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Little Duplex Of Horrors... The Beginning


I've been reading stories on this site for a little over a year now, but this will be my first submission. I was able to relate to a lot of the stories told, which allowed me a sort of validation to the things I experienced in the little ol' duplex my family used to live in during my youth. This story describes the beginning of it all.

I had a wonderful childhood, and a had a large, wonderful family. There were 8 of us (my parents, my 3 sisters and I, my uncle and my aunt) crammed into a small 3 bedroom duplex in a town called Milpitas located at the north border of San Jose. It was our first home after immigrating from the Philippines in 1985. It was a home full of life, love, and laughter, despite the oppressive feelings the house would radiate. It was easy to ignore the unease, the shadows and forms you would see flitting about your peripherals, plants waving about as if they had a life of their own (no draft)...you know, the usual basic building blocks of your standard haunting.

We were a spiritual family, however reasonable. We brushed off most things as natural occurances, but there was a time that I was unable to deny that was indeed, paranormal.

Now 16, my family and I had been living in the house for about 9 years. The occurances had been happening occasionally (maybe once a week), but had remained stable. The feelings of oppression and intense fear, however, had increased in the garage and in the hallway, which was a straight line towards the direction of the garage door.

I was having a sleepover with a few of my friends. Lets call them Mai, Jey, and Ivy. Mai had a Ouija board that her mom got her from Toys 'R' Us. Please save the Ouija board lectures. I know now not to touch those things with a 10 ft pole, but back then, everyone thought it was just fun and games. Just another toy from the toy store.

At sometime late into the night, we decided to play with the board since my family had retired for the night, leaving us girls alone in the living room. We had the TV on, so I put it on mute (we didn't want to turn it off). We began the session by asking if anyone was with us, and proceeded with the usual questions once we thought we had contact. I wish I could remember the questions and answers, but to be completely honest, I wasn't paying too much attention.

I became impatient and bored and thought that for sure, SOMEONE was moving the planchette. I said something to the effect of "Boring! This is a waste of time", and flipped the board over like a jerk, abruptly cutting off the session. Not even a minute later, the TV turns off and begins making an excrutiatingly loud, piercing screech. I scramble for the remote and try to turn it off. The remote fails, so I try the power button on the tv, but to no avail. I franticly squeeze behind the entertainment center to unplug the darn thing, but the TV is still screaming bloody murder. At that point, we were terrified.

We ran outside to the front yard, and stood and stared in horror at living room window, listening to the blaring noise coming from the tv. We waited for what seemed like eternity until the noise stopped. We went back in with caution, not knowing what to expect. The air inside was hot and really heavy, which was strange for a chilly fall night. I approached the TV, imagining it to be like some sort of monster waiting to pounce. I plugged it back in and pressed the power button. It worked just fine. My friends and I stood speechless, silently trying to make sense of it all. What was really strange is that recently, Mai and I talked about this specific incident and realized just then that none of the other 7 members of my family heard a thing. The walls were thin in that duplex. You could hear someone shifting in their bed from the living room (the moving of sheets, and the squeaking of the mattress). Yet not one person came out to tell us to keep it down or check what was going on.

I believe this incident is responsible for intensifying the activity in that little ol' duplex, leaving me with memories of terror mixed in with good. These memories I will share with you in my stories to follow.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Roccox4, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Roccox4 (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
Great theory rook! Laughing about testng that therory at a nudist colony! Then I had an image of a Lady GaGa ghost in full regalia! Hahaha! Oh my, I just don't know how I would react to an apparition wearing a meat-dress!

Thank you very much for taking the time to share that theory with me! It really makes a lot of sense to me!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)

I'm playing catch up and saw these questions of yours...

"How do they have clothes? Do they get to choose how they look?"

Theory Time...

A Ghost (Spirit) when manifesting tries to 'look as it did in life' for more than a few of us that means 'clothes and all'. So it uses the energy around it to 'manifest' that way, 'clothes and all' (this may even help to explain so many 'shadow sightings' complete with hat and coat). The only way I can think to 'test this' is to conduct an investigation at a Haunted Nudist Colony... 😲

Just a Theory...


Roccox4 (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
Lol oh you said "today". HAHHHAAAHA! Oh man I'm loooooong gone from MHS! If Mr. Hentschke or Mrs. Hentschke is still there, please tell them Mia says hello!
Roccox4 (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
I sure did! I was c/o 2000! How about you? You live in Milpitas? I'm so excited that someone on this site is from that town, let alone knows of it!
Braaaandonc (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-18)
So that means you go to MHS =D omg that's so coool. We probably Passed by each other today! 😁
Roccox4 (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-13)
Lol! Sounds like we would have a blast in the afterlife! Give me the SF Giants locker room! Yea doggy! Messing with people would be so much fun too!;)
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
Stephy: LOL! You are baaad... I like it! Just imagine us as ghost girls peeping in on the boys... 😉 Good times...
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
Devious, if I had to haunt someplace, I'd choose the men's locker room. 😉
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
Roccox4 - if you figure out the answers to those questions, let us know! 😉 Those are things that this and other paranormal communities have been ruminating over for years. I wonder about ghost clothes too. Do they project their favorite attire? What they wore when they died? Can ghosts be naked if they choose to? Because if I was going to haunt someone, I would totally chase them around the house naked. 😆
Roccox4 (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-08)
Thank you DeviousAngel! Your theory on why we were the only ones that could hear the sound is really interesting! I wish I knew how things worked in the spirit world. Like, how spirits visually appear. How do they have clothes? Do they get to choose how they look? I've always wondered about clothing (is that weird)? And why they play games like hiding your things and making random objects move. And also why they are so elusive. I wonder if there is a set of rules they have to follow? Now I'm just ranting! In any case, thank you everyone for the comments! As soon as story submission page is up again, I will post my next story!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-07)
Very well-told! The idea of that kind of uncomfortable noise and the inability to stop it just drives me nuts. That concept is really frightening, especially since you guys were the only one that heard it. I think it was not so much a physical noise as a psychic noise aimed directly at you girls, and perhaps that is why you all were the only ones that heard it. The entity that caused you all to hear it probably used the energy from the TV to make it happen, hence, why it turned off. Once the noise was gone, you went back in and the TV worked fine again so the entity had probably retreated to regather its energy.
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-06)

