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The Ghost That Haunts My Son


My son is now 6 years old. So let's go back to when this all began. He was a little over a year old at the time and we were living in Pensacola. We had just moved into a new house. This is when strange things started happening.

At first I would just see shadows here and there. Walking down the hallway towards my sons room. One day I heard a voice say "Austin come play with me" The fear in my little boys eyes when he clung to my leg let me know I wasn't the only one who heard it.

Well that was just the beginning... A few nights later I walked past my sons room and could hear banging so I put my ear on the door and listened, what I heard scared me. He had an elmo phone and it was saying 666666666666. I opened the door to see my son huddled in the corner of his crib whimpering and everything in his room turned upside down and flipped over.

He started to sleep with me at night. I would have terrible nightmares about someone with red eyes and black hair trying to take him from me. Of course I never mentioned it to him. Things began to bang around in my room as well and wake me up. We moved not to long after. Things seemed to settle down for a while.

Meanwhile a few years passed I got married and pregnant. While I was pregnant I kept waking to see figures standing over me all dressed in white. I wasn't afraid of them they didn't seem dangerous. More like something watching over me.

Well now present time. The baby is now 4 months old and my son is now 6 years old. He comes to me one day and says "mommy there is a mean magic man who comes into my room at night and he has black hair and red eyes" "He tells me to do bad things and if I don't do them he says he's going to hurt me" "he wants me to kill you mommy" "but I'd be sad if you died" "He scares me and hurts me at night when I'm trying to sleep"

Well now my son wakes up screaming with scratches and small burns on him. He's become very destructive and is starting to do some of these bad things he's being told to do. I'm very worried for him and I find it creepy that he would see the same thing that I myself saw when he was just a baby. I never spoke to anyone about seeing that, so when he described it to me it sent a chill down my spine.

I took him to see a doctor and he told the doctor "the magic man wants everyone in the whole entire world to die" He wants me to cut their heads off... Then he pointed to the dr and said "that means you too"

I'm not big on religion but I figure anything could help, so I hid a bible under his dresser which sits under his window without his knowledge. The next morning he told me "mommy the magic man can't come in through my window anymore now he has to come through yours."

I asked him to say a verse in the bible and he fell on the ground screaming and crying telling me if he said it that the magic man would slit his throat. Then he made a slicing motion with his finger. I've heard chanting coming from his room in the middle of the night as well and he will be asleep.

He always wakes up screaming and crying and he's so afraid to go to bed. Please help if you have any advice. I've already contacted a paranormal investigator, taken him to doctors and even contacted churches. I don't know what else to do...

Of course this is not every detail but its the best I can do for now.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kathalene, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Downofpower (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-22)
Omg I wish if I can pray in your house but huh no way there long distance between us lebanon here but if youwant to beat this spirit you have to know jesus as well please read your bible every day and pray when you are cleaning wjen you are working and soon you will understand you going to get power from jesus and you going to force this evil spirit to flee away from youI know you don't care you care for your little boy but fight for him and urself and try to call for help from saint charbel or saint abanoub they are making a lot of miracle s here in lebanon I woll pray for you wish you all the best for you and your family
rockangel13 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
Oh my, that was indeed a very scary story. Try using the methods people have sent to you. Maybe it will help. Just think positive and be calm. Think about God and have Him in your mind at all times. And, of course, take care of your son.
adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Hi D!
Yes, I got the point. 😉
Was tied up with stuff, so could not get here earlier.

On a side note, you and Rook don't need any 'backup'...there is an army by itself!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-30)
Hey guys, I'm glad to see we have others here who are on their toes about this kind of blatant fakery. I don't mind fighting it out with these people when they come along, and I can take the down voting. But it is nice to know I am not the only one who will stand up against it. The whole premise of this site is that we remain a place for true experiences. I know a lot of fakes have passed through here, but when they are as obvious as this one, you just have to put your foot down on it. Rook and I were doing our damndest to keep from calling her a fake straight up out of fear for her child's welfare. Because, if any of this were to be true, we wanted to make certain the child was not harmed. Other than that, this thing stinks like road kill.
Thanks for the back up.

