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Someone Or Something Moved My Hand


Someone or something moved my hand:

I always look at the time when I'm awoken by sounds or dreams. This experience happened at 2:12am this morning, 4th September 2019. I was fast asleep and woke up when I felt my hand being flung off my pillow. It didn't drop slowly, it was quick.

I usually sleep on my left side, with my right hand nestled under my left cheek, or vise versa, sleep on my right side with left hand nestled under my right cheek. My hand gives me a cushion sort of comfort.

At 2:12am my right hand which was under my left cheek was flung from its position and it dropped down by the left side of my bed. I know this must sound confusing. All I'm trying to say is, it couldn't slip from that position, someone or something flung it from under my face.

When I woke up from this movement, I looked around and no one was there. (Naturally because I live on my own)

The strange thing was I felt a cool feeling in the room. All the windows were closed. I checked when I woke up. It's spring here in Australia and it was 26' degrees, according to the weather bureau today.

It happened really quickly but I remember it really well. 👻👻👻

No one was in the house. I cautiously went to see if someone broke in. I took my phone in one hand and a pole that I use to stop the window sliding open in the other. Everything was as I left it. (All locked up)

I haven't been able to stop thinking about what happened. I've been trying to figure out if I had a dream or if it was real. It felt real, and I know my hand can't just slip from under my face.

I have been having a lot of strange experiences since being in this unit. All my life I have had encounters with this or that and I just wish there was an explanation for these experiences.

I'm definitely getting stronger. I'm not as scared as I used to be. When I was young, I used to freeze to point that I really couldn't move. Now I face the shadows and spirits and calmly tell them to leave.

I haven't done Rookdygins cleansing in about 3/4 weeks or so. I got a bit lazy with it admittedly. I guess the first thing for me to do is keep going with the cleansing ritual every fortnight.

I also need to google what this means or what or who it is.

I'm not a good sleeper. I wake up a few times through the night. I don't take sleeping tablets because I want to stay alert.

Anyway. I thought I'd share this with you. You have all been very patient with me and given me a lot of fantastic support and advice.

Thank you for reading this. Hopefully you can help me work out what is happening. (if this post gets published)

Best wishes


😘 💙💙💙 😘

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sleeping-with-steve, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
3 years ago (2021-09-11)
Hello Cherubim,

Thank you for your kind comment and prayers.

Yeah, it was alarming but nothing scares me these days. I've experienced a few different types of paranormal encounters, sleep paralysis, and various visits from family members and total strangers.

I have become strong and it's helping.

The voting system is a bit tricky. If you can't vote for Rajine at moment, it's because you must have given him the allocated amount of votes that a member can have (5 or 6), Now you have to vote for others until the system let's you vote for Rajine again. (15-20 votes for others before being able to vote for Rajine again- I think). I hope that makes sense. Lady-Glow did a bit of research into this and can give you a more precise calculation on the amounts. I'm just giving you an approximate. I think there's also an amount of 30 or 40 and then you'll get a message saying you've exceeded your daily votes. Once again, I stopped counting and this is an approximate.

Lady-Glow? If your reading this, please help me out with the numbers.

Best wishes,
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
3 years ago (2021-09-10)
WOW! I've learned so much on this thread. 😊 I got this feeling that I'd read this story before and commented, but nothing here. Then I saw Rajine say he posted a similar story, so it must be the story I commented on. I know this is irrelevant to your story, but I've tried to upvote Rajine's comment AGAIN and I keep getting the message (Please vote.)?! 😲

I personally haven't tried Rookdygins cleansing yet, but did copy it. Having my hand pulled out from under my cheek would certainly alarm me! I would start praying asking God to surround me with His holy white light for protection. That's what I do all the time when I have strange occurrences. That's good that you're not scared. I don't get as scared as I used to. I wish I were more helpful for you. Thank you for sharing your story. Hope it doesn't happen again. Prayers sent your way.

CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
4 years ago (2021-06-18)
Most systems come with anti virus/firewalls these days. You don't need to do anything, it just runs in the background, scanning for viruses, spyware, harmful intruders, unknown entries into your systems ports potentially trying to hack your system. If you do want to know who is sending messages or identify their ISPs, you go into the firewall components and a whole list of information is there to view from what was blocked as potentially harmful to ISP incoming that has made contact. Have a look through your antivirus/firewall settings and you'll see what I mean. I love IT. I enjoy the internet and with that comes the need to protect your system so you don't get nasty people trying to hack or launch spyware through emails.
Anyway, you can try demo versions or freeware by doing an online search.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-06-18)
CrimsonTopaz - I am so technologically-challenged I wouldn't even know how to use a firewall like that if I had it. (I barely understand how a firewall works LOL). But darn, that knowledge would definitely come in handy. 😁
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-06-18)
SWS - nope, no thread for general topics. If unrelated conversation becomes too distracting, we will request it be moved to one of "our" own experiences.

