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Real Ghost Stories

Violent Camping Trip


I remember what had happened during a camping trip about eleven years ago when I was around four years old, and yes, I can remember that far back, just another one of my gifts unfortunately. Anyway, my mom and dad had bought this used camper and they decided to bring me and my brother Pat, the brother from the other story as well if you read it. Pats around nine years older than me, so you can imagine what we have in common. Back to the story.

I don't remember much leading up to the events of what had happened at that camping ground, but I do recall that the camper was very old, probably from the 70's.

My mom assumed that was the reason for the violent attack on us that one night we tried to stay at that camp site, or even that the campsite was located above a Native American burial site where the soil had gone "sour" or at least that's what they call it, or it could have been just from us trespassing, but whatever the case, something was definitely PHYSICALLY there, and it was something other worldly, completely, and this would be my first encounter with the unknowns of the universe unfortunately.

I remember sitting around a camp fire that night trying to make Smores with my family, though they always seemed to burn my hands and tong, they were so hot. I'm also starting to recall we cooked some weenies over the fire too. Anyway, it was getting dark, and everyone was getting tired, so we went into the R.V to rest, though I wasn't very tired because I slept on the way there.

I remember I was still so small my mom let me share the bed with her. I tried to get some sleep, but as the night went on I still couldn't sleep, and then something happened so terrifying I still remember it vividly until this day.

The camper started to shake and bang as something outside started to pound against the R.V. My mom was the first to wake up and grasp me tight as she got real scared. I'm sure at first she thought it was a bear or something, but then whatever it was hoped on top of the rooftop and started to try and bust its way in using the emergency exit on top of the camper. I remember my mom got so scared she quickly tried to wake my brother Pat and my Dad, but they seemed to be long passed out, not even the constant banging would wake them.

My brother Pat woke up for a second and asked what was going on..., but then seemingly passed out again. I remember my mom was near to crying she was so scared for her family and for herself I'm sure. My mom's a very religious person, so she got out a prayer book and started praying.

And what was I doing? I was sitting there calm, in my moms arm as whatever it was out there was wrecking the hell out of the camper. I wanted to look out the curtains to see what it was, but my mom wouldn't let me, although I did see a shadow, it looked like a dinosaur on two legs, something I'm sure nobody's ever seen before.

As my mom began to pray more and more, it seemed to anger the creature, it went crazy outside. Now I wonder what kind of creature could keep up the strength to seemingly go on for hours, until daylight, just pounding away at our camper like that. Throughout the night, my mom began to fear for my dad's life as began to seemingly stop breathing, and she would wake him every few minutes for a mere second to make sure he was still breathing.

Till this day, my mom still believes that while my brother and dad were sleeping, the thing outside was trying to possess them so it could use them to kill us, but I don't know about that. I watched the sun slowly rise as the blue sky began to light up, but even in pale sunlight, the creature persisted relentlessly.

My mom read all night to me the prayers in that book, and I think I still may recall some. The creature finally stopped attacking the camper, and my mom was relieved for a short while, that is until my brother woke up to the banging five minutes before it stopped.

After the banging had stopped, he wanted to go outside to get his shoes he had left outside, even though he had woken up to the banging of some psychopath outside. My mom pleaded with him not goes outside, but you can't keep a teenager from his Vans shoes I guess.

He miraculously made it back unharmed with his shoes, but he did tell us about some weird footprints outside, and claw marks all over the camper..., and that's when my mom knew this thing was no ghost, but some kind of physical manifestation of some creepy shiat if you don't mind me saying.

My dad woke up soon after like nothing had happened, he basically slept through the whole thing, but my mom on the other hand was very brave in my opinion. After my dad woke up, my mom told him all about it, and he was skeptical about it all, after all, my dad didn't even believe in an after life back then, even though he went to church every Sunday. Everyone went outside to look at the damage, my mom trying to keep me indoors for fear the creature would come back.

It was daylight time now and the other campers were wondering what the hell was going on as well. We all saw the damage the creature had done. Footprints on the ground of a three toed beast, claw marks inches thick into the thin campers walls.

My mom urged my dad to get us out of there fast, she wasted no time. Even after seeing evidence of the creature, my brother and my dad denied it, and forgot, but that was perhaps the scariest night for my mom and the longest for me. On our way out of the camping area, police were on their way in, and questioning the owners, for what reason? I can only assume it was because of the ruckus that the creature made all night long, they should have got there sooner...

No kidding with that last part, that night seemed to go on forever, I remember that like it was yesterday. I think my dad had taken some pictures of the creature's footprints in the mud just for pure interest, but I'm sure those are lost somewhere. So all I have left from that night is my memory, and the only ones who really remember anything are me and my mom, and I was four, so some details may be left out, but it was definitely a night to remember, the longest night of my life.