Jav ❤
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
FYI Miracles... Just wanted you to know that I voted your comment up. 😉 😆
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
Miracles- Ok, my bad. It sounds like, you get my drift? Point is, I think shes full of it, and it sounds like she watched the movie one to many times.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
MizMimi - I'm sorry LOL, Austin rhymes with Damien? That's like saying Susan rhymes with Karen 😉 or Marjie rhymes with Hillary or Lauri 😆
adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
Spot on Mizmimi!
How about Damien trying to kill his mom in the movie? Does the choking and head butting stuff sound familiar to you?
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
adsouza- The moms name in The Omen is named Katherine. And Austin ryhmes with Damien. Just a side note.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
I hope this is a case, where someone is trying to make up a story "online" -and not actually playing it out in "real life" - I don't care what state you live in. You show up to any medical office with burn marks on your kid, you will be getting a visit from Child services... That is just one detail that raises a flag. As others have pointed out, Doctors may recommend meds, or institution- they don't threaten a parent to choose.
Nothing in the world worse than a child suffering... I do hope the story is a complete fabrication.

Also, to the person who posted below... Contacting the good folks at Paranormal State. You would be better off contacting my Aunt Tilly...Ryan, Chip and the gang put on a pony show production- sometimes at the clients expense. Do a little search on letters written by some of their clients- one particular was the case of the "headless ghost"
adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
The Omen.

That's what this 'story' is all about. Every little detail of it. I have seen the movie too many times to miss the fine points.
CearaIvory (2 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
Kathalene, the problem people are having are some of the details in your account. The government is stupid and child services will take away your child for just about anything (Heck, they took a girl away from her parents because of a strange name they gave her). You're bringing your son to a doctor with scratches and burns. It's not you but the doctor doesn't know that and doctors are not big believers in the paranormal. That doctor would have reported you to the authorities. Your child would have been taken away and put into a mental facility (again the government is stupid and very short sighted, claiming to see a Magic Man telling them to do those bad things is a symptom of schizophrenia) without your approval. It would have been mandated. And yet these things have not happened. Maybe they're upcoming or they have happened and smart you have chosen not release that information as it's none of our business but that is the problem people are having with this.

On that note, I do believe your account and it sounds like you might need an exorcism or a house blessing. Teach your son that demons only have as much power as we allow them to have. God has given us power over them, if we have accepted Christ as our savior. He has given those of us who have welcomed him into our lives the privilege to tell these demons to hit the highway. Take that authority. But it has to be your son to do it if you take that route, because the demon has attached itself to him. You can tell him to leave YOU alone, but only your son or a priest (Reverend, Pastor, etc) can tell him to leave your son alone.

You might also work on making your home inhabitable for demons and evil spirits. They cannot stand LOVE. Yes it sounds cliche, but the power of love is critical here. He wants to torment you and make your life miserable. Refuse him that satisfaction. It's like with a bully. A bully will pick on a person for as long as that person is frightened of the bully, because it gives the bully a rush. When you either become stronger against the bully or refuse the bully to satisfaction of seeing you miserable, he'll move on because it's no longer fun. Do that with your son and your home. Refuse to show your fear and misery around that demon. Be happy and loving in spite of him and encourage your son to do the same. And get that priest.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
Ok, I'm going to be straight up about this. I fully believe that this person is trying to get attention, by any means necessary. I have avoided commenting on this story, simply because I think it's bs. And here is why...
1. She says, and I quote "I've put bibles and crosses and everything everywhere. I've spent night after sleepless night with my son comforting him. I've had to deflect his doctors assuming he's just a mentally insane little boy. BUT I WILL NOT leave my son in a place that will terrify him." Ooook, but you DO leave him in a place that will terrify him. It's called him room, every night. I'm sorry, but I think you need to be the one seen by Dr's.

2."Yes he still sleeps in his room. Not everybody is made of money and can just up and move and we don't all have big houses either. We don't have a choice."
Maybe if you moved him out of his room and into yours, you could save all the money you claim to have spent on numerous Dr's and tests. It's not about money, it's about your responsibility as arent to keep your child safe at all costs.

3. Any Dr, nurse, specialist etc should have reported you. If all of the things happen as you say they did, that's more than enough to raise some eybrows. It's not about guilt or innocence at this point, but about the fact that an innocent child is acting out in a horrific way, and no one reported this to social services? You claim your son had some pretty significant injuries, yet not a single person looked at you? Also, if you really wanted help, you would agree to commit your son (if it came down to it) and see if that fixed the problem. I call straight up BS on this entire story.

