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Lillian - The First Encounter


This is what I believe to be the very first encounter with a ghost child, who I've come to call Lillian.

Early August of 2009, during my summer vacation, I sat in the living room chatting with a friend online. The room was pitch-black; all of the lights were out, as it was about 2:00 AM. My father (who is a quadriplegic mind you; he cannot walk or move) was fast asleep in his bed, and the only light I had was what emitted from my laptop screen. Plain and simple, it was pitch black and dead quiet.

For some unknown reason, I looked up from my screen towards the door. I stared at the corner near the door, where I saw some type of shadow. The shadow was not moving, but its "insides" were; the image is clear in my mind, but the way to explain it is not. The best way I can convey this is that the shadow - which at this time was a misshapen somewhat thin mass that reached from the floor to the ceiling - was made of some sort of mist, which swirled about within itself.

Telling myself that this was nothing, I resumed chatting, not mentioning to the friend - who has also had a few paranormal encounters - what I had thought I'd seen. Yet again, for no known reason, I looked towards the door again, to find the shadow much shorter than it was before. It seemed to have a bit more of a shape now as well, and was at least a foot closer. I again ignored it for a moment. This process repeated itself about three or four times - the shadow becoming more humanoid as it moved closer while I tried to ignore what I was not sure I wanted to be my imagination or reality.

Then, there it was, very close now. It seemed to have the shape of a small girl - somewhere between the ages of ten and twelve, I would say - and was now standing about four feet from me, diagonally. At this point, I had started to tell my friend what was going on. He wasn't sure of what to do; it's not like he could do anything in the first place, but it's the thought that counts.

I looked up once more to see her standing in front of me. She was just inches from my person; I sat upright and very still in the massive recliner as I stared at her. Her face had no features - no features anywhere at all, just the shadow of a small girl. She slowly raised one of her arms and reached her small hand out to me, when I heard a crash. It sounded like one of the DVDs had fallen off the shelf somewhere near the TV next to me. I quickly looked to the side where the TV was, but saw nothing. I turned back and her hand was outspread and her arm was coming closer, looking as if she were about to touch me.

This is when my paranoia got the better of me and a quick adrenaline rush kicked in; I stood up, laptop still in hand for no logical reason, ran right past her, across the room to the hallway, and flipped on the light. The room then flooded with pale yellow light - but it was empty. There was no little girl, no shadow. I saw nothing. I sat down and leaned against a wall for a few minutes, completely baffled at what just happened. Not too long afterwards, I decided to go to bed.

This is not the last time I have seen this girl - in fact, I often see her, to this day. I have no idea who she is, or why she is here, or what she wants from me. I have had the thought of calling her Lillian; I cannot explain why that name came to me one day. I hadn't really been thinking about anything, but I got the chills, and suddenly, I thought of calling her Lillian. Maybe she was communicating with me.

She has a habit of moving my porcelain dolls and hiding my necklaces; the attributes of a mischievous young child. At this point I sometimes think that she is just looking for someone to interact with, like an older sibling, perhaps. I may not ever know for sure.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Twila, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

DemonTeddy (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
As much as I'd like to agree with a few people, that this must have been terrifying, I believe it depends on the person witnessing the event.
Personally, I've witnessed a few things and wasn't really "terrified" persay, more interested and curious, if anything else.

Though it seems, for the fact you was alone in the dark, online seeking vertual company - perhaps she was trying to comfort you?~ perhaps she sensed loneliness and assumed she could relate. Who knows.
She does sound safe, friendly, but then any spirit that doesn't try to possess you or move your belongings is branded a goodie goodie.

You're one of a few to have something like this happen to them, and it sounds very genuine. Perhaps you'll meet her again some day~

Take care

KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-18)
I have not read the other comments so please simply take this for what it is worth, just simple comments.

It certainly sounds to me as if Lillian is reaching out to you for a reason. She may not have been able to cross over or there may be something keeoing her here. She may also not completely realize she is no longer living.

Have you spoke wit her? Have you tried to communicatte that she should cross over and find peace? This may be what she needs.