Thank you and I'm glad I stopped by too. Good to see you again. 😊
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2021-06-18)
Hello Miracles,

Good to see you.

There isn't a thread for general topics. (Or is there?🤔) I never know where to reply when I have something to comment that's unrelated to a post.

I don't see it as hijacking my thread. I'm glad you stopped by.

Best wishes,
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
4 years ago (2021-06-18)
I have a great firewall and it tells me everything from ISP addresses, to blocking hackers and spyware.
Beauty of technology. So you are 100% right when you say, *And then we have those who believe they are fooling everyone, not realizing they really aren't*.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-06-17)
CrimsonTopaz - this is by no means something new. Unfortunately, multiple IDs (storytellers) have been active as long as this site has. There have been some who gave up after being outted and dropped off site. Others keep recycling themselves, hoping to stay ahead of those of us who remain watchful. And then we have others who believe they are fooling everyone, not realizing they really aren't.

As for the points, as long as people don't take the karma point system seriously it is useful. Comments that don't meet guidelines for us (Mods) to delete, eventually end up hidden.

SWS - sorry for hijacking the comment section of your experience. And thank you for the mention. 😊
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
4 years ago (2021-06-17)
Lots of valuable points in your reply.
Multiple ID's = storyteller
Single ID = real experiences
I myself have my opinion and formulated a list of fakes. They are very sad as you say and are making a mockery of genuine people looking at seeking help for their paranormal occurrences.
Now that members are aware to stay alert and keep an eye out for these frauds, hopefully less fakes will be posting 2 liner comments and disappear after 10 comments into the abyss where they hide but vote vote vote for their original ID.
I believe the points system should go, however, many members with thousands and thousands of points would be prosecuted at the expense of the fakes. That isn't fair at all.
The fakes know who they are and some members are figuring out who they are too.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-06-17)
As many of our members have said, karma points really are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. They don't make one person anymore important than another. Living your online life based on karma points is actually pretty sad.

Multiple accounts, however, is a completely different situation. When a member has multiple accounts, it invalidates everything they have every posted: experiences as well as comments. How can a person who is basically lying about who they are be trusted? Just my opinion.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2021-06-17)
Hello Martin,

You say you're not an Engineer with a doctorate working at Google or Microsoft. You are far closer to being that than me, that's for sure.

Thank you for clearing up those aspects.

I agree, karma is lovely to have but it's only as valuable as the individual makes it to be.

Best wishes,
Martin (602 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-06-16)
When an account is deleted, all their user activities is also erased from the site, except for the content of their comments and stories, now associated to an unregistered guest account. This is to avoid having big chunks of content disappear when someone goes away, where many conversations would stop making sense. But the voting records is gone and if they upvoted someone a lot, this could translate into a score drop for that person. Now, karma isn't terribly important, we don't use it for ordering stories, for example, like other sites. Popularity shouldn't be a factor when we want to assist someone. It does serve as a form of community moderation, however, making it easier and quicker to hide comments that are offensive or spammy. And yes, it does bring a certain bragging rights when soneone consult your profile page, but that's only as important as you personally make it out to be. The community badges like "honorable poster" are based on the total number of comments, so it's more an indicator of how active you are on the site. In the end, it's just there to make it obvious to others if you're a newbie or a veteran that contributed a lot when they read your feedback. If you're trying to crack that karma algorithm, just know that I'm not some engineer with a doctorate working at Google or Microsoft, so it's not complex 😂
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2021-06-10)
Hello ScareTale,

Thanks for commenting on my post. Yes, it was strange at the time and now I try and recall what exactly happened and if I was in some sort of dreamlike state.

With your tablet, the same happens with my phone. If I'm on a call, the warmth or size of my ear ends calls or starts new calls. (so annonying eh?)

I'd love to hear more about your experience. Have you considered submitting it?

Thanks for your response,
😘 ❤
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
4 years ago (2021-06-10)
Im on your thought plain, 'it doesn't make the comment any better. (It is impressive though when the points are high😳)
Multiple fake IDs is just not right, it's obsessive infact. Specially when that member has so much time on their hands to dedicate themselves to increasing their points as if it would better their self worth. You know what I'd say to them?, 'Cookoo'!
Valkricry, you are extremely wise.
When you delete all the fake IDs, I reckon the original ID should have those fake points removed.
ScareTale (8 stories) (14 posts)
4 years ago (2021-06-10)
Hey sleeping-with-steve

I've been reading this whole karma thing. I'm new here, just stared yesterday, so I don't really get what the systems for and as such shouldn't comment about it.
But I did want to confirm what you said about accidentally hitting the down vote.
I myself use a Fire HD10 tablet that has a VERY sensitive screen and am constantly hitting things I didn't mean to. There's been times I didn't even make full contact with the screen and it clicked something.

