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Living In My Haunted House



I am an openly and actively practicing Wiccan that has had paranormal experiences on more than one occasion throughout my life. I was raised by an overly religous zealout and was taught that ghosts don't exist, witches are all devil worshipers, blah blah blah. Being sensitive to these things was strictly forbidden. Yet, I WAS and am sensitive to spirits and such. It was tough growing up with this gift, but I now embrace the empathy and go with it.

A handfull of years ago, my family had the great fortune of moving into a much needed 3 bedroom trailer. As a family of 4 living in a quickly shrinking 2 bedroom apt, I was grateful to find the needed room in a trailer we could afford. Would've been nice to get a regular house, but whatever right? So we pack up all our stuff and move into the new digs. The first night we had no electricity yet and elected to sleep together in the living room with a couple of "deer heaters" to keep us warm (as it was Dec). The busy moving day knocked both kids out at darkfall. I swear it was all the excitement that put em down, tempting as it was to knock the little darlings out myself. It was a clear cold night with very very little wind and I distcinctly hear a repetitious knock on the outside of the window unit. I'm sitting with my nose in a book as usual and let the knocking go unanswered.

Then it hits me like a blast of warm air that something is in the hallway that goes to my bedroom. I take a candle and investigate knowing it's there without seeing anything. I use the restroom while I'm there and get an uncomfortable feeling I'm being watched. Needless to say, I made record time back to the candlelit living room. The next morning Tristan, my youngest, 3-4 years old, begins babbling about ghosts. And yes, that's ghosts. He swears there is one (a man) with blue eyes that lives in my bedroom. I believe him. This all comes out of him before nightfall of our 1st full day at the new Duncan Manor. Before the week is out, he is conversing with the ghosts in full question/answer form. But these days he tells me he's just talking to hisself. But the wierd thing is it sounds as though he's been told to say that. I know what I feel and what he does daily. I'm convinced by the end of day 2 there's something in my house, but only the one spirit is negative. He's more than slightly negative. He's bitter about something. But that's to come out in its own time.

I've had a close friend come over and walk right back out because she feels "crowded" by the entities in my house. She has been inside since but can't stay any legnth of time. She swears its attatched to the property. Which I believe as well. I have asked the landlord about the trailer. It seems he lived here with his daughter for several years and moved the trailer here himself 10 years ago. They never said anything about having any incidents while they lived here, but they are not willing to believe in such things.

My house also has phantom smells. My daughters room gets distinctive "old people" smell frequently. I also get a sulferous scent from time to time that freaks me out.

As the years pass and wear on so do the incidents. And I developed a strange "personality disorder". I essentially get lost in my bedroom for weeks at a time. Only coming out to feed the family and such. This can last from 2 weeks to months. What is in my bedroom loves to drag what feels like 2 icy wet fingers down my leg as I sleep. What an eye-opener that is in the morning let me tell you! Things such as bracelets/ankle bracelets disappear off of me when I sleep never to be found again. Even years later mind you. I have come to talk to the several female spirits regularly, they love the kids. They walk the hall from one kids room to the other keeping guard over our babes all night, every night. Even my nonbeliever husbeast hears and admits to them. There are at least 5 female spirits that are definately attatched to the property, not the house per se. I have done A LOT of research on the property and it helped a lot, yet I have still no clue on who/what is squatting in my bedroom. All of this is what prompted me to found my own paranormal research team.

My last incident is truely horrifying and has only been shared at Spooky Texas Society's site. Several months ago, I bought my 16 year old daughter a "Alice in Wonderland" style full legnth mirror. It is currently residing next to my hubbins and my bed (she's been a turd, long story). I arose a few Saturdays ago to sit up and see a heavy black mist covering only me reflecting in the mirror. I threw towels over the mirror and left them there for a while. I'm still struck cold by what I saw so very vividly in that mirror that day. Whats in the house loves to turn off/on the dish boxes/microwave/timers. This I believe is the women, sort of playing. Its what's in my bedroom I am concerned about. Any suggestions/thoughts? I also would like to know if there is a long term affect being exposed to the dark entity for so long.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, RachelMasseyDuncan, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

