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Ghost In The Castle Toilet


My name is Catherine, I live in a very old town in Northern Ireland by the name of Carrickfergus. When I was younger my school went on a visit to the Castle in the town, (it is known to be haunted) it is 800 years old. I was only about 7yrs old, I really needed the toilet and my teacher let me leave the group to go off to the toilet on my own. They were very old fashioned toilets with one cubicle and a pull chain to flush. I went into the toilet but the door was locked and I could clearly hear someone inside the cubicle there was a childish like giggle, so I waited.

After a few minutes I heard the toilet chain pull and the toilet flush, the door unlocked but didn't open. I was so impatient because I really needed the toilet that I pushed the door open, and no one was in the toilet cubicle, I was so terrified I ran back to my group and told my teacher who of course didn't believe me. I don't know if it was a figment of my imagination because I was so young, but to this day I truly believe there was somthing in that toilet cubicle!

Just thought I'd share this memory with you all. I do come from a old historical town. There has been a few tv documentaries on it and I feel I have witnessed something, but haven't told anyone because for so long I was petrified because I was so young. And as the years have passed I've made myself believe it did not happen.

Also in the past year it has become a natural occurance that I am to wake up at night around half three, but its manily 3:33am or 3:34 am, I always feel as if I hear something walking downstairs or there's somthing in my room, it freaked me out at first because of the number 333, I think its associated with the devil I'm not sure, I've ignored it anyway. Until a few nights ago I was in a deep sleep but all of a sudden I woke up because I felt somthing go down my throat in which I woke up in tears coughing. It scared me, and is the reason I found this website.

It made me think back to the time of when I was younger in the castle, and wanted to share my memory, but also wanted to bring this incident up. I have no idea what is going on, I do believe in everything- anything is possible, just wondering if anyone thinks something is happening to me?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Catttie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-05)

The 'Haunting' may be questionable but it's the FACTS concerning the murders that I am referring to.

Ronald DeFeo, Jr. Was convicted of killing his Family in Amityville, NY. The time of the shootings was determined to be around 3 - 3:30 am on Tuesday November 13, 1974.

In the Book and Movie they 'focused on' this time, so there is a bit of 'FACT' mixed in with the controversy surrounding the 'Haunting'. Thus proving my point that '3AM' being the Witching Hour is just a Hollywood Construct. Thank you for playing.


WhiteWolf (4 stories) (147 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-05)

I hate to say it but the Amityville Horror was faked by the Lutz's the house did have spirits in it but not anymore the only demon in that home was Ronnie Defeo. I live on long Island and been told by the friend of the owner that nothing is there anymore the spirits have moved on. The murders that happened there were heard by the neighboring families but no one called the police because the Defeo family were involved in the Mob. The son was also a weirdo who killed animals for fun with his friends and he was also a heavy drug user.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)

Thanks for the course numbers, that's kind of cool that a University is teaching courses on these topics.

Having said that... I was a Practicing Witch between the ages of 12/13 and 23/ for about 20 years. In all my studies and such I never encountered the 3am phenomenon... Sure there were given times for certain rituals, Winter / Summer solstice for example, but the only thing about 'late night' rituals was the possibility of a higher energy level as there are not as many distractions from the 'Modern World' things like cars, lights and such.

The 3am phenomenon was something made popular by movies like The Exorcist (the original version) and even The Amityville Horror (I think the time in that movie was 3:33...the time of the murders). The term witching hour was made popular in the story 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' but it's not a time that's mentioned but instead it says...'that witching time of night'. So I have to say I find it interesting that 'pop culture' has found it's way into 'modern occult' teachings.

Thanks again for the feed back.


Catttie (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
I study at the University of Ulster - Coleraine, I have done two modules now... On Witchcraft and Demonology, my lecturer for this subject has written several books on the topic and they have been published! I never though I would be studying this topic when I went to University, but it was a option and I picked it, was very interesting to say the least. You can go onto the University web page and look at the course modules for History and see it there!
HIS304 39042 1 Witchcraft and Magic 1560-1736
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
Casper_the_ghost: Serious or not, that was pretty funny and creative. I know it sounds unrealistic, but hey... Faith is a gift. I just pray i'm not here when it happens.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
"I believe when the Anti-Christ comes, the world will be turned upside down. People will need the mark of the beast (666), in order to buy or sell products." Hey Jesus_soldier, is there any way you can turn the world the right way round for a few seconds, when it does happen so I can call 999 for help? 😆.

