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Hand Print On His Chest


I've been dating my boyfriend for two years, I had never had any sort of experience until I met him. For a while now we've had a lot of things happen to us. He's woken up with scratches, bruises etc.

Those things never overly bothered me until something that happened the other night... This is why I'm here, I don't know where else to turn or what else to do. I'm so scared for him.

The night before last he had a dream that we were in our apartment. He heard bongo drums playing in the kitchen, just in a steady, boom, boom, boom kind of beat. So he said he got up to go see what was going on. He said the mallet that was playing them was moving alone and got more vigorous as he got closer. The mallet then raised up, came straight at his face, stopped, and dropped in from of him. He bent down to pick the mallet up and as soon as he raised back up he says something, he described it as the devil, was standing directly in front of him.

Hand Print On His Chest

When he sees the devil, the devil grabbed his chest, and continued to drag him down our hallway. My boyfriend tried to struggle out of his hands. The devil pulled him into a dark bedroom. He said he could see flashes of his face but mostly it was dark. Anyway, my boyfriend got away and went to get a gun, but he said he shot the devil, he fell on the floor and as soon as he did the devil split into two. He says when he saw both of them he turned around into the living room and it was completely dark with candles everywhere. He tried to run out the door but he opened it and all it was, was a cavern, cave type thing. He woke up shortly after that. This dreamed occurred at 2:54 a.m.

I have noticed a lot of the things that happen at our house happen at that exact time, or 2:56. But the reason for telling the dream was, he woke up that next morning and had a HUGE, non human hand print on his chest. It looked like a burn it was so red, and whelped up. He also had 4-6 long scratches on the side of his stomach. Typically I wouldn't be so worried but having a dream with satan in it, and waking up with the markings that you would've gotten in the dream, really freaks me out. Plus, this hand print was just terrifying looking. It had a very small palm and extremely spread out and long fingers. Also, he couldn't have done it to himself because he's broken his wrists so many times that he couldn't even touch his chest the right way to see if it was shaped like his hand and it was way too big for my hand, we both checked.

I'm just so scared, I don't want it to hurt him again, whatever it is, if you could be any help, please comment or email me. Thanks

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rachael-lucas, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

rachael-lucas (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-22)
TruthInDarkness-- I haven't been on here, simply because this is the only thing I've ever posted, and considering it was a while ago, I haven't kept up with this, Stating that, obviously if I can't keep up with the story I posted, when would I have time to fake a handprint picture? I'd lay my life on the fact that it was real! Anywho, I am 19. Birthday is 8/31/92! Second year in college. I do look young, I get it alot. And I don't remember which person said something about being goth/punk, and relating that to make up use, but I'm not goth, or punk. Or at least haven't been in 6 or 7 years haha.

The picture was taken, in front of a window (He was standing sideways) so, I'm not an expert on lighting or anything, but that may be why he looks so pale... Anyway, we just got done watching paranormal activity 3 so this just popped up in my mind;] I'll try and get on here more often to check up!
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
Actually, I would like to correct one thing. The center area of the "print" doesn't look near as red on my home (color calibrated) monitor as it did at work. It does, however, still look like it very well could be some form of make-up or dye.

I don't think that the texture that you see within the "print" is welting due to a burn or something. Look at the surround skin that isn't red. It has a very similar texture. Heck, it could be scarring from some silly stuff he's done in the past and got hurt in the process.

I'm standing firm on my call of this being fake.
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
Interesting that the OP has not returned to refute my analysis. I guess that says something, eh?

Also, I was just noticing her profile picture. Is it just me or does she look younger than 19? Just an observation. I know that some people in their 20's (and even 30's) can look quite a bit younger.
americaisthekillingnamex (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-04)
Very interesting. I believe this is real 100%. This stuff can and HAS happened to people. Especially a few that I know. I'm referring to the physical harm from demons. It IS real. I'm sorry that happened to your boyfriend though!
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-04)
Even after reading the vast majority of the comments, I'm calling fake on this one as did a few others. OK. The photo has not been manipulated. That really doesn't mean anything. Here are my observations:

1) The lighting in the area the photo was taken is "warm".

2) It appears as though he was intentional facing away from the light so as not to reveal as much detail.

