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Real Ghost Stories

Screaming Girl


This happened few years ago when I was about 20 years old. I was doing my undergraduate studies in a prestigious university. The university was situated in a huge garden like land where the buildings were very old and there were huge and old trees all over the land and it looked like the university was situated in a forest.

I had to stay in a female student hostel because my home town was far away from the university. The hostel was situated on the same university land surrounded with an overgrown garden. In our hostel 2 students must share a room. So I was sharing my room with a friend. It was my 2nd year at the hostel. Usually the lectures are over around 6.00 in the evening and all the students go home or go to their hostels after that. After 7.30 pm nobody is allowed to go outside the hostel and the security locks the gates of the hostel.

On that day me and my roommate came to our room at the hostel and we had our dinner there and started studying because the next day we were going to sit for a paper. It was about 8.30 in the evening and l guess most of the students were studying because the whole building was very silent. It was a 4 story building and we were in the 3rd floor.

Suddenly we heard someone screaming outside the hostel. It was a voice of a girl and it followed with a fading cry. It lasted for about 20 seconds and after that we didn't hear anything. So all the girls at the hostel were scared and we could hear the doors unlock and the students gathered in the hall at the 1st floor. Everyone had heard the screaming including the security people at the hostel gate. So we informed the main security of the university and they all gathered and searched all over the overgrown garden of the hostel and even in the whole land of the university. Meantime we had to gather all the girls and see whether someone is missing. But nobody was missing and we were asked to go back to our rooms. But we couldn't sleep that night because that scream was in our heads all the time. At first what we thought was that someone is trapped in the garden and screaming for help. But since there was nobody we thought that it must be some kind of a spirit.

Few months after that incident I met one of my seniors who was staying at the hostel few years ago. We had a long talk about our seniors and the hostel management. I told her about the screaming. First She didn't say anything about it but then she told me that she had the same experience once when she was staying at the hostel. And She said that it was a spirit of a girl who died many years ago near the hostel. That girl was staying at the hostel and was going home for the vacation. She was standing near the bus halt waiting for the bus and met with an accident that instantly killed her. So she couldn't go home and her spirit is trapped near the hostel.

After listening to this, I felt sad for her. I can imagine how she was standing there happily and eagerly waiting to go home to see her parents and relatives. Can't we help her spirit somehow.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Simie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Narmada (2 stories) (3 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-07)
Hello simie!

This story is very sad. I think she needs help. Poor spirit must be trapped and suffering alot. I think you girls must get together arrange an alms giving. Maybe it will help her to be free
Kshaya_SL (4 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-25)
Hi simie, Am also from Sri Lanka.That's a really sad story. If you don't mind can you tell me the name of the university? And I must say, an alms giving or Chanting Pirith won't help her to get peace. There are other ways. If you are interested I know a person who can help you in this... 😊
Simie (4 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
Thank you all for commenting TinAA, Angel9090, sheetal We gave free food for some orphans as an alms giving and wished her good luck today morning. As Buddhists we expect those spirits to be happy by doing that. Me and my friends prayed for her after that Angel9090 I asked her to leave the hostel premises and go to a near by funeral. This story happened exactly two years back. But I'm stll in touch with the current hostelers because I'm doing post graduate studies in the same university. The friends who helped me today were current hostelers and were scared so much. We lighted some candles in the garden as well.
TinAA (1 stories) (84 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
Hi Simie... Its a good story... But I feel pity for the spirit of that girl who is still suffering. And I appreciate your idea of helping her spirit in some way. I would just suggest you to pray for her soul to grant peace.

Thanks to share
Angel9090 (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
She was being interviewed on you tube but I agree that she was wrong about the 80 hours because I was able to do better in a shorter time and I hope our host will have the same luck.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-05)

Thanks for understanding... And your reply.

I went to Mary Ann's web site to see if she explains about this idea a bit more and the first thing I saw was an advertisment for her new cook book based on recipes have been given to her by the spirits of great cooks that have passed on.

