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Screaming In The Pool


This happened recently at my house. I am 13 and I live near Brisbane, QLD.

This happened with 2 friends in my pool.

We were diving underwater, when we heard a short, cut off scream. Suddenly, my 2 friends came up and said "did you scream!?" It wasn't me and I told them that. From then on we went under a few times, and heard something every time. It was really scary!

The first thing was a recurring scream. Sometimes it was faint, sometimes loud. Sometimes short and cut off, sometimes long and wavering. I know it was not my imagination because others could hear it too. And we watched each other. It wasn't any of us, because their mouths were shut and there were no air bubbles when we heard the scream. The filter was off. It couldn't have been the filter anyway because it sounded too human. After that we heard a strange sound. A hissing-growling noise, hard to explain. It sounded like a hiss then it turned into a hiss and a growl at the same time. By then we were all freaking out and agreed to go under and listen one more time.

When we were down there we heard both sounds and jumped out of the pool, so eager to get out of there that we didn't even bother swimming to the steps. It was really scary, and when we were inside, when my friend was getting something from the bathroom. My friend said that she had heard the growl again in the bathroom.

Now am too freaked out swim again, especially alone.

My mum's a former-scientist and doesn't have proof, so she doesn't believe me and my dad isn't sure what to think. I don't know what it is so please help me and offer some advice!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Melody00, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Melody00 (1 stories) (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-18)
Okay, the pool is new. And the filter was off because mum was cleaning it. It couldn't have been my friends playing around because:
1. They are terrible actors. You should see them in drama class.
2. The sound wan't coming from them.

PS: My friend said she heard the growl in her bathroom at her house too. Also, my friend came over again and we heard muffled speaking, like a young girl with something over their mouth. 😨

My friend says one of her ancestors died young by a man drowning her? My mum can't hear it but some of my other friends heard the scream too.
BlueTurtle (3 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-09)
I agree with others that you should debunk any further possibilities before wondering if this is paranormal. Sound travels ten times faster under water than it does in air and I find that my ears pick up every little thing in the pool when I submerge. Often times, I will hear shrill sounds that I simply associate with my eardrums dealing with the pressure of the water. It could be any number of things. If you're still unsure, and if it happens again, I would suggest that you ask your parents to test the waters and see if they experience the same thing.
TakingSuspense (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-07)
I agree with the others. It could have been related to the filter, friends just having fun, or what I believe more. If someone previously owned the home, which brings me to the question, how old is it? If someone previously owned the home, someone may have drowned in the pool.
erin19 (1 stories) (41 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-07)
There could be two reasons...
1.) Like you said it could of been the filter. (I have a pool and my filter often makes noise like that.)
2.) If you live close to your neighbors, it could of them screaming and playing around with a dog.

Hope that helped 😊
schuyler (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-07)
ask your mother and father to swim wth you and ask them to leave before ten sec and close your eyes.
dogboy114 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-06)
I have no experience with pipes or anything, but this sounds like it could be... But if it is paranormal, it is probably the ghost of someone who drowned in the pool by someone...?
crecentblue03 (151 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-05)
I myself had a near death with drowning and I can tell you you get to a point were you don't feel fear. No I don't think what you heard had to do with the ghost of someone who died I agree with the others it could be something like the filter but the unknown is always scary. Thanks for sharing!
pinkparrot6202 (41 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-05)
there might be a drowning incident. I think this girl was abducted then drowned the pool, and scream, the spirit may need help or needs to reunite.

Thanks, 😨 😨 😨
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-01-03)
Argette: I even have a pink moped and shiny pink spandex suit with a matching helmet! 😆... Oh yeah, and a super soaker filled with holy water for those times when nothing else will do! 😆 😆

Sorry, Melody, for hi-jacking your thread
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-01-03)
Melody: Well, first of all, you should never swim alone under any circumstances anyway... Do this for me: take your Mom under water with you and ask her to "scream" with her mouth closed (yeah, you can do that! Try it 😆) and see if it sounds similar... I honestly think maybe your friends were having some fun ❤
hippiechick83 (5 stories) (112 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-03)

My ears do really weird things when I'm swimming, flying or even driving from different elevations. Is it possible that it was a plumbing issue and your ears interpreted it as a human like sound? Also, is this a new pool or did it have previous owners? I'm sure you don't have much to worry about, enjoy your's sub zero temperatures where I live right now! Lol 😆

Peace and Love,
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-03)
Well, thank you for clarifying that, Aussiedaz! We newbies appreciate Mod Granny, too!

Mod Granny? Now that conjures up ghosts from the 60s...
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-03)
The fact that the noise was heard again in the bathroom strongly suggests that the noise was in the pipes. It's probable that the pipes run close to your pool underground & the noise could travel easily in the water in your pool. A lot of mechanical things can make sounds disturbingly like the sounds of people in distress. It's freaky as all get out, but not paranormal.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-03)
YGS Basically closes down over the holidays for the submission of stories and usually the cycle of them as well... We can all thank Mod Granny for keeping them turning, her time and effort is on volunteer basis and most appreciated by the regular community. ❤
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-03)
Not to worry, Rose, I have been trying too, and the posting feature is indeed closed. This happens from time to time, I think, when stories are backed up or the site owner is unable to review them all. It is actually a very nice feature. This whole site is well done.
RoseThorn7 (3 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-03)
I have a question that's unrelated to the story, but I have been trying to post a story but it says this page is temporarily close for the holidays? Is it saying that to anyone else?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-03)
I wonder if there are any large water pipes that run under your property that maybe where being back flushed out by the water company, it's the only thing I can think of... Noise underground can travel especially from pipes? It's a hard one without actually being there, unless it was a clever prank from one of your friends.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-03)
Get your Mom to go into the pool and listen to it under as close to the same set of circumstances as you and your friends did.
ghostly94 (2 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-03)
Weird story but see if you can record it on your mobile phone if you have one. I've recorded something I can't explain on my phone.
Ghostly94 😊
aiafaith1 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-03)

Wow, I honestly don't know what to think. It could have been the filter... You never know. I would try to de-bunk this one a little more before calling it paranormal. I've heard hissing before underwater in pools- it's usually the water jets. Don't freak out. Lol, this was probably nothing.

AF1 ❤

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