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Real Ghost Stories

"toilet Terror"


Atbara Street, Eindhoven, Cape Town.

15 September 2018 @ 00.05am

My partner and I used to live with his daddy and 5 other siblings. Now this is an Rdp house (Reconstruction and Development Programme) which has only 1 room bathroom and lounge. They built on an extra 3 rooms. So the 2 younger siblings slept with daddy in main room. My partner and I had our own room. His middle brother was sleeping in lounge and the other two sisters were in their room. So from the front door you came into the lounge and next to that was the main room and bathroom and then you walk into another entrance to our room and sisters room. It was just after midnight and my boyfriend and I had just gotten into bed from watching a movie on the phone.

Half an hour later I got up and went to the bathroom. There's a window above behind the toilet. I did my business, it was when I stood up the whole bathroom turned ice cold and extremely evil. I felt this evil presence and its arms coming towards me. I was frozen for like 5minutes. It felt as if it was going to pull me out the window from behind. I felt this thing grab me for a second I wiggled my finger and that's when I jumped out the bathroom and ran into our bedroom again and jumped into my partners arms.

He asked me why am I shaking and just as I was about to tell him the actual t.v. In our lounge switched on all by its self. After that night I had a lot more weirder experiences in that house. I eventually moved out then after a while my partner moved in with me at my mom's house. He told her about it and she was freaked out too. Turned out that their house was built on an army base with a morgue attached to it. Creepy...

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Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
3 years ago (2021-10-09)
Hi fellow South African

If I was you I'd probably leave that house the same night itself 😆, I can imagine that there would be a lot of supernatural occurances there since you mentioned that the house was built on an army base and attached morgue, most probably a lot of earth bound spirits that passed on untimely and where there's restless spirits that never lived out their lives fully there's bound to be other things that never walked this earth amongst them.
Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
3 years ago (2021-10-06)
I don't know if I was going to laugh upon seeing the title LOL. But as I was reading your experience, it sure was scary. Ever thought of just, maybe, having your own place with your boyfriend? Since I'm assuming you two are already forming your own family? Anyways, it's a good thing that you had answers as to why the paranormal happenings.

-Z ❤

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