Vote down all you want, I stand by my opinion.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
Maybe you ought to reread some of the things you have written here Kathalene. Perhaps if you looked at this from the readers perspective you would get an idea of how it looks from the outside. It isn't a very sane picture you paint of yourself, much less of your son.
Do I really think a psychologist is going to believe a child is having a paranormal issue? As a matter of fact, I do.
You watch too many movies. Your perceptions are warped.
Good luck.

kathalene (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
I'm done. I came here for help and I get picked apart. Judged as a child abuser? I've never laid a hand on my child and neither has anybody else. Oh well I don't need this I will find someone to help me and my family. I'm not going to argue with you people. These things have been going on in my house. My house is tiny and I've been saving every penny to try to move but I can't just move. It's not always that easy... So I'm done with this. I will find help and thank you to the people who understand but everyone else. I don't need this. I've done everything I can possible think of to help my son. Every type of doctor I can think of... Every single church in the area and called tons of paranormal groups. I've had people come to my house I've gone to their places. I've put bibles and crosses and everything everywhere. I've spent night after sleepless night with my son comforting him. I've had to deflect his doctors assuming he's just a mentally insane little boy. BUT I WILL NOT leave my son in a place that will terrify him. His biggest fear is of being away from me. He has gone as far to make me promise I will never leave him and I won't break my promise to him. So yes he may be afraid of the stuff happening to him but he is TERRIFIED of me leaving him. Well trying to get help from this site was a mistake and I'm done here.

Also on a side note... As some of you assume my baby is safe and cozy in my bedroom "mommy the magic person can't come through my window anymore so now he has to come through yours"

It's kind of funny how people only see what they want.

They also seem to have missed the part where I covered when I let him sleep in my room when this happened before at a different house. The presence just moved into my room and moved things around at night. Point being no matter where he sleeps it follows... He wants to be a big boy and sleep in his room.

Regardless of anything My son Austin is 6yo and his baby brother is 5 months old and stands no chance if his brother decides to harm him. I hope and pray that never happens but I can't take the chance either.

By the way doctors do have the power to baker act a person. I know because I've known someone who was baker acted by a hospital.

Do you really think a psychiatrist is going to believe a child is having a paranormal issue? No they don't they. It's pretty laughable to think that they would. My reason for taking him there would be to rule out childhood schizophrenia or even a brain tumor. Which were both ruled out by the eegs and catscans.

So judge me how you want because I won't be coming back to this site. You are wasting you're time typing back to me because I won't be reading it.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)
That's funny... Didn't know I had laid down any sort of judgement. Let's see how I can remedy that...

Your son told you, in the present time, of the magic man comes into his room at night, saying "He scares me and hurts me at night when I'm trying to sleep". And even after hearing these words, you still put him to bed at night in that room?
"Yes he still sleeps in his room. Not everybody is made of money and can just up and move and we don't all have big houses either. We don't have a choice"
(Here is what it looks like when I really do judge a situation)
You don't have to have a big house and lots of money to see that there might be something wrong with you putting him to bed in the room where he has been repeatedly tormented and manipulated. Why is it you don't seem bothered by that? In your own words you state, "I trust my son and I believe he is going through some serious and scary stuff. I've seen and heard some of these things too."
Yet it's all well and good that he go back in there, night after night? You won't leave him alone with ANYONE he might be able to harm. What about himself? If you refuse to put him in your room where all is safe and cozy for your other child, why isn't someone sleeping in his room with him? If your husband won't do it, why not you? How has this idea alluded you? You did move him into your room when it was just you and he living at your old place, and it seemed to help. So... WHAT GIVES?
These next two statements are still confusing.
"He's had Cscans EEGs MRIs and blood-work... They've found nothing yet in their eyes he is psychotic... As any doctor would assume. So they told me I can either put him on their meds or they will baker act him. I chose the meds. So I guess maybe just maybe they might just institutionalize at the drop of a hat if they see fit"
"When I took him to the psychologist she told me "we can either keep him here or we can start him on anti-psychotic medications, she told me its not "normal" for a child to see and hear these things or act out in such destructive and dangerous ways..."

They found nothing, yet in their eyes he is psychotic? A SIX YEAR OLD BOY?! What kind of doctor does that?