scrapmetalkitten (306 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-25)
If you are still feeling depressed you can talk to your doctor about some meds, if you aren't already taking some. You can get anti-depressants from Walmart for $10 a month without insurance. I know cause I've had to take them since a young teenager. I think it's great that you are writing. Keeping busy helps stave off my feelings of depression, and forcing myself to make sure to get out of the house everyday. Even if it's going to the store or walking around the neighborhood. Everyone is different, but this has personally helped me deal with depression in a healthy way. I also have close friends and an understanding mom that I can talk to when I have problems, and I go to a therapist when I feel really overwhelmed. I know your problems won't be solved overnight, but eventually you'll find something that will work for you.
RachelMasseyDuncan (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-15)
Ok,so I have been talking to Snidely again. I do this when he does his "turning things on and off" bit. He does this when he's been quiet for a certain period of time. I'm assuming its to remind us he is still here. As if I could ever forget about him? I should be so lucky! ButI digress. Im working the reasoning with him angle. I keep telling him there's nothing I can do to change his situation. Whats the point in even pestering me? I have nothing to do with his situation, you know, stuff like that. I'm sure he'll respond in due time. I have completely starved him of my fear.
I have been talking to other witches about different shielding spells and such. As the ones I have used arent very effective. And truth be told, I want to keep the protective spirits that are living with us. I have started really thinking about the last few years. Here is a list of things that have come about since we have moved here:
1) the hubs and I fight, but we fight wiser and listen better to each others side. But I have been sort of leveling him in all honesty.
2) every bad thing that happens to us have been resulting in something better ultimately. (i.e we had a wreck recently. And we have one barnburner of a lawsuit and a better car as a result and no one ended up with any broken bones)
3) I can't keep a job for any legnth of time anymore. The longest time being 2 and a half years. BUT my paranormal investigation team is blooming rapidly. And my writing endeavors are getting great reviews and attracting a lot of attention. Lionsgate is awaiting a project proposal from me in October.

Its these odd happenstances that have me wondering about the protective spirits and thier abilities. It makes me wonder how I can keep them and drive Snidely out.
RachelMasseyDuncan (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-12)
Sorry to be out of pocket, my headaches have been a booger over the last couple of weeks.
I have been loking into various forms of shielding/protection spells. I will, in the end, probably meld them to suit my needs. I will be sure to let ya'll know how it turns out.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-22)
What Lou said is absolutely spot on. So, my question is this. What have you done since we discussed this the other day? What progress, if any, has been made?
I'm in your corner, but you're the one in the fight, so it's all going to be on you to finish this butt head off for good.

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-22)
The difference between a "normal" person and a "crazy" person, is simply a diagnosis. Many people battle depression, and how they combat its grips is often times up to the individual. In other words, we are all crazy in varying degrees, and your depression is not your fault. But more often then not, a negative entity will be drawn to someone who is already depressed, for a number of reasons. Whether it be a lack of self-worth, a tragic past, or a tumultuous lifestyle, the reason for an individual's depression do not matter to the entity... But a person who had suicidal tendencies is a prime feeding ground for a negative entity. This entity thrives off the turmoil that its effects on you create; whether it be conflict with your husband, anxiety with your children, or even worry for you by the one's that care about you, it loves it all. It does not care if you live or die, because your death would just cause those who remain to slip into the state you feel, and then it will victimize them.
Although this entity may have its grip on you, it is not the problem. The problem is that it saw the chink in your armor when you arrived, and now its burrowing in, spreading its tentacles, trying to break you down.
All of the encouragement you have received and recommendations on shielding will go for naught if you do not find a way to overcome the problems that this entity detected when you arrived. As instinctive as it is for a mother to sacrifice for their children, that isn't what they need right now. They need a strong mom who is ready to fight... Not a sacrificial host that will give herself up so they won't feel the effects of this being. From what you describe, this is a negative human spirit...which, once you get past the unnerving thoughts of something from the spirit world entering your life; has about 1% the effects that a negative human could have on you. Would you let a stranger into your home and force you to be less of a person, a wife, a mother than what your family deserves? You have the strength, will, and capacity to kick the s--t out of this parasite... All you need is the confidence and realization that that strength is in you. Be prepared, when you do fight, it will get worse before things get better... It will test you, likely through your children... The stronger, healthier, and more committed you are at the beginning of the fight; the sooner it will be over.