God Bless!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-18)

I think the best thing to do here is trust your gut. If you do not feel that Lillian is hostile, then trust your instincts. Talk to her when you are around the house, and as others have suggested, allow her the opportunity to use a webcam or a voice recorder to communicate with you. I do not personally believe that a spirit can take over you simply by touching you or by you allowing it to touch you. If that were the case, every time someone was touched by a ghost they would be taken over by it. I have felt touches on my arms and shoulders, and did not "black out" or lose any block of time. It just felt like a person touching me, or a slight static charge, like a muscle spasm but more external.

Please let us know how things go... There was a lot of great advice offered here by everyone so I hope you will do what you feel most comfortable with.
X0XjammyX0X (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-17)
Your story is very interesting and I know how confusing it can get, especially when people are telling you lots of different things. As I've had a lot of paranormal experiences, being only very young - younger than you are now - people try and tell me all sorts of things that I just don't think quiet match what I feel it is. I've had many encounters with various things and I think it is very brave that you've decided to tell people your experiences, as I don't feel ready to tell anyone any of mine.

If I was in your situation, I would try and get advice off someone, like you have done on here. The many problems with that is that people have different ideas on what it actually is. I would have thought it would be a demon as black shadows, especially if you can see them in pitch black, normally are. But as you have stated you don't feel that it is anything evil, I believe you in that. Your the one has experienced it and therefore you know how it feels. No one can try and persuade you to think different. If it is a spirit, as you feel it is and not a dangerous one too, try and communicate, as many of the others have said you should. You wouldn't be offending them if you just ask them and tell them what you are doing. I have done it in my house with my dad. My house has lots of terrible things in and in one of the recordings the camera was being shaken. There are lots of evil in my house but I just have to put up with it, me and my dad sense things more easily and stronger than others would do, so it makes it easier to classify if they are good or not.

With the spirit you have I don't think it will be offended if you communicate with it through recordings or just talking, but always ask. Always believe your gut feeling when experiencing an encounter as it may turn on you, and always have the suspicion that there is a possibility that it could be a demon, you will only find out as time goes on and more encounters happen. But if you say it is just a spirit it must be.

Hope I helped clear some of the confusion up for you, and I hope you find the answer to what it is soon.
Thanks for your time,
X0XjammyX0X 😁
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-16)
Hi Twila:

Just curious... Do you know if your parents ever had a child that didn't make it? A miscarriage, premature birth, etc.? I feel that this child has a connection to you and could very well be related to you. Look into your family history... Maybe an aunt that passed as a child?

Anyway I don't believe that the child is evil in any way. I think the child has a connection to you and just visits every so often. The hiding of your belongings is something that a little sister would do. Very interesting story.
Twila (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-15)
Yes, that's what I was trying to get at. I was beginning to get a little worried and confused because some people fear that Lillian may be a demon, but I don't think she is. I never talked to anyone outside of my family or close friends about this incident until recently, so getting a lot of different suggestions and ideas is just a little overwhelming to me. I wanted to make sure I was thinking about this and taking everyone's ideas into consideration, because even though I've had many, many paranormal experiences throughought my whole life, I'm only 16 and I definately don't know all there is to know about paranormal entities in general.

Even though I am a little nervous because I've never done an EVP session before, I will try that very soon and see if I pick up on anything. I know I may not always get any evidence right away, but I will keep you all posted.

Thank you all so much. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-15)

You can 'avoid' offending this 'spirit/entity' by explianing what it is you are doing as you set up the camera or recording device. Just let them know that what you are doing is going to help you 'see/comunicate' with them.

Gut feelings are the best thing to go with in determning the nature of the spirit or entity. Something along the lines of 'it may look innocent but feel 'evil' conversly it may look horrible and feel 'good'. That is something no spirit or entity can 'hide'. Yes see a spirit/entity can be very frightening but that is because you are experiecing something 'out of the norm'. Scared does not equal 'evil spirit' trying to get you... Just saying. 😁


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-14)
Twila: One of the things that we tell people is: above all be respectful... Let them know what you're doing, "I'm going to record you, if that's okay"...They will either speak up, or if they don't want to be recorded, they will definately let you know by turning off the recorder or the camera... My daughter was having an experience while we were chatting on facebook one evening, and in the excitement, I forgot to remind her to let the entity know what she was doing, and he turned the camera off twice! LOL 😆

So, they will let you know one way or another if they don't like it...Don't forget "please" and "thank you" 😊
Twila (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-14)

Yes, I was about 14 going on 15; I'm now 16, turning 17 this year. I only see her at my home, I have never seen her anywhere else. I do have a recording program I can use on my computer; I've just never tried it, because I wouldn't want to offend her or any other spirit residing here (I'm rather sure there's more than one).

