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New Apartment


I am writing this because I found this site to be quite helpful from many people, and I'm quite thankful.

First off, we moved here for 6 months now. We were actually living in another apartment in the same building, but our neighbors downstairs kept complaining about our 2 year old, saying he runs to much and her kid has to be in bed by 7, and our child has to be quiet starting at 6, which I found ridiculous because the lease says no noise after 10. Anyways back to the point.  So we moved in here, not bad actually bathrooms bigger and kitchens more roomy, plus they're deducting 100 dollars each month for one year.

But, two weeks later, my son started saying there's a man or monster knocking on the window, well we brushed it off, since he is a two year old. However, a few weeks later, he woke up from a nap, he was fine and talking, 5 minutes later he starts crying and screaming pointing at something, so we took him to the living room, he was still screaming saying it's following him, until we got outside. He calmed down and said there was a man hanging up in the ceiling, and he kept following him. That's when we thought was a bit too drastic for a 2 year old. Especially when we don't let him watch anything that's not rated G or PG.

Few weeks later, my husband went to his friends house, and I was putting my son to sleep, but then he starts laughing at waving at the closet, I asked him what he's doing, and he says he's waving to a person in the closet, I told my husband to come home right away, and my son told my husband what he saw, my husband was shocked. Nonetheless, we continued brushing it off, that is until this...

My sons room always opens during the night. One night we thought we were getting robbed, because there was noise in there, and then we heard the door open. So we locked our room door waited ten minutes before going to check. There was nothing or no one, just a box that fell to the floor along with some toys, and of course the door left opened. Another time, the exact same thing happened, except it was toys dropping, but the hamster cage was moved from the floor to the bed. Needless to say we believe our son now. We had a pastor pray, and after that my son has not seen anything. However things continue to move around.

A week and half ago, we threw out a bag of rice infested with worms and eggs from moths I assume. 2 days later that bag of rice all dirty from the bin is on our countertop. Last week, my son says there's someone tickling his ear, it feels furry. He also says he hears a liitle girl humming a song to him at night when he goes to sleep, but I can never hear it. However, I've never seen a ghost in my life, ever, until 2 weeks ago when we went to a park, I saw one in the car mirror in broad daylight.  We don't know if we should ask our pastor to come again, or just move out. 

I appreciate all comments, thank you.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, justmenoname, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Rozalin (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
I pretty much gathered your son slept in your room, as I don't believe any Mother would leave their son alone while they believe someone is robbing their home.

As far as the activity goes, that walking on the ceiling notion reminds me of a movie that came out recently, called "Insideous" I believe? Of the Demon/Incubus-like spirit in that movie. Though by no means am I saying it's a Demonic entity, not at all.

Introduce more positive things into your home. Blessing alone rarely works from the stories I've read, anyway.

And to the comment (s) below:
Of course the kid is going to be rather happy with whoever is in the closet. Kids rarely find anything "scary", infact, my Brother's son thinks Chucky is funny (No he hasn't watched the movie, he's just seen the Doll). And yes, walking on the ceiling is too much of an exageration for a child of that tender age.

Thank you for sharing with us,

otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
I just don't understand the spirit walking on the ceiling though, how terrifying, or maybe he was trying to be entertaining and it backfired. It does seem to be screaming "here I am" with your latest episode... Poor hammie... ❤
justmenoname (3 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Lynrinth, not a problem, is nice to know how much you care for children as I would feel that way too if I thought the otherwise.
GI-Jane88 (16 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Because the paranormal is something we don't understand, our first reaction is to fear it. This ghost may of been trying to let the cat in to. Help you, turned the lights on for you, making your baby happy to give you some peace, sounds like a man ghost. Trying to help but just being a hindrance:)
lynrinth (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
My apologies. You are right. I almost did typed something like that, if your son slept in your bedroom. When you said your son's room, I assumed you meant your son's bedroom. I think most people would have assumed that.
justmenoname (3 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
To lynrinth, you really should ask me before assuming, because my son sleeps with us. His room is just a toy room.

To Otteer, saramariacecilia, reymarkvil, gijane, thanks for your thoughts and condolences. I am unsure if it is my god brother, but just last night, the room door opened again the lights went on again, but worse of all, the cat got in and the hamster got out of his habitat and almost got eaten. Just today, the living room light went on right when we walked in the other room.
lynrinth (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
First of all, you thought you were being robbed. You heard the sound from your son's room. So you locked your bedroom door, and waited ten minutes. If you were being robbed, you did't want to go charging into your son's room, in case the robber would grab, or do something to harm your son. By making noises, it would have alerted the robber, and who knows what would have happened. But... I think I would have tried calling the cops. Well, maybe you didn't have a regular phone in your bedroom, or your cell phone, with you. Plus it would have made noise. Sorry for being judgmental, it just hit me when I read the part of being robbed. I just...can't imagine the terror, or bewilderment of not knowing what was going on. Anyway, unless you can afford it, maybe moving wouldn't be such a bad idea. Especially when your son was crying and upset by what he saw, and it sounds like it's getting a little active there. So far, nothing really bad has happened. Having your pastor over and bless your place can't hurt again. And having a little talk with the other 'roommates' probably wouldn't hurt either. Just them to leave your son alone! At least not to frighten him. Just trust your gut. If you still feel uneasy, well, it's up to you to do what you feel is best. Just be careful, maybe observe to see if anything happens next that's rather alarming. Not to say anything bad will happen. Any ghost experience is eye opening to say the least. Let's just hope that it's a experience you can look back at and marvel about. Good luck.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Just me, after reading your first story, something comes to mind, wondering if you have considered that maybe your god-brother is visiting? I don't know about the little girl, possibly it is a little boy humming a song, maybe god-brother as a boy? Just something to throw out. The fact that you witnessed your God-brother astrial projecting and then saw an apparation in your mirror at the park means you are sensitive somewhat. I agree, your son, and possibly you are a beacon so to speak, as the other poster suggested.
Maybe your son can help you with the discription of his ceiling walker to help id him and possibly link him to your god-brother.

Im glad you had your pastor in to bless the home. Maybe its time for another round, also smudge the home. I would be curious enough to evp his room too, maybe you can get some more clues.

Best wishes

By the way, my condolences on the passing of your God-brother. ❤
GI-Jane88 (16 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
maybe the man hanging from the ceiling was just showing someone, anyone, how he died. I have heard things about people being stuck in the condition they died in, before they cross over. He could merely of wanted to be around you but had no idea he would terrify you all. If your son is waving and smiling at the thing in the closet then surely it isn't causing him any trouble. Set some ground rules out for whatevers in the house, tell it what you don't want it to do. Don't be too harsh tho. Could you imagine dying a horrible death and finally having people around that were aware of you? It's probably a miracle to this spirit. If it gets violent then by all means get rid of it. Your son might of just been alarmed at seeing him, not necessarily because the spirit was trying to scare him. If your son is as energetic as the start of your story suggests, maybe they just want to be around someone with such life in him. Its probably like us sitting around a campfire to them. Gives them some warmth. Its your house in the end though, if you are not happy then they have no right to be there, and you should tell them such.
reymarkvil (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
i guess your case is pretty much serious, reading your story makes the hair on the back of my neck stand! If you can afford to move into a new place please do so, for the sake of your child. But before leaving please offer a mass or invite the pastor to bless your family to prevent that thing from tagging along.
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Wow, this story actually gave me goosebumps! The part where your child was waving to someone in the closet literally makes the hair stand up on my head. How creepy. I really hope that the activity dies down in your apartment for your sons sake! Thank goodness he isn't seeing anything anymore.

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