RachelMasseyDuncan (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
Well to begin with, the bracelet in question disappeared while I slept. This has happened more than once with other bracelets and an anklebracelet. The one I just found was the type that had to be forced to stretch to put on, you know, like the gasket style the kids wear in all different colors. It so happens that Tempestt (my eldest) gave it to me and it never was taken off for years. I'm skeptical of any of the family "accidentally" cutting it off of me. I would of woken up as it was tight enough to make the knife/scizzors brush against my arm in the process of cutting it. This is why it seems so bizzare that it came up missing to begin with.
I wish now that I would have taken mental notes on which pictures it was between. The box has baby pics of both kids and some of my beloved baby sister. You know, random family pics that were safely stored away. The box has a lid that was closed until it came crashing down on my noggin. Its all just so strange, and let me assure you, my tolerance for crazy crap is REALLY high these days.

As for the shield, yes Wicca has many spells and they haven't been particularly helpful.So,Im open for different shielding spells/techniques.It may be a case of finding just the right one. I generally compose my own as they tend to work better. But in this case I'm open to suggestions. Once I get rid of this headsplitting migraine (a lovely reprecussion of the horrible wreck we had April 15) I'll be hitting your links Jav. Thanks again everyone. ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
Rachel: Interesting read!...I can relate with you about being "stuck" in your room... Had a bout with that myself... For me though, I think it was related to the fact that I was going through menopause, and just like puberty or pregnancy, the hormonal imbalance can wreak havoc on one's mental state... Women can experience peri-menopausal symptoms as early as their late twenties...I'm in no way discounting the paranormal incidents in your account, just giving you another option as to why you may be in a negative mind-set...I would suggest a check-up with your gynie...

Also, and this may be my ignorance of the religion, but I always thought that Wiccans know about shielding techniques, as to do any kind of spell or magick one must shield themselves from negative vibrations and spirits...

Oh, and do you know which picture was the closest to the bracelet?...This may give you a clue as to whom this entity is... 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)

Thanks for understanding. As unfortunate some of my experiences in life have been, I would not change it even if I could because I would be a different person than I am today.

By the way, I forgot to mention that I love the name Rachel and its variants (Rachael, Raechel, and some other interesting ones I've seen...) ❤

The bracelet deal is definitely very strange. Do you think there might be a chance your hubby or one of your kids put it there because they were afraid you would be upset that it got broken? It seems like an odd and obscure place to put something like that, like someone didn't want it to be found.
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
Rachel- I love reading your updates on here about the house, and now the bracelet? That is so strange! How the heck could it have been so cleanly cut? Hm! No knives or scissors in said photo box, I'm sure... Snidley is up to something.
RachelMasseyDuncan (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
I have just had an interesting dscovery. I was digging deep into the back of my closet looking for a certain sundress I can't seem to find and I came across one of the missing bracelets. It was buried in a box of old family pictures, under some of the kids baby pics and such. The box fell off the shelf as I was tugging through the clothes to the rear of the closet and bonked me in the head. How do I know for sure it was one of the missing bracelets? It was one of the black gasket style bracelets I wore for years that came up missing 2 years ago last fall, the day AFTER I painted our kitchen orange. There are still flecks of orange paint on it. Oddest thing? It looks as though it was cut, not ripped or torn off leaving a semi jagged edge. The ends are smooth. And how in tarhooties did it find its way into a box between a bunch photos?
RachelMasseyDuncan (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
Thank you all for the comments. No hard feeling are being held against anyone. I'm just glad ya'll care enough to help.
The psychic shielding is actually a great idea, thanks Jav. Ill be hitting the link here in a few minutes my new friend.
The hubs and I both had a bumpy night sleepwise. Its as if ole Snidely was deadset to not let us get any sleep. He kept waking both of us up all night long so
Im very overtired this morning. The mind is still sleepy so please bear with me this morning.
I do in my heart believe these women are protecting the kids from any nasty doings by Snidely (love this nickname BTW) and I definately don't want to rid my home of them. They are on the job and very effective. As I like to say "If it aint broke don't fix it!" It would be great to run him off the property and keep them if at all possible.
I'm due another blessing soon, the air here is getting heavier and heavier daily, maybe I can incorperate the shield then. It certainly seems worth looking into.
DeviousAngel, my heart goes out to you. My Grandmother is a heinous shebeast with mental daggers as well. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to. I never had anyone and it sure wouldve been great to talk to someone/anyone.Ma liked to repeatedly "remind" me that she bought me off of my paternal sperm donor everytime I did something she didn't like, pissed her off etc. That is quite as headfull for a small child to constantly endure. So email me, call me anything you wish if you need to. Ill be happy to supply the info so you can do just that when nessesary.
With love ❤
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
Rachel, I'm sorry if I or anyone else here misjudged you or hurt your feelings. But just as you expect us to understand you, I hope that you can understand us (or even just me) and my/our position as well. On this site, we get tons of people spewing loads of crap and it's so hard to differentiate the truth from the fiction. I can appreciate that you went out on a limb to seek answers to these goings-on, and I know how frustrating it must be to be met with such criticism. I am not trying to stand in judgement of you. Whenever there are children involved, I am particularly sensitive and feel most protective of them, because--not looking for sympathy here, but hopefully understanding--I grew up in a home where my mother was severely ill in the head, and it was something she was aware of and refused to get help with. Because of that, she found "reasons" to act out against me, and I was her only kid/receiving source so I had a big target on my head. I hope that you will understand that I feel protective of children in these situations because I had no one to protect me or tell my mom that there was no excuse for her behavior.