If you don't see what is wrong in this narrative you have laid out, I feel sorry for you. But mostly I feel sorry for your son. How sad for him, night after night, alone in that room with no one to keep him company as he is beset upon by overwhelming fear. He has tried to tell you and anyone else who will listen, just what he is going through in there. What good has that done him? You just keep putting him back in there. You tell me, what the hell is wrong with you?

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-29)

Ummm... I'm going to ask a couple of things and make an observation or two... They may not seem so nice, but I do not mean any offence by either of them.

The Baker Act does not allow for the... Well you put it like this...

"So I guess maybe just maybe they might just institutionalize at the drop of a hat if they see fit."

The Baker Act allows for the voluntary or involuntary commitment of an individual, these examinations may last up to 72 hours... No more than that. The law does not allow for the State to commit or institutionalize an individual (regardless of age). It allows for an evaluation period to see if the person is a threat to themselves or others...

Was this completely explained to you before you chose medication as the way to 'help'? I would think a 72 hr observation period would be preferable to possible drug side effects and or potential addiction.

The Doctors all saw the scratches and burns correct? Your son told them it was the 'magic man' who did this to him... Which is the same thing you told the Doctors... You stated it this way...

"Yes the doctors got to see his scratches and burns and of course he told him how they got there... He told him "the magic person did this to me" pretty sure I mentioned him saying the magic person did it already... But oh well."

There is not easy or Polite way of saying this next part so I'm just going to flat out say it... (As I stated in the beginning, these observations will not seem nice, but I repeat I mean no offence)

If I was a Health Care Professional and was presented with this reason for the marks on a child's body my first concern would be 'child abuse'. Sorry, but a six year old will repeat what he is told out of fear of more 'punishment' if they tell the truth. As the Heath Care Provider in this situation I would ask to evoke the 'Baker Law' as well, as that 72 hours could help determine if the child in question is 'being harmed', 'harming themselves' or if something else is really happening.

I understand that this situation has you stressed out of your mind... Your at your 'wits end' and I hope it's as easy as applying the advice you have been given here on site to make these things stop happening.

Please do not think I'm attempting to be hurtful or hateful by the questions and comments but I'm worried that his 'magic man' with black hair and red eyes, may... Just may be a real person...

I know you had that dream where a may you described a man the same way was trying to take your son... But EVERY possible avenue must be explored... No matter how unpleasant they seem.


kathalene (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-28)
[at] Javilina

First of all, the mention of satan didn't happen until he talked to a psychologist. Which was maybe two weeks ago... *hints why it wasn't originally mentioned in the story* The story was posted about a week and a half before he mentioned satan.

I have no idea what the figures in white were doing in my room when I woke up... Honestly no clue... Didn't exactly get a chance to ask them LOL... They didn't scare me. So you assume they are protecting my unborn child?... Hmmm okie dokie

Yes like I said I never leave Austin alone with "ANYBODY" defiantly not a 5 month old baby O.o I never said I didn't allow him to sleep in his own room at night. I just don't allow anybody else that he may hurt to be alone with him. Yes he still sleeps in his room. Not everybody is made of money and can just up and move and we don't all have big houses either. We don't have a choice.

When I took him to the psychologist she told me "we can either keep him here or we can start him on anti-psychotic medications, she told me its not "normal" for a child to see and hear these things or act out in such destructive and dangerous ways... Thus wanting to keep him or medicate him... Obviously when a child freaks a psychologist out bad enough they might just baker act the child... Like she told me she would if I didn't put him on the medication.

Hmmm so what doctors has he seen, well neurologist, psychologist, family partitioner yada yada yada... Why is this relevant?

He's had Cscans EEGs MRIs and blood-work... They've found nothing yet in their eyes he is psychotic... As any doctor would assume. So they told me I can either put him on their meds or they will baker act him. I chose the meds. So I guess maybe just maybe they might just institutionalize at the drop of a hat if they see fit.

Yes the doctors got to see his scratches and burns and of course he told him how they got there... He told him "the magic person did this to me" pretty sure I mentioned him saying the magic person did it already... But oh well.

