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Stayed In Haunted Apartment!


This was my second experience, staying in a haunted house. It was back in 2005 when my friend and I rented an apartment in Nashik, Maharashtra, India. As we were bachelors during that time, we did not care to enquire about the apartment. We felt lucky to get a fully furnished apartment even though there were only 3 tenants out of 12 houses.

After a week or two, one night I felt like someone is walking outside my house, I heard the sound from an ankle chain. I was bit confused initially and ignored it. After a few days, I heard the noise of a kid playing ball in the house above my house (4th floor). It's like plastic ball bouncing and rolling. Next day, I went to 4th floor to check on it, guess what? That house was abandoned for past 5 years. It's old, dusty and a couple of dogs stayed there. Ok, for me it was sure that something strange is going on. I pretended as if nothing as I don't want to upset my friend. These incidents occurred and I did not bother to explore further.

Days went on, monsoon season arrived, other tenants who staying there vacated the house. So, it's only me and my friend stayed there. Neighbours in next apartment used to ignore us and they won't even talk to us. Eventually, my friend got married and I vacated my house to join other friends.

Now, the house we vacated was rented by 3 other guys who worked in my company. One day I got a call from a guy, wanting to talk to me about the apartment where I stayed earlier. We both met and he asked me, did you feel anything abnormal in that house? My response with a smile, ''yes''. His hands went chill. I asked him about his experience and why he is so anxious?

He shared his story to me...

One day after returning from office, he was lying on a bed and reading news paper, he felt that a woman with a pale white saree passed from living room to kitchen. Upon coming out of bedroom, he couldn't find anyone. Subsequently after few days, he was arranging few documents sitting on his bed. This time from side of his eyes, he saw a woman sitting on a bed diagonally behind him.

Once I acknowledge his experience, with-in a couple of days, he performed enquiry about this apartment and found the truth... Upon hearing this, MY HANDS GOT CHILL AND GOOSE BUMPS EVEYWHERE

5 years ago, approx. Year 2000, an un-married woman from a family stayed in the same house where we stayed. The entire apartment was fully occupied. The women stayed in that house suicided by hanging herself on a ceiling fan. After that incident, there seems disturbances to all other houses, and everyone left their own houses leaving the entire apartment abandoned for 5 years.

Now the chilling experience here is that we used to sleep below the ceiling fan daily. That was the place where the women hanged herself. I stayed in haunted house, especially on the center point of haunting without knowing.

I was un-affected because of my daily prayers. Well, with this experience, I was ready to experience more!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, guy123, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

NubianPrincess (6 posts)
11 months ago (2023-10-02)
Greetings Guy123 and everyone else.

Would just like to commend you for answering so patiently.

Anyway, thanks for sharing. Hope the lady found peace. For the fact that the dogs lived on the 4th floor with no problems means she isn't a malevolent spirit. Probably just lost and confused.

Also curious about why she committed suicide. I guess just because something isn't unfamiliar to us, doesn't mean it's implausible (referring to the fan).

Love encounters from India. The cultural differences and similaries always fascinate me.
Kesnitt95 (1 stories) (10 posts)
1 year ago (2023-06-07)
Hi guy123,
Thank you for sharing your experience.

If I may ask, why did the woman commit suicide?
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-28)
SDS! It's so nice to see you around again! Welcome back.

The ceiling fan thing I've been thinking about a lot since learning about it.😟 Very sad/disturbing.

Anyway, I'm really just commenting now to say hi and good to have you back!
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
1 year ago (2023-05-27)
SDS! Lovely to see you again. Yes, it has been a long time. I hope all is well for you.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-27)
Hi Guy,

I have read your narrative. I have been away from this Site for a very long time and when I saw that there was a narrative from India, I got interested and gone through it. But, I feel that there was nothing extraordinary or negative or violent attack except sounds of ankle chain and a sighting or two by your friend, who occupied after you. But, there were no other incidents other than that. Then why the other occupants vacated the apartments. Strange and intriguing. I think you have not done any investigation about it and only your friend did.

Val, Hi, how do you do? Yes. Hanging is one of the common forms of suicide and hanging from ceiling fan and especially women than men are on the higher side in India. Before I read your post, I wanted to reply to Tweed, which you did perfectly. Thanks.

Guy, I would like to read your other narratives and comment further.

Regards and respects to you and to Val.

CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-12)
Guy123, Thanks for your reply. The time I was last in a room with a ceiling fan, it wobbled so much I thought it was going to come off and hit me in the nose.
I googled ankle chains and saw some with bells and charms. They would make a nose for sure, lol. They seem to be fashionable in Asia.
Thanks for sharing.
guy123 (2 stories) (36 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-12)
Hi CrimsonTopaz,

Firstly, it's not only the 5th floor but the entire apartment was abandoned for 5 years until few bachelors moved in without knowing the history. The ball bouncing noise, the sound heard is like ball bouncing, may not be ball at all!

Secondly, yes, dogs can go to any floor via staircase. IF humans are not saying, I am happy at least dogs are staying Lol

Regarding ankle chains, again, the sound heard is like ankle chain. I had several other experiences back in US as well, I used to hear the similar sound when spirit walks, although it's not common in US girls wearing ankle chains. So, based on your spiritual levels, you get to experience different behavior
guy123 (2 stories) (36 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-12)
Hi Rajine,

One thing to notice is that the buildings in India are made of concrete and bricks. If the ceiling is made of concrete, how can the ball bouncing be heard by the person staying below? So, the noise heard (like bouncing ball) can be only heard if someone playing in ceiling upside down.

See, it's difficult to assume things and what's been experienced can be just co-relate IF others have similar experiences.
guy123 (2 stories) (36 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-12)
Hi Tweed,

My friend enquired with 2~3 Neighbours who informed about the history of the apartment and incident. Since the incident happened 5 years ago, there is no other proof. Another proof is that the entire apartment was abandoned (at the center of the city) and my personal experience. There seems no vengeance event there BUT my experience in United States was different though.
guy123 (2 stories) (36 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-12)
Hi valkricry,

Yes, it's very much possible to die by hanging over a ceiling fan (merely not a ceiling fan, but the steel hook on which ceiling fan was mounted). In India the ceilings are made of concrete and hooks are casted into it. During my childhood age, near my house, I saw a women died of hanging and body was still yet to be released from rope
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-10)
Val those are some alarming statistics. 😟
Yesterday I was looking at how ceiling fans are secured and had my doubts about the strength of the screws used to attach the fan part. Mostly American websites and some Australian. There's a lot of cheap crap on the market in our countries. But it would make sense that hot places like India would use stronger, better quality fans.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
1 year ago (2023-05-09)
Hi Tweed, I was of the same doubt as you about ceiling fans. I'm pretty sure my own wouldn't support a body's weight. However according to the National Library of Medicine, "The suicide mortality of hanging by ceiling fan has been rarely studied and reported. Limited evidence suggests that a household ceiling fan is a standard device used for hanging in dwellings of some countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) of WHO (i.e. Pakistan and Bahrain) [22]. In some countries, for example Bahrain, India and Pakistan, suicide by ceiling fan is reported to be one of the most common methods of hanging [22,23,24]. Some studies have reported that the proportion of hanging by ceiling fan in India is 10% and more common among females than males [24]; whereas, in the United States - where ligature point is recorded for only about one-third of hanging suicides - hanging by ceiling fan is reported to be relatively uncommon [21]."
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-09)
Hi Guy,

Thanks for sharing your friend's experience.
Who informed your friend about the ceiling fan and how did they know it was true? I ask because I'm finding it hard to believe a ceiling fan could take the weight of a person. Does anyone know about the woman who lived there? I feel sorry for her if she'd been roaming the premises in anguish. It would be chilling to find out the history of where you lived. But the woman's spirit didn't do anything awful to either of you, so she can't have been evil.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-09)
Hi CrimsonTopaz.

Don't worry about votes, personally, I prefer to read other posters' feedback over getting upvoted.

You know, I'm assuming that "ankle chains" are a delicate piece of jewelry with little bells that make a pleasant sound at each step of the wearer, but then, what if the OP means more like the sound of shackles?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-09)

Thanks for your feedback. In my opinion, some of your sentences are not too clear and are open to the readers free interpretation.

Fortunately, the comment section offers the opportunity to discuss those points that might be confusing either in the narrative or to the audience.

CrimsonTopaz has a point, "How on earth do dogs get to the 5th floor, up and down getting food etc and knowing to go back to the same *house* above you?"

If those dogs were able to climb the stairs, - or, take the elevator? - to the 4th floor, wouldn't it be possible for someone to be squatting in that apartment. Perhaps the dogs were someone's pets.
Just because the house looked empty and neglected when you went to see, wasn't proof that other living being other than the dogs was not using the place.

"If there is a presence of a spirits I could hear the noise of ankle chain as if its walking."

Correct me if I'm wrong but, by this, do you mean that, if you hear the sound of anklets it is because a spirit is around?
If so, how can you tell the difference between the "sound of a spirit" and the sound of a girl passing by wearing anklets?

