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Brother's Demon Hauntings


Hey everyone, I've been on this sight for a while and I was hoping some of you might have some insight on my problem here. So here goes. I've always been able to see things out of the corner of my eye, when I was younger, however in my teenage years these abilities have persisted to the point where I could actually see spirits or what not.

Not as clear as you might imagine, more like a chalk outline, but you could still see the faces with no sound. This only started in my teen years when I was in a very bad place in my life, but who isn't during those times? I have other things going for me spiritual wise as well that I might talk about another time, but for now I should concern myself with a more serious issue.

The whole incident started about four years ago while I was a young teen, during my not so great times. My brother had just moved back in with me and my mom with his girlfriend and her cat. I had a cat as well for the record. My brother had felt he was being haunted before he moved in for a year then, saying that he had taken a picture of his car, and on his hood he saw the imprint of a demonic figure settled into the dust. He had taken a picture with his cell phone, but I had never gotten to see, or wasn't interested in it.

Anyway, at the time, the spiritual world peaked my interest and I had gotten obsessed with television programs that explored such ideas as spirits, heaven, hell and even haunting s..., ironic I know, though I had never actually seen anything in real life at that point, so I was skeptical about it all.

When my brother moved back in with his girlfriend, I spent a lot of time in my room alone, still do, and I began to feel worse about everything..., I don't' even know how to put it, like I hated the world and everyone in it and wanted it to burn. I began to see persistent visions of death and demonic faces that bothered me all throughout the hours of the night. I still remember those faces, but they no longer bother me after having them in my head for years, and now they are almost gone completely, along with the ill intent for humanity.

Back to the story. Though you would think this would be all in my head, just the mental making of a messed up kid right? My head got riddled with strange things to the point were I would have conversations with whatever was causing all my pain, but still, this was only the beginning.

One night when I had finally came out of my room to watch some T.V with my brother and his girlfriend I started to walk into the living room where they were, and I noticed the two cats sitting with their heads down starring at the darkness in front of the television. I thought nothing off it and sat down next to my brother and his girlfriend who seemed to be in a hazy state or maybe just tired. The room felt very chilly and creepy with most of the lights off except for the television, at the time I was still afraid of the dark with good reason. Anyway, we sat there watching T.V until my eyes started to focus on the darkness in front of the television, where the cats had, and were still starring.

I started to notice something strange..., a form of a figure, I followed the tale of the thing, at this point I started to have chills running up my spine. I focused on the figure in front of me and as it began to be clear, I was frozen with fear..., like seeing it gave me that intense fear. I saw its entire body at that point, and I noticed another by the side of it, they both looked alike. They were on all fours with their tail upright like a cats. I looked deep into one of their eyes, and it glared back at me with its pitch black eyes, darker than the darkness around it. I quickly got up and said calmly with panic in my voice "You see that..." I said. "See what?" My brother asked as I kept my vision on the two demonic looking figures.

"YOU DON'T SEE THAT!" I started to panic and damn near shake. I backed up into the hallway when I knew the two wouldn't, or couldn't do anything, or even see the damn things! I stood in the hallway for a minute, keeping my eyes on the things, practically mystified, wondering if what I was seeing was real?! My brothers girlfriend cat probably wondered the same thing as I watched it approach one of the figures. At that point I was practically crying by the intensity of the situation, and worried about the cat. The cat went up and started sniffing exactly where one of those things were standing. The cat, out of the blue, sprinted away, right past me through the alleyway, scratching the wooden floor and running into the bathroom to puke.

That confirmed my fears..., those things were definitely real! I went back to my room after that with my cat, and even after what had happened to their cat, the poor little thing, they still didn't believe a word I said, so I said screw it and went to bed. Now here lies the real problem, those things never left my brother, and his newly formed family alone, to the point of possessing my brothers girlfriend and making her try and kill her six month old. My brother ran out of his apartment one night with his son in his hands as his girl tried to get at the kid.