OMG please excuse my type-o... Forget one "s" and someone gets all lost lol poor jav... Red eyes, long black hair and wing. He said "like a birds wings only bigger"
You would assume the second sentence in this one would make up for me missing my one "s" on the first one... "sigh*

Furthermore Jav, you shouldn't be so quick to judge people... You don't know me or my children. I do know my son... I know him very well and I know he's not just trying to get attention. You may think he's just acting out. Well I don't. I trust my son and I believe he is going through some serious and scary stuff. I've seen and heard some of these things too. If that bothers you then don't read this post.

I guess there always has to be one very negative person on every blog. I posted my story here for help. Not to be picked apart. I'm sorry I've been dealing with some pretty rough stuff lately and I don't have much time to spend hours making sure I get every single tiny detail of the story for you Javilina and I may have forgot to dot some I's and cross some T's. Also things change on a daily basis, New things happen and I've been trying to keep everyone up to date the best that I can. So by all means please excuse me because this stuff doesn't make much sense to you. Try walking a day in my shoes and then try to make some sense of it... I have no clue what's going on here or why and I'm just trying to do the best I can for my son / family.

To everyone else thank you for all of you're help and I am trying as many of these things that I can. Thank you so much for caring 😊
Zander (7 stories) (148 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-26)
This is very serious. I would recommend that you take your boy to a Pentecostal or Spiritualist church for Deliverance and a strong protective blessing. Then have them do the same to the interior and exterior of your home. And the time to do these things is last week. I
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-26)
Nice Irish name. 😊 I have read this account over several times, including the entries you added in the comments section. There are a few things that stand out here and there that I am having a hard time with. I'll list them below.

~Q: Waking up to "see figures standing over me all dressed in white" and not being afraid? While pregnant with second child? Are we to assume this second child is being protected? From whom? His brother?
~Q: So Austin, the child in so much danger, sleeps in his own room at night? The same room that the activity is occurring in such abundance? And the baby is safe and sound in your room because you "never leave him (Austin) alone with the baby or anyone else for that matter?"
~"I have taken him to a psychologist and of course it was either institutionalize or medicate"
~Q: You are aware that they don't institutionalize children at the drop of a hat any longer, right? And meds? For what? How many doctors has he been to, and why?
~You have made several statements that were not included in the original body of this narrative that seem to be quite significant. Him saying Satan, for one. That seems important enough to have included in the original, not as an addendum, or afterthought.
~A six year old trying to choke people? As a serious gesture, or what? Head butting sounds like he is acting out, looking for attention perhaps?
~I am having serious problems with him showing up with scratches and burns on his body. Did the doctor see those? Did he ask how they got there?
~Magic guy now has red eyes, long black hair and wing? What does that mean? Black wing? One? Two?
~"Also the doctors which I being a parent have to rule out any medical issue as well. Which have all pretty much been ruled out."
~HUH?! What did you mean there? Doctors have ruled out anything medical, alright. So explain why he is on meds? You lost me on that one.

Look, I am not going to apologize for these questions. I have gone back and forth about these for two days, and I still have more that I could ask. But I will leave it as is for now.
I'll be waiting for your reply, should you choose to address these concerns.
I see you have received quite a bit of advice already. Along with the paranormal groups and several churches that are already involved, there isn't much left to cover. I am merely concerned with getting to the origins of this predicament, as I am sure you must be as well.

Hoochler (1 stories) (263 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-26)

I am sorry to hear this is happening. Unless a paranormal team is working with God, I doubt they will be of much help in ridding your family of this presence. From what you are describing, it sounds to me as if you are dealing with Satan himself vs. "simply" one of his demons. Also, the glazed look on your son's face when he tunes out and does bad things sounds like periods of overt possession to me.

I suggest that you and all of your family turn to Jesus and a Christian church. A church alone won't be of much good to your family if you don't have Jesus in your hearts as your saviour though. Everyone has different ideas on how to raise children, but I think the plan of waiting to talk to your child about Jesus until he is older should be re-examined, it sounds to me as if he needs to know now that there is someone he can turn to in the dead of night who can (and will) help him, and that is Jesus.

I suggest you that you find a church that will perform an exorcism for your son.

There is power in being a head of household. If you and Austin both turn to the Lord but your husband continues to refuse a relationship with the Lord, then you may well have to choose between your son's life and your marriage as Louslips alluded to.