Anyway, sob stories aside, I'm glad that you have taken a rational approach to things. I think it is also hard to translate your personality through text, so perhaps the tone of your story/comments has put people on edge thinking you might be coming up with excuses to neglect or abuse your kids. Obviously that is not the case, so we/I stand corrected. I am glad you cleared it up and sorry for the misunderstanding. I wouldn't blame you one bit if you thought badly of me, but I hope that you have a better understanding of where I am coming from. 😊

I hope things get better for you.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
Yeah, after you came back spouting words like punches on your return post here, I figured I'd made a huge misreading of your personality. So methinks we may have already made friends. You know, like when you're a kid and you get in one of those "Legendary" fights after school at the bus stop, and that kid you fought ends up being one of your closest buds? I can feel the love already! 😆
I think you may have something with that theory. He sounds like a Snidely Whiplash alright. Let's go through what has been tried so far first. Did you try psychic shielding yet? Because you do need some protection. Not just for you, but the family and home too. You can shield your vehicles as well. This process is one that can offer some needed relief from old Snidely, and oftentimes it takes care of the problem itself. You can teach everyone in the family how to do it and you don't have to lose the female protective spirits in the process. Hell they'd probably appreciate the help. If you're interested, there is a link on my profile page for a site that teaches it, or I can find a very good tutorial that another member (rookdygin) had written up for for a member who was also being plagued, and maybe do a copy paste for you, your choice. Myself, I'd go with Rook's because that member he wrote it for has had excellent results.
It's a good place to start anyway. What do you say? 😊

butthead (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
i kind of noticed your self sanity sense of humour within this story, although I already believed it before hand.
I think it's noticable that you are confident your kids are not affected by this but it is trying to gain your attention rather than that of your kids.
It's understandable that people look out for the vulnerable (especially while not knowing the person who'm speaks of the situation, but yet constantly speaks of children being involved) but I think that you know this is not affecting your kids as much as you. And that maybe it's affecting you to the point that it affects who you are around - your family. I would personaly try to talk with your children and without being blunt see if anything is bothering them, without letting them know what is bothering you.
It does sound to me, from reading what you wrote - and your responses, that it is affecting you greatly and that you are trying to keep it on a lighter note by saving your sanity in the way you describe your story. I can relate to that in some way, if true.

Dont take offence as to how people react on this site, they in almost all cases just want the best for those in question, and even more so the best for thos vulnerable in such a situation.

Was a well written story and thanks for sharing it, and I have not read your profile but the 'self described words of "media whore' was understandable from this perspective... Although it's also understandable that others may take a different view to that.