3) I think the reason for the blue tint is the light/flash from the phone. If it's an LED light (as I believe it is), it would cause his skin to look bluish and pale. This is consistent with the markings as well since the "fingers" have a bluish tint.

4) The area in the center of his chest looks more like a glob of gel-like dye. The glob was thick enough to absorb more of the "cool" light coming from the phone. Thus, appears more red.

I'm guessing that you and/or your boyfriend are artists or into baking. Even if that's not the case, it's easy to find red gel dye.

Rachael-lucas - You said that you don't go to church because people judge you by your appearance. That tells me that you are into goth or punk. Both of which are known to use body paint and makeup.

I think that you and your boyfriend are into the paranormal and wanted to concocot a plausible story to post on a paranormal site such as YGS.

That my analysis. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm at least logical.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
Sorry, I meant back scratchers.

Actually, the allergy skin tests are pretty thorough. And they test for multiple things at once.

rachael-lucas (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
Stephy- It only happened once. So we didn't really feel the need to go to a dermatologist or anything!

Jav- Nope, we don't have a nightstand. Right now (until tomorrow) we sleep on a bed in a living room. And our bed is between the wall and a couch! So no scratching items around. Yeah, the scratches were so weird. Ill try to find that pic now.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
You did say the scratches were there after the swelling went down, correct? That's a good sign that scratching may have caused the swelling. Hhmm...
Is there anything on the night table he would have grabbed up to scratch himself with? Like people use back scratching to scratch their back with?

stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
Thank you Rachael for really clarifying everything! I guess my only last suggestion would be: Have you gone to a dermotologist? If you said it happened frequently perhaps they could have an explanation that we didn't come up with? Also, has he ever gotten an allergy test? I know they're expensive, which is why I haven't ever gotten one myself, but they are pretty thorough.
rachael-lucas (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
Haha, no robbing the cradle here, plus we've been together two years on october 1st, he's not getting anything past me 😜

But agreed, if it happens again, he's on his own! Haha. Nah, but we'd definately get a priest or something in here, just to be on the safe side. Thanks for your input:3
rachael-lucas (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
He is 22, I am 19, No ex wives, or angry family. We do not attend church, he's not really very religious, He used to be, and had a huge falling out with bad experience with churches abandoning him in his time of need. I just honestly don't have time to go and organized religion often judges our appearances. We have no odd plants in the house, or oils he'd be allergic to, just two cats. We're always having things happening. It had actually been extremely active and then he woke up with the mark, and its been "dead" since then. Thank god... And to the others that were talking about the "dreaming so vividly and waking up with a mark" I completely agree with you, I learned about that in psychology and that was actually my first thought, so that's really the explanation I go with, Its comforting haha and actually very plausible! Oh, and the wrist breaking, He used to bmx a lot, as well as skateboard, etc. He's broken his wrists probably more than three times. I'm not too sure, he's in the shower at the moment or else I'd ask. All I know is he can hardly face his palms up. (I'm always making fun of him for it) Anyway, the only thing I can really guarantee to you all is that the picture is by ALL means real, I have a different picture on my boyfriends phone so I guess I could post that too, the one I took on my phone was just a lot clearer and vivid. As for the welps, they stayed on his chest for the better part of a day, it turned into scratches after the welping had gone down, and I mean, lots of scratches but they were just surface scratches, I think I have a picture of that on my phone too, I'll try and get that on here. I posted this right after it happened, so forgive me if I sounded retarded, I was just really freaked out. Still bothers me but I know there are a million explanations for it. If it weren't for the fact that he's had plenty of encounters I wouldn't be so disturbed, he definately attracts "spirits". Also, I forgot to mention, we don't mess with ouija (sp?) boards, or tarot cards, or anything like that. The only thing I can think of that he has messed with is when he was younger his aunt was wiccan, and he was kind of familiar with that stuff, but never practiced it or anything. I think he's used a ouija board once with some friends, Not sure of what those results were. I've never messed with one. Any more input is welcome. Thanks!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
Thank you for answering my questions. The age gap is not that much different and I suspected as much. I did not want to worry about him 'robbing the cradle' if you are legal. 😉 Also, if there is a large age gap, I considered the possibility that he might have been having a go at you because you are younger, and he feels you are more likely to believe him.