I had something similar happen to my family with my daughter, but it never progressed as far as what you describe with Austin, and my daughter was about 14 when she had her experiences. If Satan does have his claws in your family, it is only through God and His grace that deliverance will occur.

There is a Catholic priest who used to frequent YGS (his last post here was in JAN 2012), and he helped quite a few people in bad spiritual situations during the time he was active, his YGS name is JimD. I know his e-mail address. If you want to contact a clergyman who can in all likelihood help you, click on my YGS name (Hoochler) and look at my YGS bio. My e-mail address is there. If you e-mail me and ask, I will send you Jim's e-mail address and you can contact him and ask for help. Separate from whatever Jim does or doesn't do, I will help you as best I can as well if you ask me to.

Satan has been defeated in my household, I would like to help arm you to defeat him in yours as well.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-25)

Well said. I completely understand, the Church I am involved with holds 8 years old as the age of accountability. This is when they are offered the choice of being Baptized 'into' the Church. Of course the children have been raised with Church teachings so the choice is almost always to be Baptized, but they are given that chance, and I have raised my children to 'think, study and understand' what they are doing for themselves. So I understand your point of view on this topic.

What about summer beginning and the chance to figure out just what the 'source' of this may be? What about the chance to Cleans and Shield your Home...

Please keep us updated.


kathalene (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-25)
Well there is only one reason I don't talk about religion to my son and that would be because. I personally believe that religion is a personal choice. Meaning which religion if any at all and I also believe that he is not old enough to make that choice on his own. He doesn't understand religion. I decided when he was born that I wouldn't force him into any religion, instead I would wait until he was of age to completely understand and make his own and educated choice on which if any religion. I will love my son no matter what he choses, but it will be his choice.

I was personally raised christian but that was forced on me. Not saying that is exactly what I believe in though. I personally believe there is good and there is evil. One cannot exist without the other to balance it out. Take that as you will. I do not and never will discriminate against another's religious choice or lack there of but also will not force my opinion on someone else (such as my son)

Therefor I sheltered him against all religion so that he would know nothing about any of it until he came of age that he was able to review all of his choices and decide.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-25)

Point taken, I have met a few however that acknowledged that 'ghost's' do not need a 'God' to exist.

I'm not here to really argue this point, I just was wondering where you were coming from and I thank you for clarifying.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-25)

I am sorry this is happening to you and your Household.

I posted a Method for Cleansing and Shielding your Home two weeks ago and was wondering if you had attempted to use it? It requires no Religious background or 'input' and is based solely on bringing Positive Energy into your Home so that any Negativity / Malevolent Energy or Spirits are pushed out.

You have mentioned that your son talks to an imaginary friend at school... Does this happen when you go other places? I'm trying to help determine if this 'entities' attachment is to an individual / object or a location.

I find it curious that your son has told one of the Doctors that the 'Magic Man's' name is Satan... While that set's off alarm bells even for me, it makes me wonder as to the 'true' Identity of this 'Spirit / Entity'. You mentioned that, well let me quote it...

"My son has never stepped foot in a church and we don't talk about things like this in our house."

Why is that? I'm not trying to Judge you, but... Going out on a limb here... It seems as if someone has had a bad experience with an Organized Church and this 'Entity' may be using the 'scars and fears' from the past to elicit a certain response from you... Yes you kathalene. It's using your son to get at you because he is 'open', he is 'sensitive' and his 'willpower' has not developed to the point he can 'resist' on his own. It's using Fear to create and 'Angry and Negative' Environment for itself to Thrive in. Look at your reactions to what is happening... While you are 'afraid' for your son and his well being your Anger is also 'pouring' into the 'environment' of your home.

Summer is beginning, is it possible to have Austin go visit a relative for a couple of weeks? This will not only give you a chance to 'Bless / Cleans / Shield' your home. It will provide a chance to determine if this thing is attached to your Son, Your Home or Perhaps an Object in your Home or something your Son carries with him, a favorite toy perhaps.

Please feel free to use my Method in your Home and for your Family, I'll post it again...

Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church/Positive, Upbeat (songs that give you good thoughts) songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.)