My brother got messed up by her. He said she had a deeper voice and she was much stronger than even him! She was saying in that deep voice to give her the kid so she could kill it, in more vulgar terms though. The neighbors had to pull my brothers girl off of him after he gave one of the neighbors the baby to hold while my brother's girlfriend tackled him and tried to kill him with her bare hands, which is definitely not like her to do anything physical or even yell.

My brother's girlfriend was in a very bad place at the time as well. After that they definitely got scared and had a priest bless their apartment, but that didn't solve the problem for long. Now they are having new activity of whatever s haunting them, and I'm worried for their kid's safety as well. Since the first incident they have had three kids, and recently a new born, and I feel I must try and protect them somehow by confronting this evil, or whatever the hells going, but if a priest cant' solve the problem, how useful can I be?

Actually though, they stayed with us recently, and for just about seven months had no activity, my only guess to that is united we stand or something like that, though the only thing that's changed in the years is me becoming more at peace with the world. Though you have to give it for my mom having Angels and Jesus pictures and crosses around, I'm sure that helped, but now that their out on their own again, and the activity is back, I'm worried for their safety, and I don't want them to be alone, but that would be an extremely crowded house for two family's, and I feel helpless in the situation, I'm hoping they'll go see another priest for help if it ever gets bad again.

Sorry for the long story, but I needed to tell someone that would understand, if only just a little bit.

Thanks for your time, and if any of you have any advice, it definitely would be appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Delta412, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Matchu (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-10)
Definitly a bad situation irreguardless of the paranormal or not it is an older post but was curious if that was the only instance of violence? I truly hope all is well
amevans12 (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-11)
I realize this post is older, but I wanted to check up on things and see if there was any improvement. If in fact it is spiritually related, it would seem that spirit appears to be attached to either your brother or his girlfriend (more likely the latter). The fact that you dabbled and explored with intense fascination the realm of spirits would likely lead me to believe that activity at your house would intensify, due to your previous exploration. The fact that you are more at peace with the world, unless you mean that you found a religious stronghold, would do little to prevent any attacks. Most likely the spirit attacks when those two are vulnerable and alone. I would like to note that most cleansings and blessings resolve issues; however, very strongly attached and very empowered spirits will let the comfort of a cleansing to the family provide a sense of stability so that when their presence becomes more intensified, the complete 180 from comfort to terror provides energy to feed off. In that case, the house needs several cleansings as do the people involved, specifically your brother and his girlfriend/wife. All I can say is that certain spirits are steadfast and persistent, most people cannot fight back with the intensity these spirits can. But your situation sounds like it might be an attack on a specific person, so she needs some very intense spiritual help. Keep an eye on them, and protect your family.
Toralai (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-12)
I said there was an explanation for everything, but I didn't say that there's no paranormal explanation. I posted that to help the author, not to start fights about who said what and why. 😉 😉
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-12)
Wow smart cat! It ran into the bathroom to puke... Did it manage to get it all in the toilet too?
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-12)
Hahaha, Mountaineer, this comment is late, but I just cracked up laughing at work about your "get a hamster" comment. Too funny! 😆 You're going to bust me browsing the internet at work!
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-12)
Ok I see I am a couple of days late for this party. Since you guys already covered everything, I just wanted to give a shout out to Rook. Great Post Rook, I think that is my favorite soap box rant yet. 😁 ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-10)
Try not to dwell on this garbage these one timers keep posting up. They have messed with me more times than I can count. But they will just keep doing it as long as we keep noticing. They thrive on the attention from us, no matter how bad. As a matter of fact, the more we hate it, the more often they repeat it.


