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The Strange Twin Taping On The Door At 2am


Hey guys! I'm new here, you can call me Lillie, please don't be rude if I don't have it exactly in detail, I sometimes forget little details after a while, sorryπŸ˜….


It was around 2:00am, I'm not sure exactly what time it was but it was around that time. I wasn't asleep, I was in the living room sipping on some juice because I was thirsty, it usually happens at night. I went to sit on the couch by my two cats, Clyde and Isabell. About 5 minutes of sitting down I heard a tapping noise by the door, I ignored it first thinking my ears are playing a trick on me.

Surely enough it wasn't my imagination, so I went to check it out with Clyde closely following behind. I paused and peered around, no one was there just a staircase, door and my cat slowly walking down the steps. When he reached the bottom he sniffed around and a few seconds later went into the basement out of site, though he was hurrying down I just thought he had to use the litter box. I just forgot about it and headed back to bed.

Two days later I was texting my friend who at the time had a house with two ghosts in it, but she moved to a different place that's still close. When I told her about the taping by my door she totally looked shocked and said the same thing happened to her the same night around the same time. Now a million thoughts were in my head. Twin tapping by door? I was so confused! For the past couple hours we kept talking about this crazy coincidence, but I wasn't so sure. I started to believe these tapping by doors things were connected somehow, I just couldn't put my finger on it, so we stopped talking and went to bed.

After my friend and I were talking and went to bed I had these strange dreams. And each one has this girl in it named Bella, she has blonde brown hair, a pink flowery dress, and was some scratches on her face. At the end of the dreams she always says "remember me". I'm not sure why.

About 2 months after the tapping by the door she randomly disappeared, only 4 weeks ago she came back, but she looks more scared and has more scratches. I'm totally confused, I believe that Bella could be a spirit that was killed at a young age and communicates with me in my dreams, but its only a guess.

Tell me what you think about this? What should I do about this Bella girl?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Lilcat21310, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
3 years ago (2021-04-28)
Hello LilCat21310,

Thanks for replying and explaining about the emojis.

I hope you get to the bottom of this.

Best wishes,
Lilcat21310 (2 stories) (12 posts)
3 years ago (2021-04-28)
Bibliothecarius, I totally agree with your idea, (im reading this at 5:51 in the morning for some odd reason even tho I have school) Ill start by writing what happened this night and from there. This creeps me out cause I have a fear of ghosts and paranormal activity. Tho Bella seemed to calm my nerves while in real life i've always had that fear. But I feel calmer about this Bella situation.

Though I have nothing to say about the twin tapping on door. Logic basically left the world when my friend said the same thing happened with her. Don't know if its a coincidence or something else tho I do think the tapping by the door is connected to when Bella came two nights later.
Tell me what you think if this random info could be true,
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
3 years ago (2021-04-27)
Thanks for the clarification, Lillie.

The first step in dealing with Bella is to keep a dream journal. You've admitted that "I sometimes forget little details after a while," as is normal for people; however it is ten times harder to remember dreams after just a few minutes. Every time you wake up, you need to write down as much of the dream about Bella as you can remember. If you develop this habit, your dream journal will start to fill up with more and more details that will help you to solve the mystery of Bella's messages.

The fact that Bella vanished for a while but returned with more scratches has me concerned. There are several phenomena that can communicate with you through dreams, including your own subconscious mind. I don't want to leap to any conclusions without a foundation in facts & details that you will be able to provide by keeping a journal. I do not think that Bella means you any harm at all; I suspect that she is a protective voice/spirit of some kind. This suspicion can only be validated or invalidated by your journalling data from your dreams.

Please begin to record the details of your Bella interactions as soon as you can, and keep track of the dates on which the dreams occur.

Lilcat21310 (2 stories) (12 posts)
3 years ago (2021-04-27)
Sleeping with Steve, its totally fine! And when I said "she was shocked she had a bunch of shocked emojis and I wasn't drinking my juice the entire time it finished it after the first knocking.
Lilcat21310 (2 stories) (12 posts)
3 years ago (2021-04-27)

It was my front door were the knocking was, my living room has a staircase leading down to the front door. And the tapping noise was only by the door, I didn't hear it anywhere else. And no I didn't follow Clyde cause I was too tired to care (I think the apple juice I was drinking made me tired, lolπŸ˜‚)
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
3 years ago (2021-04-23)
Hello LilyCat21310,
I owe you an apology for my previous comment.
As CantUnSEEit has said in his comment just now, we were all young once and it's not always easy posting experiences at any age, but more so if other things are going on around that I should have taken into consideration. So please accept my sincere apologies.

I really do hope you work things out with Bella and find out what it is she's trying to tell you.

Best wishes,
seemayadav (1 stories) (26 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-22)
May be you saw bell in real time because if we see some one in dreams
We have seen in real time πŸ˜•
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-21)
Greetings, Lillie, and welcome.

I have a few clarification questions, if you don't mind.
1. When you "heard a tapping noise by the door," it was the door to your living room?
2. The stairs outside your living room lead into the basement: was there any other direction from which the tapping sounds could have come from (a kitchen, a bathroom, etc.) near the staircase?
3. Did you only check the basement staircase because that's the direction Clyde took?

I'll hold off of addressing your Bella dreams for now, as I'd like to get a clearer mental picture of your surroundings first.

Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-21)
Hi Lillie

Maybe, just maybe that spirit followed you back to your house when you went to visit your friend, I'm assuming that you did not get a bad vibe of her, just fear, perhaps she needs help, if you know of any spiritual people who can help you talk to them and see what they have to say.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2021-04-21)
You start by saying, "you weren't asleep, it was around 2am but you weren't sure what time it was but it was around that" You say you only see Bella in your dreams but all through this post you are awake drinking juice? (Confusing) πŸ˜•

Then you say, "Two days later I was texting my friend who at the time had a house with two ghosts in it, but she moved to a different place that's still close. When I told her about the taping by my door she totally looked shocked and said the same thing happened to her the same night around the same time." Arrrrrrrh, How can you see if your friend looked shocked if you were texting? (Confusing) πŸ˜•

I don't have any questions. I guess I don't want to know. I'm probably likely to get more confusing answers.

Maybe other members can help you with this dilemma.

Best wishes,
SWS πŸ˜•

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