I have always lived in single family homes, but know people living in brick and concrete apartments, that always complain about noisy neighbours, regardless if they live upstairs, downstairs or adjacent to their own homes.

When I read about you "felt like someone is walking outside my house, I heard the sound from an ankle chain.", my mind's eye pictured a person walking on a hallway, and wonder if one of the people living next to you could have been the one wearing anklets.

My point is, if you don't add enough information to your story, the readers will start asking questions, please be patient.
Rajine (14 stories) (872 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-08)
It's a common believe among many that people who commit suicide become earth bound spirits, so I can't say that I'm surprised that the apartment would be haunted.

When you say plastic balls, do you mean soccer, tennis or volleyballs? Because those types of hard plastic balls can actually make a loud noise, depending on how hard it is thrown around, unless the dogs were playing ball, dogs fidgeting around has a distinctly different sound, I would know, as I'm typing this my dog is scratching and fidgeting around in my room.
guy123 (2 stories) (36 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-08)
Hi lady-glow,

Thanks for your comment and insight. Supernatural experiences differ person to person. If there is a presence of a spirits I could hear the noise of ankle chain as if its walking. I have also seen black shadow passing through rooms. In fact, my son can see faces and complete image. So, after repeat incidents in my life, I am sure about what I was hearing

I was staying in 3rd floor and the abandoned portion was on 4th floor, could have been spelled out clear in my story. Behind my apartment, it was a vacant land for 300 meters. How could a person walk in an open land that I could hear in 3rd floor? Certainly, ankle chains are not under for dogs in India. The building walls are of bricks, so scratching noise is not possible to hear.

5 years ago each house in that apartment was occupied with families, who are all owners. The incident happened (women suicided) in an apartment (3rd floor) where I later stayed as a tenant.

To the surprise, no rituals were done to get rid of it and we landed over there. Its unfortunate though

Yes, I could manage the situation in India with my prayers, but when I moved to US, the story was different. My prayers weren't strong enough to get rid of it
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-08)
Guy123, It doesn't take much to confuse me, but house on 4th floor has been abandoned for 5 years, with sounds of a bouncing plastic ball that turns out to be dogs? Plastic balls don't make a very loud noise, so you must have good hearing. How on earth do dogs get to the 5th floor, up and down getting food etc and knowing to go back to the same *house* above you?
Chains on ankles? Like in a haunted house movie? I've never seen ankle chains on animals but Val did explain recently on another OP's story all about them. *Thanks Val*.
I believe you and understand that you meant to type 5th floor not 4th and that your sayings in India like, *he got chilled hands*, are different to ours in Australia. I guess you mean a *shiver down his spine*.
I notice from your profile you've been on YGS for years, and I respect your extensive member presence. Thanks for sharing.
(Lovely LG and Tweed, I'm blocked from upping your karma points. I've over voted you both, AGAIN. Lol)
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-08)
Hi guy123.

I got confused with some points of your narrative.

" I felt like someone is walking outside my house, I heard the sound from an ankle chain... After a few days, I heard the noise of a kid playing ball in the house above my house (4th floor). It's like plastic ball bouncing and rolling. Next day, I went to 4th floor to check on it, guess what? That house was abandoned for past 5 years. It's old, dusty and a couple of dogs stayed there."

So, if you're living on the 4th floor, - doesn't this mean that the floor above would have to be the 5th?

Have you considered the possibility of the dogs making noise and you mistaken it for a bounding ball? Maybe hitting the floor when wagging it's tail or scratching?

Is it a common practice in India to put anklets on dogs? - Not too long ago there was a story mentioning a dog wearing anklets. Would it be possible that someone had put an anklet on one of the dogs and that's what you heard?

"The entire apartment was fully occupied. The women stayed in that house suicided (committed suicide) by hanging herself on a ceiling fan. After that incident, there seems disturbances to all other houses, and everyone left their own houses leaving the entire apartment abandoned for 5 years.

Are you talking about the woman sharing the apartment with several other roommates, or about all the units in the building being rented?

It's common for spirits to remain attached to the places that were important during their life and/or at the moment of their passing.
I find it a bit unusual for the spirit of this unfortunate woman to haunt a building of, based on your narrative, at least 5 storeys, but even more unusual for almost all the inhabitants to vacate the building without doing anything to try to send this spirit to the other side.
It seems like Indian people are very resourceful when it comes to deal with spirits and getting rid of them.

"I was un-affected because of my daily prayers. Well, with this experience, I was ready to experience more!"

I'm sorry to know that your prayers didn't protect you and your child from being attacked in your previous story.

Thanks for sharing.

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