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My Girlfriend Is My Third Eye


This happened just last month. Me and my girlfriend were going to see the movie Avengers in a mall along Padre Faura street in Manila. My girlfriend has third eye. She's more capable of seeing, hearing and sensing the presence of these non-human entities compared to us average people. But what's more weird about her ability is that she can somehow "share" what she sees, hears and feels just by touching a non-sensitive person and, she says, by concentrating hard.

After we bought our tickets, we found out that we were an hour early for the next screening so, instead of going in the middle of the movie, we decided to go to the supermarket to get some snacks and drinks to bring inside the theatre.

My girlfriend, Jessie, knows I can't stand to watch Asian horror movies alone like Ring, The Eye, The Grudge... She knows I love playing games. One time she asked me to play her brother's Fatal Frame game in PS2. I agreed, but after only an hour Jessie ended up playing the game, me gasping and covering eyes whenever a ghost in the game appears. Jessie knows I am very afraid of ghosts.

In the supermarket, I was reading the label of the new flavoured corn chip when I heard a crash, then Jessie grabbed the front of my jacket and she buried her face on my chest. The grocery basket and its contents were all scattered on the floor. I asked her what's wrong, she only shook her head. She wasn't crying, so I figured maybe she's just avoiding to look at something. I closed my arms around her, shifted my eyes to where I last saw her facing, and there, at the other end of the snack aisle I saw a man covered with blood. His right arm was missing, just a stump on his elbow. His mouth was gaping open. I don't remember seeing his eyes, just a shadow, or maybe just plain black. He was also bobbing his head.

Jessie's used to seeing ghosts, but she can't stand sight of anything this bloody and gruesome.

My mind went blank, I just froze there, repeating "pota" (a word we Filipino use as curse) over and over to myself. The last thing I remember is Jessie walking forward, pushing me, making me walk backwards and leading me out, away from the snack aisle.

I'm so glad I have a brave girlfriend who knows what to do.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, karpkarpkarpmagikarp, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Samion (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
Out of curiosity, has this happened before with her? And do you know what kind of contact it requires e.g. Skin contact, just being pressed together etc
sonri (2 stories) (91 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-25)
It seems you and your girlfriend have a very real connection. Hold onto one another. Its odd, but I started reading your story and went back to check and make sure and yes I was right you're from the philippines, my second guess was India. The spirit world seems much more dramatic and fearless, according to the accounts I've read. I wonder why. Why is that?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-06-25)
Oh, Lou, Lou, Lou 😆 - thank God there are only 5 people in my office today! 😆 😲
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-25)
Maybe it is the new week, or maybe I am the only middle-aged perverted eighth grader here... But this was an underhand pitched beachball for funny comments... His girlfriend makes his third eye more sensitive? The problem would be,... If she didn't.

Sorry... I'll go back to my Beavis and Butthead reruns now. Heh-heh.
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-25)
Haha, I also had that Fatal Frame game on the PS 2, I also wouldn't even look at it unless my boyfriend was there... Thats the scariest game I've played so far, its awesome. Pity they don't have an xBox version for it.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-06-24)
karpkarpkarpmagikarp - each of us has to decide whether or not we want this gift. Some of us shut it down, whether consciously or subconsciously. I did it for a long time. I saw ghosts and heard voices of women and children who weren't there. The man I was married to at the time didn't believe me. I had premonitions and he told me I was crazy, that no one could know those things. He told me he didn't want me to tell him anything else like that. So I shut down. For a lot of years. I was in my early 20s. I am now almost 47 and I really, really regret doing that.

But this is a choice we all have to make. Sure, it's scary sometimes. I have stories on here that I admit that I was scared because I didn't know what made the noises. I still remember how scared I was when I had two experiences. I put those stories on here, if you want to read them: "Was It a Ghost?" and "It". I still don't know what it was that caused those noises. But 20-some years later, would I feel the same way I did then? I'd like to think I'd react differently, that I'd be brave enough to get up and find out what was making those noises.

I don't know how old you are, but I was 13 the very first time I heard something that couldn't be explained, no matter how much my mom insisted. It could be that when you met Jessie, it was just "your time."
karpkarpkarpmagikarp (3 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-24)
we saw a ghost of a mutilated man. About me having a gift, i'm not quite sure. I only became more sensitive after Jessie became my girlfriend. And I don't think I want this gift because I am really afraid of ghosts.
mrfear672india (106 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-24)
It is a great ability to a person having seeing ghost and feeling them.

But, they don't have power to show them to others by hugging and touching.

Isn't it sounds silly...!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-06-24)
karpkarpkarpmagikarp - I have a thought here, so just bear with me. Although your girlfriend may indeed have a gift, why don't you think that you might also?

This is the third story you've submitted and in the other two you saw things that some people just can't. And there are people who desperately want to and they can't. So maybe, just maybe, even if your girlfriend hadn't been with you, you would have seen the ghost also.

Granted, there are people who's gifts are stronger when they are together. I wonder if that might be the case with you and your girlfriend? Because you, karpkarpkarpmagikarp, can see them.
-_Syeetaque_- (5 stories) (109 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-24)
Um, bluerose, showgirls, mrfear, I think you guys missed a point.

"But what's more weird about her ability is that she can somehow "share" what she sees, hears and feels just by touching a non-sensitive person and, she says, by concentrating hard." - this is from Para 1.

"n the supermarket, I was reading the label of the new flavoured corn chip when I heard a crash, then Jessie grabbed the front of my jacket and she buried her face on my chest. The grocery basket and its contents were all scattered on the floor." - she hugged him, so, she made him see that guy in blood using her ability. - refer to Para 4.

Therefore, there's nothing wrong here. Correct me if I miss something. 😉
mrfear672india (106 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-24)
yes, I too agree with Bluerose19 it's not clear, only your girl friend has that ability right!
Then how can you see him?
Shopkeeper didn't saw him.
If anybody saw that other than you both they should have ranaway shouting!
You imagined something as you freaked by ghost.

Take care.
WhiteWolf (4 stories) (147 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-23)
I have never heard of a sensitive being able share their ability by touch. I am an Empath and I am still learning my full potential. She should be more careful with this ability because there are people out there that are not as open minded as you.

Thank you for sharing your experience.
showgirls1980 (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-23)
I fully agree with Bluerose19... Please be a bit clearer!:)
Bluerose19 (3 stories) (164 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-23)
So I did not understand the incident... Was the man you both saw was actually a dead body or a ghost...?...And you did not mention about the other people in the supermarket... Did they also see what you two saw or is it that only you and your girl saw? Please clarify what was it that you saw? A dead body or a ghost...? Its really unclear!

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