There may be 'resistance' to you doing this... Just Remember your Love for you Family and How Pure that is and keep doing it until you feel a 'change for the better' in the atmosphere of the home. Repeat as necessary. Please keep us updated.


mastermind_matt (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-25)
[at] rookdygin I suppose I was taking a different definition of atheism. Respectfully, no atheist I've ever met (nor even heard of) would ever admit to believing in the supernatural whatsoever. If you went to a convention of atheists, or wrote on an atheist web board, that would likely be the unanimous consensus. I didn't mean to be presumptuous, but I was betting on the viewpoint of confessing atheists. I stand corrected, and apologize for my offense. I acknowledge a diversity of beliefs, and should have been more inclusive.

However, I'll stand my metaphysical ground, and state that since this THING has adopted a Judeo-Christian mentality, I firmly that's the way to deal with it. Because by all accounts I've heard and read, in the world of the spiritual symbolism and belief IS the thing. If it gets ticked off because of Bibles and God, then you best bet it's not going to tolerate an environment saturated by the like.

I can't tell you or your family what to do... But I urge you STRONGLY to go full bore and ask God for help. The very name of Jesus has real power in the spiritual world if spoken by those who would seek him earnestly.

Disclaimer: Yes, I am a practicing Christian. My experience with the supernatural has been limited to a very short (but awful) encounter, but it doesn't mean I don't believe in the existence of powers outside of the realm of my physical perception.

As for the following... Maybe it won't matter what I type here. Maybe you'll think I'm silly, or crazy, or a religious nut. But if you frequent these boards, and are sincere in your posts, you probably believe that there's something behind the veil. I'll not doubt your sincerity, folks, so please don't doubt mine. Please bear with me...

Kathalene in Florida, God bless you and your son. Peace be with you, and try to remember who it is that calmed the storm.
kathalene (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-24)
Trust me the school was my very first thought as well and the very first place I visited. Like I said he refuses to play with or interact with the other students at all. The teachers are well aware that something is going on. They assured me that teaching any type of religion was against the rules as well. Not to mention he has been coming home talking about wanting to kill one of his teachers... Sad part is he loves this certain teacher he's always talking about how nice she is and how he loves going to her class yada yada... But yet he still talks about killing her. So yeah its happening at school as well.
kathalene (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-24)
I have already talked to his teachers, they say he never talks to any of the students and always wants to be alone he talks to an "imaginary friend" As for my other son, he sleeps in a crib in my bedroom. I keep a very close eye on Austin and never leave him alone with the baby or anyone else for that matter.
ryocum (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-24)
I read your story and I am very sorry for what you and your family are going through, especially your son. That is scary stuff. It sounds demonic and even though you may not be religous, there is only one person that can defeat it. My daughter and I contacted the penn state paranormal society and sent them your story. They are very good at what they do and have done exorcisms before. They are supposed to contact me for your inormation. How do I tell them to contact you so they can help you. My email is daynayocum [at] My daughter, Rachel and I are praying for your family and your son.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-24)
I am very sorry for what you and your family are going through. Please do me a favor... I know Austin is your baby and you would never want to acknowledge that he has the ability; but please take measures to protect his sibling. When he lashes out at an adult, the damage is going to be limited... With an infant/toddler, the results could be permanent.
Since you have pretty much ruled out influences that could allow him to know the terminologies he is using that are foreign to your lifestyle, I would have a talk with his teacher (s). Although from your description most of this is taking place at home, I see other children as either a source of the information he is passing along, or also as potentially vulnerable to his current tendencies. If his teachers are telling you he is perfectly normal at school, I would start considering how much of this is actually real. Don't get me wrong, I completely believe your account and totally believe that this is 100% real to Austin, but what we perceive as a small child can truly be far from reality.
Although I know the response this will bring from the other commentors... By all means begin to pray for Jesus' help. The Bible is the doctrine of our living God... If it was not, it would not have been effective as it already has with preventing this entity from entering his room. If he were my son he would be bathing in holy water and wearing crucifixes 24/7.
With regards to another commentor stating that there are no atheist ghosts... Correct me if I am wrong, but I think what they meant was, once you are dead... You know the truth about God.
Contacting a paranormal group is a good idea, but before they visit find out what they intend to do to help. If their intent is only to show up and gather evidence for their own self-promotion, keep looking until you find someone versed in house exocisms. You don't need them to validate a problem that you already know you have.

Side note: If you are married to someone who does not take you and your son's well being seriously; you need to make some changes there too.

I will be praying for you and your family.


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