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They Moved Into My Home


This is the first time I've reached out and told this account to anyone outside of my family and GH team, but I do believe that spirits have inhabited my home.

My home in St. Francisville, Louisiana was completed in the year 1998. We had been told that a house had burned down in the same vicinity where our home was built, but also that there was an old Indian trail right beside it. I do not know if there was any truth to that, but town records did in fact confirm that there was a residence on the lot my house was built on. We never thought anything of it.

A few years after we moved into the finished home, some very strange things began to happen. Our possessions inside the house kept vanishing without a trace, we would hear thumps in the house, but we live in the country, so we dismissed the noises. We first came to the conclusion that we were not alone when my sister, my mother, and myself all witnessed a DVD case move from the middle of a coffee table to the edge of the table and slide off. At first, we didn't know what to think, then we decided to pretend that it didn't happen. Then we started seeing THEM.

At different times during the day and the night, all of us have seen white figures quickly moving from the mud room to the hallway, and from the hallway to my room and my parents' room. This would rarely happen, but none of us could explain it, and it was always out of the corners of our eyes that we would see them. When we would look, there was nothing there.

This past year, I received the shock of my life. I was getting ready for bed, when one of my books fell off of the shelf and onto the floor. I keep my books pushed all the way to the wall, so something had to have pulled it out so it could fall down. Next thing I knew, my bedroom door slowly opened by itself. Now, my bedroom door doesn't always latch, so I thought it had just slipped off the latch. Then I heard footsteps down the hallway. I thought it was my mother, so I turned on the hallway lights, and it was not my mother. What I saw was a partial manifestation of a spirit; an apparition. It was the partially completed chest and full face of a woman in what looked like her mid 30's. I screamed and fell backwards (being the first time I've actually seen it with my own eyes) and tried to run back to my room to grab my camera to document (amateur ghost hunter). When I got back to the hallway, the apparition was gone but my parents were awake, demanding why I was screaming. I told them what I had seen, and my father dismissed it as exhaustion (he's a big skeptic) but my mother assured me that if I didn't bother the spirit, I would be fine.

I'm no expert, but I do believe that something happened in the past on my property and now the spirits are making themselves known. Sometimes I feel as though my home has been invaded, but then I rember that I have been living with them for 16+ years. I've tried to do EVP sessions, but I've always come up with nothing. I guess I just have no choice but to live with them.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, J_M_Shepard, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

J_M_Shepard (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-29)
Hey everyone. I am doing fine, as is my family. If anyone is interested, my new tale of a ghostly encounter has just been published. Thank you all for communicating and I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers 😊
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
JM, that's fantastic news! Thank you so much for the update.
J_M_Shepard (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Everything is fine. Since my family has returned from their trip, all of the menacing feelings of being watched have virtually disappeared. The house feels warmer, and even happier. Thanks for checking in on me, Mimi.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-23)
JM, I've been wondering how things are in your house. I really hope everything's okay.
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
JM: I'm not going to say youre wrong for your decision. I've always heard follow your gut and if your gut says don't then follow it. You can't ever be to safe with the paranormal. Thank you for keeping posted!
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
JM, I think you made the right decision. Thank you for letting us know.

Stay safe.
J_M_Shepard (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
Mimi, Razor:

The investigation never happened. Every time I considered investigating, I felt eyes on me; like they were watching me all over the house. (My parents are away for the week.) I and my dog felt safest in the living room. I said a prayer for protection and the feeling of being watched went away. I will continue investigations around my town and in the surrounding areas... But as for my own home... I think I'll just leave them in peace.

Razor: I am very religious. That is why I investigate the paranormal. It is life after death.
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
JM: proceed with caution. Be well equipped and I'm not just talking technology. I'm talking if stuff does escalate know how to ward off and protect. I have an attention hungry entity. Its gotten very "brave" recently. I don't like it so I've got holy water at the ready. I'm doing my own investigation tonight as well. Immediately after I'm cleansing my whole home.
What ever you choose to do jm best of luck and well wishes. I don't know if you are religious but I'll be praying for your protection and well being.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
JM, I know you weren't going to taunt them. But sometimes speaking with spirits in your home, trying to capture EVPs, etc. Can cause problems. It upsets the status quo.