They need to start dating or something. Oh, maybe that's it, huh? They can't get a date. Hmm... I think I've hit on something.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-10)
This has now gone beyond being funny & is just sad. Really sad.
everydayimshufflin (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-10)
😐 wow dude, you went through alot, okay, first of all I do believe you only in the hope your not bsing or anything, seriously though, whatever you hear or see arent just ghosts but demons, I have done the same and I really got into watching ghost stuff and everything and have recently been studying the bible. There have been many cases where people have been possessed and get violent, demons like for people to suffer cause they are basically hate and they go after people and torment them to try to get them to turn away from God or stay away from believening Him. I hear these stories about people having a supernatural occurance around their child an stuff an they talk bout how they accept the presence an stuff while their kid is really scared bout it an I'm like "doesnt that tell you something?" okay but my advice is that you pick up the bible and start praying, God has given me strength and got me though some tough times and I pray he does the same for you.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-10)
Taylor: Hopefully your little "see how well I can fool the ghostie believers" party will soon be over...

You're not fooling anybody Toralai/TwilightGrl/Innocence/Labrynth/zappamay/zappamay's mom/Taylor/etc/etc/etc... 😆 😆 😆
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-10)
I think that is the best candidate for an account created solely to support ones own story under a different name.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-10)
I can't help but notice you are contradicting yourself in the post below. You claim to believe the story, then go on to mention "explanations for everything"
Your experience of watching a dog while sitting at the table with a "psychic"... Has nothing to do with the sketchy details in this story.

This comment from Toralai is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
This author has exceedingly bad luck with cats, that's for sure. First Indian burial ground mind reading velociraptor breaks into his home and bakes his cat, and now the demonic equivalent of a K9 squad is scaring another cat of his into becoming self-conscious and running to the bathroom to barf. Maybe consider getting a hamster?
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
stephy... Hilarious comment below - "Hard to defend..."
Zzgran... "Work of art" 😆

Trying not to be a bully towards the creator here, just getting a laugh at some responses.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
Bummer I hate to think of people reading these kinds of things alongside the genuine accounts. I suppose it is the nature of the beast.

Sorry I have a weakness for bad puns.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
Nysa: Not all of them... The archives have to be restructured when a story is deleted... What a mess it would be if Martin had to delete all of them...

Anyway, this poster says they've been on the site for a while, but their profile states that they registered on 8/26, a few days before submitting this work of "art"...

I have one question for the author: Taylor, when are you going to give it up hun? 😐
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
So do clearly false accounts get deleted once the poster abandons them? To leave them on the site seems counter to the stated aim of the site. Just curious.
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
Zapa, I'm sure we all appreciate your good intentions. However, its hard to defend this "story" when the poster's other story is "Violent Camping Trip".
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)
not sure how you can stand up for someone, when so little info has come out of the story itself. So little of it makes sense, that even one with a bit of skeptic in them would be able to break it apart. I'd save that flag to raise on a story that is a little more put together, or at least thought out. 🤔
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-09)

Simply standing up for them? Ummm point of order...

You ask why she would try and kill her own child? Why did Susan Smith kill her children? Why did Diane Downs kill her children? Why did Renee Bowman kill her adopted children? IT DOESN'T MATTER!

One attempt is all that is needed, It doesn't matter why, the fact that it was attempted should be enough for the Parent that attempted to kill them to be pulled from the home and examined. The 'why' should not be a factor...

I have a very good friend who went through the horror of her Husband and Father of her children killing one of them... (This is brutal, I apologize in advance) His reason... The child would not stop crying so he threw him against the wall... The Police/CPS and Social Services 'stepped in' and took her other 3 children away from her... The reason they took them... She should have left them with somebody she could trust better... She worked nights at the time and was sleeping in the bed room while 'Dad' watched the kids. Who better to 'trust' than her Husband and Father of the Children.

That ruined her life for a very long time... What followed was drug and alcohol addiction, for her, which lasted nearly 22 years... She will be clean and sober for 2 years this December. Her Mother (the children's Grandmother) did get custody of her Children, however there was a condition... No Contact from her... Because she didn't leave them with a trustworthy person...

So yeah, one attempt should be all it takes... Possessed or not... She should not be near those kids until found competent by proper authorities.

Sorry I'm kind of sensitive on that topic...