When we got home however, it was a sad story, as my mom believed that the creature still had managed to kill one of us, as we returned home to find that my brother's cat had been sitting in a trailer with the heater on in summer for two days. We later brought the cat to the vet were we knew he would be put down, poor Jimmy; I wish I was nicer to the little guy now. I remember my brothers crying over Jimmy, but maybe Jimmy just had bad luck, but you never know when it comes to the supernatural, but that night in the camper was more than that, whatever that thing was, it was real as flesh and bone. Anyway, my parents sold the camper soon after, and it ended up causing trouble for my uncle too, but that's another story.

Thanks for listening and I hope you believe me on this one. Watch yourself out there on those camping grounds.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Delta412, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

earthtogillian (17 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-28)
I forgot this was a "ghost story" site when I was reading this, no pun intended. I have my reasons though.
1.) you were in a camping site, so it was probably a bear or something.
2.) I do think that both your dad and brother not waking up to the attack may be a sign that this wasn't a loud or wild enough attack or even strange or startling attack.
3.) why didn't you call 911 while it was going on?
4.) also, why did you assume it was a demon or something?
Again, I'm not trying to be mean, just logical. This story, nevertheless and without a doubt, is one of the best I've seen. Its veracity, I'm still not sure. Nice story, thanks for sharing! Hope all is well for you!
teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
Very insensitive there omgitsjessika, please remember these are real accounts brought to us by real people.
rebskp (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-12)
I honestly believe that more than one poster was used but who cares! Comedy Central right here on the forums gotta love it:)

[at]everydayimshufflin- Yea it does get pretty boring but its a easy job to get paid for:)

[at]otter- I also saw that episode of Paranormal State not to be rude but I don't think it has anything to do with this story considering they captured a creatue on there camcorders. If there was a image of all the damage the poster seemed to have added in the story then it would be more believable.
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-12)
Okay, this is going under my fav's simpy bucause it is so absolutley rediculous. I thought the whole point in story guidelines was to weed out these types of stories! The comments were hilarious and the story so terrible it makes my teeth ache. The only thing in this story even remotely possible is coming home to find your cat nearly dead. "Catzilla" didn't kill your cat you did, live with it!

Fanny 😠
zapamay (3 stories) (40 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-11)
[at] Pjod [at] Javelina No I'm not delta, I don't even know who that is. I'm just telling my own opinion.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-11)
You still here hun? I sent you an email just now, didn't know you were here.

Jav ❤ ❤ 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-11)
[at] mountaineer this poster is well known on here with the regulars and to be honest her stories are getting far to easy to spot, plus with her comments under different names its almost a game on here now. On one of her stories she came on under a different name cussed the story but did not realise the name at the top changed when she came on must have used same email addy.
It is sad but funny too
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-11)
[at] taz890: Yep, this did turn into YGS's comedy channel... And that everydayimsufflin character... Do you really think you're fooling anyone delta? You commented on two stories, both delta's, in defense of those stories, then deleted your account. Simply pathetic.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-11)
ok all of you who know me on here will be surprised by my next comment please bare with me.
Delta412 please keep writing your stories on here!
Not asking for the stories per say but the comments have been so funny it hurts to breath!😲!
I needed a laugh and I knew popping back to this blanky fodder would give me one thanks delta 😆
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-11)
[at] bluefoxx01: That wasn't a serious comment was it? I'm guessing you were being sarcastic, what with the kobolds being angered by us humans eating hot dogs and all.
bluefoxx01 (81 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-11)
Yes I believe you were a attacked by a three toed Kobold in mating season. They are also known for their ability to possess the living and cause unbelievable carnage when angered by humans eating barbequed weenies. Because they remind them of there own young who are carried in there pouches for two years. You were very lucky to make it out alive!
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-11)
I don't know about this, I watched an episode of Paranormal State where they were in the mountains in Lewis County, Washington at a farm that catered to UFO watchers. (activity is high in that area near MT Adams, I have seen them myself, but I digress) That night they also saw a creature, winged, huge (man sized) and upright, lurking in the woods near the group of watchers. The owners said seeing creatures at the time of Ufo appearances were not uncommon.
Ok. So, what's this got to do with this story? Just that if they were willing to show their face on tv and say they saw said creature then they really believed it... Could they be real, moth man, jersey devil etc.

