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The Phone Call, And Flashbacks Of The Past


The site has been down for a while, so this is a build-up of events, to be honest, and therefore all the events may not be related. I've been stumbling across the paranormal since I was ten. Last year I broke up with my boyfriend Oliver, and didn't speak to him much. Hang on to this, because it will become significant in a while. This paragraph is just to clear some things up, so on to the story.

My parents died when I was three years old in an earthquake, and I've been living with my aunt ever since. For not too long ago, I realized that my mother likes lingering in my room. I didn't notice this until Oliver told me. She usually just stands in a corner watching me, and pets my hair at night. Once I decided to test the theory, and lit a candle for my mother, like I sometimes do, and while talking to her, telling her about my life, I checked my compass. The point went mad and started turning really fast, the only direction being East.

One night I was feeling uneasy, and I was texting my friend Sasha, who had promised to stay up with me all night, if necessary. Right after I texted him "Sasha, I'm scared...", I blacked out. In the morning Sasha had tried texting me three times, and I texted him back to tell him I was okay. Later he told me that he had also tried calling me when I suddenly stopped answering. I thought this was weird, and told him that I would check my list of missed calls. He frowned, and said that it wasn't a missed call. This made me go all cold, and I asked him to explain what he meant. Someone had answered my phone, but the only sound audible was a crackling noise, then they had hung up. The same morning I noticed a big scar that leapt across my ankle (I have photographic proof, if you wish to see it, email me). Now, I knew the only person who could help me was Oliver, because he is very good at communicating with the dead, so I called him, while crying my eyes out.

Now, every time something happens that I cannot control, I call Oliver and my friend Izzie, and they come over to fix it. Last week, Izzie and I decided to have a picnick on the meadow near my house, and sat talking for a while. After about half an hour, Izzie tugged on my arm in panic, when we saw an angry man crawling towards us. When he was about five meters away, he stopped. Izzie got scared, and we decided to walk away. He began following us, but vanished when we reached the park. We sat by the swings, when Izzie told me to look at the corner of the swings. There stood a girl, approximately 7 years old, crying. Then I saw a scene of the girl getting killed in my head, and we found out her name was Angelica. The angry man was her father.

The day after, we asked Oliver to come and confirm the story, and he saw the same, but asked us to keep away from the windows. The angry man was looking for us, and his mood had worsened since the previous day. Eventually he found us, and I passed out shortly after that. When I woke up, I remembered nothing, and Oliver told me what had happened, and that Angelica and the father had finally found peace.

There is more to the story, but I'll leave it for another post. Thank you for reading. If anyone knows why they follow me, please enlighten.

Love, Carmichah

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, StrawtotheBerry, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Supernatural88888888 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-03)
If that happened to me I would pass out to! Just hang on. I haven't had anything that scary happen to me but I get scared really easily 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-15)

No problem... Always glad to help a fellow... Plague Rat... 😉

Respectfully (From the Victorian Asylum),

StrawtotheBerry (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-08)
[at] PlagueRat: It looks a bit like a healed injury, or like some object has been pushed very hard against the skin... Like the edge of a book, or something.
PlagueRat (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-08)
Rook, thank you for clearing that up. I got what the poster was trying to imply, but I've been visiting this site for over a year (this is a new account, I deleted my old one a long time ago because the submission page was always down when I tried submitting a story) and I have to agree with Miracles, nobody here is shy about calling out a fake;) StrawtotheBerry, while I'm here, I do have a question for you. When you checked your ankle, you say you found a scar. So it wasn't a fresh cut, but a scar as if it were a heald injury?
StrawtotheBerry (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-07)
I'm sorry it was a bit unclear, although I did say it was a build-up of events, but I'll explain a bit more carefully:

1) I forgot to mention the rest of my family often linger here, too. They died in the big Earthquake in 1999. I don't exactly need help with this, because they only come to watch over me.

2) This happened a completely different day than the rest of the things. Basically, Izzie and I were eating ice cream on a meadow, when the angry spirit appears from under a tree and starts following us. When trying to walk away from him, we see a girl, who appears to be his daughter. They found us the following day (we were at my house), but Oliver is good at dealing with the paranormal, so he helped them move on.

3) We still don't know why I blacked out, but I found a scar on my ankle when I woke up. I check my ankles every morning and every evening for reasons I don't wish to share, and it wasn't there that evening. Thus it happened during the night, but it's physically impossible for me to have hit it somewhere, considering where the scar is. I also blacked out, so even Oliver thinks there is a connection.

I hope it's a bit clearer now, if there are any questions, feel free to ask.

JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-07)
This is a really interesting story, and I am siding with rookdygin on this one as far as elaborating on those three points to be able to offer more help/advice with your story.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-07)

The O/P mentions a name she used to post under and if you check her profile she lists the rest as her nicknames.

The person who made that comment was just... Well I'll say it nicely... They were hinting that people may just be skipping over it because they think it's 'not true'.


PlagueRat (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-07)
Hi, I'm usually just a lurker on this site but I have a question about one of the comments on this story. What does "Dear Peri/Mel/Carmicah/Strawberry/SeseAlice" mean? Two of the names seem to refer to the author of the story but the others, I have no clue. Sorry to ask but it would've bothered me for days if I didn't.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-07)

I would like to ask you to elaborate on what seems to be 3 separate experiences.

1) Your Mother visiting,

2) The angry man and the little girl spirit,


3) Being Scared and 'blacking out' and waking up with a 'scar' on your ankle.

Each of these sounds like a unique experience and it would be easier to address your concerns or questions about each one at a time, after you have provided more details.


StrawtotheBerry (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-07)
againsarahan - In case you didn't know, I can't control who comments on my story and when. What exactly are you implying?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-07-06)
againsarahan - that is not necessarily true. There has been a lot of other "stuff" going on lately on YGS. There have also been a lot of new stories added and maybe people haven't gotten to this one yet. So, don't just assume things.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but when people don't believe stories on here, we do have a tendency to point that out 😉.

There have been many stories that get overlooked. This just might be one of them. Then again, maybe this is one of those stories that so far no one has anything to offer. Other than you, of course.
againsarahan (34 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-06)
Dear Peri/Mel/Carmicah/Strawberry/SeseAlice:
The lack of commentary on this offering speaks volumes.

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