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Farm Town Spooks


November 2010, I'm nearly 7 months pregnant and looking to move out of my parents house. My mothers best friend tells us that her brother in law has a house for rent right outside of town. I thought, perfect.

Now I have always lived in farm town, but I have also always lived in the middle of town where the houses are no more than 20ft apart. So pulling up to this house basically in the middle of a field with no street lights and an old farmer for a neighbor was already giving me the heebie jeebies. The landlord pulls in and we get out of the car and start making our way to the house when I see the oldest homeade wheelchair ramp ever. Of course I question the ramp. The landlord tells me that his brother owned the house before, and his wife had lupus so he had made the house wheelchair accessible. I thought nothing of it signed the lease with plans to move in after Christmas.

December 27th... Move in day. Moving in went smoothly with a few random small noises and the sound of my mother saying "its that lady."

It took me about a week to work up the nerve to actually stay the night in the house by myself. The first night I stayed there I was parked on the couch watching tv when I noticed the security light on the garage had popped on. Staring out the kitchen window from the couch contemplating if someone was out there or if it was just an animal I hear the sound of pitter patter coming from the loft above me. I quick turn the tv down and then hear nothing. Not wanting to leave the light of the tv I put the covers over my head and force myself to sleep waking up randomly in the middle of the night to my dog barking as if someone was there.

The next night my boyfriend had stayed with me. I told him the house creeped me out when I was alone but didn't tell him about my experience the previous night. That week him and his brother moved in with me. His brother was off work for the season and was home alone during the day while we went to work. He kept telling us that he could hear what sounded like someone walking around or moving things in the loft. The loft was empty.

I always tried not to freak myself out thinking about it until one night after our daughter was born my boyfriend and I were woke up to our bed frame smacking against the wall. He held onto the frame and it continued to shake and hit the wall. When it stopped we were so out of it we just said wtf and fell back to sleep. The next morning I asked him if he remembered and he said he thought it was a dream. I don't know what the chances are that we had the same dream but it was better to believe that than to scare myself. We bought a new bed shortly after that and when we moved the old bed frame away from the wall there was a big mark on the wall where he had been holding it trying to get it to stop shaking that night. Since that night a few strange sounds were heard and the rack in our closet had fallen in the middle of the night as well. I called my landlord and he reassured us that the woman hadn't died in the house, and she was also one of the nicest ladies he had ever met.

In July my grandfather passed away. I had made him a Build A Bear which was given to me for my daughter in memory of her great grandpa. 2 weeks ago my daughter was being fussy and not wanting to go to sleep when I brought her into her bedroom to rock her in the dark. I grabbed the bear and told her that grandpa was going to help her go to sleep. Not even 5 seconds had passed after I said that and her touch lamp on her dresser, 10 feet away, came on and she started smiling. I didn't know if I should be scared or cry or be happy, but I just said "hi grandpa" and continued to rock her to sleep.

Just last night my boyfriend's brother came home and started telling me about his day. He got up and walked to the glass storm door and stood there talking and told me he had to get a rug out of his truck. As we're talking the dog starts barking and we both hear foot steps coming up the ramp. I say "whos here A.J.?" He stares out the door with a blank look on his face and shakes his head and says "nobody." The dog is still going crazy as if there's someone there. Today my boyfriend tells me his brother text him and said he saw a shadow when he heard the footsteps, but didn't want to freak me out. The look on his face tells me he's not lying.

Would the same person that's upstairs be outside as well? Do they have the ability to move things like our bed? And what happens if I get rid of the ramp? If it's the lady is she going to do more than shake my bed?

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Dee-J (13 stories) (75 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-08)
Sorry to bump a 5 year old story but this is actually the first story I read on this site, so I'm just now deciding to add my comment. The part that really freaked me out in your story is when your brother in law was standing at the storm door and saw a shadow coming up the ramp. Then the icing on the cake was when you asked him who's there and he had a blank stare on his face and said nobody.

Talking about freaky! Has he since mentioned any of his sentiments on that event?
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-20)
I think that is the same thing that has happened here... Ghostlovers had a big head about his/her 'knowledge', and now it has been shrunk by the cruel hand of reality 😉
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-20)

Thanks for that, I knew I'd heard the term before, just couldn't remember where... That was it.

I still like my Biologist story... Does anyone know of a good site for 'Fictional Ghost Stories'? I'd call it the 'Haunted Petri Dish'.


stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-19)
Oh granny don't be so hard on ghostlovers. As I recall Beetlejuice's head got shrunk by the end of the movie. We all make mistakes, and the student is only as good as the teacher. 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-19)
D/A and Rook: See?...That's how much our resident expert ghostlovers knows... In the movie, Beetlejuice WAS the bioexorcist, meaning, he was the one to rid homes of the LIVING!...It's the entire plot of the movie LOL 😆...

Oh ghostlovers, now you went and put your foot in a big pile-o'-poop!...
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-19)
There is no such thing as a bioexorcist. It was a term used in the movie Beetlejuice. Although that was one of my favorite movies, you cannot use stuff from something like that as reference to paranormal professions.
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-19)
[at] rook, that was one of the greatest visuals I've had in a while! Funny stuff! 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-19)

I've been reading along... Seen some of your comments and now that you've used a term 2 times I have to ask you one question...

What in the name of Hades is a Bioexorcist?

I can't help but picture a Biologist saying something along the lines of, "Begone foul Paramecium, Depart and Taint my Microscope slide no more! I cast thee out with the Power of Penicillin, Granted to me by the virtue of my Doctorate!"

Could you please explain just what you mean so I can get that image out of my head, Thanks in advance.


ghostlovers369 (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-17)
is it an old lady or a regular young women you should ask the ghost try to help it if you can't get a bioexcercist to assist you but maybye she is missing her child if she had one I am pretty sure from your story she might have had one but you were prego and then all this started to happen so that could be it or the ghost is just scared and trying to let you know stuff and you just arnt getting it right listen more often to the sounds you here 😐 😐 😐
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-17)
Aha! A fellow Stephanie from Michigan! Welcome welcome! Hmmmm Don't know what's up with your house, but I live in a smaller town now too, and I love it! Hopefully it will grow on you. It may be animals turning on lights, even a possum could do that. I live on the edge of the wooded nature preserve and at night when we're having a bonfire we hear all kinds of ruckus from out there. Our house is completely silent at night though. Much better than the gunshots of Kentwood was... Good luck with that house!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
What about the husband of the wife with lupus? Is he still living? If not, did he pass away in the home?
I trust my gut when it comes to my dog barking. And they do have specific barks for different circumstances. And then there's the, what I like to call, "hounds from hell growl". That growl that starts so low in their chest you can barely hear it, only to get slightly louder and deeper. I would pay attention the the 'tone' of the barking, as we all know that dogs will bark out warnings against sounds they are unfamiliar with, but that are not necessarily a cause to worry.
The ramp out front? Is it of a hollow type construction or solid? I ask because a hollow constructed ramp will be much louder when stepped on, therefore any animal that wanders onto it will sound much larger than it's actual size. Just a thought.
I do believe your grandfather had visited that night the light came on. Not so much because of the light, more because you both seemed to feel more at peace then.
The loft? Check the roof first. You live in the country now, no telling what a little more digging around might uncover as a cause.
I am merely giving you some alternatives for what you are experiencing. That being said, you may very well be experiencing paranormal activity. However, rule #1 still stands; rule out all natural possibilities first. When you've done that, And you're still experiencing this activity, then you start looking to the paranormal.
Thank you for sharing. And congratulations on your baby girls arrival.

Jav ❤ ❤ 😊

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