I've had paranormal experiences throughout my whole life. When I was much younger, before I started school, I was the only kid in my neighborhood. I was pretty lonely; but then there were two spirits that I had interacted with, Toppy and Angel. My parents knew they were real, and I still think to this day Angel is my guardian, as she had returned when I was going through another rough time. Toppy, I'm not sure, he may have just been a lost soul. I don't ever feel his presence anymore, but they were both my only friends when I was young. About the river... I'm not entirely sure, I have trouble finding out much about this part of the city. It's much quieter and less known than the rest of the place. Any information about this area before I was born was told to me by my mother.

In genral to the questions/comments about Lillian;
My biggest fear with recording audio/video is that I would offend someone. I don't want to disrespect anyone, these spirits were living beings at one point, too. I don't try to find them, they just let their presence be known.
Really, taking the form of a child (if it were a harmful-type of being) would probably be one of the worst possible things to do. I don't really care for children, I'm just not one of those kinds of people.
Her hand didn't look like it was outstetched for me to take it, her hand wasn't exactly outstretched at all. Her fingers were still sort of curled, like they would be if you just held up your arm and your hand without clenching it into a fist, or letting it hang limply. It looked like she was trying to just touch me. She didn't move her arm towards my hand, it looked like she was trying to poke my shoulder or something of the sort. I sat with my hands on my keyboard and didn't move until I got up to turn the light on.
I didn't really have a sense of "calm" because my mind was racing at the fact of what was happening, but I also didn't feel any hostility. I was just... Shocked.
Karmasfoolishone (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-14)
First question is relating to this story: wouldn't the same rule apply here, even if the spirit is a child.
I've had that happen to me and I always instinctly knew (felt and sensed) that by touching a spirits out streched hand would be to allow it to enter the body. That's a no-no. I have no proof, but if something has no eyes and you don't have a sense of
" calm " when the spirit makes itself seen, it's not a force to reckon with.

Demoic forces will change form and reverse roles to make we humans think they are kind and good.

Second question is why is it not a good idea to accept an out reached hand by a spirit? Because that allows the spirit free entrance to your soul. You will always know a good spirit from an evil one. You'll just know.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-14)
Like many of the posters here, I suggest trying to talk the spirit and also find out any information you can.

To all posters,
I'm putting out a few questions for any of the posters. I remember awhile back in one of the stories, a ghost calling out a person's name and reaching out its hand to the living person. One of the posts said never to accept an out reached hand. First question is relating to this story: wouldn't the same rule apply here, even if the spirit is a child. Second question is why is it not a good idea to accept an out reached hand by a spirit?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-14)
Twila: How very interesting...I'm curious to know whether there were any unexplained occurrences prior to the manifestation?...Since this is your childhood home, I would think if you look back there has to be something that stands out...Also, what happened to the river?...Was it a natural river or a man made one used in an irrigation system?...

I think Rook's advice about the EVP is your best bet...Also, if your laptop has a built in camera you may be able to record future sightings that way...

Thank you for posting, and looking forward to more!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-14)

If this 'spirit' is indeed that of a child that does not realized she has passed away she may be trying to get your attention because she doesn't understand what is happening to her.

Being 'inspired' to call her Lillian may be a Good place to start. Also, if you could 'date' the clothes she was (is) wearing when you saw (see) her, that may help narrow down the date (s) you are searching for events that happened around/in your home. You have a name, which if your correct, gives you an advantage when researching local event's over the past several years... Before and after your home was built.

