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We Call Him Steven


We moved into my husband's house a little over 3 years ago. He's always had cats and I've always had dogs and cats. He had a cat many years ago who passed (we miss Thumbs. He was a sleek black and white tuxedo). I've seen a cat sitting in the back window before when my cat was outside and before we got the kitten.

We Call Him Steven

A few months ago I had a night to myself in the house. Hubby was out and my daughter was with her dad. We currently have a 9 year old cat, a 7 month old kitten and 2 dogs 9 and almost 8. I was sitting on the couch just chilling and looked toward the kitchen table. The chain for the ceiling fan was swinging wildly for about 3 minutes. Then it just stopped. Not slowed down just stopped. The kitten regularly sits on the table and stares at the wall or tries to get the chains, but he was in my arms at the time. I tested this the other night and the chain swung for only a few seconds before slowing to a stop. I told my daughter about it when she came home and she said "I've seen a ghost cat here before" (so had I but I never told anyone). My daughter and I named him Steven. We have no idea why, but it was the first name that came to mind. Here's the freaky part and I'll try to attach the photo. My daughter was holding the kitten "mom, take a pic!" I took 3. There is clearly a ghost cat (or so we think) with bright green eyes on her shirt. It was a plain gray t-shirt. It was not in the other photos. Showed my husband and he says "oh yeah! I've seen it here before".

Please tell me what you all see. I'll answer when I can and will answer any questions.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Mel-D72, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

robertseven (6 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-15)
I see a ghost cat, but I can't help but think that Anno_Domini is on target. I liked your post, thanks for sharing.
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
3 years ago (2021-06-08)
Hi Mel-D72, I'm pretty sure that those 2 glowing shapes are the result of lens flare (I have a background in image editing). There are 2 sources of light (2 bulbs?) behind your daughter. You can also see evidence of the 2 sources of light in the 2 shadows on the floor by the door frame and below the chair. The fringing around the green glows (refraction of the 2 light sources) are also another phenomenon of lens flares.
Lilcat21310 (2 stories) (12 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-21)
Thanks for some clarification, As I can see your possibly dealing with close to 3 ghosts. You say your daughters door opens and closes is really only something humans can do, I believe the shadow person your daughter is seeing is the possible reason her door opens and closes. I do start to think were dealing with 4 ghost as you said different than what your stepson saw. If you have any updates with these possibly 4 ghosts please share,
Mel-D72 (4 stories) (12 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-20)
Manafon... Thank you for your comments. I know the picture of which you speak. That, however, I believe was proven a hoax. Similar to the ones taken by so called spirit photographers in the early 1900's where they would double expose the film. The spirit activity that seems to have just started for me here seems calming. Almost like someone is telling me "I'm here...you've got this". Its an odd sensation when I see this stuff lately. And strangely calming if that makes sense. Along with exciting.
Mel-D72 (4 stories) (12 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-20)
Lilcat... The baby kitten (hes just about 8 months) is my baby. Bottle fed from about 10 days old. We love him.
Do we ever think ghost kitty is Thumbs? That boy I've seen full on apparitions of. He usually hangs out in the windows. Thumbs was black and white. My daughter feels this ghost cat my be our old cat who passed. I feel this one is different though.
Other paranormal activity? I'm recently seeing orbs. My daughter is seeing a shadow person (different than the one my stepson saw), her door opens and closes, and the ceiling fan chain movement.
As for #3... Her shirt was plain grey t-shirt
Lilcat21310 (2 stories) (12 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-20)
First off I have to say the cat in the picture is adorable (and yes I'm a cat lover). Second I can't seem to tell what's on the shirt, it looks like a cat but I can't be sure. I do have paranormal cat experiences (me and my sister thinks there's a cat ghost of our cat widget that died 8 months ago). But to clarify some things:
1.Do you ever think that this cat ghost is thumbs?
2.Is there possibly any other paranormal activity besides the chain on the fan moving
3.Is the shirt just plain grey?
Ok thanks,
Mel-D72 (4 stories) (12 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-20)
RCRuskin...My step-son said there was a shadow person that used to hang out by the slider door in the kitchen. He said the shadow was the height of a child (4 or so feet tall). While he was eating, he said he gave the shadow person cheese.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-20)
"I used to feed him cheese." OK. I now have way more questions! Probably many interesting experiences of the house have yet to be shared. They may answer some of my questions.
Mel-D72 (4 stories) (12 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-20)
Thank you all for taking the time to review the photo and comment. There has been quite a lot of activity lately. My step-son (who grew up in that house) came to visit a couple weeks ago and, when I told him there is a ghost or something there, he replied "Oh I know. I used to feed him cheese." It turns out he saw a shadow person in the house when he was a child. My daughter sees a shadow person now and her bedroom door opens and closes on its own. I have been seeing orbs or lights (once blueish green and one was gold in color). It's crazy.
Thank you all again for your comments.
Softie_thunder_thighs (14 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-20)
This pic is so cool! I see a cute little kitty, it looks like my Muffin. ❤ ❤
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-19)
I wanted to add that in many photos of an alledged paranormal nature, that the apparition can appear to emanate from a living person's body. I remember a photo that appeared in Fortean Times several years ago of an elderly woman celebrating her birthday and over her shoulder, almost as if sprouting from it, is what she and family members insisted was the head and torso of her deceased husband.

That this cat image could almost be said to be emanating from the front of your daughter's shirt reminded me of the other photo.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-19)
Hi Mel-D72--I've really enjoyed studying the photo of Steven! I noticed that part of your daughter's index finger is obscured by what could either be the belly fur of the kitten or that of the ghost cat.

There are qualities to the "ghost cat" head that have appeared in other anomalous images I've seen. Along with the striking element of the cat's eyes, there is an amorphous nature to the edges of the cat's head and the (possible) obscuring of part of the finger, that suggests something paranormal. Really intersting image.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
3 years ago (2021-05-19)
Interesting! Looking at the pic, something appeared 'off' to me about ghost kitty's (referred to as GK from here in) eye shape, and the coloration around his face, so I zoomed in. I did notice the bright light in the next room hits your daughter's shoulder and bounces over in that direction - probably causing that 'highlighted/blurred' effect, you see around the kitten's paw and GK's eye area. It also became apparent why GK's eye looked odd to me; kitten's paw is held between daughter's thumb and fore finger directly on the side of that eye, blocking part of it.
True, GK does look rather flat like a 2-D graphic, but you say the shirt is plain grey, and I've no reason to doubt you. You did not see him when taking the pic, so maybe that why he looks 'flat', not developed enough to look 3-D. Hmmmm...
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-19)
Hi Mel-D72

Looks like you have a cat ghost, definitely fascinating do you think it could be Thumbs perhaps?
Mel-D72 (4 stories) (12 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-19)
Also, the flash was off when I took this. Otherwise my kitten's eyes would be all lit up. His eyes get either real bright or he gets real bad "red-eye" from the flash. I just confirmed with my daughter also, (to make sure of myself) it was off.
Mel-D72 (4 stories) (12 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-19)
The T-shirt is plain grey. We double checked that after the photo was taken just to make sure. There are absolutely no graphics on the shirt
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-19)
Intriguing! The two "eyes" definitely looks like it has its own light source but I too agree with RCRuskin, I would love to see what the shirt looks like on its own.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-19)
Hm. Weird. My first impression from the photo is that there's a graphic on your daughter's shirt with fluorescent properties, and that either the camera's (or cell phone's) flash charged it sufficiently, or a reflective graphic on the shirt.

Would be nice to see the shirt itself, if that's a possibility. Thanks.

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