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Patio Door Locked And Lights Turned On


On a late summer Sunday afternoon I was dog sitting my daughter and son-in-laws 5 month old puppy so they could have dinner out with friends. We were initially sitting out on the front porch; however decided to move to the back deck. I locked the front door as we came in and removed the dogs leash. Since it was quite warm out, I closed the storm door as the air conditioner was on.

After we had been on the deck for a few minutes I decided to go inside to turn on the dishwasher. I couldn't open the door. Initially, I thought that I was just not pulling hard enough, etc.; however that was not the case.

I could see that the lock lever was in the up position. After about 30 minutes trying to decide what to do, I went around to the front door just to see if maybe I just thought I locked the front door; it was locked. I go back to the deck and wait another 20 minutes or so to send a text to my daughter letting her know that we were ok, but locked out. She responded about 45 minutes later as her phone had been in her purse. She indicated that they would be on their way in a few minutes.

The dog started running around the deck (I call them zoomies) which he does from time to time, but this time, it lasted for a while. I remember thinking as it was getting dark, that my daughter would come home to a dark house (no lights on inside or out). That's about the time that the dog stopped running around and kept looking inside.

The lights are now on. This detail I did not remember until the next day, or otherwise I would have been frightened. When my daughter came home, she confirmed that the door was clearly locked. One has to put a little pressure on it to lock. We tried to re-create by going outside, pulling the door shut; and it never locked.

The house is new so I did speak to the building supervisor the next day. He said its impossible to lock the door from the outside; however he came over immediately and tried to recreate the lock from the outside and couldn't. Thank you for reading. Any insight would be appreciated.

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jonesma11 (1 stories) (1 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-21)
Thank you for your comments. My daughter doesn't live with me; she was just visiting. I don't have any lights on a timer or via the Alexa. We haven't noticed anything else unusual; however this housing development was built on a car race track. According to the builder supervisor, there was a death during one of the races. That's all I know. Thanks again for your thoughts on this.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (7 stories) (248 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-25)
Hello jonesma11, thank you for sharing your experience. That is a puzzling encounter. Especially the bit about the lights suddenly being on? Your daughter didn't have the lights on a timer or could she have turned them on from her phone via a voice app like Alexa? Many people do this prior to arriving home and she already knew from your call that you had been locked out. A curious encounter. Has your daughter noticed anything unusual there? I wish I could offer more insight, but there's not enough details to go on. Even though the house is new, it's possible something could have happened on the property itself, that may be a good place to start? Good luck!

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