That being said though, It doesn't sound to me to be the entire case here, maybe a very small fraction, but definitely not the whole picture. But it could also be a glitch with the site.

Hope I didn't ruffle any feathers being so new and giving my two cents

Also, nice story. It's a strange one, but I know where your coming from. I've also been touched while in bed. I've had what feels like someone shaking you awake by the shoulder only to have no one there. And yes, try not to get lazy with the cleansing, my dads Native American so I've seen what happens plenty of times when you let up on doing it. Be safe out there.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-06-10)
Just my 2 cents worth (and maybe a penny for inflation); personally I've never paid karma points much mind, unless a comment garnered many. Even if a poster's profile has a gazillion points, it doesn't make their comments any 'better', nor does it 'impress' me, and I really doubt it carries that much weight with anyone else either.
If it truly is being done by someone I feel horrible for them. What a sad, boring life they must lead to have nothing better to do.
There is another possibility I've not seen anyone mention; a glitch in the voting program. What ever the problem is; multiple accounts, glitch, or karma ghosty, I'm sure Martin will get it sorted.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2021-06-10)
Hello Rex-T,

Since all this talk of fake ID's, I thought it was time to research a few things in that sector. I won't keep posting about it however, no point. Frauds will be frauds and usually just find another way to get what they want.

Martin is quite capable of identifying who is who and who is giving karma points to whom. ISP addresses are marvelous way to link each ID to another.

If you ask me, it's time to give this person/s less attention. She/he isn't as clever as he/she thinks.

Best wishes to you and Jubeele. Stay warm and safe.
😘 ❤
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
4 years ago (2021-06-10)
The Karma Patrol,

How the "scales of karma" swing in different directions. Back in early 2018, I developed an interest in finding out who or what was causing a similar variation in negative karma points.

I had a good idea of how the karma points worked and, like lady-glow, came to the conclusion the maths said that there were multiple accounts involved and the points were always disappearing over a two hour period.

Eminent posters on this site advised me not to "stress out" about these instances and, like karma always does, balance would be restored - "each comment would stand upon its merits".

Of course, my colleagues were correct, that's why they're eminent posters.

Actually, I'll let you in on a little secret. The amount of time and energy that I put into tracking these points was probably nothing compared to setting up fake accounts and submitting inane comments.

Does make me wonder if the eternal mischief maker has returned. Is there another LOKI movie coming out soon?

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2021-06-10)
Hello MackNorton,

Yeah, I get the message often to vote for someone else. 🤣Lol

I thoroughly enjoy your feed back and comments. I have been in stitches often reading your comments. You have a great sense of humour.

Thanks for your response.

Best wishes,
😘 ❤
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-06-10)
Sleeping-With-Steve - FYI; I just GENUINELY up-voted your comment from MY sole profile!😁

PS: I often can't up vote LadyGlow because I'm always trying to but I'm advised to "vote for someone else" or in other words: "get out of your comfort zone mate!"! Maybe I need a few new, bogus accounts! 🤔
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2021-06-09)
Hello Lady-Glow,

I can vouch for my sister and I. We do up-vote karma arrows once we read a comment so we know which comments we have read and to thank the members for there views. So between my sister and I, your karma along with others go up by whatever amount on that day.

With ssexxyca's account, I can't remember that, it is possible when your finger is close to the down arrow, down-votes occur. (Moderator- Miracles once told me to increase the page size, and I do 90% of the time) I have down-voted as a result of the arrow being tiny on my phone and if I'm tired laying in bed, I might press the wrong arrow. (Then the phone usually drops on my face because I'm half asleep and I correct my vote)

With increased points of large amounts, my guess is multiple FAKE ID's that have been opened precisely for that outcome.

If you notice, as my sister has pointed out:
1: Several new accounts recently.
2: Some new accounts reach the allocated 10 comments, along with 1 week timeframe before being allowed vote.
3: Small comments are posted just to get to minimum of 10 comments with little or no substance and then they vote, vote, vote until they achieve what they set out to.

I'm not accusing Lealeigh of this, I'm just saying there are a lot of new members doing this for whatever their reason and then they lay dormant in the system.

Anyway, you are a true detective. I've always said that. I admire you greatly despite not hitting it off with you to start with. Now that I know what I know and having read as much as I have, I really do respect your opinions as I do other members here on YGS.

Hugs to you Gloria
PS: I thought I'd bring this comment to my thread.
Moderators, If this comment is not appropriate, forgive me.
😘 ❤
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2021-02-23)
Hello Rajine,

I just finished reading your post, "slapped by an unseen hand"

I enjoyed reading your experience.