The part about the mark being warm or hot to the touch is not surprising. The skin is irritated and it causes the blood to rush to the surface, making it warmer than the rest of his skin. The part about it being a cell phone picture makes sense.

To be honest, I guess none of us can provide a 100% accurate explanation as to what happened... Unless we were there and saw it, all we can do is provide options for what it might have been, and I think a lot of people have given some great ideas. If it happens again then you guys can go from there, but hopefully this is just a one time deal and you all can move on with your lives. If it becomes a regular occurance I would suggest setting up a video camera to record overnight, pointed at the bed where he sleeps, just to rule out any outside causes. Also bear in mind that the handprint might seem bigger if the space on his chest was hit multiple times in the same spot (not exactly the same, hence why it looks bigger). It does look pretty welted so that had to be a rather hard slap, and judging by how much energy it takes for ANY kind of spirit to manifest, it would have had to have been a seriously powerful spirit for it to do that. Otherwise I believe there to be a logical explanation that we just have not yet figured out.
rachael-lucas (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
Oh, and to deviousangel, I saw the marks on him, we live together, it felt hot to the touch, and I am 19 and he is 22. So the difference isn't large.
rachael-lucas (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
Sorry for not replying to all of these comments, I just now got to log back on here, didn't think id get much of a response. I skimmed through a lot of the comments and here are some answers, no the picture Is not photoshopped, it lacks color and sharpness because it was taken with my phone, also, trust me, we tried to explain it by thinking maybe it was me or him or our cats but the fact of the matter is, the 'handprint' was WAY too large for either of our hands, and the scratches wouldn't line up to our cats claws. As for allergies, Who knows, nothing other than the usual activity has happened lately so that's plausible. As for it being a 'demon', I'm not so sure about that. I just find the dream disturbing, and then he wakes up with this haha Thanks for all the feedback!
Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
I kind of have issues with what ahwatuki is posting. Jesus. You believe in jesus. All well and good BUT... Jesus DIED, then was 'resurrected' therefore was himself A GHOST. He appeared MANY times to many people after resurrection. So... Was Jesus a demon then? There are many instances of ghosts in the bible... All demons? I'm not Christian bashing, so before y'all focus on that aspect, please don't. I just have issues with anyone posting this stuff after being spoon fed and never having had an original thought about their own professed religion. It's ridiculous! To not THINK for yourself about what you've been taught and just 'parrot' what you've learned isn't even logical to me.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
I still say that these welts are very much like the welts my daughter had when she would scratch her skin during an allergy flare up. Yes, he had a nightmare, but the vivid nature of it could also have been spurred on by the welting. Once you scratch yourself during one of these type of flare ups, you do feel pain. Also heat. That in itself could have spurred the nightmare into action. He should see an allergist as soon as possible. These type allergic reactions are just the beginning. If not treated they can escalate and cause harm to internal organs.

Jav 😐
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
sorry but there is nothing demonic or paranormal about this at all.
Your boyfriend like you say had a nightmare, the devil grabbed his chest, a automatic reaction would be to get the hand off him, like if you walk through a spiders thread you automaticlly wipe your face! Same thing here. He has grabbed at the "hand" on his chest a few times in his sleep scratching himself and the skin around the welts has reacted to this causing the red marks. It would not matter if he has broken his wrist while you sleep your body is relaxed and can move into some very strange positions.
I have done this myself in my sleep, dreaming something on my face had to get it off and scratched at it and accidently took off a thin bit of skin (nails a bit too long).
Babys do it all the time that's why they wear mittens.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
I do have one question to the O/P, did you PHYSICALLY see this mark on him, or just the picture? Out of curiosity, what is the age difference between you two? (This is relevant.) I do not think this picture was Photoshopped but that does not mean it was not fabricated. These days you can Google tutorials on how to do just about anything, including 'studio' makeup. What bothers me is that the person in the picture is so pale and lacking in any red saturation whatsoever. If nothing else it is heavier on the blue spectrum, but the red on his chest is very bold. That tells me this dude is either a very pasty and oxygen-deprived dude or the coloration on that mark is hardcore off for his complexion.

