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Real Ghost Stories

The Third Player


Hey! This just happened a few days back (20/01/25) and having my brother as a witness makes things a bit easier. We like bushwalking so we go up behind the big dam and explore the bush for a few hours. We would find great stuff up there but also it's a strange place. Then come back for a beer or two and a game of cards. Normally we do this with an old mate but sadly that old friend passed away just before Christmas.

This day my brother and I were playing a game what we call Twos and Fours (not going through the rules but it is an easy game to play and very competitive). We sat there, laughing and having a great game when we noticed that there was an extra set of cards lying on the table. That was odd for I would've seen the cards sitting there but they just... Oddly appeared. That was the first time. We shook our heads and assumed we must've dealt out an extra hand without knowing. The second game we were into it and finished when we found, again, a set of cards sitting there. Again, I would've seen them. I counted them and they came up seven, the number of cards you need to play the game.

Though it was a hot day, we both suddenly felt cold. I have no explanation. I cannot get my head around it. I am used to having weird shiat happen, but this was strange for my brother saw it, too, and he'd seen ghosts himself (strange family I come from-most of my brothers seen ghosts or had some weird shiat happen). I'm not looking for any help, just want to share this strange experience. We came to a conclusion that it was our old mate came by for a quick game.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AussieRedDog, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

AussieRedDog (29 stories) (88 posts)
1 week ago (2025-02-08)
Rajine, oddly enough no they weren't. Where they had come from, no idea.
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
3 weeks ago (2025-01-30)
Hi AussieRedDog

Were those 7 cards part of the deck that you and your brother were playing with?
blosomes (24 stories) (150 posts)
3 weeks ago (2025-01-27)
Hi AussieRedDog,
Your old friend really enjoyed being with you guys.
My old friends in Brazil told me a similar story, they did not think that it was strange during the game but after like a few moments logics came to their mind... Like how was that possible!? Moment.

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