Demons make people nauseous so that's why the cat threw up?

That is not enough 'proof' of a 'demonic' presence... Sorry it's not...cat's (I have 3...and have been owned by a few over the years...) get sick for way to many reasons... From eating to fast to having a hair ball... So no... No proof here of 'Demons'.

There are way to many 'natural' things that may have influenced things in this Home... So Jumping on the 'It's a Demon' bandwagon just baffles me... Why do so may people try and justify or 'cover up' their actions by screaming 'the voices made me do it' or 'I was possessed by a demon'?

I'll just step off my soap box now...



This comment from zapamay is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
I agree with stephyw2001 and the other posters about your brother's girlfriend. She tried to killed her child and should be kept away until she can prove her sanity. As a social worker, I have a seen and heard about many cases like this and it's mind boggling what excuses are made for the actions.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt but I will say this. Make sure the things that you have experienced is of this world other than the paranormal. You said that your brother, his girlfriend, and yourself were in a bad place in your life and you are feeling better. Continue to get better and get yourself more help if needed. I agree with the other posters that the police and child protection services should have been called in when your brother's girlfriend tried to kill her child and your brother. It's never to late and better late than never. So, if you truly care for nieces / nephews then I would call them. I know for a fact that your brother and his girlfriend will get pissing mad at you but you have to think of the children. If you can prove that you are stable enough or if your mother is okay with it, you or your mother may get custody of the kids (better than them going into the system) until your brother and girlfriend get better.

Like many people here, I'm a believer in the paranormal and I believe that dark spirits / demons tend to feed of the negativity that goes around. So that's another reason to get help. But as a social worker, I have heard the paranormal excuse a few times to know that it's not true. Basically, get help for yourself, your brother and his girlfriend for the sake of the children.

As for the cat, like stephyw2001 and DeviousAngel said, cats would puke wherever and whenever they want. But in your defense, I could think of three things: (1) it was trained to go to the bathroom, (2) it likes to puke in the bathroom, (3) its peeing box is in the bathroom...

PrettyInPain (3 stories) (153 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
Hah, you gave me wonderful nostalgia at all the times I've tried to ease my cats (past and present) to puke on the tile! 😆 ❤ Of course, it always end up on the carpet.

It is IMMENSELY hard to train a cat. I'm in Missy and Devious's boat on this.

Best Wishes,
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
Usually when I hear people say "in a bad place" its a nice codeword for "heavy on drugs". CPS should definitely have been called, she needs help. She should not be in contact with any kid until she straightens herself out. No if, ands or buts. I don't care how much he wants to believe she's possessed.

Make any and all excuses you want, for the safety of her family, and for THEIR wellbeing, she needs to stay away until she gets the help she needs. (I am way to familiar with bad situations like these).

Your brother can argue that its "not right for the kids to not see their mom" (I hear that all the time). I disagree. It's more not right to have their mother apparently want to kill them. It's more not right to tell a kid their mother loves them, but then watch a mother decay and do everything anti-love infront of them. All that will do is teach the children a very wrong idea of what love really is.

I'm NOT sorry if I ruffled any feathers. I will not budge on this matter. That mother needs help, badly. Keep her isolated. End of story.

The one thing I will defend here is the cat puking. Some cats prefer puking on certain surfaces. They will go out of their way to find that surface. So if your cat prefers puking in the bathroom I won't doubt that. I can vouch that my cat, despite the fact that most of my house is hard surfaces, will go out of her way to find any carpet to puke on. The hardfloor could be an inch away, she'll still puke on my carpet! 😠 Drives me crazy! Puke on the hard floor cat! Its so much easier for me to clean!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
I agree with everyone else here, something is wrong with this picture. For one thing, if I saw someone attack a child and start freaking out trying to get through me to get to it, I would call the cops and then I would call CPS (Child Protective Services). I would have that kid taken away from her and have her sent to a medical facility where she can be evaluated and hopefully, rehabilitated. I would not go so far as to blame insanity on demonic possession. Judging by the way you describe her as being "spaced out", she was probably hopped up on drugs.