Cattie, I think your teacher or a friend should of accompanied you to the toilet as you were so young, ANYTHING could of happened to you 😐. I was thinking the same as what Javelina wrote about the sound from another cubicle travelling to you and the door being stuck momentarily. At age 7 you were probably a bit scared of being alone in the room anyway and the slightest thing could of been exaggerated in your mind causing you to run away. About you choking on something in your sleep, well I hope it wasn't your tongue as Rook said as I ALWAYS sleep on my back!😭. Prehaps it was just drool?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)

You recently stated this,

"I'm currently studying a degree in history and I have done two modules on witchcraft and demonology, I just learnt that around 3am was the time they were most powerful and liked to "play"..."

May I ask where you attend school as I cannot think of any schools, off hand anyway, that teach witchcraft and demonology as 'core' courses of a History degree. You do not have to mention the School by name, but is it one with Church 'ties' or an institution without Church 'ties'? (I hope that makes sense)

I ask because there are many... How shall I say it... 'controversial' views on the '3AM' phenomenon and I find it interesting this may be a part of a course of study.


Gargoyle (51 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-01)
Seeker 1, thanks for that. Probably the most logical and sensible explanation I have heard and I have heard a few...
Enough said
WhiteWolf (4 stories) (147 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-01)

I just have to say that time plays no factor when it comes to demons. I have had problems in the past with a demon that would laugh in my ear with a slight growl to it, it also told me to kill my father for some reason, and it would speak Latin in my ear when I tried to sleep. It is best to pray to who ever you worship if you believe in any religion. I have Recently used prayers to Gaia for protection so that nothing my enter my home or harm my family and I have not had a problem with any spirits in my home ever since.
Catttie (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-30)
Carrickfergus Castle, Co.Antrim, Northern Ireland.:) xx
lalabarbiekis (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-30)
whats the name of the castle if you don't mind me asking? I'm interested xo
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
Thank for responding to my questions. And I have to agree with your account of what happened at the castle toilet. That experience alone would have shaken me as well. And yes, someday I would like to visit that area, and the castle as well. Thank you for sharing what was a very horrifying experience for a child to have to have gone through alone. I look forward to hearing any others you may have to share as well.

Jav 😊
Catttie (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
I miss used my grammar by using the word "they" there was only one toilet cublice. And for the 333 - 666 stuff that's a relief, I'm currently studying a degree in history and I have done two modules on witchcraft and demonology, I just learnt that around 3am was the time they were most powerful and liked to "play" I guess it has just gone through my mind and made me scared, could be why I always wake up at this time, last night I woke up at excactly 3:33 am again, I guess it just a bit freaky with the things I have learnt with demonolgy and witchcraft, I am a believer that this is all true. But I guess mine is not to do with it, just wanted to share my story of when I was younger, I do believe it happened I can remember it excactly! The town I come from is very old, if you google it you will see there are a few haunted places here, if you were ever to come to Ireland, I would reccomend visiting my little town, it is full of such History. Thanks again for all your comments folks!:)
Cattie x
EmmetGetALife (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
Your teacher could have at least pretended that they believed you!
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
Seeker1: That's a very interesting point of view. I would like to share my opinion on the famous number, '666'.

I believe when the Anti-Christ comes, the world will be turned upside down. People will need the mark of the beast (666), in order to buy or sell products. A lot of people will obey to this, because they want to feed their families.
Samion (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
You may be happy to know Catttie that what you felt is unlikely to be related to the other occurrances you have experiences (who's validity and cause I cannot comment on). During the night, we accidentally inhale all manner of things we really shouldn't - from dust bunnies to feathers from pillows. You waking up in the middle of doing this leads your body to recognize consciously that something is at the top of your throat and reacts by 'eating it' with a very powerful swallow reflex. This is very disturbing - experiencing involuntary swallowing of greater power than we can consciously muster without being able to attribute any reason to it (as they rarely have time to consciously notice that they have something fairly insubstantial in their mouth), and many people often believe that something has therefore forced its way down their throat (although they usually think 'bug' more than 'paranormal presence' - I imagine your suspicious about the occupants of your house is responsible for that). I know this explanation will sound like 'I didn't experience it so just don't really understand how it felt from your description, but I have had the exact same feeling myself and have seen a girl wake up screaming with terror at her certainty that something had forced itself down her throat - in her case I had actually seen her seconds before inhale a ripped edge of a party popper. Hopefully this puts you at least partly at ease about that particular troubling part of your experience
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
You stated "They were very old fashioned toilets with one cubicle and a pull chain to flush."
My question goes to the word "They". Does that mean there was another 'toilet' nearby the one you entered? If so, and this being a castle, which probably leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to acoustics, could it be possible that the giggle and the flush both came from the "other" toilet? I can also understand how a door handle sticking and being mistaken for locked on the first try might be a possibility as well.
These are simply suggestions. It doesn't mean the incident didn't take place the way you say it did. But I would be remiss if I didn't at least bring it up for you to respond to.

