- I agree with what you say about opening my eyes. I have never felt that before this time. It was more like a sense of a presense and I wanted to open my eyes to see what it was.

Looney85- Thanks for the advice, I appreciate your comment.
looney85 (3 stories) (188 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-27)
hey Andy, great story!

I do have to agree with Vulcan10 about you checking what made the noise at first. Though I believe that something strange did happened to you and the others, it also might of been what followed you home. And if what you saw that night was related to your early day encounter, it probably just wanted you to notice it, and not your girlfriend. (just a thought) 😊

If anything else happens, keep us posted! And thanks again for sharing!

Looney. 😉
vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-27)
Yep. Hard to say. You should have checked it out the first noise you heard. But who knows, maybe something followed you home.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-27)
How wooded/open is the island? Could someone have also beached a boat/kayak that you would not have noticed, and been on the island at the same time?
The mist account is a bit odd, to me. No offense intended. But "For some reason I felt the need to open my eyes, which has never happened that I can remember,"...laying in bed, not able to sleep, I feel compelled to open my eyes quite a bit... After that, it seems your eyes must have been playing tricks on you... Unless a. You've had other paranormal experiences amongst other people that they in turn did not experience, or b. Your girlfriend has bad eyesight... She should have seen what you felt you were seeing.
Nice try though. Maybe next time you are looking for a reason to wake her up in the middle of the night, she will be more receptive.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-04-27)
Andy: Well, from your description of the place, I'd think it's safe to say that you guys aren't the only people to visit this site, also there's more than one entry/exit...So, in my opinion, there was someone else there trying to scare you, and when you all went outside, they made their escape via another exit...

As for your next experience, I really have no idea, but maybe it was something paranormal... Hard to say, since I wasn't there! 😆...Have you had anything strange or unexplained happen in your home prior to/since then?

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