You were 14-16 years old when this 'first experience' with her occurred? I'm I correct with that age? It also sounds as if she is still visiting you, if this is the case, Have you seen her in other places than your home?

You may want to try an EVP session. If you have a recording device, sit down, turn it on and ask questions such as, "What is your name?", "Do you know where you are?", "What year is it?" Pause after each question... After asking 6-10 questions. Rewind the recorder and play it back... You may hear answers to your questions that you did not hear while you were asking them.

Please keep us posted.


DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-13)
If she hasn't done anything malicious yet, I doubt that she will in the future, I think maybe she just wants to be acknowledged.

Looking up the history and stories that you have mentioned may help you in finding out more about her, and then maybe you could try talking to her?

Just my thoughts for now 😊
Twila (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-13)
[at] Tking;
Yes, I know that, that's why I don't try to contact her first; well mostly because I wouldn't want to offend her or any other spirit. But as I've said, I've never felt any type of hostility from her and she's never tried to hurt me, nor has she broken any objects. There was a girl who apparently died near the house within the past 30 years; plus as I said in a previous post, the house was built on top of where a river once was (possible drownings?) and wide farmland, which also opens up ideas and possibilities as to who's died around here. Thanks for your concern. 😊
Tking (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-13)
You need to be carefull with this problem some demons will use a childs form to get close to you.

Try to find out if any child died in or around your house. Will give you an idea what you are facing.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-13)
Perhaps you can let her touch you and find out? The tentative reaching out of a hand can be interpreted as a Universal gesture of non-hostility. Someone is 'reaching out', I hope that you can see to it to answer.

After all, what kind of harm can a ghost do to a person, really?
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-13)
The hand stretching out towards would freak me out to. It looks like something out of movie (doesn't mean I don't believe the story). I probably have a heart attack. Have you tried communicating with the child?
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-13)
I know the churches stance on anything ghostlike is that there are no ghosts that they are all demons useing whatever means necessary to lure you into a relationship with them. I don't believe this but you might want to treat it this way just to be on the safe side.

Stay Strong and Stay Safe!

Twila (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-13)
[at] AiaFaith;

A lot of people seem to feel the same way about this story, haha. I never really felt as if I wanted her to leave, because she's never done anything to hurt me. Sure, she's startled me out of my wits, but she doesn't break things or try to hurt me at all. I'm not even sure if she realizes she has died; all I know is that she often let's me know she's around and tries to interact with me.

I already have a few stories I've typed up and have saved that I will be posting when possible, so don't worry about that part. 😁
Twila (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-13)
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my story.

Yes, thinking about any other spirit reaching its arm out to me is a scary thought; but I never felt any hostility from Lillian, I was just scared of the fact that she was standing there, right in front of me.

Though I was born and raised in this same household, I've never delved deeply into researching it. I know that the house was built on top of where a river used to be. At this point, I'm unsure if anyone had drowned there or something. I also know that this area - my whole neighborhood - used to be farmland. There was a farmer that owned the house I live in that actually died in what is now our backyard, but not from anything violent or horrible. There's some story about a young girl who was hit by a car near my house (two houses over) and died, I think it was in the past 30 years or so; but I've never confirmed it. I think I will try to find out more about these things later tonight.
aiafaith1 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-07-13)
Oh wow... The hand is just a little too freaky. I would have screamed. That is just too... I don't know horror movieish! Do you want her to leave? Please share your other experiences!

AF1 ❤
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-13)
MY adrenaline would have kicked in long before yours did. As soon as a crash happened I would have jumped up out of my seat and ran away! Left everything behind. I wouldn't care
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-13)
I agree, I never really liked ghosts that have their arms reached out to the living. It's a scary image that I hope I never see. However, if it's just a little girl, maybe she just wants a little attention. Perhaps she doesn't have enough energy to reveal her true form. Have you done any research on your property and house? I know people ask this question all the time. But such queries can lead to all kinds of answers.
SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-13)
My goodness! If I were you I would have got heart attack 😨 A shadow stretching the hand towards you scary to me.
She must be wanting to tell you something or need help, you see she is no harm. Try to communicate with her so you can release her from this world and you too will get rid of her. 😁

Take care and God Bless You!


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