Seeker1 (3 stories) (58 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
Good story Cattie... I believe you experienced what you say.
As far as the numbers are concerned, I wouldn't worry. It's nothing negative.

Gargoyle>>> 666 is the number of man. It's symbolic.
Christendom has sorely mistranslated "The Book" into so many falsehoods, applying them in the literal sense in order to control the masses. It's a spiritual book, to be applied to the spirit within us. We are spirit housed in a fleshly body. 666 and the "Beast" are references to the beastly nature in man. IE: hate, violence, etc... It is my personal belief (not asking anyone to believe like me), that in Genesis God told Adam to name the beasts of the field which were within us. So, the beast and man are one and the same to me, and nothing as horrific as the belief system of religion (s) would have us believe. Fear controls the masses.
The Book should be read with the spiritual eye carefully and prayerfully.

Enjoy the day!
Gargoyle (51 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
Hi Cattie
Thanks for sharing. I hope you don't have any more experiences that upset yu.
The number 333 doesn't mean anything. I used to awake at around 03:30 all the time. It's quite common.
I have never quite understood the 666 thing. I know it is supposed to be the number of the beast (good song by the way) butI have heard that it could be 616 also. I haven't read most of the bible but I would imagine that the reference is biblical?
Does anyone know what it really means? I mean is it the beast's phone number, flat number or what?
I will apologise for my ignorance just now before someone rips into me for it! 😕 😉
virtualboy (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
catttie- the story about the little girl ghost makes me smile. She sounds like she was very mischevious, and I'll bet she gave any guards a heck of a time. Thanks for sharing:)

Lioncat- I wholeheartedly agree. Haha I've read other stories where ghosts use the facilities too. Though I wonder if its just by habit of those stuck here, or like the little girl, to give the impression of someone being there for a quick scare.
Siskakes (4 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
I really enjoyed your story! I love going into old buildings etc. Not that I want to meet a ghost or anything but that was a cool experience.
creepydog (3 stories) (71 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
So I guess you got carried away. There was probably no one in the cubicle
lioncat97 (2 stories) (67 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
The story was cool but I'm disappointed that when I become a ghost I'll still need to use the toilet lol. 😆
Cascata00 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
I always used to wake up at 3:00 or 4:00 at boarding school... Well you know, some are haunted, especially the one I went to. Just saying... 😐 😐 😐
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)

It seems that you may have experienced something in the bathroom... Only you know for sure, as we were not there. Though from what you have described it seems very possible that you were in line behind a spirit.😲

3:33 is just a time... A very early time in the morning, but just a time. The fact you placed significance on this time, and it 'scared' you may have caused continued 'wake ups' to happen at about the same time. Try going to bed a bit earlier or a bit later and see if you wake up after xxx amount of time... Say you go to bed at 2200 (10 pm) and wake up a 0333 (3:33am) that's roughly 5.5 hours... Go to bed at 21:30 (9:30pm) and see if you wake up at 3:00am or try going to bed at 2300 (11pm) and see if you wake up a 04:30 (4:30pm). It's an idea...

As far as something 'flying' in your throat... Did you happen to be sleeping on your back... If so you may have swallowed your tongue. Or (this is going to be kind of gross) did you ever think you may have swallowed a bug? (told you it was going to be gross)

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Please remember some of the feedback (like mine here) will offer possible natural explanations for what is going on. This is not because we do not believe the experience but because all natural and normal explanations must be considered and eliminated before the paranormal can be considered.


Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-28)
Your right BunnyPanda, it is 666. I always wanted to go on a tour in a castle. I believe you experienced something in the castle, but I don't know about your recent experience. I would trust your gut though. It's right most of the time, atleast it is for me.

Thank you for sharing 😊
mrfear672india (106 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-28)
Hi cattie,
I don't think 333 is haunted. In your life time you have passed that time (3.33) daily. Why didn't it happen all those days?

I don't think 333 has nothing to do with that. But, ican say you have bring some entity along with you to your home.

God bless you.
BunnyPanda (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-28)
Isn't it suppose to be 666 as a devil number? Just wondering and if the castle is really that old, then it's haunted. It's good that you woke up at the right time knowing that a spirit was choking you or else you'll be dead 😢. Be safe and may god be by your side. Thanks for sharing 😁

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