I've probably said little of anything relivant, but I am positive that while you are communicating here, you are moving forward, rather than staying still... Or god forbid, backwards.
Again, thanks for sharing.
RachelMasseyDuncan (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
We are going to get along great methinks! I love your term shotgun humor and will be using that term if you don't mind. I was a Gypsy M/C for 4 and a half years and your spot on about the viper tactics of women in battle. We also tend to hold that grudge and use unusual and creative techniques to keep the fire burning. But I digress.
I have tried starving it (remove the fear it feeds on) this didn't work very well. It was then that "it" started knicking my jewelry in my sleep. Which only ticked me off. I completely agree that "it" was a nasty character in life only to evolve into something even more sinister in death. I wonder if I haven't hit on something when I said perhaps it tried to force the woman who owned the property to sign it over to him and she wouldnt. That would probably account for it being so bitter and nasty.Hell,I could physically favor her in some way and never know it. Prob is, there is absolutely no way to find out if I'm on the mark, less the use of a ouija board. (NOT happening)
Any other suggestions on running this thing off the property?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
I was hoping you'd say that. I know exactly what you mean, about your sense of humor tending to be a loaded gun. I've got a similar thing, I call mine shotgun humor, whoever is in my blast radius when it goes off is going to get sprayed. So do me a favor and keep the humor, looks like we could use a little just about now anyway. 😉
I do think this darker entity is favoring you. It may be because it knows it can draw the fear out of you because of the children. He gets his strength from your fear, when you deprive him of that fear he, in turn, will lose the hold he thinks he has over you. Some people, I'm sure have suggested you yell at it and tell it to leave. In my opinion, all that yelling will do nothing if your heart isn't behind it. You have to know it down to your core that what you do to be rid of him will work.
I also believe you may be suffering from the effects of the darker entities oppressive nature. Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to suggest this entity is in any way, shape, or form related to the demonic. However this guy was most likely a pretty nasty fellow when he was walking this earth in flesh form, and that just means he will be stubborn. One thing he doesn't have, that you do, is motherhood. The lion may be the King of the jungle, but the Lioness is the real badass of the jungle. When pushed into a corner we can get pretty freaking vicious. I tended bar for a few years in a place people don't normally step into on purpose unless they own a Harley and I can tell you the biggest difference between the way men fight and the way women fight is huge. Men will circle each other, throw some blows, maybe a headlock, and after about 2 or 3 minutes it's all over. They'll help each other up, shake hands and walk back in and buy each other a beer. THAT'S IT! Women will sneak up from behind and either go for the hair or a good sucker-punch to start. But they don't normally have what could be called a fair fight. They will scratch, kick, bite, pull hair, and yes punch. But women don't EVER stop the fight themselves. They will go forever if you don't dowse them with water and find some big enough fools to pull them apart. And they still will fight to get at each other again.
What I'm trying to get at here is that this a-hole knows to use slow and unnerving tactics against you because if he goes any further he runs the risk of having your fear reverse itself and go on the attack, and once that happens, he's a goner. You have more to lose than he does, more to fight for. He knows that, that's why all the things he's done have been slow, methodical, and dark. That's all he's got.
So, what have you tried so far, to remove this from your life? Has there been anything yet that has helped to ease his grip?