I've lived in two haunted houses, the one I mentioned with the "polite" spirit, and the house I grew up in. The house I grew up in could have absolutely horrific activity when something set it off. Trust me. You don't want that.

There are some extremely reputable paranormal investigative groups in Louisiana. Please contact them for advice on the safest way to conduct an investigation in the home you have to live in.
J_M_Shepard (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-06)
It didn't happen. One of my team members had a family member admitted to the hospital, so I had I postpone the investigation. And also, I do not taunt the spirits. I just ask a few questions. I am it going to be rude... Just try to get more information.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
Oops! That should say "an escalation", not " a escalation".
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
JM, I just want to go on the record and say I think that's a really bad idea. You could very well cause a escalation of negative activity.
J_M_Shepard (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
Mimi, Razor, Tweed, Everybody:

I will attempt to make contact with the spirits tonight. EVP sessions and camera footage to possibly gain some peaceful info with the souls who may be trapped here. Wish me luck, and prayers are appreciated.

Thank you all for following this story and for your support...

Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-05)
JM, excellent point! Keep playing it smart and you shouldn't have any major problem.
J_M_Shepard (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-04)
I really don't mind the activity. As long as no violent acts are committed against me and my family, the spirits are welcome to stay until they find a gateway to the other side. It would be RUDE of me to chase them off for really no reason other than getting startled a little bit. 😉
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-04)
JN, I'm sorry to hear moving's not an option. Hopefully, the paranormal activity in your home will decline and you can totally relax.
J_M_Shepard (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-04)
Thank you, everyone of you concern. I am positive that these spirits mean us no harm. If they did, then something would have happened to us already. I'm pretty sure that they just wish to not be forgotten. My dog is all the time barking at empty spaces in the house and I just tell her "Stop barking at the spirits! They aren't soon anything to you!" My dog barks at everybody who is unfamiliar.

Mimi: I appreciate the concern. For you reason alone is why I keep putting off investigating my home. My parents and I still live here, and if I make the spirits mad then they will attempt to make us leave. We all have nowhere else to go. So... We put it off and just accept that we have visitors every now and then.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-04)
JM, I would be very cautious with these spirits. You sense disapproval. Go with your instincts.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-04)
LoveOfAbundance - just because some of our members don't use the best grammar and/or spelling doesn't mean their stories aren't true and they shouldn't be taken seriously. Sometimes those that are told the way the author speaks are probably more truthful than those that are perfectly presented (no offense intended, J_M).
LoveOfAbundance (2 stories) (27 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-04)
J_M, I believe your story and am concerned for you a bit. First of all, kudos to you for submitting a story with excellent grammar! Too many of the stories on this site have extremely poor grammar (non-native English writers excepted) that it is hard to take the writer seriously. You have presented a thoughtful account.

I am concerned because the activity in your house seems to be ramping up. However, you are the living entity in your home. Be your powerful self. Infuse your home (each and every corner) with your positive energy. There are rituals on this site that promote cleansing. Do them knowing that you are the main force of energy in your house. If you say they must leave, they must leave.
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-04)
JM: I'm glad to hear that things are slowly starting to fall into place! Knowledge is power! Also thank you for the update! 😁

J_M_Shepard (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Please do forgive me for not answering earlier. I haven't been on all day. I cannot quite tell you what the book was; it was fairly dark and didn't really bother to see which book it was (stupid now that I think about it). As for her face, it was simply mugshot. It wasn't inviting or warm, but it wasn't menacing either. It was almost...judgemental. As if she was telling me that I need to change something in my life. Like a habit to give up or something.

