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Who Moved My Slippers?


The incident happened in London, UK at the beginning of the year 2008. I was studying for my Masters and living in the university accommodations. The room was an En - suite, with the bathroom opening directly into the room. It was a small room (with no hidden corners) on the first floor with only one point of entry (the door) and a window.

It was around 6 in the evening and I had just returned from Uni. Locking the door behind me, I readied to take a shower. My laptop was on a chair besides my bed and I selected a playlist on the media player to have some music playing while I showered. I had left the bathroom door ajar so I could hear the songs in the shower.

While in the shower, the songs suddenly stopped (mid-song). I figured that maybe an error had popped up and caused the songs to stop. Therefore it didn't seem out of ordinary to me. When I did step out of the bathroom, I was a little stumped to find my bunny slipper on my laptop, placed right across the keyboard. I was sure that when I had stepped in the bathroom they were on the floor beside the bed. However, since I didn't want to completely freak myself out, I simply picked it up and put it beside the bed on the floor and stepped into the bathroom to finish dressing.

I must have been in the bathroom for around 5 minutes. Stepping out I discovered BOTH my Slippers ON MY LAPTOP. There was no one else in the room apart from me and the Door & Window were locked shut. Needless to say that it had me freaked out completely. I just grabbed the key to the door and rushed to my friend's room across the corridor. I was too shaken to say anything for a while.

I never ever felt uneasy in the room. Nor did I ever feel any presence there. However, a friend across the corridor used to say that he felt as if someone was always in the room with him, even when he knew there wasn't anybody there. I'm not sure if my experience and his feelings of a presence are connected.

After the Slipper incident, I noticed that my things kept disappearing for a while and once I stopped looking for them they would reappear. The Things that disappeared were things that I would be using at the time e.g. A sheaf of notes or a pen or the stapler. It would be there one second, turn around come back after a minute and it would be gone. I just couldn't find them no matter how much I searched for them. Would end up finding them when I gave up looking for them. Almost as if it was a game.

During times when I was running against a dead line (studying for an exam the next day or a deadline on a paper submission) if things disappeared I took to saying out loud "Please, not now, I really don't have the time" I'd get the things back sooner.

It was not scary or spooky... I just don't know what to make of my experience and would love insights or thoughts and comments.

If I have left out any details, and it has raised questions, please let me know, I will try to answer as many as I can.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mystique20, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

XxRyuzakiGirlxX (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-28)
Hmm...many things of mine have disappeared and reappeared too...I'd say it's maybe a young spirit who loves games and pranks.
metanormalcom (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-27)
Mr,Ms mystique

*You have your bubble (shield)
*Where is your weapon?

Thank you for sharing.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)

Thank you. Hope yours was a very Happy Christmas. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have... Either here on site or E-mail me via the addie on my profile.

It just takes pratice and patience. Hang in there I know you can do it.


mystique20 (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
[at] Rook: Thank you. I tried over Christmas with the "personal Bubble". I think it will take some time... I keep getting distracted while trying to visualize😒. But I will keep at it.
[at] Rubyman: Thanks for the bunny.
Cristine (41 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-25)
This is a young female spirit in her pre-teen years is what I am picking up. Her intersts are to get you to engage her by letting her know that you are aware of her and that putting your bunny slippers on the laptop is funny. This female ghost is displaced herself. She doesn't know where she belongs and where she is at and what she is to be doing. This is very common with ghosts who have had their lives snuffed out from them. You might want to check your area in teh county for a pre-teen girl that has passed away and it would be less than 7 years ago.
When she gets bored with you she will move on and with children spirits that is commonly the way they operate--their MO.
rubymay43 (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-24)
(") (")
(\_/) < I hope bunny makes you feel a little better. That's a really scary storie to be honest! πŸ˜• quite confusing too.
metanormalcom (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-24)
Giving the year it happened 2008 you give a number in detail and you'r whole story is kind of wierd I would say but since I've heard wierder stories that yours I would say,you're forgeting where you're putting your stuff? If no,sorry...I will search on it. Thanks for sharing this great story.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)

Yes it is possible to use that method to create a personal 'bubble' or sheild.

You can just sit down, clear your thoughts and then focus on positive energy/thoughts. Visualize them 'burning/pushing' out/away all negative energies. Picture it expanding until it expands and surounds your body. If you are Religious you can say a Pray asking for (Insert Deity of Choice) to Sheild and Protect you while you do this.

Please keep us informed.


mystique20 (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
Thank you So much for all your time.
[at] Moongrim: I do not have house cats, neither here in India nor in my room in London. What is the significance of Cats?
[at] lsandhu: Spacial Vortex hmm... This might need some research... However as I mentioned in the telling of the incident that after the slippers moving around and things started disappearing if I said that "I really do no have the time" (or something to that effect... I would get things back faster... Would that be possible if it was a vortex?
[at] Granny: Thank you. I will start with a "personal bubble" (just in case). Can I use Rooks method for that?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
mystique: Shielding and protecting one's self doesn't keep the paranormal from happening; it does, however, keep negativity and nasty entities/beings from becoming attracted and/or attached to you... Most of us here use shields of some sort, either religious jewelry, prayer, rituals, "our personal bubbles", protection stones and crystals, whatever... We continue to have experiences, some more than others... 😊
lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
Rather than a consciousness or spirit at work, could there be some kind of spatial vortex that is causing objects to move and disappear/reappear? Just throwing it out there. Dagnabbit, these things are never recorded - or perhaps they are and we just don't believe anything we see anymore because there are so many fake videos/phots out there and they are so easy to create and so difficult to substantiate.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
Do you have any housecats that live with you? Silly question yes. But nonetheless it should be asked.
mystique20 (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
I have a Question though... If I can classify this particular experience as "paranormal"... I'm just wondering what chances of me experiencing something again. Or did "it" have to move things around to get my attention as I am possibly hopelessly "Insensitive" to such phenomenon 😜.

I have been reading about shielding and protecting oneself on this site. Can I still use that, even if I'm not currently going through anything of the paranormal kind.

I am interested and would like to learn more, but scared of opening doors that I have no idea how to close or even what they open up to...

[at] Argette, I would have though I was being careless too had my stuff just kept getting lost (it has happened a lot, lol), but the Slippers... Were moved and not "lost":P lol... Freaked me out and sent me scampering 😜. Yea, Being back in India is good... 😜
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
Yes, it's good to know you are back in India, Mystique, and don't have to deal with the haunted stuff. Intriguing though. I am always losing my slippers - it never occurred to me that a spirit might be moving them to tease me. I just thought I was careless!
venky (1 stories) (48 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
Hi thanks for posting your experience. It really helps to figure out about these entities. I believe its a spirit of a small child who just want to play but have no intentions to cause anything wrong but any how now its not human. I came to know you are in india now from your comment so atleast you don't have to spend much time in that haunted room. TC
mystique20 (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
Thank you for your time and comments.
I have since left the room and UK and am back in India. So, there isn't really anyway that I can research the area or the room /halls and their history 😒. I dint ask while I was still around because I was scared of what I might find and also probably because I did not feel threatened.
It was frustrating at the time... Having to scurry around looking for my things... But looking back it is kind of funny.
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
I'm in agreement with HappySpirit; this is a playful ghost who just wants to tease you or wants attention. I think some historical research is in order! Did something happen here?
HappySpirit (187 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
Sounds like a former student, now deceased, who was hanging out in your friend's room across the corridor and perhaps decided to visit your room for a change! The bunny slipper tale is adorable, although I can see why you were so freaked out. I would be too. Any tales from others current or past residents of hauntings?

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