RachelMasseyDuncan (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
Thank you Jav, for seeing things as I did. I'm sorry if I seemed waspish. For that I'm truely sorry. I get that way sometimes and can often control it. But in this case, I failed. I did feel attacked and ganged up on. Perhaps I jumped to conclusions, and that is always the absolute worst thing to do. Forgive me for being presumptuous in that area.
My sense of humor tends to be a loaded gun and sometimes I shoot myself in the foot, so to speak. And Ill be first to admit my mouth tends to work for the prosecution. I will work on my "paraphrasing" in the future. My haunting IS very real and is more than slightly disruptive. I'm worried about the fact that this dark being is so drawn to me. The fact that it singled me out is more than slightly frightening for me. It was this fear that brought me to you people. I came looking for tips and help, not mean remarks and insinuations.
Shall we start this over clean slate? I'm more than open to any other suggestions to help aleve this issue.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
Then let me be the first to apologize to you for the massive misunderstanding. I don't think I can offer up an excuse good enough to suit what needs to be repaired.
There are some very misleading statements in your story, for people who don't know you, or your sense of humor. So I'll take this one as my fault. I should have been able to read between the lines here, as I have many times been misinterpreted in much the same manner. It is with head bowed and downcast expression that I offer you my sincerest apologies for the wrongs I have committed.
I'm at a loss for what else I can say to you, but I certainly won't forget this for a long while.
RachelMasseyDuncan (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
First of all, my husbeast and children are far from negelected. My children are clean, fed and tended to. I appreciate all of your criticisms at my parenting skills. As it so happens, my children are pretty well adjusted, talented and beautiful. They just live in a home that seems to have a life of its own.
What I was trying to get across to ya'll is I literally have to force myself to leave my room to do these simple everyday tasks.
As to my humor/dark wit, has it not occurred to any of you that I use it as the only coping mechanism I have?! If I don't at least try to lighten this whole f'd up mess with a small amount of humor
I'd completely languish, drowning in all of this craziness.
Furthermore,I have been fighting to keep this dark entity from wreaking anymore havoc on my family than it already has. I have not "invited" it in any way, nor have I encouraged it. I am sick to death of being its prey. And yes, I do feel I'm its prey.I'm the one it torments relentlessly.
I HAVE been to a shrink. I was struggling with suicidal tendencies before we moved in and its worse now. I don't act on my feelings because I love my kids.
Im sure this will all come as a surprize to ya'll as you think me to be some kind of brainless dullard that totally neglects her family (for the record the shrink tested my IQ immediately,it's very high). Someone who thinks only of herself and not of the 2 gorgeous babies she has begat.
My question is this, do ya'll immediately attack all of your posters or am I just lucky because I phrase things differently? I completely understand how you could misinterpret the "media whore" crack, but how does my phrasing give you creedence to essentially call me a negligent parent? I am offended by that, and rightfully so. You didn't even bother to ask if I was possibly overdramatizing for affect, or perhaps I misphrased something.Nope!Straight to bad parent! That is extremely hurtful.
Some dear soul (Delsol) suggested compassion, that person is more on the mark than most. I would also like to thank Otteer for the comment, it was taken to heart. As was ghosthunt 2012 post.
One parting thought, What gives someone the immpression that they deserve to sit in judgement over others? What gives a person the sense of self importance to believe they know all. Experience is only a stepping stone, its all in how you handle your knowlege. Then its all in how you go about sharing the knowlege. Tact and grace are a priceless commodity. This remark is not directed at any one person here, but rather meant to provoke some thought.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
Well, it does sound like your house is haunted, it does sound like you and your youngest are sensitive, it does sound like you are depressed and it may be from all the stress of the activity. Negativity in any form, live or dead can bring on depression and anxiety. Not only for you, but your children. It happened to me with the breakup of my marriage and I'm successfully treating it with medication. Id suggest cleaning the house consentrating on removing the dark energy, then when that's done, thanking the women for their time and ask them kindly to leave as its getting croweded and affecting you and your family.

Best wishes and I hope you feel better soon. ❤
ghosthunt2012 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-18)
Stay away from the cloud you saw. Those things are known for taking possesion of people because they arn't ghosts, they are evil and no one knows what they really might be. If it happen again, you can get rid of it by thinking the happiest thoughts you can. The good and happiness will overpower the evil. Think love, joy, happiness, and life. Hope I helped:)
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-18)
Try reading it again. This author uses a tone in her story and comments suggesting that her husband and children are secondary compared to any paranormal experience she may or may not be having. It's the off-handed manner that throws up red flags. Most of the folks that commented on this story have been at this for quite some time and have helped many people who've come here asking for it. We don't go at this blindly and our first concern is for the people involved. After you've been here for a while, you'll understand better, but our immediate concern with any story where children are involved, is for the children.

Delsol (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-18)
Just an off-topic thought; if someone is depressed or under the influence of a negative presence, perhaps compassion is the best approach.
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-17)
Rachel, did you go away? I hope we didn't scare you off. We want to hear what you have to say. I know it seems like we are being nit picky about your profile and story; but we are really shocked at the things you had to say. I guess I would go away if someone ripped me apart. But we want to discuss this with you. I hope you have taken some advice to heart. The getting help and such. I think we're all waiting, and we keep posting on your story, because we really want to hear what you have to say.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-17)
Your choice, but your personal definition of media whore is far from mainstream and will likely incur further negative comments or require you to continuously explain yourself. If you love all types of media, maybe you could call yourself a news junky or a amateur communications buff... They paint a less drastic picture. Unfortunately, for me, your story changes from self-depricating, casual wit to a darker tale you seem reluctant to want to look at.
That's great that you drag yourself out of your room long enough to make dinner; but your children will only be the age they are right now, once... And you are missing it. Whether this is a mental disorder or a paranormal oppression, I do not know. But I do know that your sense of humor isn't going to make you feel better.
I make light of a lot of serious matters, and I am often sarcastic to a fault... But at the end of the day, there is no one I would rather spend my time with than my family. We should all allow ourselves indulgences, within reason. Hobbies and extracurricular activities help us remain individuals; but you lost your right to self indulgence and narcissism when your first child was conceived.
Just find balance, girl... The spirits aren't going anywhere... Your kids need you more.

