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Strange Christian Crosses On My House's Doors


I had never seen or experienced something that was really paranormal until I saw 3 Christian crosses on my house's doors two years ago. They were not real crosses as they were not made of wood but painted with water. I am still wondering why they were there and more importantly, who made them. I found this website a while ago but until now I could have the time and the mood to write a short story about it.

About 4 months before I saw them, my family was moving from another place to live with my aunt and uncle. My bedroom was next to a bathroom and there was my parents' bedroom that was facing it. During that time, I didn't experience anything except for sometimes when I was laying on my bed and I felt my hair was moving slightly. It wasn't really the feeling like someone was using their hands to pull it but more like some invisible force.

It was a usual night when I got ready to go to bed at about 11:30pm. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I was leaning on the bathroom's door and looking at myself in the mirror. Something strange on the top of the door caught my eye immediately. I turned around and looked up. I was a little shocked when I saw a Christian cross and a drop was STILL RUNNING DOWN at the bottom of it. It looked just like normal water. I raised my hand to touch the water drop and it was nothing different than normal water. As if someone was telling me, I went to my bedroom and my parents' to check the doors and I was like "Oh my god" when I saw a cross on each of them. Now at that moment it was really creepy and I thought "Why would I look at the top of every door anyway? Someone must be telling me to do this". I am not sure if there were still drops running down on the other two crosses but all three of them didn't look the same. They really looked like they were finger painted. My aunt and uncle were sleeping but I was so curious I ran to check the other doors in the house but none of them had a cross.

What is really interesting here is that they wouldn't go away when I tried to wipe them with my fingers. It's not like normal water that disappeared minutes later it got on the door. I could still see it clearly and they never disappeared. These crosses looked like water but they felt totally different. I don't know how to explain it but when I rubbed on it I had nearly the same feeling as I would have if I touched my tears on my cheeks. I just thought about this as I wrote this story, could it be tears?

I called my aunt and uncle to take a look. They didn't say much about it and thought it was a ghost. I also showed them to my grandparents when they came over to visit us and they said we were blessed by God.

I am a Christian. I believe in God and I believe that spirits exist. But who made the crosses? Was it God or some spirit?

Now I am living in an apartment as the house was sold to another family. Nothing has happened since that night but I just keep wondering whenever I think about it. Tell me what you think.

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DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-28)
watercross: No I believe a parent or some other person has put the crosses there as an act of protection against something that has or still is within the home. 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-28)
watercross: well, your parents certainly believe in those things if they are afraid that you will. The possible explanation for only the rooms your family slept in being blessed is because these spiritual encounters may have only been happening during sleep. It could have been that one of your family members experienced sleep paralysis, which is often mistaken for being attacked by spirits. My grandmother experienced this once and swears to this day that a demon held her down and threatened to kill her. The experience is terrifying enough for one who does not know about this condition to believe that their life is in danger, and possibly the lives of their loved ones. If it was that apparent your parents probably already knew it was there because either they put it there or a trusted member of their religious community did it for them.

Although I can't necessarily write this off to one sleep paralysis episode... It sounds like your parents experienced something that scared the daylights out of them, and I doubt it only happened to one parent. Perhaps this was their way of shielding you.
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-28)
The first thing I thought of was exactly what DeviousAngel said - olive oil. That makes sense since it is leaving behind a residue. Olive oil does have a slight scent too. Did you ever notice any kind of scent to the water-like substance?
watercross (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-28)
Strange thing is only the rooms that my family lived in had crosses on them. The house had another big bedroom, a bathroom, 2 front doors and a back door. NONE of those had a cross painted on it. Yes it left a film-like thing like DeviousAngel said. But it felt much different and more like water. I think my parents don't want to talk about it is because they don't want me to believe in such things. For some reason they don't think it is good for me.

[at] DARKNESS: You mean some spirit put it there?
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
Going on what Devious and DARKNESS have said, which I am thinking could be closer to the truth of what has happened at your old house, your parents may not want to talk about what they were because possibly the house was blessed before you had even moved into your last house?