I have a dreamcatcher in my bedroom and it works just fine for me. If you start to have nightmares even with it there, you are supposed to put it in direct sunlight for a few days to "cleanse" it of the negative energy that it gathers, and it works like a charm. Dreamcatchers are not evil or anything, so I am interested as to why one should remove one from their home to prevent negativity.
superconfused (1 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
Of course rook I submitted a story recently its warped screaming face but that is very recent and I need some urgent advice on it! I will gladly type up my story about the dream catcher and please share your views on it:)
generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
You never mentioned, but do you have any pets? If not, did he spend any time around pets in the last couple of days?
How about stinging plants? Nettles, maybe? Or has he done any outdoor yard work? I got some deep scratches like that myself on my arms and legs that didn't really welt up until later when I was removing some blackberries. Thorny plants are thorny.

If this is the first time for scratches like this, try putting some cold compresses and aloe on them. If they don't start showing improvement in a couple days, head to the doctor.

[at] ahwatukee - if you're still here - Many people throughout the centuries have claimed to have seen Jesus or Mary (as well as other people deemed "saints") Both Jesus and Mary are pretty widely accepted to have been (minimally) good people. Occasionally, the sightings have made good suggestions to the people who have seen them.

What are these people seeing?
27flowers (2 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
I don't think I've ever wanted to bang my head on my desk at work so much over some comments on here today!

Personally, I believe your boyfriend may have had a very vivid nightmare, but I 100% believe that this photograph is not showing the markings left by a demonic hand. Sorry if this offends, but I'm more concerned that you may be being fooled for your boyfriend's own entertainment. However, if you believe him then insist he goes to a doctor as you would surely do if you woke up covered in an abnormal rash following a night of possibly fever induced dreams for example.

Take care
27flowers x
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)

Thank you for that clarification... I was just curious as to why you may have suggested it. That makes me want to ask what you think may have caused that? If you feel up to it could you please share that experience with us here on site?


superconfused (1 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
hey Rook if it is part of religious beliefs then certainly nothing to do with it and should not be taken away but iv had personal problems with dream catchers in my home and as soon as I removed them the night terrors fear and noises stopped and just when I read about the drums I felt there was a link I don't mean it to sound disrespectful most people use them as decorative means not so much religious and if they are around because of a belief then they would not harbour any threat:) it is just an opinion as it worked for me hun
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)

May I ask why you suggest to get rid of the Dream Catchers? Just wondering.

If they are present in the home they may be a part of the individuals religious beliefs / practices and as such they would be very hard to 'get rid of' as you put it.


superconfused (1 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
it says at the top the author is a teenager but that is obviously a photo of a grown man and wondering if you are living together to witness all this! My advice is get him checked for allergies get a blessing and if you have anything like dream catchers in the house get rid of them also lot of valid points in previous comments take a bit of advice from each no harm in trying everything good luck
tawny (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
ive actually had something kind of like that its a kind of long story to write as a comment but I ended up waking up with a dark red handprint on my stomach it lasted for days too... It was really werid and I still don't know what it was from but personally... I don't believe in demons and the devil and I also think a lot of people made sense with the comments about allergys... So I would go see a doctor.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
Wow maybe I should use my tarot cards to find out the meaning of this one, but from a few previous posts perhaps not!😜

Rachael-lucas: It would be great if you could come back and address these comments there are some good ideas and theories here.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-13)
[at] rachael-lucas,
By any chance do you or your boyfriend sleep with a feather/down pillow?

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-13)
[at] Indigo,
I completely agree. This is the real deal. I was saying earlier that I believed it to be an allergic reaction. The reason I say this is because my daughter had food allergies when she was younger. She did not exhibit your run of the mill allergic type reactions either. Hers would show up as welts, much like what I see in this photo. I think this is a very good possibility, and should at least be explored.

Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-13)
Guys...im one of the artists on www.worth1000.com and I've seen a LOT of incredibly realistic stuff... But I don't think this is a result if Photoshop, either. I've loaded this thing up on my pc to check it out on my own Photoshop program. I can't find a single thing that would suggest that this pic has been manipulated in any way. I think the photo is genuine, but I do agree with rook that it's either psychosomatic (an incredibly rare form of hypochondria) where his brain thought that it was so REAL that his body reacted accordingly. If not, I think it's a pretty impressive dermogrsphic example from an extreme allergic reaction. That's why I asked about the native church and cacti. (peyote)

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