With love,
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
I totally agree. I'm a big advocate for mental disorders and getting the people help they need. I have depression, and without many doctors and many hours in counseling, I would not be where I am today. Thankfully, I've never had children, I'm afraid to, since I know depression is hereditary. As for you, I know you care about your children, so why are you locking yourself away? Why are you inviting negative things to interfere with you. For a depressed person, the normal world is depressing enough without angry spirits lurking about. It seems like all you want to do is take advantage of your condition. Use it as an excuse to not do anything. Blame a spirit for not making an attempt to get better. You can complain and feel sorry for yourself all you want. You are ultimately the one who has to make the change. You have to make the decision to want to get better and want to get help. Your apathy is really frightening, since others are depending on you. I know depression affects an entire family. Spirit or no spirit, stop thinking only of yourself, and get help.
Elephante81 (2 stories) (59 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
This is disturbing... Not the possibility of ghosts, but the possibility that you are depressed and mentally unstable yet responsible for children. You mention you and your "hubbins" (which I can only assume means husband's) bed. What does he say about all of this? Does he think you have multiple entities residing with you?
Not to discredit you or sound rude (or ruder than I already do), but maybe you should be in a doctor's office and not on this website.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
The fact that you are aware of an existing mental disorder such as MPD suggests to me that these experiences have a lot to do with your mental state. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I think you should really visit a psychologist and explain the entities you have been seeing and allow them to diagnose you, medically. Depression and MPD can lead to act-out behavior that may endanger your children and yourself. I think this is a problem that would best be solved with professional medical care and possibly medication.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
I'm having a real hard time reconciling these statements of yours:

1) "And I developed a strange "personality disorder". I essentially get lost in my bedroom for weeks at a time. Only coming out to feed the family and such. This can last from 2 weeks to months"

2) "Yes,the depression DOES affect the rest of the family. On so very many levels actually. My family has been through a lot with all of this going on around them."

The first statement coming from your story, sounds unhealthy at the very least, and neglectful of your children at the very worst.
The second statement being your explanation of the first, goes no where near what anyone would consider an excuse for the offhanded manner in which you seem to treat the subject.
We've had many parents write in to ask for opinions or assistance with the paranormal, but none so nonchalant as you seem to be. You are frightening me.
You seem more interested in holding on to your angry spirit in your bedroom than you do in helping your children with what they may be experiencing.
You might want to read what you've written on your profile page again, it's not as flattering as you seem to think it is.
RachelMasseyDuncan (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
I would like to start by adressing Lou's miunderstanding of the term "Media Whore" in my case it is in the "ironic form" As in I love all the different forms of media. Such as television, movies and books. Not that I'm the Paris Hilton "look at me! Look at me" type. That being said let's move on.

Yes,the depression DOES affect the rest of the family. On so very many levels actually. My family has been through a lot with all of this going on around them.

Ive done numerous cleansings and blessings. I must do them regularly as it so happens. They lighten the more than slightly oppresive air of my home for periods of time.

As for the "dark being" and my son/kids,he has shown no interest in the kids since shortly after we moved in and I yelled it. I was more than slightly angry when I told him to leave the kids alone and stop trying to scare them. And in the back of my mind I wonder if that's why the women walk the path all night between the kids's rooms. I have learned to sleep through the footsteps up and down the legnth of the house all night long.
What the dark being is bitter about I still haven't figured out. Even with all the research that remains a mystery. Though I have pretty much identified most of the females. A little digging uprooted that this piece of family property was handed down from woman to woman. Something you seldom see or hear of around here. Generally its Father to son not mother to daughter. Does it pertain? Who knows!? But it is interesting. Perhaps "he" was married to one of the females and she wouldn't sign it over to him?

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