Just a thought
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
Ahhh Devious you are good because this is exactly what I was thinking, I believe these crosses were put there for a reason. The reason the crosses stayed there was because of this oil, the thing to find out is why? There is more to this then just having a house blessed. In my personal opinion I don't think it was a blessing by god more an act of measure to put an end to something that may have been present there at sometime!

Thanks for sharing.

ChikinanaFeelsItAlso (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
This story reminds me of my moms house ever since we had moved in there where those same marks there the weird thing is that no matter how many times we have painted the doors to match the new interior colors the crosses always make themselves visible.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
Again, that sounds very consistent with oil. Oil leaves a film that does not easily wash off of walls unless you take heavy cleaner to it, because it can absorb into the paint. It sounds to me like your parents don't want to discuss the paranormal because they have had one or more experiences with it, which could explain why your house was blessed.
watercross (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
It looked exactly like water but it wouldn't go away (on the last day in the house I still saw the crosses) and that's what made I think it wasn't water. I wish I could cry right now so I could rub my tears on the door and see if it's the same feeling:D
I asked my parents several times if they had any experiences in the house but they always said no. Even now when I ask my Dad what he thinks about the crosses he would say 'yeah it's strange'. I don't know why but my parents always refuse to talk about paranormal stuff with me. Besides what I mentioned at the beginning of the story I didn't experience anything else. It's interesting to imagine someone was there and made the crosses on the doors.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
I may be the only one that thinks this, but I think something else is going on here. I think that someone in your house may have had the house blessed for some reason. Have you talked to your family to see if they have had any paranormal experiences in your home? Because the "different" texture you talk about is consistent with olive oil, which is sometimes used to anoint people and objects in accordance with the Catholic church. It has a very thin consistency and on appearance it looks like water, but it leaves a film behind.
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
Very interesting story here, watercross. I agree with most of the other posters here, that it probably was a Guardian Angel blessing your House and Your Family.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
watercross (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-26)
[at] JustCurious: I believe so.

[at] SuddenDEATH: I'm not living in that house anymore so I can't do that. But even if I was still in that house I wouldn't do that because they all got dried out and they seemed to be something holy to me...
SuddenDEATH (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-25)
did you taste that water? Next time taste it, If it taste "salty" (means tears) then surely it is a "good entity" trying to gives you some signal.
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-25)
watercross: I just did a quick search again, and while it still sounds like a guardian angel making its presence known, according to a website I found it says that signs of a cross being put on people or objects is an act of blessing. So maybe if it was a guardian angel they were putting the crosses there as an act of blessing your family.

watercross (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-25)
[at] JustCurious: As far as I can remember I felt normal when it happened.

[at] otteer: Yes. I didn't mention it in the story but actually I saw a right hand mark on my apartment's bathroom's mirror. It was bigger than mine and the fingers were curved to the left (as if they were broken, weird?). One thing that scared me right away when I saw it is that the hand was in the middle of the mirror just above where my sink was located. About the crosses, I checked every other door so I'm sure those doors were the only ones that had them.

[at] epic_fail: I tried to think so too. It was unbelievable (and a little creepy) to me. But now I feel happy just to think it was a guardian angel like JustCurious said.

Thank you guys for reading and thanks again for sharing your thoughts.
epic_fail (5 stories) (51 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-24)
I'm thinking the same thing as JustCurious and otteer, that something wanted you to know it was there, and something was also blessing and protecting you. It didn't want you to be afraid of anything, and whatever it was, you are precious to it.

My ending though is: Don't be freaked! Its friendly! 😆

By the way, thank you for sharing. Reading it made me feel all tingly and happy for some reason.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-24)
Cool story!

Im thinking there are lots of possibilites for the reason and orgin of the crosses. Any activity after that? Maybe there was an entity that knew you and your parents needed protecting... From what, I couldn't say, only speculate. Maybe your Aunt and Uncle knew of activity and didn't share it with your family, so the protector tried to let you know on it's own. Any other family members door's get left out besides your Aunt and Uncles?

Thanks for sharing! ❤
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-24)
to me, it almost sounds as though someone was trying to give you a sign, or you had a guardian angel that was making its presence known.

Did you recieve any feelings when this happened (peace, comfort, etc.)?


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