I believe it was demonic, and for stories I'm not sure about - I don't post at all. The Ouija board made things worse. Dark shadows, fear and bed moving at night are tell tail demonic activity, which peaks before both Halloween and Christmas. Catholic Holy water and saying "Jesus and Mary help me" will help a lot. Good luck. Dukes2352atAOL.com.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-06)
Stephy - I understand what you mean. My experience with the Ouija board, if all boards are demon-possessed, could have been a catastrophe. My ex-mother-in-law and ex-sister-in-law and I were using it. None of the three of us had a freaking clue what we were doing. We didn't do anything to protect ourselves; didn't taken any precautions whatsoever. Keep in mind, this was 15 years ago. I knew nothing that I know now. When we finished "playing" with the board, we didn't close it the way you are taught to do. We just got up and left.

Like I said, I think there are many things we don't know and I'm a novice when it comes to the Board. Am I afraid of it? No. Would I do things differently if I used one tonight? Absolutely. Would I encourage my daughter to use one. Hell no LOL. Not without someone who knows what they are doing. I think you can unknowingly invite or invoke something very bad into your home. But I also think it can be done with things other than the Ouija Board. That's why I read the stories and ask questions 😆
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-06)
Miracles - I used to use Ouiji boards a lot as a kid at sleepovers. And we're a family of "psychic" type people. I have never experienced anything abnormal either. I'm not saying its not possible that Ouiji boards are troublesome, but honestly millions have been sold. I think its more of circumstances of the sitution, the user, and the entity than the board itself. I am personally not a believer that Ouiji boards cause all the problem. The problem existed before the Ouiji board, and the "player" granted entry to the home by using it. The board was the invitation, not the creator of the problem. That's my crackpot theory at least. 😜 (This is a generic comment in regards to the board, not neccessarily referring to or attacking the OP). 😜
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-06)
Roccox4 - it seems as if everyone has a similar story, with a different spin on it. Ouija boards = bad. Not everyone has a bad experience with them, though. I used one about 15 years ago and didn't have a bad experience. But the majority of the people on this site, and friends I've talked to, have bad experiences.

As for a "guardian" of sorts? Hmmm... Never thought of it that way. Who's to say that isn't possible. There are things out there that I'm learning more and more about daily, which is why I've asked you questions about your experience. I think we could live 3 or 4 lifetime and not learn everything there is about the paranormal.
Roccox4 (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-06)
Miracles51031 - she didn't try to destroy it, just thew it out in the outside bin. I asked her if perhaps someone in her family brought it back in. She said that she asked everyone if they had brought it back and why they would do it, but no one ever admitted to it. I have recently started wondering about this phenomena myself. I wasn't aware it was such a common occurance with ouija boards. I wonder if (assuming the claims are true) it is one specific entity that recovers the boards/protects it from being destroyed, a colllective of entities, or perhaps even some sort of spell, or what have you?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-06)
Roccox4 - did Mai explain how she destroyed the Ouija board? I'm not trying to debunk or disprove your story. This is just more research. There have been many failed attempts to destroy Ouija boards and I'm wondering how Mai succeeded. It's certainly knowledge many people would love, and maybe some would even need, to have.

Thank you.
Roccox4 (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-06)
Thank you for the comments, everyone!

Miracles51031 - as far as I know, none of them experinced anything else. However "Mai" had disposed of the board, only to find it in her garage some years later. I suggested that maybe someone had brought it back into the house thinking she didn't mean to throw it away. She said that wasn't the case. She disposed of it a second time and was successful

DragonStorm80 - I wish I knew why it was only us that heard it too! It was so strange. My family members are not heavy sleepers at all. As far as finding out what happened in the house, a neighbor had told my dad that a man had hung himself in the garage in a drug-induced state. I don't know how true this claim is, but it would make some sense.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-06)

I completely agree with you when you say that using the ouija board intensified the activity in the house, it makes a lot of sense because something was "disturbed".
I really enjoyed your story and I'm looking forward to your next post.

God bless ❤
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
I wonder why the noise was so loud and no one else but you guys could hear it? Did you ever figure out what or who was in that place?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
Roccox4 - I enjoyed your story and will refrain from the lecture 😉. I do look forward to reading more of your stories. Thank you.

One thing, though. Did your friends experience anything in their homes after this or was it just you? I always find it interesting to see who is affected and try to figure out why.
helpimscared (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
That is why I will never use ouija borad 😨 😨 😨 yea I'm a werido bebo!
PebblesnBammbamm (4 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
If you knew about ouija boards, just stay away from them even if everyone thought they were just toys, stay away.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
And the moral of the fable is... Well you made it clear but others will restate it too.

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