I will read a few more of your posts.

Best wishes
SWS 😘 ❤
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-22)
Hi SWS I did publish it sometime back, it's titled "slapped by an unseen hand" It happened at night and me being an insomniac was awake when it happened, I know for sure I didn't imagine it 😁
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2021-02-22)
Hello Rajine,

Good to hear from you again.

Finally the system is allowing me to up vote you again. I think I gave you the allocated amount of votes before and had to wait. All good now on that front.

Malevolent? Who really knows what passes through here. I've had different experiences in my life but I can honestly say what or who moved my hand so quickly is a mystery.

You should write about your experience. Your leg being slapped by an entity is interesting. Were you awake? 🤔 Did it leave a hand print? 🤔

Ages ago I woke up talking in a harsh masculine voice. Lol. I don't remember all the details to expand on that but I basically frightened myself. A bad dream and talking gobbildygook no doubt.

Anyway, time to watch something on TV.

Night from Australia.
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-21)
Do you feel that it is malevolent and do you think it's just a passing spirit or is it a resident? U won't believe it but something similar happened to me, but it was a slap on my leg while I was laying down, I've learned a simple effective remedy, I keep a little container of rough sea salt in my room, we believe it is good for removing unwanted negative energies in the home.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-12-19)
Thank you for the Xmas wishes Darren.
I sent off a few Xmas emails and would have liked to have sent you, your wife and family my best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. So I'll do that here because I couldn't see an email on your profile page.🤔
Eat, drink, be merry and don't forget to wear your mask.🎄

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2020-12-12)
Merry xmas SWS, may you have a wonderful xmas and a happy new year!
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-12-10)
To all YGS members/friends,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

Eat wisely, drink in moderation, and be safe.

Best wishes,
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-24)
It's really good to hear back from you as well Miandra 😊 I too have missed chatting with you. I think your little pookie sounds so precious ❤ that's adorable to hear that he has the habit of taking your covers for his comfort, at least when you wake up to missing covers being pulled to the floor, it's not because of something paranormal doing it 😨 that's something I would not want to experience. It's nice to know that I'm not the only adult who is still afraid of the dark. I still think you're very brave to go through what you do alone though. I understand the comfort a loving pet can give in helping you feel better in your home. I had stayed in an apartment many years ago, and despite not being alone while living there, I still struggled with feeling comfortable with the spirit I felt there. So I ended up getting me a little companion to help comfort me at night, when I was frequently awoken by something standing next to me in bed. She really helped me a lot in getting through that time living there. Sadly a few years later, after moving to a place out in the country, a nearby neighbor I believe had stolen her, because she was pregnant, and given her breed, would make good money to sell her puppies. It broke my and my son's hearts to have her taken from us like that, as she was very muched loved by us. As for your thoughts about why I experience that mostly when my husband is out the room, I'm not quit sure. He too also has experiences aswell here, and other places. But it seems that he deals with more aggressive behavior from whatever is around him, that I have rarely experienced myself. I have an experience about the one I had, that I keep wanting to submit here. My husband had woken to me being disturbed in my sleep, to seeing a black mass hovering over me while I was still asleep, in the middle of a horrible dream, that I believe that thing had made me have, as I too had saw a black mass at the end of our bed, right before I went to sleep that night, and at that time, my husband was unaware of me seeing that. So I don't know how to make sense on why it does that when he leaves the room. Perhaps your suggestion on it finding comfort from me is a factor, as I've been told that before, and had written about in my "Memory Lane" submission. It was good to hear from you again, and I hope to hear back from you again soon.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-09-22)
Hello Twilight1011,

OMG, I haven't seen you here in such a long time. I've missed our chats.
I don't think your responses are too long. I thoroughly enjoy reading your comments.
That little hand that held yours, sounds like a child spirit who found comfort by holding your hand. You mentioned that you have experienced several spirit sightings when your husband leaves the room... Perhaps they find you comforting and perhaps they have tried to make themselves known to your husband too, but, perhaps he's busy rushing around and never sees them.
(I don't know why that happens) 🤔
I'm still scared of the dark too as an adult, and like you, I also pull the sheets over my head at times. 😲
I have the cutest little dog now who usually jumps in bed with me or drags my sheets off the bed and sleeps on them. Lol. I have given him his own arm chair, a soft fluffy pet cushion, and soft pillow. He still drags my sheets of my bed and ruffles them up into a ball and sleeps on them. I go to pull my sheets up sometimes and feel for them but can't find them. I look down on the floor and there is my little pookie-poo fast asleep next to my bed, or on my bed with the sheets at the end of my bed.
My little dog keeps me busy now and I feel stronger coping with the paranormal with him in my unit.
Thanks for your reply Twilight1011, It's so good to see you again.
SWS. 😘

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