Also, as others said, animals puke where they want. They do not contain themselves to a convenient surface. I know, I have cleaned up more than one hairball or barf puddle on the carpet just inches from the tile floor. I have even tried to shoo the cat onto the tile when he starts heaving but he just ignores me and goes about his business. Animals seem to have quite the affinity for sensing ill intent among both the spiritual realm and the world of the living, and if they sense something is wrong they generally avoid it like the plague, not go up and investigate.

I do think that you were in a bad place in your life. How bad? Pretty bad. When I was a teen I had a lot of pent up anger too. I had a lot of hate for the world, etc etc, but eventually you get older and you get over yourself. Most of the time, at least. Talking to yourself is perfectly normal but if you answer back, well... Then it might be time to visit a head shrinker.
MissyM (2 stories) (152 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
Maybe its just me but a lot of this story sounds pokey...

So, after sniffing the entity your brother's cat had to puke and ran to the "bathroom"...?...
What cat knows to run to the bathroom to puke? Animals just puke wherever the urge to puke happens... They don't know to puke in the bathroom... Lol unless you have a pretty awesome trained toilet going bathroom puking cat... Which is unlikely

Okay, and another problem I had with the story was the girlfriend. She tried to kill her baby. The neighbors witness her trying to kill her husband and the baby. She didn't go to JAIL, get charges pressed against her, have her baby taken for attempted murder...etc... "HELLO" AND the BROTHER sticks around to have a few more kids with her...?...

Im sorry but it sounds like BS!

baensidhe (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
Wow, what to say on this?
Animals do not enjoy the company of evil spirits. Had there been an evil entity under the TV, the cats wouldn't have been sitting there casually observing it. A cat certainly wouldn't have walked up and sniffed at the entity. I have had cats since I was a teenager, and have unfortunately seen first hand how cats react to negative entities. They tend to put distance between themselves and the entity, and will watch from a distance with their hackles raised, usually hissing or growling at the entity. They don't sit near the entity like it's a perfectly normal thing to have in the room. I think you psyched yourself out watching the cats. Did anyone check under the TV to see what caused the cat to get sick?
I hate to be cynical, but "mothers" kill their babies on a disturbingly regular basis. Perhaps the girlfriend wasn't possessed, just looking for her 15 minutes of cable news coverage. Sorry to be blunt, but that's the world we live in today. I'm as perplexed as reneespring as to how CPS wasn't called in. And in agreement with Pjod that your brother having more children with this woman was unwise.
You say that this girl is normally pretty easy going, and the violence is unlike her. There are explanations for sudden violence other than possession. You say she was in a dark place in her life. I don't know what you mean by "dark place" but when I hear the term "dark place" I tend to assume the worst. Mental instability and drug abuse can also cause people to be violent. Some people are able to hide drug use and/or mental issues for a long time. It's surprisingly easy to hide things like that, since a person's loved ones never want to believe it anyway.
I'm sorry, but nothing in this account truly strikes me as paranormal. Your sighting of the things under the TV can be pretty easily explained away, and your brother's girlfriend, well, her issues are likely not paranormal in nature. It's a safe bet that her actions are the result of her own choices, not demonic influence.
red00292000 (2 stories) (28 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
hello there...here's what one of our good friend rook here adviced me. Hope it could help you in any way...

I'm going to give you a technique that should help you. At a minimum it will bring you some piece of mind... If these 'things' continue to happen after preforming these steps then you have a friendly spirit around and even though the encounters scare you because you may not understand what is happening, you do not have to worry about 'it' being something 'bad.' Please keep us updated and thank you for sharing this experience with us.

Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it expanding...it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.)


reneespring (148 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
I'm shocked no one called Child Protection and that she got to actually keep her baby after witnesses saw her wanting to kill it... That does not make sense. Also, she should've been arrested and forced to get psychiatric help.

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