I closed the link... I do not mind a gifted psychic medium making a living using their gift to help others... But a cook book from dead chefs is NOT helping others...

Sorry Rant over.


Angel9090 (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-05)
Mary Ann Winkowski who is a medium from Ghost Whisperer said it was 80 hours on you tube but I think it is sooner. Anyway, I wish the host of this story the best of luck in whatever she tries.
Angel9090 (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-05)
You are welcome. I am a medium and sometimes I tend to over-explain so that others in the dark can understand.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-05)
Angel9090 - thank you for understanding. We do appreciate it 😊
Angel9090 (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-05)
I have posted my story under the topic Was this A Ghost Or An Angel?
Angel9090 (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-05)
Sorry about that. I have a tendency to over write and yes I will post my own story
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-05)
Angel9090 - we strongly discourage members from posting an in-depth experience like this one on someone else's story. Since you have one of your own, it would have been best for you to post that on your story. It detracts from the original story, which is unfair to our other members, especially the author of this story. Please, if you haven't already or you need a reminder, read our comments guidelines.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-05)
Angel9090, we discourage people from posting their experiences on other people's stories. I've deleted your comment, as the majority of it was a personal story instead of an answer to the question asked of you. You can submit that experience here, or it might go over better on the sister site that deals with psychic experiences. The link to the psychic site is at the top of the page.
Reply to questions if you like, but please respect other poster's pages.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-05)
Hi, Simie... Welcome to YGS... Really a freaky story... I am agree with Sushant here... Please keep update us...
Dip1904 (115 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-04)
hi angel,

That is an interesting concept... Didn't hear such specifics before. Could you please suggest sources of these information?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-04)

A spirit has about 80 hours to 'get into' the white light so they can cross over. If they miss it they care stuck... Ummm in all my years of experience this is the first time I have heard of this 'time frame' for crossing over. Could you please share with us where you have heard that... Not only that but can you also explain where the 'send the spirit to a funeral home' idea comes from because that is a new idea to me as well.


Simie (4 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-04)
Dear angel9090. Thanks for the comment. I think we should do that. Its an easy thing to do. We should definetly try that. Thanks again for your great idea.
Angel9090 (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-04)
I have crossed over some spirits that were residing in my home. The first few days when I moved into the apartment, a woman kept calling me Paula repeatedly while I lay in bed resting. The neighbors told me that an elderly woman use to live in the apartment with her daughter a while ago. Other times when I returned from work, I heard loud conversations inside my living room and when I go to investigate, the conversation would stop and this happened for about two weeks straight.

At this time, I have been convinced that the apartment was haunted and that it was time for me to make a move. I knew no names of these spirits just that there was an elderly woman calling me Paula, one was a younger woman and there was a young male presence who talks in the living room. I bought a white candle and summon all the spirits by the candle and I told them that the candle was for them. I told them that I am not Paula and that Paula wants to live a long and happy life and that when God is ready for her she will go but she is not ready right now just in case they were still convinced that I am Paula. I called upon God's highest archangels Michael and Gabriel to take the souls into the light and to give them peace and to ensure that they were no longer earthbound.

So far I have not experienced any other ghosts in the house. Usually when a person passes, they have about 80 hours to get in the white light to cross over into the afterlife. If not they have missed the light and are stuck on earth reliving the event of their death to others over and over and hoping to be remembered but if you tell them to go to a funeral home where the light will be awaiting for another deceased soul, they may be able to catch the light again since the light is for anyone.
Simie (4 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-03)
Dear shushantkar.
Thanks for the comment. I tried to get some information about the girl but the management won't give any because they think the story will scare the current students. But me and some students thought of organizing an alms giving and a pirith chanting in the name of that girl. Ill keep you updated. Thank you again
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-03)
Hi Simie! It is very unfortunate that the girl died is such a young age. Helping the spirit would require some basic details related to her e.g her name, where she lived, her parents etc. After that any sort of prayer or small worship could be done to guide her spirit to its final destination. If you really wanted to do so, then best of luck from me.


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