Mimi and Razorback:
I do believe that she was letting me know she was there and wanted to be seen. In my statement to Tweed above, I now believe that she wanted to grab my attention an lead me out into the hallway so she could convey the message by facial expression. It's quite impressive, actually.
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Mimi: I understand what your saying but I do wonder if its trying to be rude or if it loves attention or if it is trying to convey a message. I feel the latter to be way more plausible. The book fell to snag his attention door opened to draw him to it and then to show its self in the hall. Could be for attention but most of the stories I research the entity usually is conveying a message of sorts.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
JM, I'm forever curious was the book which fell significant to you in any way? I would take note of which book fell as I strongly feel this woman was trying to tell you something. My other question which I asked earlier is: What was her demeanour? Did she appear friendly and warm, like she didn't want to scare you? Or was she soaked in blood wielding an axe clutching a Chucky doll?
Please do satisfy my curiosity.

Razor, I'm completely with Manafon, do contact some egg heads about what you saw. It's highly unusual for ghosts to sustain energy for prolonged times such as this. It's completely worth officially documenting.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Razorback, my "roomie" never did anything that spectacular. She let her presence be known in the most gentle of ways to me and my guests, never did anything when my mom visited, and was my dog's best buddy.

JM's ghosts are nothing like that, which is why I said they're being rude.
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Mana: I will definatley talk with my friend about having this investigated! Since he is the one that resides there I feel its more his call on that but he is a very open man so I think he will be very excited to have it investigated. Thank you for the advice! I would love to have it documented too because everyone is very skeptical when I tell this story, even people who are very open minded so it would be reassuring to have this backed up by professionals. So thank you again.

Razor 😁
Manafon (4 stories) (74 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Razorback95--If what you describe, and emphatically insist has occurred, you should contact either the American Society Of Psychical Research or a parasychologist to document this highly unusual activity! There are thousands of reports catalogued by the SPR and nothing quite like what you describe. Get it officially documented! I would look forward to reading the findings. I would be the first to say I was wrong questioning the validity of a pool playing ghost if an official report states, " Incredible Pool Playing Ghost Clears Paranormal Skeptics From The Table Once And For All"!
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Mana: I know it sounds very odd and yes it is dwfinetly something I never heard of before until he told me then I witnessed. And if you want I will give very specific details on what I saw and felt during and after. Yes the spirit did use a cue. The spirit took a decent amount of time to shoot each turn. I don't know if it was considering a shot or what have you but it typically took about 3-5 minutes approximately to shoot its turn. As far as energy comes I can't even imagine the energy it would need to play and Is one reason when he told me I didn't believe him because while I'm not a paranormal expert I do know they need energy to use. I do remember the one game I played that after I felt tired and kind of wanted to just relax and rest but my cell phone also had crashed too. I honestly can't say what the exact source of the energy would be for it. My friend did tell me that when he first started playing with the spirit he would always feel "dead" after. Thats the word he used. Then he told me it doesn't happen to him any more. The knocks are for a different individual who has a spirit that manifests itself every now and then. Basically its how the can communicate also let my friend know they are coming into the room. The friend I was talking about with the spirit that plays pool is a different account. Sorry for the confusion there haha.
J_M_Shepard (3 stories) (23 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Thank you, everybody, for the advice and the comments. Your advice is greatly appreciated, and I will keep all of you informed either through this comment list or in another experience shared on this site.
Manafon (4 stories) (74 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-03)
Razorback95--I just want you to be clear about what your stating. As I asked in my first comment about this, are you claiming that the pool cue moves around, making shots and rests while your buddy makes his? It sounds like a scene from the old movie The Invisible Man. Almost all interaction with "spirits" are short encounters. Theoretically it takes a lot of energy for the spirit to interact with people. Commonly (I have experienced it) you feel drained after even a short encounter with a spirit, as it can seem to draw energy from you to make itself known.

Did you notice anything like this? Does the pool cue actually move around or are you saying the pool balls just do? If what you say is true it is a first. As Tweed suggests, using sounds/knocks might as a communication method make more sense but you have suggested the ghost actually plays pool. Which one is it?

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