A bear is most likely the culprit, but because people under estimate how powerful they are they are often discounted in property damage situations. When they want something they can be relentless, they can tear open doors of cabins like tin cans. I know bears go upright when pissed and will stand up and bang with both paws on cars, even get on top of them and do it on all fours, lift up and come down hard with the front paws, trying to crush or open a vehicle to get If you cooked wienies that night your cloths were full of meat smell, the rv had food inside and this could have been attractive to the bear. I have seen bear prints that vary in looks depending on soil type and condition and weight of the animal and speed of movement. Some were mistaken for Big foot until bear hairs were pulled from casts taken of the prints.
I do find it unusual that your mother wasn't beating the crap out of your dad to try and wake him up, a little boy is hardly protection and it seems she would want to protect you by having as many people awake and ready to defend you as possible.
Its a weird story, hard to swallow but, when gifted people tell of ghosts and the things they see, that's hard for people to swallow too! So, what can I say, interesting!

everydayimshufflin (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-11)
I just read rebskp's comment and I realized if I was bored enough to read practically all the comments on this page it must mean I'm bored to death 😆. Dude, id neverrr want to be a secretary, sounds boring 😭 well I'm one to believe that everything is possible and if delta412 were to be lying I don't care cause it won't effect my life either way, but id rather believe cause there are terrifying things out there either way whether its some kind of monster that no one seen before or can't be seen and even a normal looking person can be a monster on the inside... CreepyO_O.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-10)
Could zapamay also be Delta?
It's looking more and more like a possibility every minute.

hippiechick83 (5 stories) (112 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-10)
OHMIGOSH! I've been quiet for days and I just can't take it anymore... This story was hilarious number one... But just as I suspected, the comments are much better than the story itself. This is going into my favorites for that reason and that reason only. This is nippychick signing off... Hehe 😆
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-10)
could zapamay also be delta? It wouldn't be the first time someone created a 2nd account to support their own story. Always amusing when they forget which account they are logged into and out themselves...
disclaim: I in no way am suggesting the above to be truth, only flirting with the below idea of another poster.
rebskp (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-10)

This is my first post so bare with me:P

I have been on this site for quite a while reading all these different accounts on the paranormal (Work isn't very interesting when your a secretary) and I have to say this one takes the cake.
When I read this story I was dying of laughter I'm sorry to say. I agree with alL the other posters catzilla seems to be a very good description of what seemed to attack your R.V lol. One question though. Did it meow or roar? I really don't think you should own animals if your going to go away and leave them locked up in a trailer for days lol. Does anyone else seem to find that zapamay seems to be defending both stories? Just curious. Thanks for the good laugh guys.

zapamay (3 stories) (40 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-10)
[at] Javelna Aaawwwww, poor mom: (It's good that they saved the cubs though.

Lol, sorry for the pointless comment, I just have a soft spot for all animals.:) :)
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-10)
My youngest lived in Durango for a summer to work and at one point she called me because she couldn't leave the house. There were two mountain lion cubs roaming the area. The fish and game people had been forced to kill the mother because she was attacking and killing local livestock and they still hadn't tracked down the cubs. My daughter was more worried that they would kill the cubs too, she was upset they had killed the mother but still wasn't going to leave the house until it was over. They ended up capturing the cubs and releasing back into the wild.
generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-10)
I think it was a bear, or mountain lion, or possibly a pissed-off moose.
Colorado has an AMAZING amount of large wildlife. People aren't really at the top of the food chain there.

If kids were cooking hot dogs over a fire, the smell of cooking meat could have attracted a bear or mountain lion, and it could have spent a few hours trying to get at it. Might have had disfigured feet - iirc, bear traps were legal out there (and even if they weren't legal, that doesn't mean someone didn't use them).

You were little- you could remember clearly what you THOUGHT you perceived, but your very perceptions could have been colored by your age.
Have you discussed this night with your mom? What does she think happened?

This comment from zapamay is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
The people that buy "haunted" stuff are pretty brave, when you think about it. There is no way to really prove an object is haunted before someone receives it. It kind of follows the same lines as buying the gum that Elvis spit out during a show, or something of that nature. Unless you have high-tech equipment to DNA test the gum, there is no way you would know, lol. And people pay top dollar for stuff like that.
clever210 (3 stories) (189 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
I have seen several "haunted" items for sale on E-bay. It seems there are a lot of people selling "haunted" dolls and they do jack up the price quite a bit. 😉
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
Hahaha, you should suggest that for American Pickers. That would give the show a new "Oomph" and perhaps make it more interesting! 😆
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
"demon possessed" sounds very dangerous, and very pricey $$... Ebay and similiar sites will never be the same.
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
Oh dear. Careful Pjod, if any of those guys on the American Pickers or Storage Wars got wind, we'd have them on here all the time asking for "demon-possessed, priceless antiques" to graciously rid us of.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
perhaps an antique was causing this activity. I'd like to, with your permission, forward this story to J. Zaffis, along with your contact info. Any priceless antique in your home is suspect... 😨
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
Hey, had your mom been praying enough before this happened? Because I think I know what may have attacked your camper, seeking to possess your dad and brother and destroy your wretched little lives for your faithlessness...

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
I hear you on that one Jav no fun at all indeed! Haha move along everyone nothing to see here! I have my serious face on at the moment Jav lol! 😁
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
Uh oh... Maybe we ought to hold off on that this time. I don't want a repeat of the fun police.
Those guys are no fun.

Jav 😢

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